IELTS Listening Band Score: Calculator, Chart & Scoring Details

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Updated on Nov 26, 2024, 12:49

IELTS Listening is one of the prominent sections of the test! Before you start your preparation, it’s important to understand how the IELTS Listening Band score works. 

The scoring for IELTS Listening is very similar to the IELTS Reading section. In both sections, your raw scores are based on how many correct answers you have attempted. Your score is calculated out of 40. Then, this score is converted to a band scale from 0-9.

Your IELTS listening band score reflects how well you can follow conversations, lectures, and discussions in English, making it a crucial part of your overall IELTS performance.

Let’s find out more in detail! 

On This Page

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1. IELTS Listening Band Score Calculator

The Listening test comprises 4 audio recordings of real-life situations, academic lectures, or societal issues. 

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2. What Does Your IELTS Listening Band Score Mean?

Each band between 0 and 9 signifies a certain level of proficiency.

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3. IELTS Listening Band Score: Key Factors to Assess Listening Skills

In the IELTS Listening test, the evaluation is done in a quite straightforward manner.

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4. IELTS Listening Band Score Requirements for Top Universities

When you’re aiming for top universities, then getting a high band score in the IELTS exam can really make a big difference.

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5. Tips To Improve Your IELTS Listening Band Score

Achieving a high band score in the IELTS Listening section requires consistent practice and a strategic approach.

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IELTS Listening Band Score Calculator

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The Listening test comprises 4 audio recordings of real-life situations, academic lectures, or societal issues. The 4 parts are as follows: 

  • Part 1: Conversations between two individuals,
  • Part 2: Monologues from everyday social contexts, such as speeches
  • Part 3: Group discussions involving up to four people
  • Part 4: Monologues from academic settings, like university lectures

The Listening test has 40 questions, and each correct answer earns you 1 mark. These questions are designed to assess your ability to understand, follow up with, and extract relevant information. 

All your correct answers (your raw score) are converted to an IELTS equivalent score. For example, to secure a band score of 8 on the Listening test, you typically need to attain a raw score of 35 out of 40 questions. 


IELTS Listening Band Score Chart


Here’s a full breakdown of what your IELTS Academic Listening Band Score means. Similarly, for those taking the General Training test, the conversion follows the same IELTS General Listening Band Score parameters.


IELTS Listening Scores

Raw Score out of 40 Band Score
39-40 9
37-38 8.5
35-36 8
32-34 7.5
30-31 7
26-29 6.5
23-25 6
18-22 5.5
16-17 5
23-25 4.5
11-12 4
Note: The IELTS listening section is same for both IELTS Academic and General training test. This means the above band score chart remains same for both IELTS test types.



What Does Your IELTS Listening Band Score Mean?

Each band between 0 and 9 signifies a certain level of proficiency. Have you wondered why most universities ask for a minimum of 6.0 for admissions? 6.0 indicates that your English is good enough for active communication at the university.


To understand the specifics, refer to the band descriptors for IELTS  Listening, which explain how your scores reflect your listening abilities. Whether you are aiming for an IELTS GT Listening band score or an Academic Listening band score, this information will help you prepare effectively.

Here is a full breakdown.



IELTS Band Score Descriptors

Band Skill Level Description
9 Expert User Fully commands the language fluently, accurately, and appropriately with complete understanding.
8 Very Good User Fully commands the language with occasional minor errors. May misunderstand in unfamiliar situations but handles detailed arguments well.
7 Good User Commands the language well, with occasional errors and misunderstandings. Handles complex language and detailed reasoning
6 Competent User Generally communicates effectively, with some errors and misunderstandings. Can understand fairly complex language, especially in familiar situations.
5 Modest User Can grasp overall meaning in most situations despite making many mistakes. Can manage basic communication within their field
4 Limited User Basic competence in familiar situations but often struggles with understanding and expression. Difficulty using complex language.
3 Extremely Limited User Understands general meaning in very familiar situations, with frequent communication breakdowns.
2 Intermittent User Can communicate basic information using simple words or phrases in familiar situations. Struggles with understanding spoken and written English.
1 Non-user Unable to use the language except for isolated words
0 Did not attempt the test No information available about the user

IELTS Listening Band Score: Key Factors to Assess Listening Skills

In the IELTS Listening test, the evaluation is done in a quite straightforward manner. The examiners only check whether you’ve given the right answer to the question or not, unlike speaking and writing, where there are 4 parameters that are considered.

The test assesses your listening skills through various question types. These include multiple choice, diagram or map labelling, matching, flow chart completion, summary completion, sentence completion, and short answer questions. 

Each question type tests different aspects of your listening ability, helping to give a comprehensive view of your skills as follows:

  • Comprehension of subject/theme: How well do you grasp the subject or theme?
  • Understanding of gist and detail: Can you grasp the main idea and supporting details?
  • Recognition of speaker’s intent from tone: Can you identify why the speaker is saying something and how they feel about it?
  • Comprehension of various accents and speaking styles: Are you able to understand different accents and speaking styles presented in the audio?
  • Identification of statement’s purpose: Can you figure out the purpose behind each statement?
  • Ability to follow an argument or narrative: Can you follow a conversation/lecture and understand how the ideas flow?

