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List of IELTS Reading Vocabulary

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Updated on Sep 29, 2024, 14:48

IELTS reading vocabulary is the foundation of your reading skills, and it's what sets you apart from a good reader and a great one. It's like a big library of words you need to familiarise yourself with to ace the reading section.


In the IELTS reading test, you'll come across different types of texts, from news articles to academic passages. So, to ace this exam, you'll need to understand a range of vocabulary. It's not just about recognising the meaning of words but also understanding their meanings, contexts, and how they're used in various situations.

On this page, we'll explore the range of vocabulary words used in the IELTS reading exam and some tips and tricks to help you boost your skills. Let's get started!

On This Page

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1. IELTS Reading Vocabulary: What is it All About?

IELTS reading vocabulary is a crucial aspect of the exam, which tests your ability to understand and interpret written texts in the English language.

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2. IELTS Academic Reading Vocabulary List

For the Academic Reading test, you'll find texts from books, journals, magazines, and newspapers. Therefore, having an extensive academic vocabulary is key to comprehending the passages effectively.

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3. IELTS General Reading Vocabulary List

The General Training Reading test includes passages from advertisements, company guidelines, notices, and newspapers. This requires a more practical and everyday vocabulary.

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4. Tips and Tricks to Improve Vocabulary Words for IELTS Reading

Preparing for the IELTS reading section can be quite challenging, especially when it comes to building up your vocabulary. But don't worry, we’ve got you covered.

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IELTS Reading Vocabulary: What is it All About?

IELTS reading vocabulary is a crucial aspect of the exam, which tests your ability to understand and interpret written texts in the English language.

Doing well in IELTS Reading requires a strong vocabulary. It's not about memorising boring lists but understanding a range of words and how to use them. As part of the marking criteria, IELTS assesses your range of vocabulary, known as "Lexical Resource”. It contributes to 25% of your overall IELTS scores.


Here’s what it checks:

  • Are you able to grasp the main ideas and key details?
  • Are you able to identify the writer's purpose and tone?
  • Are you able to make inferences and understand the implied meaning?
  • Are you able to recognise and understand different text types?


Basically, it's all about the important words and phrases that you need to know for the reading section of the IELTS exam. Having a good grasp of these words is really important for you to understand the texts and answer the questions well. This includes both academic and general words, as well as the common ones you'll come across. 

So, nailing down this vocabulary is key to getting a high score on the reading part of the test.

Now, let’s explore the list of IELTS  reading common vocabulary words you need to know.



IELTS Academic Reading Vocabulary List

For the Academic Reading test, you'll find texts from books, journals, magazines, and newspapers. Therefore, having an extensive academic vocabulary is key to comprehending the passages effectively.


Here’s the type of vocabulary you can expect:

  • You'll need to understand academic language and complex texts. 
  • Think journal articles, research papers, and that sort of thing. 
  • You'll need to learn vocabulary related to various subjects like science, technology, and social sciences.

Below is a list of IELTS Reading vocabulary words arranged as per categories/topics!


Topic Wise IELTS Academic Reading Vocabulary List


1. Travel




ItineraryA planned route or journeyOur itinerary includes visits to several museums.
ExcursionA short journey or tripWe went on an excursion to the nearby island.
BaggageLuggageMake sure your baggage is not overweight.
DestinationThe place to which someone is goingOur destination this summer is Paris.
TransitThe act of passing through a placeWe had a long transit in Istanbul.
TourismThe commercial organisation of holidaysTourism is the main industry in this region.
PassportAn official document for international travelDon't forget your passport when you travel.
SouvenirA thing kept as a reminder of a placeI bought a souvenir from each city I visited.
AccommodationA place where one staysWe booked our accommodation in advance.
ExpeditionA journey undertaken for a specific purposeThe expedition to the Arctic was challenging.



Phrasal Verbs


Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Check-inRegister at a hotel or airportWe need to check in two hours before the flight.
Set offBegin a journeyWe set off early to avoid traffic.
Pick upCollect someone or somethingI'll pick you up from the airport.
Drop offLeave someone at a particular placeI’ll drop you off at the hotel.
GetawayGo on vacationWe decided to get away for the weekend.
Look aroundExplore what is nearWe had some time to look around the city.
Check outLeave a hotelWe need to check out by 11 a.m.
Take offLeave the ground (plane)The plane will take off in 30 minutes.
Touch downLand (plane)The plane touched down safely.
See offGo to say goodbye at departureWe went to the station to see her off.





Travel lightTravel with minimal luggageI prefer to travel light and avoid checked bags.
Hit the roadBegin a journeyLet's hit the road early in the morning.
Off the beaten pathIn a remote or less-known locationWe found a great little café off the beaten path.
Travel bugStrong desire to travelAfter my trip to Europe, I caught the travel bug.
Itchy feetDesire to travelI've got itchy feet and need to explore.
Call it a dayStop what one has been doingWe decided to call it a day and go back to the hotel.
Make tracksLeave or move quicklyWe need to make tracks if we want to catch the train.
On the roadTravelling, often for a long periodI've been on the road for three weeks now.
Pack one's bagsGet ready to leaveI'm packing my bags for the trip tomorrow.
Take in the sightsVisit famous or interesting placesWe took in the sights and sounds of the city.


2. Education




CurriculumThe subjects comprising a course of studyThe school has a diverse curriculum.
SyllabusAn outline of the subjects in a course of studyThe syllabus for this course is quite extensive.
ScholarshipFinancial aid awarded to a studentShe received a scholarship to study abroad.
PedagogyThe method and practice of teachingModern pedagogy focuses on interactive learning.
MatriculateEnrol in a college or universityHe matriculated at the university in 2020.
DissertationA long essay on a particular subjectShe is writing her dissertation on mediaeval history.
SeminarA meeting for discussion or trainingWe attended a seminar on educational technology.
LecturerA person who gives lecturesThe lecturer explained the theory clearly.
TuitionThe fee for instructionTuition fees are quite high at private universities.
ThesisA statement or theory put forward to be maintainedHer thesis was on the impact of social media.



Phrasal Verbs


Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Brush upImprove knowledge or skillI need to brush up on my French before the exam.
Drop outLeave school before completing itHe dropped out of college to start a business.
Keep up withStay at the same level asIt's hard to keep up with all the assignments.
Catch upReach the same standard as othersShe worked hard to catch up with the class.
Read up onStudy or learn by readingI need to read up on the history of art.
Sign upEnrol in a course or activityShe signed up for a computer science course.
Hand inSubmit an assignmentDon’t forget to hand in your essay by Friday.
Go overReview or check somethingLet’s go over the main points before the exam.
Fall behindFail to keep up with the workHe fell behind in his studies after missing classes.
Figure outUnderstand or solve somethingIt took me a while to figure out the solution.





Learn the ropesLearn how to do a particular job or taskIt took me a few weeks to learn the ropes.
Hit the booksStudy hardI need to hit the books tonight for tomorrow’s test.
A quick studySomeone who learns things quicklyDespite having no prior experience with coding, Jane proved to be a quick study, mastering the basics of Python in just a few days.
The school of hard knocksLearning through difficult experiencesHe graduated from the school of hard knocks.
BookwormSomeone who reads a lotMy sister is a real bookworm, always reading.
Pass with flying coloursDo very well on a test or taskShe passed the exam with flying colours.
Eager beaverSomeone who is very enthusiasticHe is an eager beaver when it comes to learning new things.
A for effortRecognition for trying hardHe didn’t win but got an A for effort.
Make the gradeMeet the required standardDespite the tough competition, he worked hard and managed to make the grade.
BrainstormGenerate ideas or solutionsWe need to brainstorm some new ideas for the project.


3. The Arts and Culture



AestheticConcerned with beauty or the appreciation of beautyThe painting has great aesthetic value.
ArtisanA worker in a skilled tradeThe market was full of artisans selling their crafts.
CuratorA keeper or custodian of a museum or other collectionThe curator gave us a tour of the exhibition.
ExhibitionA public display of works of art or items of interestThe exhibition runs until the end of the month.
GenreA category of artistic compositionMy favourite genre of music is jazz.
HeritageProperty that is or may be inheritedThe city's cultural heritage is very rich.
InstallationA work of art consisting of multiple componentsThe museum's new installation is very intriguing.
SculptureThe art of making two- or three-dimensional representative or abstract formsThe sculpture was carved from marble.
VernissageA private viewing of paintings before public exhibitionWe attended the vernissage of the new gallery.
EphemeralLasting for a very short timeEphemeral art can be quite powerful.



Phrasal Verbs


Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Break downAnalyse in detailLet’s break down the components of this piece.
Bring outHighlight or emphasiseThe new lighting brings out the colours in the painting.
Draw onUse as a resourceThe artist draws on personal experiences for inspiration.
Give awayReveal something hiddenThe ending of the play gives away the twist.
Look up toAdmire or respectMany young artists look up to him.
Pick upLearn a new skill or informationShe picked up painting very quickly.
Put togetherAssemble or createThey put together a fantastic exhibition.
Show offDisplay something with prideThe artist loves to show off her latest work.
Stand outBe noticeableHis work stands out because of its bold colours.
Work onImprove or developShe is working on her next sculpture.





Art for art's sakeArt created for the purpose of beauty aloneHe believes in creating art for art's sake.
Behind the scenesOut of public viewThe behind-the-scenes tour was fascinating.
Brush with fameA brief encounter with a famous personShe had a brush with fame at the art opening.
Cut from the same clothVery similarThese two artists are cut from the same cloth.
Draw a blankFail to get an answer or resultI tried to remember the name but drew a blank.
Jump on the bandwagonJoin others in doing something fashionableHe jumped on the bandwagon and started painting too.
Picture-perfectExactly right in appearance or characterThe setting was picture-perfect for the photo shoot.
Steal the showAttract the most attention and praiseHer performance really stole the show.
Worth a thousand wordsConvey a complex idea better than wordsA picture is worth a thousand words.
Under the spotlightReceiving a lot of public attentionThe new artist is under the spotlight this season.


4. Music




MelodyA sequence of single notes that is musically satisfyingThe melody of the song is very catchy.
HarmonyThe combination of simultaneously sounded musical notesThe choir sang in perfect harmony.
RhythmA strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or soundThe rhythm of the drums was infectious.
GenreA category of artistic compositionMy favourite genre of music is jazz.
OrchestraA group of instrumentalistsThe orchestra played a beautiful symphony.
SymphonyAn elaborate musical composition for a full orchestraBeethoven’s 5th Symphony is very famous.
AcousticPertaining to sound or the sense of hearingThe band performed an acoustic set.
ImprovisationThe act of creating something spontaneouslyJazz music often involves a lot of improvisation.
TempoThe speed at which a passage of music is playedThe tempo of the piece was very fast.
BalladA slow song that tells a storyThe singer's ballad moved everyone to tears.



