
PTE Exam Preparation 2024: Section-wise Tips & Tricks

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 11:57

Cracking the PTE exam is easy when you do it right! Our PTE Preparation online materials make acing the PTE stress-free and fun!

Here, we'll share tips and tricks for PTE academics to help you easily understand all the PTE sections and achieve your best score.

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1. PTE Exam Preparation: Writing

In the PTE Exam Reading section, you'll find challenging academic passages that need quick understanding and precise answers in a short time. 

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2. PTE Exam Preparation: Listening

Mastering the PTE Listening section can be challenging, but with practice, you can succeed. Stay focused and respond quickly to audio prompts.

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3. PTE Exam Preparation: Speaking

To excel in the PTE Speaking section, practice speaking with others to boost fluency and confidence. Use cohesive devices and transitional phrases to make your responses coherent. 

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4. PTE Exam Preparation: Reading

To do well in the PTE Reading section, use practical strategies for understanding and managing your time. Read real academic texts to improve your speed and accuracy. Take notes while reading to remember essential things. 

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PTE Exam Preparation: Writing

In the PTE Exam Reading section, you'll find challenging academic passages that need quick understanding and precise answers in a short time. 

But with better preparation and strategy, you can score good marks in the section. 

Here are crucial tips for excelling in this section of the PTE exam: 


  • Diverse Reading Practice: Engage with various reading materials, including academic articles, newspapers, and online resources, to improve comprehension skills across different topics and writing styles.
  • Effective Skimming and Scanning: Develop strategies for quickly skimming (reading) passages to grasp main ideas and scanning for specific information to answer questions efficiently within the time limit.
  • Expand Vocabulary: Strengthen your vocabulary by learning and reviewing academic and advanced words commonly found in reading passages to understand complex texts better.
  • Master Summarisation: Practice summarising passages to extract main ideas effectively and concisely, aiding in comprehension and retention of key information.
  • Time Management: Allocate time wisely during practice sessions and the actual exam, ensuring sufficient time for reading, understanding, and answering questions within the given timeframe.
  • Regular Practice with Sample Tests: Familiarize yourself with the test format and question types by practising with sample tests and questions, simulating exam conditions to improve confidence and performance.
  • Review and Learn from Mistakes: Analyse practice test results to identify areas of weakness and focus on improving comprehension, accuracy, and time management skills for continued progress and success in the Reading section.

PTE Exam Preparation: Listening

Mastering the PTE Listening section can be challenging, but with practice, you can succeed. Stay focused and respond quickly to audio prompts.


Follow these tips below to ace a good score in this section:


  • Know What to Expect: Before practising, understand the types of questions, such as multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank, and how your answers are scored.
  • Listen Actively: When practising listening, make sure that you pay attention to what is being said. Try to pick up on the speaker's tone of voice, the main ideas they're talking about, and any emotions they might be expressing. 
  • Learn New Words: Building your vocabulary is essential for understanding various topics. But it's not just about memorising long lists of words - it's about learning to use them in context. Try to learn new words by seeing them used in sentences or conversations, and practice using them whenever possible.
  • Practice Regularly: Set aside time daily to listen to English audio and answer questions about it. This kind of regular practice helps you become more comfortable with the test format and improve your listening skills over time.
  • Use Real Stuff:  Try listening to English-language podcasts, watching TV shows or movies, or even chatting with English speakers online. This kind of exposure helps you get used to different accents, slang, and ways of speaking, which can be helpful on test day.
  • Take Notes: During the test, you'll have the chance to take notes while you listen to the audio. This can help you remember key details later on, so it's important to develop good note-taking skills. 
  • Manage Your Time: During practice sessions, try to get into the habit of timing yourself and sticking to the time limits for each question. This helps you get a feel for how long you can spend on each question without wasting time so you can pace yourself effectively during the test.
  • Learn from Mistakes: Learning from your mistakes as you practice is essential. When you get a question wrong, take some time to figure out why you got it wrong and what you could do differently next time. 

PTE Exam Preparation: Speaking

To excel in the PTE Speaking section, practice speaking with others to boost fluency and confidence. Use cohesive devices and transitional phrases to make your responses coherent. 

