
Connectors For Task 2: Linking Words For IELTS

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 11:57

The most important aspect of the IELTS exam is how the language is conveyed to the audience. The flow of the language should be easy for the audience to understand and interpret. 


Linking words or IELTS connectors for Task 2 are sets of words that help convey ideas and thoughts. Using the right amount of these linking words will help you achieve a good score in the IELTS exam.

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1. Connectors for Task 2: What Is it?

The connectors are those words which are used to connect different words or sentences. For example, if we want to convey that ‘Technology has changed our lives. They have created challenges, too.’

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2. Connectors For IELTS Writing Task 2: Listing

The listing words are used to maintain a proper sequence flow of pointers in a paragraph.

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3. IELTS Connectors For Task 2: Results and Consequences

Results and consequences connectors for Task 2 are used to explain the reason or consequence of any event or happening. 

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4. List of IELTS Connectors For Task 2

IELTS Vocabulary only improves over time. You must put in consistent work and practice to improve your word bank.

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5. Tips to Improve Connecting Words for IELTS

Understanding and effectively using connecting words in IELTS writing is crucial to achieving a good band score. These words and phrases enhance the coherence and cohesion of your writing by linking ideas and arguments logically.

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Connectors for Task 2: What Is it?

The connectors are those words which are used to connect different words or sentences. For example, if we want to convey that ‘Technology has changed our lives. They have created challenges, too.’


The above sentence sounds too odd, which could have been easier with connectors. 

Using connectors: Many people believe that technology has improved our lives; however, it has also created new challenges.

Using connectors for Writing Task 2 will be very helpful in achieving a good IELTS score. It will reflect your ability to convey the information more effectively in the IELTS exam. 


In writing task 2, there are 4 parameters which are evaluated by the examiner to calculate your band score: 


Task ResponseMeasures how well you address all parts of the essay question and provide a relevant argument.
Coherence and CohesionEvaluate the clarity and logical flow of your ideas and the effectiveness of your use of linking words to connect them.
Lexical resource (Vocabulary) Measures the range and accuracy of your vocabulary, focusing on the appropriate and effective use of words.
Grammatical range and accuracyCheck your use of different grammatical structures and the accuracy of your grammar.


Each of the above parameters carries an equal weightage of 25%.


The second parameter, ‘Coherence and cohesion, ' considers the logical sequence and the flow of the ideas within the content. The term ‘coherence’ looks at the logical flow of the content and its consistency. Whereas, ‘cohesion’ looks after linking words or connectors that can help connect ideas. 


Using the connectors to frame the sentences will give a good scope of scoring high in the given parameter. Therefore, you should give enough attention and enrich yourself with different connecting words and phrases.





A paid message aimed at promoting a product or service


The process of creating a distinct identity for a product


A coordinated series of advertising efforts


Approval or support of a product by a well-known figure


The process of promoting and selling products or services


Activities aimed at encouraging the purchase of a product


The culture of excessive consumption

Target audience

A specific group of people a product is intended for


Financial support or backing provided by a sponsor


The act of convincing someone to take action


Attention or visibility gained for a product or service


A person or entity that creates and pays for advertisements

Advertisement copy

The text content of an advertisement

Market research

Systematic study of consumer preferences and behaviour

Ad campaign

Coordinated series of advertisements with a specific goal

Brand image

Perception of a brand in the minds of consumers

Media planning

Strategy for selecting the most effective advertising media


Large outdoor advertisements, often along roads or highways


Television or radio advertisement


Catchy song or tune used in advertising


Extended television commercial with informative content

Viral marketing

A strategy that encourages individuals to share content

Product placement

Inclusion of branded products within entertainment content

Call to action

Instruction or prompt to encourage immediate response


Personal account or endorsement of a product or service





The activity of setting up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit


Introduction of new ideas, methods, or products


A person who starts and operates a business, assuming risks in pursuit of profit


Financial gain obtained from a business venture


Allocating money or resources with the expectation of future benefit


The aggregate of all potential buyers and sellers of a product or service


Rivalry between businesses for market share


A person or group with a vested interest in a business or its outcomes


Income generated from sales or other business activities

Business Strategy

Plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal


Business structure involving two or more individuals sharing ownership and management


Combination of two or more companies into a single entity


Process of one company taking control of another through the purchase of its shares


Process of winding up a business and selling off its assets


Resource with economic value owned or controlled by a business


Legal obligation or debt that a business owes to others


Ownership interest in a business or property


Financial assets or resources used in the production of goods or services

Cash Flow

Movement of money into or out of a business

Return on Investment (ROI)

Measure of profitability relative to the investment amount

Supply Chain

Network of entities involved in the production and distribution of a product


Contracting out business processes or services to a third-party provider


Business model in which individuals buy the rights to operate a branch of a larger company


