
Describe a Place Where You Would Like to Relax: IELTS Cue Card

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Updated on Mar 11, 2024, 12:38

The cue card round is filled with simple topics such as personal interests, experiences, environmental and societal issues, and general knowledge. One of the most commonly asked topics is,Describe a Place Where You Would Like to Relax.’

You can discuss a place where you like to relax, and you should mention the location, the time you would like to visit and explain why you would like to go there.

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1. Describe a Place Where You Would Like to Relax: How to Answer?

The IELTS Speaking test is a 1:1 interview with a certified IELTS examiner. 

Once part 2 begins, you will be handed a cue card and 4 questions related to it. In our case, the cue card will look like this: 

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2. Describe a Place Where You Would Like to Relax: Sample Answers

Find the Sample Answers for Describe a Place Where You Would Like to Relax IELTS Cue Card here.

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3. Describe a Place Where You Would Like to Relax: Follow-Up Questions

IELTS cue cards are followed by Part 3 of IELTS Speaking, where you are asked questions about your topic. These are general questions, typically probing for your opinions and thoughts on the matter. 

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Describe a Place Where You Would Like to Relax: How to Answer?

Cue Card/Topic: Describe a Place Where You Would Like to Relax.
You should say

  • Where is it?
  • When would you like to go there?
  • What would you like to do there?
  • Explain why you would like to go to that place.


The ideal way to answer cue card prompts is to break them into digestible sections. Think of it this way: no matter your topic, there is always an introduction, key highlights, and a conclusion. 

Considering that, here’s how we’ll break our topic down. 


  • Introduce the place you would like to talk about.
  • Use descriptive language to create an engaging opening.

For example, "One place I would love to relax is Farzi Cafe."


Where is it?

  • Provide details about the location.
  • Use descriptive words to mention the location.

For example, "Located at the heart of the city, it is known for its delicious food and perfect relaxing ambience."

When would you like to go there?

  • Specify the ideal time for visiting.
  • Express your preference with simple language.

For example, "I would love to visit during the quiet hours of early evening when the sun paints the sky with warm hues, creating a peaceful atmosphere."

What would you like to do there?

  • Describe activities you envision doing.

For example"My ideal relaxation includes leisurely walks along the winding paths, enjoying the melody of birds, and simply absorbing the breathtaking views."

Explain why you would like to go to that place.

  • Provide reasons for the appeal of the place.
  • Use convincing language to express the appeal.


For example, “The charm of Farzi Cafe lies in its simplicity, offering a place to disconnect from daily stress and reconnect with the calming influence of nature."


  • Summarise your desire to visit the place.

Describe a Place Where You Would Like to Relax: Sample Answers

Find the Sample Answers for Describe a Place Where You Would Like to Relax IELTS Cue Card here.

Sample Answer 1
Sample Answer 2
Sample Answer 3



  • The destination that captivates my go-to place is the amazing Fiordland National Park in New Zealand. 
  • Situated in the country's picturesque landscapes, this park is a haven of peaceful and natural beauty that follows those seeking a peaceful retreat.


Where is it?

  • Fiordland National Park is located in the scenic southwest region of New Zealand's South Island. It covers vast expanses and boasts towering mountains, serene lakes, and lush greenery. 
  • The combination of diverse landscapes creates a mesmerising tapestry of nature's wonders.

When would you like to go there?

  • My ideal time to visit this haven is during the early morning hours when the first rays of the sun gently kiss the landscape. 
  • The soft glow of dawn and the serene surroundings create an ethereal atmosphere that promises a truly magical experience.

What would you like to do there?

  • In this idyllic setting, I envision strolls through ancient forests, allowing the soothing sounds of nature to serenade my senses. 
  • A tranquil boat ride through Milford Sound, surrounded by towering cliffs and cascading waterfalls, adds to the immersive and peaceful experience.

Explain why you would like to go to that place.

  • Fiordland is a unique destination due to its untouched and unspoiled beauty. 
  • It offers a respite from the hustle and bustle of city life. 
  • The park's natural allure, diverse wildlife, and the sense of being immersed in pristine wilderness make it an appealing place to connect profoundly with nature.


  • Fiordland National Park transcends being a mere destination; it's a sanctuary where one can escape, unwind, and forge a deep connection with the timeless beauty of the natural world.

Describe a Place Where You Would Like to Relax: Follow-Up Questions

Below are some sample questions and possible answers. Once again, we recommend that you only take the inspiration from the answers below and add your twist to it!

Follow-Up Question 1

Question 1: Do people now have more relaxing ways than before?

Answer 1: Yes, people today have access to more relaxing ways than before. With the advancement of technology, people can now relax by using smartphones, tablets, and other gadgets. For example, mobile apps like Calm and Headspace help people to practice meditation. Additionally, people can enjoy relaxing activities like watching movies, playing games, and listening to music from the comfort of their homes.


Answer 2: Thanks to technology, people have more ways to relax today than ever before. However, it's important to prioritise true relaxation over mere entertainment and distraction. Traditional methods like spending time in nature, practising mindfulness, and engaging in creative activities have proven more effective in promoting relaxation and stress relief.

Follow-Up Question 2

Question 2: Do you prefer natural places or man-made spaces for relaxation?