Phrasal Verbs


Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Tune inWatch or listen to a broadcastTune in next week for the concert.
Play alongJoin in playing musicHe played along with the band on his guitar.
Sing alongSing with someone else who is already singingEveryone sang along to the popular song.
Join inParticipate inFeel free to join in with the singing.
Fade outGradually decrease in volumeThe song fades out at the end.
Come inStart playing or singingThe drums come in after the first verse.
Belt outSing loudly and forcefullyShe belted out the high notes perfectly.
Break intoStart doing something suddenlyHe broke into song unexpectedly.
Strike upBegin to play musicThe band struck up a lively tune.
Keep timeMaintain the correct tempoThe drummer keeps time for the band.





Face the musicConfront the consequences of one's actionsIt's time to face the music and admit your mistake.
Music to one's earsGood news, something one is happy to hearThe news of her promotion was music to her ears.
Blow your own trumpetBoast about one's achievementsHe loves to blow his own trumpet about his successes.
Change your tuneChange your opinion or attitudeHe changed his tune after seeing the benefits.
Strike a chordCause someone to feel sympathy or enthusiasmHer speech struck a chord with the audience.
Hit the right noteDo something in an appropriate wayThe new policy hit the right note with the staff.
March to the beat of your own drumAct independently and uniquelyShe marches to the beat of her own drum.
Play it by earDeal with a situation as it developsWe don’t have a plan; we'll just play it by ear.
Sound like a broken recordRepeat something over and overHe sounds like a broken record with his complaints.
Strike up the bandStart an activityLet's strike up the band and get this party started!


5. Environment and Science




EcosystemA biological community of interacting organismsThe forest ecosystem is very diverse.
BiodiversityThe variety of life in the world or in a particular habitatBiodiversity is crucial for ecosystem health.
ConservationThe protection and preservation of the environmentConservation efforts are vital for endangered species.
ClimateThe weather conditions prevailing in an areaClimate change is a pressing global issue.
SustainabilityThe ability to be maintained at a certain rate or levelSustainable practices help protect our planet.
RenewableCapable of being renewedSolar power is a renewable energy source.
HabitatThe natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or another organismThe wetlands are a critical habitat for many species.
PollutantA substance that pollutes somethingFactories release pollutants into the air and water.
HypothesisA proposed explanation made based on limited evidenceThe hypothesis was tested through experiments.
DataFacts and statistics collected for analysisThe scientist analysed the data from the study.



Phrasal Verbs


Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Break downDecomposeOrganic matter breaks down into compost.
Carry outConductScientists carry out research on climate change.
Clean upRemove dirt or pollutionVolunteers help clean up the beach.
Cut downReduce the size, amount, or quantityWe need to cut down on our use of plastic.
End upFinally, reach a state, place, or actionPlastic often ends up in the ocean.
Give offEmitCars give off harmful emissions.
Run outExhaust the supplyWe will run out of fossil fuels eventually.
Set upEstablishThe lab was set up to study marine life.
Take overAssume controlThe invasive species took over the ecosystem.
Use upConsume entirelyWe are using up our natural resources too quickly.





Acid testA crucial test of the value of somethingThe new policy will be the acid test for the company.
A drop in the oceanA very small amount compared to what is neededHis contribution was just a drop in the ocean.
Bite the dustFail or come to an endMany old technologies have bitten the dust.
Clear the airResolve a problem or disagreementWe need to clear the air about our differences.
FootprintImpact or effect of an activity, especially environmentallyWe should reduce our carbon footprint.
In hot waterIn trouble or difficultyThe company is in hot water over pollution issues.
Leave no stone unturnedTry every possible meansScientists will leave no stone unturned in their research.
Make wavesCause a significant change or controversyThe new discovery is making waves in the scientific community.
Out of the blueUnexpectedlyThe findings came out of the blue.
Take rootBecome establishedThe idea of conservation has taken root in society.


6. Books and Films




GenreA category of artistic compositionMy favourite genre of books is mystery.
ProtagonistThe main character in a storyThe protagonist of the novel is a young detective.
PlotThe main events of a storyThe plot of the movie was very engaging.
SynopsisA brief summary of a storyThe book's synopsis intrigued me.
SequelA work that continues the story of an earlier oneThe movie has a sequel coming out next year.
AdaptationA film, television drama, or stage play adapted from a written workThe movie is an adaptation of a classic novel.
DirectorThe person who oversees the making of a filmThe director did an excellent job with the film.
ScreenplayThe script of a movieThe screenplay was written by a famous author.
CinematographyThe art of making motion picturesThe cinematography in the film was breathtaking.
CritiqueA detailed analysis and assessment of somethingThe critique of the book was very positive.



Phrasal Verbs


Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Bring outPublish or releaseThe author will bring out a new book next month.
Come outBecome available to the publicThe new movie comes out next week.
Read up onLearn about something by readingI need to read up on the history of cinema.
Write upRecord in detailShe wrote a great review of the film.
Turn downReject an offerHe turned down the role in the new movie.
Run throughGo over or rehearse quicklyLet's run through the script one more time.
Take inWatch or experienceWe took in a late-night movie.
Look intoInvestigateThe producers are looking into new film locations.
Give awayReveal a secret or surprise endingThe trailer gave away too much of the plot.
Carry onContinueThe director decided to carry on with the project.





Judge a book by its coverForm an opinion based on appearanceDon't judge a book by its cover; the story inside is amazing.
In the limelightReceiving a lot of public attentionThe actor has been in the limelight since his first film.
Hit the booksStudy hardI need to hit the books for my exams.
Page-turnerA book that is very interestingHer latest novel is a real page-turner.
On the edge of one's seatVery excited and interestedThe movie had us on the edge of our seats.
Read between the linesUnderstand the hidden meaningYou need to read between the lines to get the full story.
Best of both worldsAll the advantagesThe movie offers the best of both worlds – action and comedy.
Break a legGood luckThe director told the cast to break a leg before the premiere.
Once in a blue moonVery rarelyA film like this comes along once in a blue moon.
The plot thickensThe story becomes more complicatedJust when you think you know the ending, the plot thickens.


7. Holidays




CelebrationThe action of marking one's pleasure at an important eventWe have a celebration every New Year's Eve.
FestivityThe celebration of something in a joyful and exuberant wayThe town was filled with festivity during the holidays.
TraditionThe transmission of customs or beliefsIt's a tradition to have turkey on Christmas.
ReunionA social gathering of people who have been separatedOur family reunion is held every summer.
FestivalA day or period of celebrationThe music festival attracts thousands of visitors.
VacationA period of time spent away from home for pleasureWe're planning a vacation to the beach.
HolidayA day of festivity or recreation when no work is doneChristmas is my favourite holiday.
RitualA religious or solemn ceremonyThe wedding ritual was beautiful.
PilgrimageA journey to a sacred placeThey went on a pilgrimage to Mecca.
CustomA traditional and widely accepted way of behaving or doing somethingIt's a custom to give gifts during Hanukkah.



Phrasal Verbs


Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Set offBegin a journeyWe set off early to avoid traffic.
Look forward toAnticipate with pleasureI'm looking forward to the holidays.
Get togetherMeet sociallyOur family gets together every Christmas.
Take offLeave the ground (plane)The plane takes off at noon.
Check-inRegister at a hotel or airportWe need to check in at the hotel by 3 PM.
Check outLeave a hotelWe checked out of the hotel this morning.
Drop offLeave someone or something at a particular placeI’ll drop you off at the airport.
Pick upCollect someone or somethingWe need to pick up some souvenirs.
Wind downRelax after a period of work or tensionIt's time to wind down and enjoy the holidays.
Look aroundExplore what is nearWe had some time to look around the city.





Holiday spiritThe mood of joy and excitement associated with holidaysEveryone is in the holiday spirit.
Deck the hallsDecorate for the holidaysWe decked the halls with lights and ornaments.
Home for the holidaysReturn home to celebrate the holidaysI'll be home for the holidays this year.
Travel lightTravel with minimal luggageI prefer to travel light and avoid checked bags.
The more, the merrierThe more people involved, the betterBring your friends – the more, the merrier!
Ring in the new yearCelebrate the start of the new yearWe rang in the new year with fireworks.
Tis the seasonIt's the time of year when holidays are celebratedTis the season to be jolly.
Winter WonderlandA beautiful, snowy landscapeThe town turned into a winter wonderland overnight.
Spread holiday cheerShare joy and goodwill during the holidaysLet's spread holiday cheer by donating to charity.
Have a blastHave a great timeWe had a blast at the holiday party.


8. Information Technology




AlgorithmA process or set of rules to be followed in calculationsThe algorithm improved the search results.
BandwidthThe amount of data that can be transmittedHigh bandwidth is necessary for streaming videos.
CybersecurityMeasures taken to protect a computer systemCybersecurity is crucial for protecting personal data.
EncryptionThe process of converting information into codeData encryption helps secure sensitive information.
FirewallA security system for protecting against unauthorised accessThe firewall blocked the malicious attack.
HardwareThe physical parts of a computerThe hardware upgrade improved performance.
SoftwareThe programs and other operating information used by a computerThe new software update fixed the bugs.
NetworkA group of interconnected computersThe office has a secure network for data sharing.
DatabaseA structured set of data held in a computerThe company maintains a customer database.
InterfaceA point where two systems meet and interactThe user interface is very intuitive.



Phrasal Verbs


Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Log inEnter a computer system by identifying oneselfYou need to log in to access the files.
Log outExit a computer systemRemember to log out when you're done.
Set upArrange or configureWe need to set up the new software.
Back upMake a copy of the dataIt's important to back up your files regularly.
Boot upStart a computerThe computer takes a while to boot up.
PluginConnect to an electrical outletMake sure to plug in your laptop.
Run onOperate usingThe program runs on all major operating systems.
Shut downTurn off a computerPlease shut down the computer before leaving.
Hack intoGain unauthorised accessSomeone tried to hack into the system.
Break downStop functioningThe server broke down during the update.





Cutting-edgeHighly advanced or innovativeThe new phone features cutting-edge technology.
Light years aheadFar more advancedThis new software is light years ahead of the old one.
On the same wavelengthThinking in a similar wayThe IT team is on the same wavelength about the project.
Rocket scienceVery complicatedFixing this bug is not exactly rocket science.
Bite the bulletAccept a difficult situationWe'll have to bite the bullet and deal with the security breach.
Bug in the systemA problem or flaw in a computer programThere's a bug in the system that needs fixing.
Go viralSpread rapidly onlineThe video went viral within hours.
In the loopInformed and involvedKeep me in the loop about the project status.
Pull the plugTerminate or discontinueThey decided to pull the plug on the old software.
State-of-the-artUsing the latest technologyThe new data centre is state-of-the-art.


