IELTS to CLB Calculator: How to Calculate

12 min read

Dream of studying in some of the top-ranking universities in Canada? If so, you must know the importance of showcasing strong English language skills through a test like the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). Well, it’s not merely about meeting study requirements. Proficiency in English plays a crucial role in the Canadian immigration process.

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Here’s an interesting fact: According to the National Foundation for American Policy (NFAP) analysis, the number of Indians immigrating to Canada increased from 32,828 in 2013 to 1,39,715 in 2023, marking a 326% rise.

In addition to Canada’s official Language Proficiency exam, the Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP), the country also accepts IELTS scores. IELTS is the go-to choice for Indian students to showcase their English language skills. Every year, more than 4 million people around the globe take the IELTS test, making it the top choice for those aiming to study abroad or migrate internationally. 

But here’s the catch: Converting IELTS to Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) levels can be confusing. That’s why it’s essential to learn about CLB and IELTS and how to understand score equivalence from IELTS to CLB. Dive into this guide to simplify things and get closer to making your Canadian dream a reality!

Key Highlights

Here’s an overview of everything you’ll discover in this guide on IELTS to CLB.

Benchmarks of CLB1 to 45 to 89 to 12
IELTS Band1 to 9
IELTS Requirement for Top Universities in Canada6.5
IELTS Requirement for Canada PR6.0

What is CLB?

CLB, or Canadian Language Benchmark, is the go-to system for acknowledging the English language skills of immigrants aspiring to settle and work in Canada. Divided into 3 phases and totalling 12 levels, CLB benchmarks assess proficiency in 4 different language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Each skill is assigned a specific benchmark, which reflects how well you are competent in that language skill. In Canada, CLB is used to assess English proficiency among English learners. 

Here’s a breakdown of the 3 phases. 

StagesBenchmarksPrimary Focus
11 to 4Basic language ability 
25 to 8Intermediate language ability
39 to 12Advanced language ability

You must understand the CLB level to work or study at a college or university in Canada. Please note that low CLB scores indicate inadequate English proficiency, while high CLB values demonstrate a firm grasp of the language.

What is IELTS?

IELTS is the preferred English proficiency test for those seeking employment, education, or migration opportunities. It evaluates English language skills for all those planning to study or work in countries where English is a primary communication mode.

The IELTS Exam assesses proficiency in all four language skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Scores are graded on a 9-band scale, ranging from 1 (lowest) to 9 (highest).

The test offers flexibility to Indian students by being available year-round, with up to 4 monthly test dates, adding up to 48 fixed test dates annually.

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IELTS to CLB Conversion

If you’re considering relocating to Canada for study or work, by now, you’re aware of the need to demonstrate your English proficiency as part of your application. The Canadian government utilises the CLB system to assess this, but don’t fret — it’s not a separate test. You can submit your CLB equivalent to your IELTS score.

CLB provides a universal benchmark for comparing the test scores of all applicants. That being said, there’s one hurdle you still need to overcome – how to convert IELTS to CLB? 

First, you must understand the CLB chart to determine your CLB level based on your IELTS scores. 

Here is the CLB score chart for your reference. 

CLB LevelScore
10Reading: 10
Speaking: 10
9Reading: 9
Writing: 9
Listening: 9
Speaking: 9
8Reading: 8
Writing: 8 
Listening: 8 
Speaking: 8
7Reading: 7
Writing: 7
Listening: 7
Speaking: 7
6Reading: 6
Writing: 6 
Listening: 6
Speaking: 6
5Reading: 5
Writing: 5 
Listening: 5
Speaking: 5
4Reading: 4
Writing: 4
Listening: 4
Speaking: 4

As a next step, you should check your band scores for reading, writing, speaking, and listening in the IELTS test. After that, convert each IELTS band score to its equivalent CLB score and calculate the overall CLB score.

For instance, if you score a 6.5 in IELTS for reading and listening but a 7 for writing and speaking, the average IELTS score would be equivalent to a CLB 9.

Check the table below to understand how to calculate IELTS scores to CLB levels. 

