
TOEFL Exam Preparation 2024: Section-wise Tips & Tricks

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 11:57

Achieving a good score in the TOEFL exam unlocks potential educational opportunities across prestigious universities across the globe. 

With our dedicated guide, you can achieve the desired score and land your dream goals. 


On this page, we will through each module—reading, listening, speaking, and writing—and offer valuable preparation tips.

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1. TOEFL Exam Preparation 2024

The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), which is given by ETS, is one of the most widely accepted tests of English competency among colleges all over the world.

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2. TOEFL Exam Preparation Tips: Listening

Doing well in the TOEFL Listening section relies on your skill to understand spoken content swiftly and respond accurately within the time limits.

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3. TOEFL Exam Preparation Tips: Speaking

The TOEFL Speaking section evaluates your ability to communicate clearly and effectively in an academic environment. 

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4. TOEFL Exam Preparation Tips: Writing

The TOEFL Writing section allows you to demonstrate your critical thinking and clear expression in academic English.

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TOEFL Exam Preparation Tips: Reading

TOEFL Reading section requires you to understand difficult passages swiftly and provide precise answers within the allotted time.  

These tips will be necessary for success in this significant section of the TOEFL exam:


  • Focus on Academic Texts: The passages in the TOEFL Reading section are academic in nature, so expose yourself to similar texts by reading articles from academic journals, newspapers like The New York Times or The Guardian, or academic blogs. 
  • Practice Note-taking Skills: Since you can take notes on the scratch paper provided, practice effective note-taking techniques. Learn to write down key ideas, important details, and the structure of the passages as you read to aid comprehension and recall.
  • Work on Speed Reading: Develop your speed reading skills to grasp the main ideas and key details of the passages quickly. Practice reading passages under time constraints while maintaining comprehension.
  • Utilise Context Clues: In vocabulary questions, use context clues from the surrounding sentences to infer the meaning of unfamiliar words. Understanding how words are used in context is key to answering these questions correctly.
  • Review Answer Choices Carefully: Some questions may have correct answer choices but are designed to test your understanding of the passage. Pay close attention to subtle differences between answer choices to select the most accurate option.
  • Vary Your Reading Material: While practising, use a variety of topics and writing styles. This will help you feel more comfortable with different subject matter and writing conventions, which is essential for tackling the diverse range of passages in the TOEFL.
  • Seek Feedback: Work with a tutor or study partner to review your practice tests and receive feedback on areas for improvement. External feedback can provide valuable insights and help you refine your strategies.

TOEFL Exam Preparation Tips: Listening

Doing well in the TOEFL Listening section relies on your skill to understand spoken content swiftly and respond accurately within the time limits.

Here are vital tips to guarantee success in this critical part of the TOEFL exam:


  • Listen to Various English Sources: Regularly listen to English podcasts, news, and lectures. This helps you get used to different accents and speeds, making TOEFL listening easier.
  • Take Notes: Practice writing key points while listening to audio clips. Note important details like names, dates, and main ideas to help you answer questions later.
  • Understand Main Ideas: Focus on identifying the main idea and purpose of the lecture or conversation. Knowing the overall theme helps you understand and remember details better.
  • Recognise Transition Words: Pay attention to transition words like "however," "therefore," and "for example." These words signal important points and changes in the topic, helping you follow the flow of information.
  • Practice Predicting Content: Quickly think about the topic based on the title or introduction before listening. This helps you anticipate what you might hear and focus on relevant information.
  • Use Context Clues: If you miss a word or phrase, use the surrounding context to determine its meaning. This helps you stay on track and understand the overall message.
  • Review and Summarise: Summarise the main points in your own words after listening to a practice clip. This will help you remember key details for answering questions.

TOEFL Exam Preparation Tips: Speaking

The TOEFL Speaking section evaluates your ability to communicate clearly and effectively in an academic environment. 