9. Advertisement




CampaignAn organised course of action to promote a productThe ad campaign was very successful.
SloganA short and striking phrase used in advertisingThe company's slogan is very memorable.
Target audienceA particular group at which an advertisement is aimedThe target audience for this product is teenagers.
BrandA type of product manufactured by a particular company under a particular nameThe brand is known for its quality.
EndorsementAn act of giving one's public approval or supportCelebrity endorsements help sell products.
CommercialA television or radio advertisementThe commercial was aired during prime time.
BillboardA large outdoor board for displaying advertisementsThe billboard can be seen from the highway.
MarketingThe action or business of promoting and selling productsThe marketing team launched a new strategy.
PromotionActivities to advertise and sell a productThe promotion increased sales significantly.
JingleA short, catchy song used in commercialsThe jingle stuck in everyone's mind.



Phrasal Verbs


Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Bring outPublish or releaseThey are bringing out a new product next month.
Take offBecome successful very quicklyThe new ad campaign took off immediately.
Catch onBecome popularThe slogan caught on with young people.
Turn offRepel, make uninterestedThe advertisement turned off many potential customers.
Bring upMention or introduce in a conversationThey brought up the new campaign during the meeting.
Get acrossCommunicate effectivelyThe message didn't get across to the audience.
Put offDiscourageThe high prices put off many customers.
Drum upGenerate interestThey drummed up a lot of interest with the teaser campaign.
Sell outSell all of a particular itemThe new smartphone sold out in just a day.
Roll outLaunch a new product or serviceThey rolled out the new line of products last week.





Ahead of the curveBetter than averageTheir marketing strategy is always ahead of the curve.
Beat around the bushAvoid the main topicStop beating around the bush and get to the point.
Break the bankCost too muchThe new campaign didn't break the bank.
Corner the marketDominate a particular marketThey managed to corner the market on sportswear.
In the bagCertain to succeedThe contract is in the bag after the successful pitch.
Jump on the bandwagonFollow a trendMore companies are jumping on the bandwagon of social media advertising.
Raise the barIncrease standardsTheir innovative ad campaign has raised the bar.
The big pictureThe overall perspectiveDon't focus on the details; think about the big picture.
Word of mouthInformation spread by people talkingThe restaurant relies on word of mouth for advertising.
Out of the blueUnexpectedlyThe success of the campaign came out of the blue.



10. Business and Work




EntrepreneurA person who sets up a businessThe young entrepreneur started her own company.
RevenueIncome generated from normal business operationsThe company's revenue increased last quarter.
ProfitFinancial gainThey made a substantial profit from the deal.
MergerCombination of two companiesThe merger created the largest company in the industry.
StakeholderA person with an interest or concern in a businessThe stakeholders attended the annual meeting.
InternshipA temporary position with on-the-job trainingShe completed an internship at a law firm.
ProductivityThe effectiveness of the productive effortImproving productivity is key to business success.
OutsourcingObtain goods or services from an external providerThe company is outsourcing its customer support.
NetworkingInteracting with others to exchange information and develop contactsNetworking is important for career growth.
InnovationThe act of introducing something newInnovation drives the tech industry.



Phrasal Verbs


Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Set upEstablishThey set up a new branch in the city.
Take overAssume controlThe company was taken over by a larger corporation.
Branch outExpand into new areasThey are branching out into new markets.
Cut backReduceThey had to cut back on spending.
Deal withHandleHe deals with customer complaints.
Fill inSubstituteShe filled in for the manager while he was away.
Look intoInvestigateThey are looking into the matter.
Lay offDismiss from employmentThe company laid off 100 workers.
Break downAnalyse in detailLet's break down the costs involved.
Run byGet someone's opinionI need to run this idea by my boss.





A tough breakAn unfortunate eventLosing the contract was a tough break for the company.
Back to the drawing boardStart overThe proposal was rejected, so it's back to the drawing board.
Behind the scenesNot seen by the publicMuch of the work happens behind the scenes.
Corner the marketDominate a particular marketThey hope to corner the market with their new product.
Get down to businessStart working seriouslyLet's get down to business and discuss the report.
In the blackProfitableThe company has been in the black for the last three years.
Learn the ropesLearn the basicsIt took him a few weeks to learn the ropes.
Red tapeExcessive bureaucracyWe need to cut through the red tape to get things done.
Time is moneyTime is valuableLet's not waste time; time is money.
Win-win situationA situation where everyone benefitsThe agreement is a win-win situation for both companies.



11. Food, Diet and Fitness




NutritionThe process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for healthGood nutrition is essential for growth.
CalorieA unit of energyCounting calories can help with weight loss.
MetabolismThe chemical processes that occur within a living organismExercise can boost your metabolism.
ProteinA nutrient found in food that is essential for body growth and repairMeat, beans, and nuts are good sources of protein.
CarbohydrateA nutrient that is a major source of energyBread, rice, and pasta are rich in carbohydrates.
VitaminOrganic compounds that are essential for body functionsVitamins are crucial for maintaining health.
FitnessThe condition of being physically fit and healthyRegular exercise contributes to overall fitness.
DietThe kinds of food that a person habitually eatsShe maintains a balanced diet.
HydrationThe process of causing something to absorb waterProper hydration is important during exercise.
EnduranceThe ability to endure prolonged physical activityRunning long distances builds endurance.



Phrasal Verbs


Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Work outExerciseI work out at the gym every morning.
Cut down onReduce the intake ofI need to cut down on sugar.
Fill upEat enough to be fullMake sure to fill up on healthy foods.
Bulk upGain muscle massHe wants to bulk up for the competition.
Burn offUse up energy by exercisingRunning helps to burn off calories.
Warm-upPrepare the body for exerciseAlways warm up before exercising.
Cool downAllow the body to return to normal temperatureCooling down is important after a workout.
Stay offAvoidStay off junk food for better health.
Stick toContinue doing somethingStick to your fitness routine for the best results.
Give upStop doing somethingI gave up eating fast food.





In the pinkIn good healthShe is feeling in the pink after her vacation.
An apple a day keeps the doctor awayEating healthy food keeps you healthyMy grandmother always said, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."
Burn the midnight oilStay up late working or studyingHe had to burn the midnight oil to finish the project.
Fit as a fiddleIn very good healthMy grandfather is 80 but still fit as a fiddle.
Hit the gymGo to the gym to exerciseI need to hit the gym to get in shape.
Out of shapeNot physically fitI'm out of shape after the holidays.
Run out of steamLose energy or motivationHe ran out of steam halfway through the race.
Spare tyreExcess fat around the waistI've been trying to get rid of my spare tyre.
Couch potatoA person who spends little time exercising and a lot of time watching TVDon't be a couch potato; go for a run.
Health kickA period of intense focus on improving healthShe is on a health kick and goes to the gym every day.


12. Fashion




CoutureThe design and manufacture of fashionable clothesShe works for a famous couture house.
TrendA general direction in which something is developing or changingThe new trend is sustainable fashion.
FabricMaterial made from fibresThe dress is made of luxurious fabric.
AccessoryAn item that adds to one's outfitShe bought a matching accessory for her dress.
BoutiqueA small shop specialising in fashionable itemsThe boutique offers exclusive designer pieces.
CollectionA group of clothes designed for a particular seasonThe new collection was showcased during fashion week.
VintageDenoting something from the past of high-qualityShe loves to wear vintage clothing.
RunwayThe stage where models walk to showcase clothesThe models strutted down the runway.
AttireClothingHis formal attire was very elegant.
DesignerA person who plans the look or workings of somethingThe designer unveiled her latest line of clothes.



Phrasal Verbs


Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Dress upWear formal or special clothesWe need to dress up for the gala.
Try onPut on a piece of clothing to see if it fitsShe tried on several dresses before choosing one.
Take offRemove clothesHe took off his jacket.
Fit intoBe the right sizeShe finally fit into her old jeans.
Go withMatch or suitThese shoes go with your outfit.
Put onWearHe put on his coat before leaving.
Slip-onPut on quickly or easilyShe slipped on her sandals.
Show offDisplay proudlyShe loves to show off her new clothes.
Throw onPut on casuallyHe threw on a T-shirt and jeans.
Pick outChooseShe picked out a dress for the party.






Dressed to killWearing very fashionable or attractive clothesShe was dressed to kill at the party.
Fashion statementA bold and stylish way of dressingHis colourful socks make a fashion statement.
Have a sense of styleHave an understanding of what looks goodShe really has a sense of style.
In vogueCurrently fashionableThis style is very much in vogue right now.
Keep up with the latest trendsFollow the latest fashionsShe likes to keep up with the latest trends.
A slave to fashionSomeone who is overly concerned with being fashionableHe is a slave to fashion and buys everything new.
Dress to the ninesDress very elegantlyShe was dressed to the nines for the wedding.
Hand-me-downUsed clothing passed down to someone elseShe wore her sister's hand-me-downs.
Off the rackReady-made clothingHe prefers to buy suits off the rack.
In your shoesIn your positionI wouldn't like to be in your shoes when she finds out.


13. Cities and Towns




MetropolisA very large and densely populated industrial and commercial cityNew York is a bustling metropolis.
SuburbAn outlying district of a cityThey live in a quiet suburb.
InfrastructureThe basic physical and organisational structures needed for the operation of a societyThe city's infrastructure is well-developed.
UrbanisationThe process of making an area more urbanUrbanisation has increased rapidly in the last decade.
SkyscraperA very tall buildingThe city skyline is dominated by skyscrapers.
CommuteTravel some distance between one's home and place of workMany people commute to the city for work.
LandmarkAn object or feature that is easily recognised and serves as a guideThe Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark.
DowntownThe commercial centre of a cityThe downtown area is full of shops and restaurants.
ResidentialDesigned for people to live inThey moved to a residential neighbourhood.
MunicipalityA city or town with its own local governmentThe municipality provides various public services.



Phrasal Verbs


Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Get aroundTravel to different places within a cityIt's easy to get around the city by bike.
Settle downStart living in a place permanentlyThey decided to settle down in a small town.
Move-inBegin living in a new homeWe moved into our new apartment last week.
Move outStop living in a particular homeHe moved out of his parents' house.
Build upDevelop or increaseThe area has been built up over the last few years.
Go outLeave home for social activitiesThey go out every weekend to explore the city.
Look aroundExplore or search the areaWe spent the day looking around the city.
Drop byVisit brieflyWe can drop by the new café later.
KnockdownDemolish a buildingThey plan to knock down the old library.
Pop upAppear suddenlyNew shops keep popping up in the area.




Concrete jungleA city or urban area with many buildings and little green spaceLiving in the concrete jungle can be exhausting.
Heart of the cityThe central part of the cityThe museum is located in the heart of the city.
A stone's throwA very short distanceThe park is just a stone's throw from our house.
Hit the townGo out and have fun in the cityWe decided to hit the town to celebrate.
In the sticksIn a rural or remote areaThey moved to a house out in the sticks.
Live it upEnjoy life to the fullestThey went to Las Vegas to live it up.
On the townEnjoying the nightlifeThey spent the night on the town.
Paint the town redCelebrate boisterouslyThey painted the town red after the victory.
Urban sprawlThe uncontrolled expansion of urban areasUrban sprawl is a major issue for the environment.
The city that never sleepsA city with a vibrant nightlife and activity at all hoursNew York is known as the city that never sleeps.