CLB LevelIELTS Section-Wise Scores Reading
10Reading: 8.0
Writing: 7.5
Listening: 8.5
Speaking: 7.5
9Reading: 7.0
Writing: 7.0
Listening: 8.0
Speaking: 7.0
8Reading: 6.5
Writing: 6.5
Listening: 7.5
Speaking: 6.5
7Reading: 6.0
Writing: 6.0
Listening: 6.0
Speaking: 6.0
6Reading: 5.0
Writing: 5.5
Listening: 5.5
Speaking: 5.5 
5Reading: 4.0
Writing: 5.0
Listening: 5.0
Speaking: 5.0
4Reading: 3.5
Writing: 4.0
Listening: 4.5
Speaking: 4.9

Please note: It is crucial to understand that you shouldn’t try to convert your overall IELTS score directly. You need to look at the four individual band scores for reading, writing, speaking, and listening, convert those to CLB scores, and then calculate the overall CLB score.

Here is a table demonstrating an example of how to convert IELTS scores to CLB levels for each ability. 

AbilityIELTS ScoreCLB Level
Writing 79
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How Accurate is the IELTS to CLB Calculator?

By now, you know the IELTS to CLB converter is a handy tool for converting IELTS scores into CLB levels. These CLB levels are used by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) to assess the English language proficiency of individuals applying for immigration, citizenship, and settlement opportunities in Canada.

Are you now wondering how reliable is the IELTS to CLB calculator? Well, to answer your question, the CLB calculator is considered accurate because the data is verified using official Canadian immigration resources. However, before entirely relying on the calculation’s result, it’s essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the immigration program’s requirements and objectives.

What Can You Do to Improve CLB Score?

The CLBs are like a parallel universe to IELTS band scores. It means the higher you score in your IELTS, the more your CLB score will shine, too.

IELTS to CLB Calculator: How to Calculate

The key to achieving a better IELTS score is putting as much preparation time in as you can. Refer to the list below to check some of the best tips to increase your IELTS CLB level:

  • Make a proper study plan defining your target IELTS and CLB level.
  • Participate in webinars hosted by IELTS experts.
  • Practice by solving sample questions.
  • Lastly, learn how to calculate CLB IELTS.

At Leap Scholar, we specialise in offering IELTS training to aspiring students. Our tailored courses are designed to help you excel in the test. Our live online classes are led by India’s top IELTS trainers and ensure personalised attention and effective learning.

When you book your seat, you can access mock tests, speaking and writing evaluations, and comprehensive study materials. Additionally, you get access to class recordings and a course completion certificate. 

But wait, there’s more! We also offer an IELTS prep app with similar services, providing you with flexibility and convenience in your test preparation. Book your demo session today.

IELTS Score Requirement for Top Canadian Universities

Canada is home to some of the top-ranked universities worldwide. According to the QS World University Rankings 2025, 4 Canadian universities are among the top 100 globally. That said, if your goal is to study in Canada, you’ll likely need a higher level of language proficiency. 

The IELTS score requirements can vary among top universities in Canada. However, for reputable universities, the general requirement is a total score of 6.5, with a minimum of 6 in each section.

Check out the IELTS Score Requirement for Top Canadian Universities in the table below. 

UniversityOverall IELTS ScoreQS World Rankings 2025
University of TorontoOverall band of 6.5
No band below 6.0
McGill UniversityOverall band of 6.5
No band below 6.0
University of British ColumbiaOverall band of 6.5
No band below 6.0
University of AlbertaOverall band of 6.5
No band below 6.0
University of WaterlooMinimum overall score of 7.0
Minimum band score of 6.0
Western UniversityOverall band of 6.5
No band below 6.0

Please note: The IELTS score requirement can vary depending on the level of the program, and certain courses may demand a higher score.

Are you considering studying in a country with diverse experiences and promising work prospects? Look no further than Canada! All you need to prioritise is achieving a good IELTS score to ensure your CLB levels align well. 

That said, shortlisting can be challenging with numerous top-ranking universities in Canada. However, with LeapScholar’s experienced team by your side, the entire journey of studying in Canada will feel like a cakewalk. Whether you need help shortlisting colleges, navigating the visa process, or managing finances, our counsellors are dedicated to helping you take the Leap. So, wait no more and book a free call with our experts today!

What are the Minimum Score Requirements for Canada PR?