Answer 1: I prefer natural places for relaxation. Being surrounded by nature, like a quiet park or a scenic spot, helps me unwind and escape from the hustle of daily life. The peace and fresh air in natural settings provide a peaceful environment, making them ideal places to relax.


Answer 2: I lean towards natural places for relaxation. The soothing sounds of birds, the gentle rustle of leaves, and the open spaces contribute to a serene atmosphere that eases stress. It's a refreshing contrast to the concrete jungle, offering a more peaceful and rejuvenating experience.

Follow-Up Question 3

Question 3: What factors make a place relaxing for you?

Answer 1: For me, the key factors that make a place relaxing include a peaceful environment, natural surroundings, and minimal human-made noise. Calm settings with greenery and a connection to nature create a soothing atmosphere. Additionally, having comfortable seating or spaces for leisure enhances the overall relaxation experience.

Answer 2: A place becomes truly relaxing for me with a serene ambience, perhaps near water bodies like a lake or the beach. Gentle waves and the fresh breeze contribute to a calming effect. Moreover, comfortable seating arrangements, like a cosy spot under the shade of trees, add to the peaceful atmosphere. This combination of natural elements and a tranquil setting makes it an ideal place for relaxation.

Follow-Up Question 4

Question 4: Does technology impact people's ability to relax in such places?

Answer 1: Technology does play a role in affecting people's ability to relax in serene places. The intrusion of devices like smartphones and tablets can disrupt the natural peace of the surroundings. The constant notifications and the urge to stay connected might hinder the complete immersion in the peaceful environment. It's essential for individuals to consciously disconnect from technology to appreciate and embrace the calming atmosphere such places offer fully.

Answer 2: Yes, technology significantly influences how people relax in various places. With the constant connectivity through smartphones and other devices, individuals might find it challenging to detach and fully experience a peaceful environment. The presence of technology can create distractions and prevent them from immersing themselves entirely in calming surroundings. Taking intentional breaks from digital devices can enhance the overall relaxation experience in these places.

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Q. What vital language elements should I remember while attempting the cue card section?

A. To score well in the cue card section, remember to use a range of vocabulary, including idiomatic expressions and phrasal verbs. You should also try to use complex sentence structures, such as compound and complex sentences. It's also important to speak fluently and with good pronunciation and to use appropriate stress and intonation to convey meaning effectively. Finally, be sure to address the prompt fully and provide relevant examples or details to support your answer.

Q. What can I do if I don’t understand the cue card topic?

A. If you don't understand the cue card topic, ask the examiner to clarify it. You can also take a few seconds to think about the topic and try to develop some related ideas or examples. If you're unsure, you can try to use some general phrases or expressions to talk around the topic until you feel more comfortable.

Q. Can I use informal language during my cue card task?

A. No, you should avoid using informal language during your cue card task. The cue card task is a formal speaking test, so you should use formal language throughout the test. Avoid using slang, contractions, or colloquial expressions, and instead use more formal vocabulary and sentence structures. This will help you demonstrate your language skills and show that you can communicate effectively in a formal setting.

Q. What are some of the common cue card topics?

A. Some common cue card topics in the IELTS speaking test include personal experiences, such as describing a memorable event or a favourite holiday destination, and more general topics related to society, education, technology, and culture. Other common topics may include describing a person you admire, discussing a current issue or problem, or expressing your opinion on a particular topic.

Q. Is the IELTS speaking test easy?

A. The IELTS speaking test can be challenging for many test-takers, as it requires fluency and accuracy in English and the ability to communicate effectively and confidently. However, with adequate preparation and practice, many individuals can achieve their desired score on the speaking test. It's important to remember that everyone's experience may vary, and what may be easy or difficult for one person may not be the same for another.

Q. Are speaking tests for Academic and General the same?

A. The speaking test is structured the same for both IELTS Academic and General Training modules. However, the content may vary slightly depending on the module you are taking. The skills required to do well on both exams are similar, so it's important to prepare for the specific module you will be taking.

Q. Is eye contact important in IELTS speaking?

A. Eye contact is an important aspect of effective communication and can also play a role in the IELTS speaking test. Making eye contact with the examiner during your speaking test can demonstrate confidence and engagement and help you connect with your audience. That being said, it's important to remember that you shouldn't force yourself to make eye contact if it makes you uncomfortable or distracts you from your speaking performance. 

Q. What are common mistakes in IELTS speaking?

A. Common mistakes in IELTS speaking include lack of preparation, nervousness, using memorised answers, not answering the question, not speaking enough, and poor pronunciation.

Q. Which part is the most important in IELTS speaking?

A. All parts of the IELTS speaking section are important, but the third part is generally considered the most challenging and carries the most weight in scoring. In this part, test-takers must express and defend their opinions on a given topic, using appropriate vocabulary and grammar structures.

Q. What is the lowest score in IELTS speaking?

A. The lowest possible score in IELTS Speaking is 0. However, this score is extremely rare as it indicates that the candidate did not attempt to answer any of the questions or was completely silent throughout the test. The lowest score a candidate can realistically receive is 1, implying that they have made some effort to speak. Still, their responses are extremely limited or irrelevant to the questions asked.

Q. Can I change the topic for speaking in IELTS?

A. No, you cannot change the topic in IELTS Speaking. The examiner will provide you with a topic or a cue card, and you will have to speak about that topic. However, you are free to interpret the topic in your own way and bring your experiences and opinions to make your speech more interesting and engaging.