14. Shopping




RetailerA person or business that sells goods to the publicThe retailer offers a wide range of products.
DiscountA reduction in the usual priceThey are offering a 20% discount on all items.
ConsumerA person who purchases goods and servicesConsumers are becoming more conscious of their choices.
MerchandiseGoods that are bought and soldThe store has a variety of merchandise.
BargainSomething bought at a lower priceShe found a great bargain at the sale.
AisleA passage between rows of seats or shelvesThe cereal is in aisle 3.
CheckoutThe area where you pay for goods in a storeShe waited in line at the checkout.
ReceiptA piece of paper showing proof of paymentKeep your receipt in case you need to return the item.
RefundMoney returned to a customer for a returned itemThe store offers a full refund policy.
InventoryA complete list of items in stockThe inventory needs to be updated regularly.



Phrasal Verbs


Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Shop aroundCompare prices before buyingIt's wise to shop around before making a big purchase.
Stock upBuy a large quantity of somethingWe need to stock up on groceries.
Sell outHave no more of something to sellThe concert tickets sold out within minutes.
Try onPut on clothing to see if it fitsShe tried on several dresses before buying one.
Ring upRecord an amount on a cash registerThe cashier rang up my purchase.
Pick outChooseHe picked out a new pair of shoes.
MarkdownReduce the price of somethingThey marked down all the winter clothes.
Put backReturn something to its placeShe decided to put the dress back on the rack.
Line upWait in lineThey lined up outside the store before it opened.
Sell offSell something quickly and cheaplyThe store is selling off its remaining stock.





Shop til you dropShop until you are physically tiredThey went to the mall to shop till they dropped.
Window shoppingLooking at items without intending to buyShe enjoys window shopping on weekends.
Cost an arm and a legVery expensiveThat designer handbag cost an arm and a leg.
On a shoestring budgetWith very little moneyThey started the business on a shoestring budget.
Buyer's remorseRegret after making a purchaseShe had buyer's remorse after buying the expensive dress.
Get a run for your moneyReceive good value for money spentThe sale gave customers a run for their money.
In the market forInterested in buyingThey are in the market for a new car.
Pay through the nosePay too much for somethingThey paid through the nose for the concert tickets.
Nest eggSavings set aside for future useThey used their nest egg to buy a new house.
Hit the shopsGo shoppingWe plan to hit the shops this afternoon.



15. Covid-19




PandemicA disease prevalent over a whole country or the worldThe pandemic affected millions worldwide.
QuarantineA period of isolation to prevent the spread of diseaseShe was in quarantine for 14 days.
VaccineA substance used to stimulate the production of antibodiesThe vaccine rollout has been successful.
Social distancingKeeping a safe distance from others to prevent disease spreadSocial distancing measures were enforced.
LockdownA state of isolation or restricted accessThe city was in lockdown for weeks.
SymptomA sign of the presence of diseaseCommon symptoms include fever and cough.
AsymptomaticShowing no symptoms of the diseaseAsymptomatic carriers can still spread the virus.
OutbreakA sudden occurrence of diseaseThere was an outbreak in the city.
TransmissionThe act of passing something from one person to anotherTransmission rates have decreased.
PPEPersonal Protective EquipmentHealthcare workers must wear PPE.



Phrasal Verbs


Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Come down withBecome ill withHe came down with a mild case of Covid-19.
Fight offResist illnessShe managed to fight off the infection.
Stay inRemain indoorsWe were advised to stay in during the lockdown.
Bring onCause an illnessThe cold weather can bring on flu symptoms.
Get overRecover fromIt took him weeks to get over the illness.
Pass onTransmit to someone elseHe passed on the virus to his family.
Take care ofLook after someoneShe took care of her sick mother.
Shut downClose temporarilyMany businesses shut down during the pandemic.
Stock up onBuy a large quantity of somethingPeople stocked up on essentials before the lockdown.
Keep awayMaintain a safe distance fromKeep away from others if you have symptoms.





Under the weatherFeeling illHe is feeling a bit under the weather today.
Out of the woodsOut of danger or difficultyHe is recovering well and is out of the woods now.
A shot in the armA boost or encouragementThe new vaccine is a shot in the arm for the fight against Covid-19.
On the mendRecoveringShe has been sick, but she is on the mend now.
Keep your distanceMaintain a safe spaceKeep your distance to avoid spreading the virus.
Back on your feetRecovered from an illnessShe is finally back on her feet after the infection.
Safe and soundUnharmedThey made it home safe and sound.
Under quarantineIsolated to prevent the spread of diseaseHe was under quarantine for two weeks.
Spread like wildfireSpread very quicklyThe news about the outbreak spread like wildfire.
In the same boatIn the same difficult situationWe're all in the same boat during this pandemic.



IELTS General Reading Vocabulary List

The General Training Reading test includes passages from advertisements, company guidelines, notices, and newspapers. This requires a more practical and everyday vocabulary.

Here’s the type of vocabulary you can expect:

  • You'll need to learn vocabulary related to everyday topics like work, education, and social issues.
  • Deals with more general and focused reading texts like shopping, renting an apartment, or social interactions.

Below is a list of IELTS reading vocabulary words arranged as per categories/topics!


Topic Wise IELTS General Reading Vocabulary List


1. Travel




JourneyA trip from one place to anotherThe journey from London to Paris was long but scenic.
DestinationThe place to which someone is goingOur next destination is Venice.
TouristA person who is visiting a place for pleasure or interestThe city was full of tourists during the summer.
AccommodationA place to live, work, stay, etc., inThe hotel offered comfortable accommodation.
ExploreTo travel around a new, unknown, or interesting placeWe decided to explore the old town on foot.
NavigateTo find one's way to a destination, often using a map or GPSIt took us a while to navigate through the city.
ItineraryA detailed plan or route of a journeyHave you finalised the itinerary for our trip?
SightseeingVisiting interesting places, especially as touristsWe spent the day sightseeing in Barcelona.
BackpackingTravelling or hiking while carrying one's belongings in a backpackThey went backpacking through Southeast Asia.
PassportA document that allows a person to travel to foreign countriesDon't forget to bring your passport to the airport.



Phrasal Verbs


Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Set offTo start a journeyWe set off early in the morning to avoid traffic.
Check-inTo register upon arrival at a hotel or airportRemember to check in two hours before departure.
Drop offTo take someone to a place and leave them thereHe dropped me off at the train station.
Take offTo leave the ground and begin to fly (for a plane)The plane took off on time despite the delay.
GetawayTo go on a vacation or a short trip for relaxationWe need to get away from the city for a weekend.
PulloverTo stop by the side of the road (for a vehicle)The driver pulled over to check the map.
Check outTo leave a hotel after paying and returning keysWe checked out of the hotel at noon.
Drop byTo visit someone briefly, often without an appointmentI'll drop by your place after work.
Get aroundTo move from place to place, especially in a cityIt's easy to get around London using the subway.
Set sailTo begin a journey by seaThey set sail for the Caribbean last week.





Hit the roadTo begin a journeyIt's time to hit the road and start our trip.
On the goAlways busy; travelling frequentlyShe is constantly on the go with her job.
Break the iceTo make people who have not met before feel more relaxed with each otherLet's play a game to break the ice at the party.
A sight for sore eyesSomething or someone that is a pleasure to seeAfter a long day, my family was a sight for sore eyes.
Live out of a suitcaseTo travel frequently and stay in hotelsConsultants often live out of a suitcase.
Take a rain checkTo decline an invitation now but accept it laterI can't come to dinner tonight; can I take a rain check?
In full swingAt a stage when an activity or event is at its most active or successfulThe festival is in full swing with thousands of attendees.
Go off the beaten trackTo visit places that are not well-known or popular among touristsWe love to go off the beaten track when we travel.
See the sightsTo visit famous or interesting placesWe're planning to see the sights in Paris next week.
Make a getawayTo escape from a place, especially after committing a crimeThe thief made a quick getaway before anyone noticed.


2. Education




CurriculumThe subjects comprising a course of studyThe school's curriculum includes maths and science.
GraduateA person who has successfully completed a course of studyShe is a recent graduate of the university.
AssignmentA task or piece of work assigned to someone as part of their studiesI have an important assignment due next week.
DiplomaA certificate awarded by an educational establishment to show that someone has successfully completed a course of studyHe received his diploma in engineering.
SeminarA small group of students discussing a topic with a teacherThe professor led a seminar on modern literature.
PlagiarismTaking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's ownPlagiarism is strictly prohibited in academic writing.
ThesisA long essay or dissertation involving personal researchShe defended her thesis on environmental sustainability.
LectureAn educational talk to an audience, especially to studentsThe guest lecturer spoke about global economics.
ResearchThe systematic investigation into the study of materials and sources to establish facts and reach new conclusionsHe conducted extensive research for his paper.
GraduationThe ceremony at which degrees and diplomas are conferred upon graduatesThe graduation ceremony will be held next month.



Phrasal Verbs


Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Catch up (on)To reach the same level or standard as others by making extra effortI need to catch up on my studies this weekend.
Drop outTo leave school or college before finishing your studiesShe dropped out of university to pursue her passion.
Fill outTo complete a form with the necessary informationPlease fill out this application form.
Look up (to)To respect and admire someoneShe has always looked up to her older sister.
Study up (on)To learn a lot about a particular subject in a short period of timeI need to study up on biology for the exam.
Brush up (on)To improve one's knowledge of something already learnedHe brushed up on his Spanish before the trip.
Write upTo write something in a finished form, usually a report or articleShe wrote up her findings in a detailed report.
Figure outTo understand or solve somethingIt took a while to figure out the maths problem.
Drop in (on)To visit someone without an appointmentFeel free to drop in on me whenever you're nearby.
Hand inTo submit something, especially a piece of academic workPlease hand in your essays by Friday.




Hit the booksTo study hardI need to hit the books for my exams next week.
Pass with flying coloursTo succeed easily and with distinctionShe passed her exams with flying colours.
Teach someone a lessonTo make someone learn from a mistake or experienceHe learned his lesson after failing the test.
Learn the ropesTo learn how to do a job or activityIt took him a while to learn the ropes of the new job.
Class clownA student who tries to be funny and get attentionHe is always joking around in class; he is the class clown.
Cut classTo skip school or a classShe got in trouble for cutting class yesterday.
Pencil inTo tentatively schedule somethingLet's pencil in a meeting for next Tuesday.
Do one's homeworkTo thoroughly prepare for somethingBefore making a decision, make sure to do your homework.
Bury one's head in the booksTo study intenselyShe buried her head in the books all weekend.
Be in one's elementTo be in a situation where one feels comfortable and confidentShe is in her element when teaching children.