Canada has ranked as the second-best country in the world in the 2023 Best Countries ranking by U.S. News. It’s known for its welcoming multicultural communities and pleasant weather all year round. If you’re considering studying and working in Canada, you must have thought about how to become a permanent resident (PR) there.

The Express Entry System is an online immigration system launched by the Government of Canada in January 2015. It offers the fastest way for skilled immigrants to obtain permanent residence in Canada. 

To apply for PR via Express, you must have a minimum language proficiency of CLB 7, which is equivalent to a minimum score of 6.0 in each section of the IELTS.

Please note: Since IRCC takes at least 6 months to process your application, it’s important to ensure that your IELTS test results remain valid throughout the entire duration.

The pathways to work in and obtain PR in Canada apply only to Canadian Experience Class, Federal Skilled Trades, and Federal Skilled Worker Programmes. Read on to discover the minimum IELTS requirements for each.

  1. Federal Skilled Worker Programme

For applicants with English as their official language, scoring CLB 4 or lower will not award any points. Achieving CLB 10 or higher, on the other hand, will earn you the maximum points, either 34 or 32 (if married).

This table further expands the CLB and levels and IELTS score requirements.

CLB LevelScores Listening
7Listening: 6.0 to 7.0
Reading: 6.0
Speaking: 6.0
Writing: 6.0
8Listening: 7.5
Reading: 6.5
Speaking: 6.5
Writing: 6.5
9Listening: 8.0
Reading: 7.0
Speaking: 7.0
Writing: 7.0
10 and aboveListening: 8.5 to 9.0
Reading: 8.0 to 9.0
Speaking: 7.5 to 9.0
Writing: 7.5 to 9.0
  1. Federal Skilled Trades Programme

This program targets skilled workers aiming to become permanent residents based on their qualifications in a skilled trade. To be eligible for the programme, one must have full-time experience of at least 2 years in your trade.

Here are the per-section score requirements for each CLB level and the corresponding IELTS scores required.

CLB LevelListening
4Listening: 4.5
Reading: 3.5
Speaking: 4.0
Writing: 4.0
5Listening: 5.0
Reading: 4.0
Speaking: 5.0
Writing: 5.0
6Listening: 5.5
Reading: 5.0
Speaking: 5.5
Writing: 5.5
7Listening: 6.0
Reading: 6.0
Speaking: 6.0
Writing: 6.0
8Listening: 7.5
Reading: 6.5
Speaking: 6.5
Writing: 6.5
9Listening: 8.0
Reading: 7.0
Speaking: 7.0
Writing: 7.0
10 and aboveListening:  8.5 to 9.0
Reading: 8.5 to 9.0
Speaking: 7.5 to 9.0
Writing: 7.5 to 9.0
  1. Canadian Experience Class

The Canadian Experience Class is ideally for skilled workers with Canadian work experience aiming to secure PR. The job categories are divided into different tiers, with only four applicable to the Canadian Experience Class.

  • TEER 0: Management occupations 
  • TEER 1: Occupations requiring a university degree 
  • TEER 2: Occupations requiring a college diploma, apprentice training, or supervisory roles 
  • TEER 3: Occupations that require a college diploma, apprentice training, or a minimum of 6 months on-the-job training

For jobs under the National Occupational Classification (NOC) system in TEER 0 and 1, the minimum language requirement is CLB 7. On the other hand, for NOC TEER 2 and 3 jobs, the requirement is CLB 5. 

Check out the corresponding CLB levels for per-section IELTS scores.

CLB LevelListening
10 and aboveListening: 8.5 to 9.0
Reading: 8.0 to 9.0
Speaking: 7.5 to 9.0
Writing: 7.5 to 9.0
9Listening: 8.0
Reading: 7.0
Speaking: 7.0
Writing: 7.0
8Listening: 7.5
Reading: 6.5
Speaking: 6.5
Writing: 6.5
7Listening: 6.0
Reading: 6.0
Speaking: 6.0
Writing: 6.0
6Listening: 5.5
Reading: 5.0
Speaking: 5.5
Writing: 5.5
5Listening: 5.0
Reading: 4.0
Speaking: 5.0
Writing: 5.0

Please note: IELTS score requirements for working in Canada may vary overall and for each band. For instance, to practice law, a minimum score of 7.0 is needed in each section of the IELTS.