Here are the tips that you can follow to score well in the TOEFL exam:


  • Practice Speaking Regularly: Speak English daily to boost your confidence and fluency. Talking about different topics helps you better at discussing various subjects and makes you more adaptable.
  • Use a Timer: Practice speaking within the time limits of the TOEFL test. This will help you manage your time well and ensure you can express your ideas clearly and concisely.
  • Organise Your Thoughts: Before speaking, quickly jot down your main points. This will keep you focused and make your response clear and well-organized, helping you sound more professional.
  • Use Clear Examples: Support your points with simple, relevant examples. This makes your response more convincing and easier to understand, showing you can illustrate your ideas well.
  • Focus on Pronunciation: Practice saying words clearly and correctly. Good pronunciation helps the examiner understand you better, showing you can communicate effectively.
  • Expand Your Vocabulary: Learn new words and phrases to express your ideas more accurately. Focusing on vocabulary allows you to communicate more effectively and impresses the examiner with your language skills.
  • Record Yourself: Record your practice answers and listen to them. This will help you identify areas for improvement, such as grammar and pronunciation, making your speaking clearer and more polished.

TOEFL Exam Preparation Tips: Writing

The TOEFL Writing section allows you to demonstrate your critical thinking and clear expression in academic English. However, with time constraints, how can you ensure your writing stands out? 

Here are the proven tips that will help you:

  • Understand the Task Requirements: Familiarize yourself with the different writing tasks in the TOEFL, such as integrated and independent essays. Knowing what is expected of you in each task type is crucial for adequate preparation.
  • Practice Structuring Your Essays: Create clear and well-organized essay structures with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. This ensures coherence and helps convey your ideas effectively.
  • Focus on Clarity and Precision: Strive for clarity and precision in your writing by using simple and concise language to express your ideas. Avoid overly complex sentences or vocabulary that may obscure your message.
  • Develop Strong Statements: Practice crafting strong statements clearly stating your main argument or position. This will help guide your essay and give it a clear focus.
  • Support Your Points with Examples: Use relevant examples and details to support your arguments or ideas. Providing specific examples adds credibility to your writing and strengthens your overall argument.
  • Use Transition Words: Incorporate transition words and phrases to create smooth transitions between ideas and paragraphs. This improves the flow of your writing and enhances readability.
  • Proofread and Edit Your Essays: Take time to review and revise your essays for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. Editing your work ensures clarity and professionalism in your writing.

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Q: How do you prepare for TOEFL?

A: Prepare by becoming comfortable with the structure of the test. Regularly practice reading, writing, listening, and speaking in English to enhance your skills—Utilise official TOEFL preparation materials to familiarise yourself with the exam's content and format. Focus on enhancing your vocabulary, grammar, and time management abilities to increase your chances of success on the exam.

Q: Is TOEFL easy for Indian students?

A: The ease of TOEFL varies for Indian students based on their English proficiency levels and exposure to international English. While some find it manageable due to robust English education, others may face challenges. Success often depends on individual preparation, including practice with the test format and content, regardless of nationality.

Q: Where can I find TOEFL preparation material?

A: You can access official TOEFL preparation material on the ETS website, including practice tests, sample questions, and study guides. Various online platforms offer free and paid resources, such as Khan Academy, Magoosh, and TOEFL preparation courses. Libraries and bookstores also stock TOEFL guidebooks and study materials for offline preparation.

Q: How much preparation time is required for TOEFL?

A: Preparation time varies depending on proficiency and target score. Typically, 1-3 months of consistent study, including practice with sample questions and full-length tests, is advisable for most test-takers. This duration allows for adequate familiarisation with the test format and content and improvement in skills such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking, ensuring readiness for the TOEFL exam.

Q: Where can I do TOEFL preparation online for free?

A: You can access free TOEFL preparation resources on websites such as Khan Academy, Magoosh, and ETS. These platforms provide practice tests, study guides, video lessons, and other beneficial materials without any charges. These resources can significantly aid your TOEFL preparation journey, offering comprehensive support to enhance your skills and readiness for the exam.

Q: Is TOEFL harder than IELTS?

A: Difficulty varies based on individual strengths and preferences. TOEFL typically focuses more on academic English and includes integrated tasks, while IELTS offers a broader range of accents in listening and a more diverse writing task. Some find TOEFL's format more challenging, while others prefer it.

Q: What is IELTS 7 equal to TOEFL?

A: There isn't an exact equivalency between IELTS and TOEFL scores, as each test measures English proficiency differently. Generally, an IELTS band score of 7 corresponds roughly to a TOEFL score of 94-101. However, verifying specific score requirements with the institutions or organisations you're applying to is essential.