3. The Arts and Culture




ArtCreative expression or visual workThe museum features a collection of contemporary art.
CultureBeliefs, customs, and traditions of a specific group or societyThe festival celebrates the local culture and heritage.
ExhibitA public display of art or other itemsThe new exhibit at the gallery attracted many visitors.
SculptureA piece of art that is created by shaping materials such as stone, metal, or woodThe park is adorned with beautiful sculptures.
PerformanceA presentation of music, dance, or dramaThe ballet performance received standing ovations.
HeritageCultural traditions and values that are passed down through generationsPreserving our cultural heritage is important.
MasterpieceA work of outstanding creativity, skill, or workmanshipLeonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa is considered a masterpiece.
LiteratureWritten works, especially those considered to have artistic or intellectual valueShakespeare's works are classics of English literature.
SymphonyAn elaborate musical composition for orchestraThe orchestra performed Beethoven's Symphony No. 9.
DramaA play for theatre, radio, or televisionThe school's drama club is putting on a production.



Phrasal Verbs


Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Brush up onTo improve one's knowledge or skill in a particular areaShe decided to brush up on her painting techniques.
Bring outTo produce or publish something, especially a creative workThe gallery will bring out a new collection of modern art.
Draw onTo use information, experience, or knowledge for a purposeThe artist drew on her travels for inspiration.
Look up toTo admire or respect someoneMany young dancers look up to famous ballet performers.
Put onTo organise or present a performance or eventThey put on a fantastic play at the local theatre.
Work onTo spend time producing or improving somethingThe sculptor is working on a new piece for the exhibition.
Turn outTo attend or be present at an eventHundreds of people turned out for the cultural festival.
Take inTo go see and enjoy a performance, exhibit, or showWe took in a concert at the local arts centre.
Step upTo increase the level or amount of somethingThe museum stepped up its efforts to attract visitors.
Break intoTo succeed in a new area or activityShe broke into the art scene with her unique installations.





Art for art's sakeCreating art for its own beauty, not for a practical purposeMany artists believe in art for art's sake, focusing on creativity rather than commercial success.
Paint a pictureTo describe something in a detailed and vivid wayThe novel paints a picture of life in the 19th century.
A picture is worth a thousand wordsA visual image can convey complex ideas more effectively than wordsThe photograph was so moving because a picture is worth a thousand words.
Culture vultureSomeone who is very interested in music, art, theatre, etc.He is a real culture vulture, always attending the latest exhibitions.
Draw the lineTo set a limit on what one is willing to do or acceptShe draws the line by using non-sustainable materials in her artwork.
MuseA source of inspiration, especially for an artistThe beautiful landscapes of Italy served as a muse for many painters.
MasterpieceA work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanshipThe Mona Lisa is considered a masterpiece of Renaissance art.
Behind the scenesIn a way that is not apparent to the public, secretlyA lot of hard work goes on behind the scenes to make the festival a success.
Cutting-edgeHighly advanced and innovativeThe gallery showcases cutting-edge digital art installations.
Starving artistAn artist who sacrifices material well-being in order to focus on their artworkDespite being a talented painter, she lived the life of a starving artist for many years.



4. Music




MelodyA sequence of notes that make up a musical phrase or tuneThe melody of the song was catchy and uplifting.
RhythmA regular repeated pattern of sounds or beats in musicThe drummer sets the rhythm for the band.
HarmonyThe combination of different musical notes played or sung simultaneously produces a pleasing effectThe choir sang in beautiful harmony.
LyricsThe words of a songShe wrote the lyrics for the band's new single.
InstrumentA tool or device used for producing musical soundsHe plays several instruments, including the piano and guitar.
ConcertA live performance of musicWe attended a jazz concert last weekend.
ComposerA person who writes music, especially as a professional occupationBeethoven is one of the greatest composers of all time.
OrchestraA large group of musicians who play different instruments togetherThe orchestra performed a symphony at the concert hall.
SoloA piece of music performed by one personShe played a beautiful piano solo at the recital.
GenreA category or style of music with a particular form, content, or techniqueJazz is a popular genre of music in the United States.



Phrasal Verbs



Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Tune inTo listen to or watch a broadcastMillions of fans tuned in to watch the live concert.
Turn upTo increase the volumeCould you turn up the music? I love this song!
Sing alongTo join in singingEveryone sang along with the band during the chorus.
Jam outTo play music enthusiastically, often improvisingWe jammed out in the garage all weekend.
Play by earTo play music without reading the written notesHe has an amazing ability to play by ear.
Break intoTo enter a new field, especially with the successShe broke into the music industry with her first hit single.
Warm-upTo prepare for a performance by practisingThe band warmed up backstage before the concert.
Go soloTo perform alone rather than as part of a groupAfter years with the band, he decided to go solo.
Pump upTo increase excitement or energyThe DJ really knows how to pump up the crowd.
Drop outTo leave a band or musical groupHe dropped out of the band to pursue a solo career.




Music to my earsSomething that is very pleasant to hearThe news of her promotion was music to her ears.
Face the musicTo accept the consequences of one's actionsAfter skipping rehearsals, he had to face the music with the band leader.
Ring a bellTo sound familiarThat song rings a bell, but I can't remember where I heard it.
Change one's tuneTo change one's opinion or attitudeHe changed his tune after hearing the new album.
Blow your own trumpetTo boast about one's own achievementsShe doesn't like to blow her own trumpet, but she is an excellent violinist.
Fit as a fiddleTo be in good healthDespite his age, the old maestro is still fit as a fiddle.
Hit the right noteTo do something in a way that is perfectly suitable or effectiveThe speech hit the right note with the audience.
Call the tuneTo be in control and make important decisionsIn this orchestra, the conductor calls the tune.
Strike a chordTo cause someone to feel sympathy, emotion, or enthusiasmThe singer's heartfelt performance struck a chord with the audience.
March to the beat of one's own drumTo do things in one's unique way, regardless of othersShe has always marched to the beat of her own drum, creating innovative music.



5. Environment and Science




EcologyThe branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundingsThe study of ecology helps us understand ecosystems.
ConservationThe act of preserving, guarding, or protectingConservation efforts have helped save endangered species.
RenewableAble to be replenished or replaced naturallySolar energy is a renewable source of power.
PollutionThe presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance or thing that has harmful or poisonous effectsAir pollution is a major concern in many cities.
ClimateThe weather conditions prevailing in an area over a long periodThe climate of the region is mild and temperate.
BiodiversityThe variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystemRainforests are home to a rich biodiversity of plants and animals.
EcosystemA biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environmentCoral reefs are fragile ecosystems that need protection.
SustainabilityThe ability to be maintained at a certain rate or levelWe need to focus on sustainability to protect the planet.
Carbon footprintThe amount of carbon dioxide and other carbon compounds emitted due to the consumption of fossil fuelsReducing our carbon footprint is crucial for combating climate change.
Global warmingThe gradual increase in the overall temperature of the Earth's atmosphere due to the greenhouse effectGlobal warming poses a serious threat to polar ice caps.



Phrasal Verbs


Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Clear upTo make something clearer or easier to understandThe professor cleared up our doubts about the experiment.
Break downTo divide something into smaller parts or componentsThe report breaks down the environmental impact of the project.
Run out ofTo use all of something so that there is none leftWe ran out of clean water during the drought.
Bring backTo reintroduce something that was popular in the pastThey plan to bring back recycling programs in the city.
Phase outTo gradually remove or stop using somethingThe government decided to phase out single-use plastics.
Look intoTo investigate or examine somethingThey're looking into alternative energy sources.
Cut down onTo reduce the amount of somethingThey cut down on energy consumption by using LED lights.
Give offTo produce or emit something, such as heat or lightThe factory gives off toxic fumes into the atmosphere.
Take inTo absorb or understand information or ideasIt took me a while to take in all the new scientific theories.
BreakthroughAn important discovery or developmentThe new drug represents a major scientific breakthrough.





In the pipelineIn the process of being planned or developedThe new solar energy project is in the pipeline.
Tip of the icebergA small, visible part of a much larger problem or issueThe pollution we see is just the tip of the iceberg; there are deeper environmental concerns.
Green thumbA talent for gardening or growing plantsShe has a green thumb and grows beautiful flowers.
Carbon footprintThe amount of carbon dioxide and other carbon compounds emitted due to the consumption of fossil fuelsThey're working to reduce their carbon footprint.
Down to earthPractical and realistic; not overly idealisticHis down-to-earth attitude made him popular among colleagues.
EcosystemA biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environmentThe wetlands are a crucial ecosystem for many species.
Renewable resourcesNatural resources that can be replenished naturally or through human effortSolar and wind energy are examples of renewable resources.
Global warmingA gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphereGlobal warming is a significant environmental challenge.
Acid rainRainfall made acidic by atmospheric pollutionAcid rain can damage ecosystems and buildings.
Go greenTo adopt environmentally friendly practices or policiesThey decided to go green by recycling and using renewable energy.



6. Books and Films



NovelA fictional narrative book of considerable length"Pride and Prejudice" is a classic novel by Jane Austen.
PlotThe main events of a play, novel, movie, or similar workThe plot of the movie kept me on the edge of my seat.
CharacterA person in a novel, play, or movieHarry Potter is a beloved character from J.K. Rowling's series.
GenreA category of artistic composition, as in music or literatureScience fiction is a popular genre in books and films.
AdaptationA movie, television drama, or stage play that is based on a book or other workThe film adaptation of the novel was well-received.
SequelA published, broadcast, or recorded work that continues the story or theme of an earlier one"The Godfather Part II" is a famous sequel to the original film.
DirectorA person who supervises the actors and directs the action in the production of a movie, play, or other showSteven Spielberg is known for his work as a film director.
DialogueConversation between characters in a play, movie, or bookThe dialogue in the novel is witty and engaging.
ScreenplayThe script of a movie, including dialogue and instructions for actorsShe wrote the screenplay for the upcoming film.
BestsellerA book or other product that sells in very large numbersThe novel became an international bestseller.



Phrasal Verbs


Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Bring outTo produce or publish something, especially a book or recordThe author plans to bring out a new novel next year.
Turn intoTo change or transform something into something elseThe book turned into a successful movie adaptation.
Act outTo perform the actions and say the words of a role in a play or movieThe actors acted out the final scene perfectly.
Pick upTo start to get better, improve, or increaseThe pace of the movie picked up in the second half.
Go overTo review or check something carefullyThe director went over the script with the actors.
Play outTo happen or develop in a particular way, especially a story or scenarioThe plot of the movie played out exactly as predicted.
Bring inTo introduce a new character or element into a story or movieThey brought in a talented actor for the lead role.
Work onTo spend time producing or improving somethingThe author worked on the manuscript for over a year.
Act upTo behave badly or in a troublesome way, especially for children or machinesThe camera started acting up during the shoot.
Cast inTo select an actor or actress for a particular roleShe was cast in the lead role in the upcoming film.