Also Read: IELTS Listening Practice Test 2024: Practice Test with Audio and Answers


IELTS Listening Band Score Requirements for Top Universities

When you’re aiming for top universities, then getting a high band score in the IELTS exam can really make a big difference. Every university sets its own benchmark for language requirements to evaluate your ability to adapt to a new environment.

It’s crucial to research each university's specific requirements from your end before you apply, as they might have high band score expectations. So, to make your task easier, we’ve provided the list of universities along with the IELTS Listening Band score requirement.


Tips To Improve Your IELTS Listening Band Score

Achieving a high band score in the IELTS Listening section requires consistent practice and a strategic approach. 

Here are some tips that can help you score well in the IELTS Listening section:


  • Read the questions carefully before recording starts to know what to focus on.
  • Take practice tests regularly to familiarise yourself with the test format and question types.
  • Stick to the word limit, as writing more than required can cost your marks.
  • Be a good listener and avoid any distractions, as the recording is played only once.
  • Listen to the entire recording first to grasp the main theme/topic of the audio before attempting the questions.
  • As you listen, cross out incorrect options to simplify your choices and spot the correct answer faster.
  • Watch a variety of English audio material, such as podcasts, news, audiobooks, and movies, to learn about different accents and improve your vocabulary.
  • Follow the order of the questions and look for keywords or synonyms in the questions to help pinpoint your answers.
  • Check your answers twice for grammatical mistakes, spelling or punctuation errors and be precise. 
  • If you get stuck on any question, skip it and move on to save time. You can always come back to it if the time persists.


By following these tips, you can improve your listening skills and your overall IELTS band score.

Read more about IELTS Listening Tips & Strategies To Improve Your IELTS Score

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Q. How do you calculate the IELTS Listening band score?

Ans. Your performance in the listening section determines your IELTS Listening band score. You are scored on a scale of 0 to 9. The IELTS Listening test has 40 questions, with each correct answer earning you one mark. The sum of your scores, known as raw scores, is converted into an IELTS band score.

Q. What are the different levels of the IELTS Listening band score?

Ans. The IELTS Listening band score ranges from 0 to 9, with each band representing a specific listening proficiency level. A score of 0 suggests that the user likely did not attempt the test, while a score of 9 indicates an expert listening comprehension level. Typically, scores of 6.0 and above are considered good enough for most universities.

Q. How can I improve my IELTS Listening band score?

Ans. Improving your IELTS Listening band score requires regular practice and targeted preparation. Here are a few strategies to help you improve:


  • Practice listening to audio materials, including lectures, conversations, and news reports.
  • Develop effective listening techniques, such as predicting, focusing on key information, and noting important details.
  • Familiarise yourself with different accents and speaking styles to enhance your listening comprehension.
  • Take practice tests to assess your progress and identify areas for improvement.
Q. What are the criteria for assessing the IELTS Listening band score?

Ans. The IELTS Listening test does not have specific band descriptors like the other sections. Instead, your score is based on the number of correct answers you provide across various question types. These questions assess your ability to understand main ideas, specific details, opinions, and implied meanings in spoken English.

Q. What are the various question types used in IELTS Listening?

Ans. The question types in the IELTS Listening test include:

  • Multiple Choice
  • True/False/Not Given
  • Matching
  • Sentence Completion
  • Summary Completion
  • Diagram/Map/Plan Labelling
  • Short Answer Questions
Q. Is there a break between sections in the IELTS Listening test?

Ans. No, there are no breaks between sections in the IELTS Listening test. The entire section lasts approximately 30 minutes and must be completed in one sitting. You will listen to four recordings and answer questions based on each recording. It's essential to manage your time effectively to complete all questions within the allotted time.

Q. Can I write on the question paper during the IELTS Listening test?

Ans. Yes, you can write on the question paper during the IELTS Listening test. You can underline key points, circle important words, and make notes to help you answer the questions. However, remember to transfer your answers to the answer sheet before the end of the test.

Q. How many questions are there in the IELTS Listening test?

Ans. The IELTS Listening test consists of 40 questions, divided into four sections, with each section containing ten questions. You will listen to four recordings, and each recording corresponds to one section of the test. Each correct answer earns you one mark.

Q. What can I do to improve my listening speed for the IELTS Listening Test?

Ans. To improve your listening speed for the IELTS Listening test, practice listening to a variety of audio materials regularly. Focus on understanding the main ideas and key details while listening, and try to predict what the speakers will say next. Additionally, use techniques such as note-taking and summarising to help you process information more efficiently while listening.

Q. How long does the IELTS Listening test last?

Ans. The IELTS Listening test lasts approximately 30 minutes. It consists of four recordings, and you will have time to read the questions and write your answers as you listen to each recording. The test is divided into four sections, with each section corresponding to one recording.