
TOEFL Exam Syllabus & Pattern: Section-wise TOEFL Format

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 11:57

The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) exam is one of the most common English proficiency tests for applicants who plan to study abroad in the United States, Canada, or another major English-speaking nation. 

ETS administers the TOEFL exam, whose types are TOEFL iBT (an Internet-based format) and TOEFL at Home (a home-based TOEFL test). This post will concentrate on the TOEFL exam syllabus for 2024.

The TOEFL syllabus assesses a candidate’s reading, writing, speaking, and listening abilities in a university environment. The format for TOEFL IBT and TOEFL iBT Online is exactly the same.


It is a comprehensive evaluation of your English language skills. The entire TOEFL syllabus, which includes the test's writing, reading, listening, and speaking sections, can be found here.

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1. TOEFL iBT Exam Syllabus & Pattern

The TOEFL iBT test underwent a major update in July 2023, making it shorter and potentially more efficient for test-takers with the new TOEFL format.

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2. TOEFL Exam Syllabus & Pattern: Section-wise Format

Find out more about the duration and number of questions in each section for the TOEFL Exam.

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3. Highlights of TOEFL Exam Pattern 2024

The TOEFL exam pattern remains consistent with previous years. 

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TOEFL iBT Exam Syllabus & Pattern

The TOEFL iBT test underwent a major update in July 2023, making it shorter and potentially more efficient for test-takers with new TOEFL formats such as:


  • The independent writing task has been replaced with the modern "Writing for an Academic Discussion" task.
  • All questions within each section now count towards your final score. Previously, some questions were unscored and used for test development purposes. 
  • The total TOEFL exam duration has been reduced to two hours, compared to three hours previously.


Here is a detailed TOEFL syllabus for the benefit of our TOEFL test-takers.

TOEFL Reading Section
TOEFL Listening Section
TOEFL Speaking Section
TOEFL Writing Section

TOEFL Reading Section

For the TOEFL Reading section, candidates must read multiple passages and answer 30 - 40 questions.

3–4 passages, 10 questions each

54-72 minutes


TOEFL Exam Syllabus & Pattern: Section-wise Format

The TOEFL iBT syllabus for students covers reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. The TOEFL exam format for the TOEFL writing, TOEFL reading, TOEFL listening, and TOEFL speaking syllabuses are as follows:


TOEFL Exam Syllabus & Pattern for Reading 


In this part, you will read 3 to 4 passages and respond to ten questions about each one. Each passage is approximately 700 words long and covers various academic disciplines, from science and history to literature and art. 

The number of accurate reading comprehension responses determines the section's score. There are about 30 to 40 questions in total. The duration of the reading section is 54 to 72 minutes.

There are 10 questions for each passage, designed to assess your comprehension of:


  • Identifying key details, facts, and supporting evidence.
  • Understanding the central themes, author's purpose and overall arguments presented.
  • Recognising connections between ideas, transitions, and cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Understanding how unfamiliar words are used within the passage.


TOEFL Exam Syllabus & Pattern for Listening


You'll listen to lectures, conversations, and classroom discussions about university life. This component evaluates the test-comprehension takers' Period and of English-language conversations and lectures. It entails connecting and synthesising information as well as fundamental comprehension and listening.


The duration of the listening section will be 41 to 57 minutesThe recordings will feature professors, students, and teaching assistants using authentic academic English. 


There will be 3-4 lectures (3-5 minutes each) followed by questions and 2-3 conversations (around 3 minutes each) with accompanying questions. These questions test your understanding of the recordings' main ideas, supporting details, and factual information.


It is designed to assess the following:

  • These questions assess your ability to identify the purpose of a lecture or conversation, speaker attitudes, and the overall tone of the interaction.
  • Some questions focus on understanding the meaning of specific words based on their use within the context of the lectures or conversations.
  • Sometimes, you might be asked to take notes based on the listening passage and then answer questions using those notes.


TOEFL Exam Syllabus & Pattern for Writing

In the writing section, you are given 2 tasks to complete. One is an Integrated Writing Task for 20 minutes, and the other is Writing for an Academic Discussion Task for 10 minutes

  • Integrated Writing Task (20 minutes):  This task simultaneously assesses your reading comprehension and writing skills. Here's the process:
    • You'll read a short academic passage on a specific topic.
    • You'll listen to a lecture on the same topic but with different information and perspectives.
    • Your task is to write a summary that integrates key points from both the reading passage and the lecture.
  • Writing for an Academic Discussion Task (10 minutes): This new format simulates an online classroom environment:
    • You'll be presented with a topic related to university life.
    • You'll read a brief statement or opinion on that topic.
    • Your job is to write a response where you express and defend your own opinion on the topic, referencing the provided statement.

You’ll be required to address all parts of the writing prompt and stay within the word limit of the task. You should be able to describe your ideas and opinions properly. 


Your answers should be well structured and demonstrate a strong command of grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure in academic writing.


TOEFL Exam Syllabus for Speaking


This section has 4 questions and a 15-minute listening timeYou'll have a short preparation time to formulate your response before speaking into a microphone.


