IELTS Writing Pie Chart Task 1: Sample Answer
You can quickly climb the learning curve by practising regularly and referring to sample answers!
Pro tip: Remember, IELTS hates memorised answers. Try only to take inspiration from our samples and practice writing it yourself.
Let’s see a sample answer for Pie Chart Task 1.
Sample Answer:
The pie charts provide a comprehensive overview of the projections for global production by sector from 2040 to 2060. Remarkably, the service sector dominates both pie charts holding the highest segment, whereas the agriculture sector remains the smallest in both the years.
By observing the pie charts, it can be inferred that the manufacturing sector will rise from 31% in 2040 to 33% in 2060. The service sector will increase by 1% from 40% in 2040 to 41% in 2060. In contrast, agriculture production will decline by 3% from 4% in 2040 to 1% in 2060.
Moreover, the Material and Info-Com Tech sectors will rise from 3% and 15% in 2040 to 4% and 16% in 2060, increasing by 1%, respectively. The energy sector will decline from 7% in 2040 to 5% in 2060.
Overall, no significant changes have been predicted. Though all the sectors have their importance, the service sector has the highest manufacturing projection in 2060.
IELTS Writing Pie Chart Task 1: How to Answer
Pie charts are named after their shape, as they look like a delicious pie! These charts contain a circular chart comprising various divisions representing a value.
As a part of IELTS Writing Task 1, you must analyse the chart and respond to the given questions. Here’s how you can go about it.
Analyse the Question
Read the question thoroughly. Understand what each value represents. The question may ask you to summarise the information, write about the main features, or compare the main features.
Here’s an example of the same:
It’s essential to pay attention and directly respond to exactly what’s asked in the question. Try not to go overboard with your answers. Pick 2-3 that stands out when you talk about main features. Don’t attempt to cover everything.
Identify the Main Features
How do you spot the main features? You can think of the main features as the things that naturally stand out from the graph. It could be a common and consistent trend or pattern, units of measurement, or even the graph's labels.
For instance, if the chart concerns people living in poverty, can you spot which category has the highest and lowest poverty rate? These could easily be your main features!
The main features will differ from one chart to another. Try to keep it simple; don’t get too mathematical. Here are some things you can do:
- Read through the labels and titles carefully
- Examine the proportions of each division
- Identify the highest and lowest proportions
- Check if the chart has a pattern or trend
- Conduct a quick comparison of the elements
Structure your Report/Description
Once you have figured out the fundamentals of your chart, structure your essay. Here’s the most classic structure for any writing piece:
- Introduction: Start with a simple paraphrase of your question. You could say, “The chart above depicts the proportion of different categories of families living in poverty in the UK in 2002.”
- Overview: Highlight the main features in the text and write a small description about each of them.
- Dive into the details: Expand the main features and get into the details. Write about the whys, whats, and hows. Quote the percentages in the pie chart to support your information. You can apply this to two paragraphs of the body of your essay.
- Provide comparison: If the question asks you to compare data, this is where you can compare the main elements of the graph. Try to do it sequentially, and try not to take sides. You can use words like “In contrast,” “Similarly,” or “On the other hand” to establish a comparison.
- Conclude: Summarise your deductions from the chart and make any final recommendations, if necessary.
Below is a sample for your better understanding!