
IELTS Cue Card

Describe something that surprised you and made you happy: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

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1 unique answers with expert feedback

You should say

  • What it was?
  • Who did this?
  • How you found out about it and what you did?
  • And explain why it surprised you and made you happy.
  • Top rated answers

    Here are the 1 highest scoring answers by real-users for this IELTS Cue Card.

    Band 6-7

    IELTS Learner

    9 days ago




    it was my birthday surprise my friend gave me that surprise to me last year March 25th at 12 o'clock he gave me a surprise like all the brothers and sisters gather one gather in one house and they are waiting for me and when I when I go there they will give me a surprise like wishing me as a birthday party then I I will feel very happy because I never had that type of surprise in my birthday it will make me very happy and very surprised

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    Follow up questions

    Based on user’s response

    How do you usually celebrate your birthday?
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    I usually celebrate my birthday with a small gathering of close friends and family. We often have a cake, some games, and enjoy each other's company. Sometimes, I prefer a quiet celebration at home, while other times I might go out for dinner.

    What other surprises have you received in your life?
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    I've received a few surprises over the years, like surprise parties for my achievements or unexpected gifts from friends. One memorable surprise was when my family planned a trip for me without telling me. It was a delightful experience that I will always cherish.

    Why do you think surprises are important in friendships?
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    Surprises can strengthen friendships by showing that you care and pay attention to each other's preferences. They create joyful memories and can make someone feel valued and appreciated. A thoughtful surprise can really enhance the bond between friends.
    Show all 1 answers

    All Answers

    Here are all the answers by real-users practicing speaking for IELTS Cue Cards on our IELTS Prep App.

    Band 6-7

    IELTS Learner

    9 days ago




    it was my birthday surprise my friend gave me that surprise to me last year March 25th at 12 o'clock he gave me a surprise like all the brothers and sisters gather one gather in one house and they are waiting for me and when I when I go there they will give me a surprise like wishing me as a birthday party then I I will feel very happy because I never had that type of surprise in my birthday it will make me very happy and very surprised

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