To Sum Up

The correlation between IELTS to CLB levels is crucial for those looking to study or work in Canada. Meeting the necessary scores will not only make the immigration procedures hassle-free but also open ample opportunities in different fields. 

Whether you aim for higher education, job opportunities, or permanent residency, a strong IELTS score is essential. It’s the key to a successful journey in Canada that paves the way for your personal and professional growth. 

While we have addressed all the essential points regarding IELTS to CLB levels in this blog, if you have any queries, feel free to reach out to us. We’re here to help you!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How to calculate CLB IELTS?

Ans. To calculate IELTS to CLB, you can make use of the IELTS to CLB converter. The first step is to check your band scores for reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Then, refer to the CLB conversion table to match your IELTS band scores with corresponding CLB levels. It is important to ensure that your scores meet the requirements for your desired immigration or particular education programme in Canada.

Q. What is a CLB calculator?

Ans. A CLB calculator is a tool that helps students like you in converting IELTS to CLB level. Understanding the calculation is essential, especially when Canadian universities specify required scores for the admission process, ensuring candidates meet the necessary English language proficiency standards.

Q. What is CLB 5 in IELTS?

Ans. CLB 5 corresponds to a specific level of language proficiency within the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) system. In terms of IELTS scores, achieving CLB 5 corresponds to a score of 4.5 in reading, 5.0 in writing, 5.0 in listening, and 5.0 in speaking. This indicates a basic level of proficiency in English, meeting the minimum requirements for certain immigration or educational purposes in Canada.

Q. What is CLB 7 in IELTS?

Ans. Achieving CLB 7 implies scoring 6.0 in reading, 6.0 in writing, 6.0 in listening, and 6.0 in speaking. This indicates strong English proficiency, which meets the requirements for various immigration or educational purposes in Canada. However, it is essential to refer to official sources and conversion tables to understand the expectations accurately

Q. Is 8777 a CLB 9?

Ans. A student scoring 8777 on the IELTS examination will be on the CLB 9 level. This indicates a high level of language proficiency across all four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

Q. What is 6.5 CLB equivalent to IELTS?

Ans. The IELTS score for CLB 6.5 would likely be around 6.5 in each language skill: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. This implies a balanced and consistent proficiency across all language skills, meeting the requirements for various immigration or universities in Canada.

Q. How much is IELTS 7.5 in CLB?

Ans. An IELTS score of 7.5 indicates a high level of proficiency in English and is associated with a CLB level of 8. This level of proficiency is considered quite amazing and is widely accepted by the top universities in Canada for admission purposes. Achieving a score of 7.5 demonstrates strong skills in all languages, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

Q. How is the CLB level calculated?

Ans. CLB level is calculated based on the individual’s performance in the four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Each skill is assessed separately using standardised tests such as the IELTS. The scores obtained in these tests are then compared to the benchmarks set by the CLB system.

Q. What is the best CLB score?

Ans. The best CLB score varies depending on your goals and requirements. For example, the CLB score needed for a particular job or immigration program may differ, so the best score would be the one that meets or exceeds those requirements. In general, a higher CLB score indicates a higher level of language proficiency in English, which can offer various advantages for immigration, employment, and educational opportunities in Canada.

Q. Is CLB 6 good for express entry?

Ans. For Express Entry, you must score a minimum language proficiency of CLB 7, equivalent to a minimum score of 6.0 in each section of the IELTS. This requirement ensures that candidates possess proficient English language skills, which is essential for meeting the eligibility criteria of the Express Entry program.

Q. How to get CLB 9 in IELTS?

Ans. To attain CLB 9 in IELTS, aim for high scores of 8.0 or above in each section: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. You must enrol in reputable IELTS preparation courses to gain valuable insights and strategies, practice regularly using mock tests, and actively gather instructor feedback to improve your skills.

Q. Is CLB 7 a good score?

Ans. Yes, CLB 7 is generally considered a good score, as it shows a solid level of proficiency in English. This level of proficiency is typically equivalent to IELTS scores of 6.0, indicating competence in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

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Saket Kohli

An International Higher Ed professional with 7+ years of experience studying, working, and living across three geographies, currently on a mission to share his journey as an International Student.

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