Types of Tasks:

  • Independent Speaking Task (1 task, 45 seconds prep, 45 seconds response):  This task assesses your personal opinions and experiences. You'll be given a familiar topic and asked a question that prompts you to share your thoughts or experiences.


  • Integrated Speaking Tasks (3 tasks, 30 seconds prep, 60 seconds response):  These tasks combine your listening and speaking skills. You'll listen to a short academic passage or conversation related to university life, followed by a question that requires you to summarise key points and express your own ideas based on the information presented.


The test graders are looking for a highly comprehensible and sustained dialogue. Delivery, language use, and topic development are the three key components that make up the section's scoring.


Highlights of TOEFL Exam Pattern 2024

  • The TOEFL exam pattern remains consistent with previous years. 
  • You take the TOEFL iBT internet-based test or TOEFL test centre-based test, which consists of four sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. 
  • Each section assesses different language skills crucial for academic success. Expect various question types, including multiple-choice, integrated tasks, and independent tasks. 


Below is a detailed TOEFL Exam pattern 2024 for the benefit of our test takers. 



TOEFL Exam Pattern 2024

Sections Syllabus & Pattern Duration
Reading 3–4 passages, 10 questions each 54-72 minutes
Listening 3-4 Lectures and 2-3 Conversations, 10 questions each 41-57 minutes
Speaking 4 Questions 17 minutes
Writing 2 Tasks 30 minutes


  • The TOEFL syllabus covers a comprehensive range of language skills essential for success in academic and professional settings. 
  • With its focus on reading, listening, speaking, and writing, the TOEFL prepares test takers to communicate and thrive in English-speaking environments effectively. 
  • Understanding and mastering the TOEFL syllabus is crucial for achieving desired scores and fulfilling academic and career aspirations.

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TOEFL Syllabus & Pattern

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Q. What is the pattern of TOEFL exam?

Ans. The TOEFL exam typically follows a standardised pattern consisting of four sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. Each section assesses different language skills. The Reading section involves reading passages and answering questions to evaluate comprehension. Test-takers listen to audio recordings in the Listening section and respond to related questions. The Speaking section requires speaking responses based on given prompts, and the Writing section involves writing essays based on provided topics. 

Q. How is TOEFL speaking structured?

Ans. The TOEFL Speaking section consists of four tasks, each designed to assess different aspects of speaking ability. In Task 1, test-takers must express an opinion on a familiar topic. Task 2 involves reading a passage and listening to a related lecture, after which the test-taker must summarise the information. Task 3 requires listening to a conversation and responding based on the dialogue. Finally, Task 4 involves listening to a lecture and summarising the key points. 

Q. Is TOEFL hard for Indian students?

Ans. The difficulty of the TOEFL exam varies for each individual, regardless of nationality. Indian students may find certain aspects challenging, such as the speaking section if they are not accustomed to speaking in English. Still, with adequate preparation, many Indian students perform well on the TOEFL.

Q. What is the score pattern of the TOEFL test?

Ans. The TOEFL test consists of four sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. Each section is scored on a scale of 0 to 30, resulting in a total score range of 0 to 120. Additionally, test-takers receive scores for each task within the Speaking and Writing sections.

Q. How are marks distributed in TOEFL?

Ans. Marks in the TOEFL test are distributed across the four sections: reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. Each section contributes equally to the total score, with a maximum of 30 points possible in each section, for a total of 120 points.

Q. What is the TOEFL exam format?

Ans. The TOEFL exam is conducted in internet-based (iBT) and paper-based formats, with the iBT being more common. It consists of four sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. The test is designed to assess the English language proficiency of non-native English speakers.

Q. What is the TOEFL course syllabus?

Ans. The TOEFL test syllabus covers a wide range of topics related to academic English proficiency, including reading and listening comprehension, speaking, and writing skills. The content includes passages from academic texts, lectures, and conversations, along with tasks that assess the ability to express ideas clearly and coherently in English.

Q. Can you appear for the TOEFL exam without studying?

Ans. While it is possible to take the TOEFL exam without extensive preparation, it is generally advisable to study to achieve the best possible score. Familiarizing oneself with the test format, practising sample questions, and improving English language skills can significantly enhance performance on the exam.

Q. How difficult is the TOEFL test?

Ans. The difficulty of the TOEFL test varies for each individual based on their English language proficiency and familiarity with academic English. Some test-takers may find certain sections challenging, such as the Speaking section, while others may excel in areas like Reading or Listening. Adequate preparation can help mitigate the perceived difficulty of the test.

Q. How frequently can I take the TOEFL Exam?

Ans. Test-takers can take the TOEFL exam as often as they wish, but there must be a 3-day gap between consecutive test dates. Additionally, individuals cannot take the exam more than once within any 12 days.

Q. What does the TOEFL iBT test consist of?

Ans. The TOEFL iBT test consists of four sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. Each section assesses different aspects of English language proficiency, including comprehension, speaking ability, and writing skills. The test is administered online and includes various tasks designed to evaluate the test-taker's proficiency in academic English.