Page-turnerA book or story that is so engaging or suspenseful that one cannot stop readingThe thriller was a real page-turner; I couldn't put it down.
Silver screenThe movie industry or cinemaHe has always dreamed of working on the silver screen.
Plot twistAn unexpected development or turn of events in a story or narrativeThe plot twist in the movie completely surprised everyone.
CliffhangerA dramatic and exciting ending that leaves the audience in suspenseThe season finale ended on a cliffhanger, leaving fans eager for the next episode.
Lost in translationMisunderstood or not properly conveyed, especially due to language differencesSome jokes are lost in translation when subtitled.
Film buffA person who is very interested in and knowledgeable about filmsHe is a film buff who can discuss movies for hours.
Big screenThe cinema or movie theatreThey watched the latest blockbuster on the big screen.
Based on a true storyA narrative that is inspired by real events or peopleThe movie was based on a true story of survival.
Popcorn flickA movie that is entertaining and enjoyable but not intellectually demandingSometimes, you just want to relax with a popcorn flick.
Star-studded castA cast that includes many famous actors or celebritiesThe movie boasts a star-studded cast of Hollywood's finest.


7. Holidays




CelebrationThe action of marking one's pleasure at an important event or occasion by engaging in an enjoyable, typically social, activityThe New Year's Eve celebration was filled with fireworks.
TraditionA belief or behaviour passed down within a group or society with symbolic meaning or special significanceDecorating the Christmas tree is a cherished tradition.
FestiveHaving to do with a festival, holiday, or celebrationThe house was decorated in festive colours for the party.
FeastA large meal, typically a celebratory oneWe enjoyed a delicious Thanksgiving feast with our family.
ParadeA public procession, often including bands and floats, is held in honour of an event, person, or causeThe city held a parade to celebrate Independence Day.
VacationA period of suspension of work, study, or other activity, usually used for rest, recreation, or travelWe're going on vacation to Europe next month.
TraditionA belief or behaviour passed down within a group or society with symbolic meaning or special significanceGiving gifts on birthdays is a tradition in many cultures.
FestivalAn organised series of events, typically celebrating an artistic or cultural themeThe film festival attracts filmmakers from around the world.
IndependenceThe fact or state of being independentJuly 4th is celebrated as Independence Day in the United States.
CelebrationThe action of marking one's pleasure at an important event or occasion by engaging in an enjoyable, typically social, activityThe New Year's Eve celebration was filled with fireworks.



Phrasal Verbs


Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Deck outTo decorate something, especially for a special occasionThey decked out the house with lights for Christmas.
Ring inTo celebrate the beginning of something, especially the New YearWe rang in the New Year with fireworks and champagne.
Gear up forTo prepare yourself or someone else for an event or activityThey're gearing up for the summer vacation next month.
Wind downTo relax and decrease in activity, especially before sleepThey spent the evening winding down by the fireplace.
Get togetherTo meet socially with others, especially for a special occasionWe got together with family for Thanksgiving dinner.
Take off workTo be absent from work, often for vacation or personal reasonsShe took off work to travel to Europe.
Plan outTo carefully consider and create a plan or strategyThey planned out the itinerary for their holiday trip.
Fill upTo become full, especially with fuel or foodWe filled up the car before heading to the beach.
Hang outTo spend time relaxing, often with friendsThey hung out by the pool during their vacation.
Get away from it allTo escape from daily routines or stressThey rented a cabin in the mountains to get away from it all.





Break the iceTo initiate social interaction or conversation in a situationHe told a joke to break the ice at the party.
Paint the town redTo go out and have an enjoyable time, often with drinking and dancingThey painted the town red to celebrate their anniversary.
Home away from homeA place where one feels as comfortable and relaxed as one does in one's own homeTheir vacation rental felt like a home away from home.
Bucket listA list of experiences or achievements one hopes to accomplish during one's lifetimeVisiting the Grand Canyon is on my bucket list.
Take a breakTo rest or relax briefly, especially from work or routineWe took a break from sightseeing to have lunch.
Living out of a suitcaseTo travel often, living in hotels or temporary accommodationsHer job requires her to live out of a suitcase most of the time.
Chill outTo relax and unwindThey spent the afternoon chilling out by the pool.
Travel lightTo pack lightly with minimal luggageWe travelled light for our weekend getaway.
Lazy daysDays spent in a relaxed or lazy mannerThey enjoyed lazy days on the beach during their vacation.
Road less travelledA less common or unconventional choice or experienceThey opted for the road less travelled and explored remote villages.



8. Information Technology




ComputerAn electronic device that can store, retrieve, and process dataShe uses her computer for work and entertainment.
SoftwarePrograms and operating information used by a computerMicrosoft Office is a popular software suite.
HardwareThe physical components of a computer system, such as the monitor, keyboard, and CPUHe upgraded the hardware of his gaming PC.
InternetA global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilitiesWe use the internet to access information online.
WebsiteA location connected to the internet that maintains one or more pages on the World Wide WebThe company launched a new website for its products.
DatabaseA structured set of data held in a computer, especially one that is accessible in various waysThe database stores customer information securely.
CybersecurityThe practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacksCybersecurity measures are crucial for protecting data.
Cloud computingThe practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process dataMany businesses use cloud computing for flexible storage.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)The theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligenceAI technology is advancing rapidly in various industries.
ProgrammingThe process of writing computer programs using programming languagesShe learned Python programming for data analysis.



Phrasal Verbs


Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Log in (to)To enter a computer system by typing a username and passwordPlease log in to your account to access the document.
Back upTo make a copy of data to protect against lossRemember to back up your files regularly.
InstallTo set up software or hardware on a computer systemHe installed the latest version of the operating system.
Set upTo prepare a device or system for use, especially by connecting it to other equipmentWe need to set up the new printer in the office.
UpgradeTo improve the quality or functionality of software or hardwareThey plan to upgrade their network infrastructure.
DownloadTo transfer data from a remote computer to one's own computerShe downloaded the latest software update.
UploadTo transfer data from one computer to a remote server or another computerHe uploaded the video to the company's server.
Log out (of)To exit from a computer system after completing workDon't forget to log out of your account when finished.
CrashTo suddenly stop working (of a computer system)The system crashed due to a power outage.
Boot upTo start up a computer by loading the operating system into its memoryIt takes a few minutes for the computer to boot up.





In the cloudStored on the internet rather than on a physical deviceThe documents are saved in the cloud for easy access.
Plug and playAble to be used immediately with no special installation requiredThe new printer is plug and play, so it's easy to set up.
Hit the delete buttonTo remove something from a computer by pressing the delete keyHe accidentally hit the delete button and lost his work.
Digital footprintThe information about a particular person that exists on the internet because of their online activityBe mindful of your digital footprint when using social media.
Ctrl + Alt + DelA key combination used to restart a computer or access the task managerPress Ctrl + Alt + Del to log in to the system.
User-friendlyEasy to use or understand, especially for a person unfamiliar with technologyThe new software update is more user-friendly.
Crash courseA short and intensive training sessionShe took a crash course in web development.
BugA flaw or defect in software or hardwareThe developer fixed the bug in the latest update.
FirewallA security system designed to prevent unauthorised access to or from a private networkThe firewall protects the company's internal network.
Digital nativeA person who has grown up with digital technology and is familiar with computers and the internet from an early ageDigital natives adapt quickly to new technologies.


9. Advertisement




AdvertisementA notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or eventThe advertisement for the new smartphone was eye-catching.
CampaignA series of advertisements, often with a particular theme or goalThe marketing campaign increased sales by 30%.
BrandA type of product manufactured by a particular company under a particular name.Nike is a well-known brand in the sportswear industry.
ConsumerA person who purchases goods and services for personal useConsumers have a wide range of choices in the market.
PromotionAn activity designed to increase the sales or popularity of a product or serviceThe store offered a special promotion on electronics.
SloganA short and striking or memorable phrase used in advertising"Just Do It" is Nike's famous slogan.
Target audienceThe specific group of people at which an advertisement, product, or message is aimedThe campaign's target audience is young professionals.
AdvertiserA person or company that advertises a product or serviceThe advertiser created a compelling ad for the new car model.
EndorsementThe act of publicly recommending a product or service by a person or organisationCelebrity endorsements can greatly impact sales.
BillboardA large outdoor board for displaying advertisementsThe billboard on the highway promoted a new movie release.



Phrasal Verbs


Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Bring outTo release or launch a new productThe company is bringing out a new line of smartphones next month.
Put outTo publish or broadcast an advertisementThey put out a new TV commercial for the holiday season.
Hype upTo promote or advertise enthusiasticallyThe new product was hyped up on social media.
Take outTo purchase advertising space or timeThey took out a full-page ad in the newspaper.
Roll outTo launch or introduce a new product or serviceThe brand will roll out its new campaign next week.
Step upTo increase efforts or intensity in advertisingThey stepped up their advertising efforts during the holiday season.
Catch onTo become popular or widely acceptedThe new slogan quickly caught on with the public.
Stand outTo be noticeable or easily recognisedThe vibrant colours in the ad helped it to stand out.
Turn offTo cause to lose interestThe misleading ad turned off many potential customers.
Zero in onTo focus closely on a target or goalThe campaign zeroed in on young consumers.





Hit the targetTo successfully reach or achieve a goalTheir latest ad campaign really hit the target.
Word of mouthInformation passed by verbal communicationWord of mouth helped spread the news about the new restaurant.
Make a splashTo attract a lot of attentionThe new advertisement made a splash on social media.
Eye-catchingImmediately appealing or noticeableThe billboard's design was very eye-catching.
In the spotlightReceiving a lot of public attentionThe innovative ad campaign put the brand in the spotlight.
Cut through the noiseTo stand out from a lot of competing informationTheir unique marketing strategy helped cut through the noise.
Pull out all the stopsTo use all possible means to achieve a resultThey pulled out all the stops for their new product launch.
Go viralTo become very popular very quickly onlineTheir clever video ad went viral within hours.
Get the word outTo spread information widelyThey used social media to get the word out about their new service.
Above the foldIn the most prominent position, especially on a websiteThe main banner ad was placed above the fold.



10. Business and Work




EntrepreneurA person who starts and manages a business, usually taking on financial risksSteve Jobs was a successful entrepreneur who founded Apple.
InnovationThe introduction of new ideas, methods, or productsTechnological innovation drives progress in many industries.
ProfitThe financial gain, especially the difference between the amount earned and the amount spentThe company reported a significant profit this quarter.
InvestmentThe action or process of investing money for profit or material resultThey made a smart investment in real estate.
LeadershipThe action of leading a group of people or an organisationEffective leadership is crucial for a company's success.
StrategyA plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aimThe marketing strategy focused on social media engagement.
CompetitionThe activity or condition of competing against othersThe competition in the market is fierce.
NetworkingThe action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop contactsNetworking events are great for meeting potential clients.
DeadlineThe latest time or date by which something should be completedWe need to meet the project deadline next week.
WorkplaceThe place where one works, such as an office or factoryThe new workplace fosters collaboration among teams.