Follow these PTE speaking tip tips to ace the test: 

  • Familiarise Yourself with the Test Format: Understand the different tasks in the speaking section, including reading aloud, repeating sentences, describing images, retelling lectures, and answering short questions.
  • Improve Pronunciation: To get better at pronouncing words, listen closely to how native speakers say them. Try learning how they speak certain parts of the word and how their voice goes up and down. 
  • Practice Regularly: Regular practice is essential for improving your speaking skills. Practice speaking English every day, focusing on different aspects such as pronunciation, fluency, and coherence.
  • Work on Fluency: Focus on speaking fluently without hesitations or pauses. Practice speaking at a natural pace and try to maintain a steady flow of speech
  • Enhance Vocabulary: Learn new words and phrases. Practice using them in sentences and incorporate them into your speaking practice.
  • Maintain consistency and flow: Work on organising your ideas logically. Practice structuring your responses with clear introductions, supporting details, and conclusions.

PTE Exam Preparation: Reading

To do well in the PTE Reading section, use practical strategies for understanding and managing your time. Read real academic texts to improve your speed and accuracy. Take notes while reading to remember essential things. 


Follow these PTE reading tips to perform better in the test: 


  • Understand the Question Types: Familiarize yourself with the different types of questions in the Reading section, such as multiple-choice, reordered paragraphs, fill-in-the-blanks, and more. Knowing what to expect will help you allocate your time efficiently.
  • Improve Reading Skills: Practice reading academic texts, articles, and essays from various sources. Summarise each passage's main ideas and key points to improve your reading speed and comprehension.
  • Word Power: Expand your vocabulary by learning new words and their meanings. Use flashcards, vocabulary apps, and reading materials to expose yourself to different words in context.
  • Review Mistakes: After completing practice exercises or mock tests, review your answers carefully to understand any mistakes you made. Pay attention to the questions you struggle with and focus on improving.
  • Utilise Official Resources: Take advantage of official PTE preparation materials and online practice tests. These resources are designed to simulate the actual test experience and can provide valuable insight into the format and difficulty level of the Reading section.
  • Simulate Test Conditions: When practising, try to replicate the test environment as closely as possible. Minimise distractions, set a timer, and practice under timed conditions to simulate the pressure of the actual exam.


Explore Section-wise PTE Format Here!

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Q. Can I do PTE exam preparation online?

A. you can prepare for the PTE exam online through resources such as official PTE practice materials, online courses, mock tests, and study guides. Many platforms offer interactive exercises and practice tests to help you familiarise yourself with the exam format and improve your skills.

Q. How to prepare for the PTE academic exam?

A. To prepare for the PTE academic exam, improve your English language skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Utilise official PTE practice materials, online resources, and mock tests to familiarise yourself with the exam format and question types. Practice regularly, manage your time effectively, and seek feedback to identify areas for improvement.

Q. How to prepare for the PTE exam at home?

A. Prepare for the PTE exam at home by creating a study schedule dedicating time each day to practice exercises and mock tests. Utilise online resources, official PTE practice materials, and study guides to improve your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Practice under timed conditions, simulate test environments and seek feedback to track progress and address weaknesses.

Q. Is PTE easier than IELTS?

A. The difficulty level of PTE versus IELTS depends on individual strengths and preferences. PTE is entirely computer-based and generally shorter in duration, while IELTS includes face-to-face speaking interviews and is paper-based for the reading and writing sections. Some find PTE more straightforward due to its digital format, while others may prefer the structure of IELTS. It's subjective and varies for each test-taker.

Q. What type of questions are asked in the PTE exam?

A. The PTE exam includes various questions across its four sections: speaking, writing, reading, and listening. These include multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blanks, reorder paragraphs, essay writing, summarising spoken text, and more. Each section assesses different language skills, such as comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and fluency.

Q. What is the most essential thing in the PTE exam?

A. Time management is crucial in the PTE exam. With strict time limits for each section, effectively managing your time ensures you can complete all tasks and maximise your score. Prioritise questions based on difficulty, practice under timed conditions, and develop strategies to quickly understand and respond to different question types. Effective time management can significantly impact your overall performance in the exam.