Phrasal Verbs


Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Call offTo cancel something that was plannedThe meeting was called off due to scheduling conflicts.
Carry outTo complete or perform a taskThey carried out the project with great efficiency.
Lay offTo dismiss employees from their jobsThe company had to lay off several workers during the recession.
Set upTo establish or start something newThey set up a new branch in the city.
Take overTo assume control or responsibilityShe will take over as CEO next month.
Look intoTo investigate or examine somethingThe manager promised to look into the employee's complaint.
Step downTo resign or leave a positionThe chairman decided to step down after ten years.
Keep up withTo stay informed about somethingIt's important to keep up with market trends.
Scale upTo increase in size or scopeThe company plans to scale up production next year.
Break intoTo enter a new market or area of businessThey aim to break into the European market.





Climb the corporate ladderTo advance in one's career within a companyShe worked hard to climb the corporate ladder.
Think outside the boxTo think creatively and unconventionallyWe need to think outside the box to solve this problem.
Touch baseTo make contact with someone brieflyLet's touch base later this week to discuss the project.
Hit the ground runningTo start a task or job with immediate productivityThe new manager hit the ground running on her first day.
Cut cornersTo do something in the easiest or most inexpensive wayThey cut corners to finish the project on time.
Behind the scenesWorking or happening privately without public knowledgeA lot of work was done behind the scenes to prepare for the event.
The bottom lineThe final result or most important aspectThe bottom line is that we need to increase sales.
Burn the midnight oilTo work late into the nightShe had to burn the midnight oil to meet the deadline.
Take the initiativeTo act independently and take chargeHe always takes the initiative in team projects.
In the loopInformed and up-to-dateIt's important to keep everyone in the loop about changes.



11. Food, Diet and Fitness




NutritionThe process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growthGood nutrition is essential for a healthy lifestyle.
DietThe kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eatsShe follows a vegetarian diet for ethical reasons.
IngredientA component part or element of something, especially a mixtureThe recipe calls for fresh ingredients like tomatoes and basil.
RecipeA set of instructions for preparing a particular dish or mealShe found a delicious recipe for homemade pizza.
ProteinA nutrient found in food, such as meat, nuts, and beans, is necessary for the body's growth and repair.Athletes often consume protein shakes after workouts.
ExercisePhysical activity done to maintain or improve health and fitnessRegular exercise helps to keep the body in shape.
CalorieA unit of energy used to measure the energy value of foodThe snack contains a low number of calories.
Balanced dietA diet that contains the proper proportions of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and waterIt's important to maintain a balanced diet for overall health.
VegetarianA person who does not eat meat or fish for moral, religious, or health reasonsMany restaurants offer vegetarian options on their menu.
FitnessThe condition of being physically fit and healthyShe maintains her fitness by jogging every morning.



Phrasal Verbs


Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Work outTo exerciseShe works out at the gym every morning.
Cut down onTo reduce the amount of somethingHe is trying to cut down on sugar.
Bulk upTo gain muscle massHe is bulking up for the bodybuilding competition.
Cut outTo stop consuming something completelyShe cut out all processed foods from her diet.
Pig outTo eat a lot, especially in a greedy mannerThey pigged out on pizza after the game.
Tone upTo make muscles firmer and strongerShe is toning up her arms with weight training.
Slim downTo lose weightHe is trying to slim down before the summer.
Warm-upTo prepare the body for exercise by doing gentle movementsAlways warm up before starting your workout.
Burn offTo use energy or calories by being activeYou need to burn off more calories than you consume to lose weight.
Cool downTo do light exercises to help the body recover after a workoutDon't forget to cool down after your run.





You are what you eatYour health is determined by the food you eatHe believes in healthy eating, saying you are what you eat.
Fit as a fiddleIn very good healthDespite his age, he is as fit as a fiddle.
Watch your figureTo be cautious about what one eats to maintain a slim bodyShe always watches her figure and avoids junk food.
Have a sweet toothTo like eating sweet foodsHe has a sweet tooth and loves chocolate.
Couch potatoA person who is lazy and spends a lot of time sittingHe became a couch potato during the winter months.
Go the extra mileTo make a special effort to achieve somethingShe is willing to go the extra mile to stay healthy.
In the pinkIn very good healthRegular exercise keeps her in the pink.
Eat like a horseTo eat a lotHe eats like a horse but never gains weight.
Burn the midnight oilTo stay up late working or studyingShe burned the midnight oil to prepare for the fitness competition.
Apple of one's eyeSomeone or something very precious or dearHis daughter's health is the apple of his eye.



12. Fashion




FashionA popular trend, especially in styles of dress and ornamentShe follows the latest fashion trends in magazines.
DesignerA person who plans the form, look, or workings of something before its being made or built.Chanel is known for its famous fashion designers.
TrendA general direction in which something is developing or changingHigh-waisted jeans are currently a popular trend.
StyleA particular manner or way in which something is done, created, or performedHer style is elegant and sophisticated.
AccessoriesAdditional items worn or carried by a person, such as jewellery, handbags, or hatsShe bought new accessories to match her outfit.
CoutureFashionable made-to-measure clothingThe designer specialises in couture evening gowns.
RunwayA narrow, usually flat platform on which models walk to display clothesThe fashion show featured models on the runway.
WardrobeA collection of clothes typically belonging to one personHer wardrobe includes a variety of dresses and suits.
GlamorousFull of glamour or excitement, attractive in an exciting and special wayThe actress looked glamorous on the red carpet.
FashionableCharacteristic of, influenced by, or representing a current popular trend or styleShe always wears fashionable clothes to work.



Phrasal Verbs


Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Dress upTo wear formal or fancy clothesThey dressed up for the awards ceremony.
Try onTo put on clothes to see if they fit or look goodShe tried on several dresses before choosing one.
Take offTo become popular or successful quicklyThe new fashion trend took off among teenagers.
Throw onTo put on clothes quickly and carelesslyHe threw on a jacket before heading out the door.
Keep up withTo stay informed about the latest trendsShe likes to keep up with the latest fashion trends.
Dress downTo wear casual clothesOn Fridays, they can dress down at the office.
Show offTo display something proudlyHe loves to show off his designer shoes.
Go out of styleTo become unfashionableBell-bottom jeans went out of style years ago.
Mix and matchTo combine different pieces of clothing in various waysShe loves to mix and match her outfits.
Slip-onTo put on clothes or shoes quickly and easilyShe slipped on her sandals and went to the beach.





Fashion statementA bold or unique way of dressingHer neon pink coat was quite a fashion statement.
Dressed to killWearing very fashionable or glamorous clothesShe arrived at the party dressed to kill.
In vogueCurrently fashionable or trendySkinny jeans are back in vogue this season.
Out of fashionNot trendy or popular anymoreThat style of hat has gone out of fashion.
Dressed to the ninesDressed very elegantly or smartlyEveryone was dressed to the nines for the gala.
Hand-me-downClothes passed down from someone elseShe often wears hand-me-downs from her older sister.
Fit like a gloveTo fit perfectlyThe new dress fits her like a glove.
CatwalkThe stage where fashion shows take placeThe models walked down the catwalk in the latest designs.
On a shoestring budgetSpending as little money as possibleThey started their fashion business on a shoestring budget.
The height of fashionExtremely fashionableThat designer's dresses are the height of fashion.


13. Cities and Towns




UrbanRelating to a city or townUrban areas tend to have higher population densities.
SuburbAn area on the outskirts of a city, typically residentialMany families move to the suburbs for a quieter lifestyle.
DowntownThe central part or main business area of a town or cityWe visited downtown to explore the shops and cafes.
ArchitectureThe art or practice of designing and constructing buildingsThe city is known for its diverse architecture styles.
LandmarkAn object or feature of a landscape or town that is easily seen and recognised from a distanceThe Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark in Paris.
NeighbourhoodA district or community within a town or city typically having distinctive features.They live in a friendly neighbourhood with good schools.
InfrastructureThe basic physical and organisational structures and facilities needed for the operation of a society or enterpriseThe city's infrastructure includes roads and public transport.
PopulationAll the inhabitants of a particular town, area, or countryThe city's population has grown rapidly in recent years.
AvenueA broad road in a town or city typically having trees at regular intervals along its sides.The parade marched down the grand avenue.
SkylineAn outline of land and buildings defined against the skyThe city's skyline is dominated by tall skyscrapers.



Phrasal Verbs


Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Grow upTo develop or mature in a particular placeShe grew up in a small town in the countryside.
Settle downTo start living a quiet, stable life in one placeThey decided to settle down in the suburbs.
Move-inTo begin living in a new homeWe moved into our new apartment last week.
Move outTo leave one's home to live elsewhereThey moved out of the city to find a quieter life.
Spring upTo appear or develop quickly and suddenlyNew businesses are springing up all over town.
Take overTo gain control of somethingA new mayor took over and promised to improve the town.
Tear downTo demolish or destroy a buildingThe old library was torn down to make way for a new park.
Run downTo be in a poor or neglected stateParts of the city have become quite run down.
Pop upTo appear or occur suddenlyPop-up shops have been popping up all over the city.
Jazz upTo make something more lively or attractiveThey decided to jazz up the town square with new lights.





Concrete jungleA city area that is characterised by large, ugly buildings and little greeneryLiving in the concrete jungle can be overwhelming.
Bright lightsThe excitement and attractions of a big cityShe left her hometown for the bright lights of the big city.
At the heart ofIn the central or most important partThe new museum is at the heart of the town.
Down the roadIn the future, nearbyThere are plans for a new school down the road.
Off the beaten trackIn a place where few people goThey found a charming village off the beaten track.
The rat raceA way of life in which people compete for wealth and powerHe left the rat race to start a farm in the countryside.
A stone's throwVery close or nearThe park is just a stone's throw from our house.
Town and gownThe relationship between the residents of a town and the students and staff of a universityThere has always been a bit of tension between town and gown.
Paint the town redTo go out and enjoy oneself flamboyantlyAfter the exams, they decided to paint the town red.
Urban jungleA city environment viewed as difficult or hostileNavigating the urban jungle requires a lot of patience.



14. Shopping



ShopA building or part of a building where goods or services are soldShe went to the shop to buy groceries.
RetailThe sale of goods to the public in relatively small quantities for use or consumptionThey specialise in retailing high-end fashion brands.
MallA large enclosed shopping area containing various shops and restaurantsThe mall has a cinema, food court, and many stores.
BoutiqueA small store selling fashionable clothes or accessoriesShe found a beautiful dress at a local boutique.
SaleAn event at which goods are sold at reduced pricesThe store is having a big sale on summer clothes.
CustomerA person who buys goods or services from a store or businessThe customer asked for help finding the right size.
PurchaseThe act of buying somethingShe made a purchase online and received free shipping.
DiscountA deduction from the usual cost of something, typically given for prompt or advance payment or to a special category of buyers.They offered a 20% discount on all items.
BrandA particular type of product manufactured by a particular company under a particular name.Adidas is a popular brand for sportswear.
Shopping cartA cart provided by a shop, especially a supermarket, for use by customers inside the shop to transport goodsShe filled her shopping cart with groceries.



Phrasal Verbs


Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Try onTo put on a piece of clothing to see how it looks and fitsShe tried on several dresses before choosing one.
Pick outTo choose or select something, especially after careful considerationThey picked out new furniture for their living room.
Shop aroundTo compare prices of goods at different stores before making a purchaseShe likes to shop around for the best deals.
Pay forTo give money in exchange for goods or servicesHe paid for the groceries at the checkout counter.
Save up (for)To keep money in order to buy something in the futureThey're saving up for a new car.
Stock up (on)To buy a large quantity of something, especially when it is available at a good priceThey stocked up on canned food for emergencies.
Check outTo examine or look at something, especially in a storeShe checked out the new gadgets at the electronics store.
Go shoppingTo visit stores with the intention of buying goodsThey went shopping for new clothes for the trip.
Ring upTo register the cost of goods bought by using a cash registerThe cashier rang up the total amount of the groceries.
Browse throughTo look at goods in a leisurely and casual mannerThey browsed through the bookstore on a rainy afternoon.





Shop til you dropTo shop for a long time without stopping until one is exhaustedThey shopped till they dropped during the holiday sales.
Retail therapyShopping as a way to improve one's mood or emotional well-beingShe indulged in some retail therapy after a stressful week.
Window shoppingTo look at goods in store windows without intending to buy anythingThey spent the afternoon window shopping downtown.
Impulse buyA purchase made without planning or considerationThe dress was an impulse buy, but she loved it.
Bargain hunterSomeone who searches for goods at a lower price or for a better dealShe is a bargain hunter who always finds great discounts.
ShopaholicA person who shops compulsively and excessivelyHer sister is a shopaholic who can't resist a sale.
Cash or credit?Asking whether payment will be made in cash or by credit cardThe cashier asked, "Cash or credit?" at checkout.
Retail PriceThe price at which an item is sold in storesThe retail price of the shoes was higher than expected.
Out of stockNot available for purchase because all inventory has been soldThe popular video game was out of stock everywhere.
Shop aroundTo compare prices of goods at different stores before making a purchaseShe likes to shop around for the best deals.



15. Covid-19




PandemicAn outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects an exceptionally high proportion of the populationThe COVID-19 pandemic has affected countries worldwide.
QuarantineA strict isolation imposed to prevent the spread of disease, often involving a period of time spent in isolationThey were placed in quarantine after returning from abroad.
LockdownAn emergency measure or condition in which people are temporarily prevented from entering or leaving a restricted area or buildingThe city imposed a lockdown to control the spread of the virus.
Social distancingThe practice of maintaining a greater-than-usual distance from other peopleSocial distancing is recommended to reduce transmission of the virus.
VaccineA substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseasesScientists developed a vaccine to combat COVID-19.
MaskA covering worn on the face to protect oneself and others from respiratory droplets.She wore a mask while shopping to protect against the virus.
Remote workWork done from a location other than a traditional officeMany companies adopted remote work during the pandemic.
Essential workerA person whose job is necessary for the functioning of society and cannot be done remotelyDoctors and nurses are essential workers during the pandemic.
Contact tracingThe process of identifying people who may have met an infected personContact tracing helps to prevent further spread of the virus.
IsolationThe separation of people who are ill or infected from those who are healthyThey stayed in isolation to avoid spreading the virus.



Phrasal Verbs


Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
LockdownTo impose restrictions on movement or activities, often due to a crisis or emergencyThe government decided to lock down the city to control the spread of the virus.
Wear a maskTo cover one's face with a mask to protect against airborne particlesEveryone is required to wear a mask in public places.
QuarantineTo isolate or restrict the movement of people who may have been exposed to a contagious diseaseThey quarantined travellers arriving from high-risk areas.
Self-isolateTo separate oneself from others, usually because one has or may have a contagious diseaseShe is self-isolating after experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.
Social distanceTo keep a safe physical distance from others to prevent the spread of diseaseRemember to social distance when you're in public places.
Work from homeTo perform work duties remotely from one's residenceMany employees are working from home during the pandemic.
Flatten the curveTo reduce the peak number of infections during an epidemic by implementing protective measuresSocial distancing measures aim to flatten the curve of COVID-19 cases.
Get testedTo undergo testing to determine whether one is infected with a diseaseIt's important to get tested if you experience symptoms.
Contact tracingThe process of identifying and monitoring individuals who may have been exposed to an infectious diseaseContact tracing helps to track the spread of COVID-19.
Roll outTo introduce or launch something on a large scaleThey plan to roll out the vaccine to healthcare workers first.





Flatten the curveTo reduce the peak number of infections during an epidemic by implementing protective measuresSocial distancing measures aim to flatten the curve of COVID-19 cases.
Bend the curveTo reduce the rate of increase in infections, especially during a pandemicBy wearing masks, we can help bend the curve of COVID-19 infections.
Herd immunityResistance to the spread of a contagious disease within a population that results if a sufficiently high proportion of individuals are immune to the disease, especially through vaccination or prior illnessHerd immunity is important in preventing widespread outbreaks.
Shelter in placeTo stay indoors and take immediate refuge in a safe location, often due to emergency circumstancesResidents were advised to shelter in place during the lockdown.
Flare-upA sudden outbreak or increase, especially of a disease or conflictThere was a flare-up of COVID-19 cases in the community.
Essential workerA person whose job is necessary for the functioning of society and cannot be done remotelyEssential workers, such as healthcare professionals, are vital during the pandemic.
Frontline workerA person who works in a critical role that directly provides essential services during an emergency or crisisFrontline workers risk their health to care for COVID-19 patients.
Pandemic fatigueA feeling of exhaustion, frustration, or burnout due to prolonged exposure to the effects of a pandemic, such as social distancing and remote workMany people are experiencing pandemic fatigue after months of restrictions.
New normalA way of life or set of circumstances that has become typical or expected, especially due to changes caused by a significant event like a pandemicWearing masks and social distancing have become part of the new normal.
Stay-at-home orderA directive issued by authorities requiring people to remain in their homes except for essential activitiesThe government implemented a stay-at-home order to curb the spread of COVID-19.


Also Read: 350+ Vocabulary words for IELTS


Tips and Tricks to Improve Vocabulary Words for IELTS Reading

Preparing for the IELTS reading section can be quite challenging, especially when it comes to building up your vocabulary. But don't worry, we’ve got you covered.

If you really want to ace the IELTS Reading section, it’s important to work on your vocabulary skills. Here are some great tips and tricks that will help you to level up your word game for the IELTS Reading test.


  • Read regularly to expand your vocabulary range. Try to read different types of texts, like news articles, academic papers, and even fiction books. As you read, make a note of unfamiliar words and look them up in a dictionary.
  • Learn to understand word meanings in context. Don't just memorise definitions; try to grasp how words are used in various situations. This will help you decipher unknown words in the exam.
  • Create your own lists of words that pop up a lot in IELTS Reading. Try to include synonyms, antonyms, and example sentences to deepen your understanding of each word.
  • Learn the different forms of a word (noun, verb, adjective) and how they are used differently.
  • Don't spend too much time reading the entire text, practice skimming and scanning to grasp the main idea and emphasise keywords.
  • Make sure to use correct spelling when transferring your answers on the sheet. Once you nail this, you will be one step ahead in improving your vocabulary skills.
  • Finally, practice, practice and practice! The more you read and practice, the more your vocabulary will improve. Try to read a variety of texts, take notes, and review them regularly.

Remember, it's not just about knowing lots of words; it's about using them accurately and appropriately. So, follow these tips and tricks to improve your IELTS reading vocabulary.

Also Read: IELTS Reading Practice Test with Sample Answers

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Q. How can I improve my IELTS reading vocabulary?

Ans. To improve your IELTS reading vocabulary, try reading English books, newspapers, and magazines regularly. Make a list of new words and their meanings, and use them in your daily conversations. Use online resources, vocabulary apps, and IELTS preparation materials to supplement your learning.

Q. What kind of vocabulary is tested in IELTS Reading?

Ans. You'll encounter a wide range of vocabulary in the IELTS Reading test, including academic, formal, and topic-specific words. Be prepared to recognise and understand words in context. Focus on learning word meanings, synonyms, antonyms, and collocations. Practice with sample passages to build your vocabulary.

Q. How can I get a score of 9 in IELTS reading?

Ans. Getting a score of 9 in IELTS reading requires strong reading comprehension skills and a wide-ranging vocabulary. Practise regularly with sample tests, improve your reading speed, and work on understanding the main ideas and details in the passages. 

Q. How many words are there in the IELTS reading vocabulary?

Ans. There's no specific number of words in the IELTS reading. Instead of focusing on memorising a certain number of words, aim to understand and use a variety of vocabulary in context.

Q. How can I revise my vocabulary fast?

Ans. To revise your vocabulary fast, try using flashcards, creating word associations, and practising with vocabulary quizzes and games. Consistent practice and exposure to new words will help you revise efficiently. 

Q. Which books should I refer to improve my IELTS reading vocabulary skills?

Ans. Yes, there are many books available to improve your  IELTS reading vocabulary skills. You can refer to Oxford English Vocabulary books, Cambridge Vocabulary for IELTS, and Barron's Essential Words for the IELTS to improve your IELTS reading vocabulary skills. These books provide comprehensive coverage of vocabulary topics tested in the IELTS exam.

Q. Are there any specific topics I should focus on?

Ans. Focus on topics commonly found in IELTS Reading passages, such as education, environment, science, technology, and culture. Learn related vocabulary and practice reading passages on these topics to build your confidence.

Q. How do I learn vocabulary in context?

Ans. Read sample passages and try to understand the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context. Look for clues like synonyms, antonyms, and examples. Practise active reading and review vocabulary regularly to reinforce your learning.

Q. Can I use dictionaries during the test?

Ans. No, you cannot use dictionaries or any other resources during the IELTS Reading test. Make sure you practise and review vocabulary before the test so you can recognise and understand words in context.

Q. How many vocabulary words should I learn for IELTS Reading?

Ans. You should aim to learn as many words as possible but focus on understanding and using them in context rather than just memorising a list. Start with common words and gradually move on to more advanced vocabulary.

Q. Can I learn vocabulary from reading any material?

Ans. Yes, you can learn vocabulary from reading any material, but prioritise academic and formal texts like news articles, research papers, and books. These will help you learn relevant vocabulary and get used to the language style in IELTS Reading passages.

Q. How do I remember vocabulary words?

Ans. You can use flashcards, create mnemonics, or make connections between words to help you remember. Review vocabulary regularly and practice using words in your own writing or conversations. Also, note down some of the important vocabulary words for IELTS reading.

Q. Are idioms and phrasal verbs important for IELTS Reading vocabulary?

Ans. Yes, idioms and phrasal verbs are important for IELTS Reading vocabulary. You can learn common idioms and phrasal verbs and practice using them in context to improve your understanding and vocabulary.

Q. Can I improve my vocabulary in a short time?

Ans. Yes, you can improve your vocabulary in a short time with focused effort and practice. Use vocabulary apps, online resources, and IELTS preparation materials to learn and review vocabulary quickly and effectively.