Market conditions where a single seller dominates the industry, controlling prices and supply


The strategy of expanding business operations into different products, markets, or industries

Culture, Arts, and Diversity




Shared customs, beliefs, and practices of a society


Variety of different cultures, perspectives, and experiences


Customary beliefs or practices passed down through generations


Sense of self, including cultural and personal aspects


Practices and beliefs inherited from ancestors


Coexistence of multiple cultural groups within a society


Practice including all individuals regardless of differences


Fairness and impartiality, ensuring equal opportunities


Acceptance and respect for diverse opinions and beliefs


Cultural characteristics and identity associated with a group


Peaceful coexistence and cooperation among different groups


Prejudice in favour of or against one thing, person, or group


Simplified and often exaggerated assumptions about a group


Preconceived opinions or attitudes based on stereotypes


Concerned with beauty and the appreciation of art


Originating or occurring naturally in a particular region

Cultural Capital

Non-financial assets such as knowledge and cultural experiences


Belief in the superiority of one's own culture

Inclusive Language

Language that avoids excluding particular groups

Cultural Sensitivity

Awareness and respect for cultural differences

Artistic Movement

Period or style in art characterised by specific principles or techniques

Cultural Integration

The blending of different cultural elements into a harmonious whole

Cultural Identity

Sense of belonging to a particular cultural group

Cultural Exchange

Sharing and interaction of cultural elements between societies


Skilled craftsperson or artist who produces handmade goods





Variety of plant and animal species in an ecosystem


Capacity to maintain ecological balance over time


Protection and preservation of natural resources


Community of living organisms and their environment


Clearing of forests for agriculture, logging, or urbanisation

Ecological Footprint

Impact of human activities on the environment

Climate Change

Long-term alteration of Earth's climate due to human activities

Renewable Energy

Energy derived from natural sources that are replenished


Contamination of air, water, or soil with harmful substances

Greenhouse Effect

Trapping of heat in Earth's atmosphere by greenhouse gases

Habitat Destruction

Loss or degradation of natural habitats

Carbon Footprint

Measure of carbon dioxide emissions caused by human activity

Sustainable Development

Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

Ozone Depletion

Reduction of the ozone layer in the Earth's atmosphere

Acid Rain

Rainfall with high levels of acidity due to air pollution


Conversion of fertile land into desert due to human activity


Permanent disappearance of a species from Earth


Caused or influenced by human activities


Planting of trees to restore or replenish forested areas


Underground layer of water-bearing rock


Capable of being broken down into natural elements


A person who advocates for the protection of natural resources

Marine Conservation

Protection and preservation of marine ecosystems

Sustainable Agriculture

Farming practices that minimise environmental impact


The ability of ecosystems to recover from disturbances





The general direction in which fashion or style is moving


A person who follows and sets trends in fashion


Long, narrow platform used by models to display clothing


A person who creates original clothing designs


Small shop specialising in fashionable clothes or accessories


Stylish and innovative in clothing or style


Alluring or captivating beauty and sophistication


Coordinated outfit or group of clothing items


Items such as jewellery, handbags, and shoes that complement an outfit


Collection of clothing and accessories owned by an individual


Distinctive manner or characteristic of dressing or arranging clothes


Fabric or cloth used in making clothing and accessories


Clothing or accessories from a previous era


The craft of cutting, fitting, and sewing garments


Stylish and elegant in manner or appearance


Decorative detail or ornamentation added to clothing


Currently popular or stylish in clothing or appearance


Outline or shape of a garment when viewed from a distance


Mass-produced clothing that is ready to be worn off the rack

Fashion industry

Business sector involved in the production and distribution of clothing and accessories


A person who follows alternative fashion and cultural trends


Object, especially a piece of furniture or work of art, that is old and often valuable due to its age

Smart casual

A dress code that is neat, conventional, yet informal


Relating to an unconventional lifestyle, often associated with artists and free spirits


A person who prefers a simple and uncluttered style





Combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinct character


Distinguishing quality or characteristic of a person


An outgoing and sociable person who enjoys being around others


A reserved and inward-focused person who prefers solitude


A person who displays both extroverted and introverted traits


Positive and hopeful outlook on life and future


Negative and cynical outlook on life and future


Charming and persuasive personality


Ability to recover quickly from difficulties or setbacks


Ability to understand and share the feelings of others


Feeling or showing concern for the suffering of others


Confident and self-assured in expressing opinions and needs


Diligent and meticulous in one's work and responsibilities


Willing to consider new ideas and perspectives


Unwilling to consider new ideas or viewpoints


Ability to understand and share the emotions of others


Prone to experiencing negative emotions such as anxiety or insecurity


Friendly, cooperative, and easy to get along with


Unfriendly, confrontational, and difficult to get along with

Personality trait

Enduring and consistent patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviours


Confidence and self-worth in one's abilities and worth


Belief in one's abilities and judgment


Conscious knowledge and understanding of one's character, feelings, motives, and desires


Ability to control one's behaviour and impulses


Ability to adjust to new conditions or circumstances


Connectors For IELTS Writing Task 2: Listing

 A few listing words that can be used: 

  • Firstly: Firstly, I need to gather all the necessary materials for the project.
  • Secondly: Secondly, I will create a detailed outline to organise my thoughts.
  • Thirdly:  Thirdly, I plan to conduct thorough research on the topic.
  • Fourthly: Fourthly, I'll start drafting the first section of the report.
  • Lastly: Lastly, I will review and edit the entire document before submitting it.
Commonly Used Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verb


Break down

To stop working or functioning properly

Call off

To cancel or abandon something planned or scheduled

Carry out

To complete or perform a task or action

Come across

To find or encounter something unexpectedly

Get along

To have a good relationship or rapport with someone

Get over

To recover from an illness, setback, or emotional distress

Go on

To continue or proceed with something

Look after

To take care of or watch over someone or something

Look for

To search or seek something

Put off

To postpone or delay something

Put up with

To tolerate or endure something unpleasant

Run into

To unexpectedly encounter someone or something

Set up

To establish or arrange something

Take after

To resemble or have similar characteristics to someone

Take off

To remove or start to remove clothing or accessories

Turn down

To refuse or reject something

Turn on

To switch on or activate something

Turn off

To switch off or deactivate something

Break up

To end a romantic relationship

Look up

To search for information in a reference source

Go back

To return to a previous location or state

Come up

To arise or occur, especially unexpectedly

Give up

To stop doing or attempting something

Hang out

To spend time in a particular place or with someone

Make up

To reconcile after a disagreement or to invent something fictitious

Less Common Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verb


Bring about

To cause or make something happen

Come across as

To give a particular impression or appear in a certain way

Drop off

To deliver or leave someone or something at a destination

Fall through

To fail to happen or be completed as planned

Gear up

To prepare or get ready for something

Give in

To surrender or yield to someone or something

Hold back

To restrain or prevent oneself from doing something

Knock off

To stop working, especially at the end of the day

Lay off

To terminate someone's employment temporarily or permanently

Let down

To disappoint or fail to meet expectations

Pass away

To die or pass on

Pull off

To accomplish or achieve something successfully

Put out

To extinguish or suppress a fire or flame

See through

To recognize the true nature of someone or something

Settle down

To become calm, stable, or established in one place or situation

Show off

To display one's abilities or possessions proudly

Stand by

To support or remain loyal to someone or something

Take in

To absorb or comprehend information

Think over

To consider or reflect on something carefully

Throw away

To discard or dispose of something

Turn out

To result in a particular way or have a specific outcome

Wind up

To conclude or finish something

Work out

To solve or resolve a problem or difficulty

Write down

To record or note something in writing

Zoom in

To focus or magnify something


IELTS Connectors For Task 2: Results and Consequences

Results and consequences connectors for Task 2 are used to explain the reason or consequence of any event or happening. 

  • Therefore: The factory implemented new safety measures. Therefore, the number of accidents decreased significantly.
  • As a result: The company invested in training programs. As a result, employee productivity improved.
  • Consequently: The government raised taxes on luxury goods. Consequently, consumer spending decreased.
  • Thus: The team implemented a new strategy. Thus, they achieved record sales.
  • Hence: The road construction caused traffic delays. Hence, commuters had to find alternative routes.
  • So: The weather conditions were unfavorable. So, the outdoor event was postponed.
  • Due to: Due to heavy rainfall, the river overflowed its banks.
  • Because of this: The economic downturn affected consumer confidence. Because of this, retail sales declined.
  • As a consequence: The policy change had far-reaching effects. As a consequence, public opinion shifted.
  • For this reason: The company prioritises employee well-being. For this reason, they offer flexible work arrangements.
Common Idioms



A piece of cake

Something very easy to do

Hit the nail on the head

To describe exactly what is true or right about a situation

Break the ice

To initiate conversation or alleviate tension in a social situation

Spill the beans

To disclose or reveal a secret or confidential information

Kick the bucket

To die or pass away

Let the cat out of the bag

To reveal a secret or disclose information that was meant to be kept private

Cost an arm and a leg

To be very expensive or costly

Once in a blue moon

Something that happens very rarely or infrequently

Biting off more than one can chew

To take on more responsibility or work than one can handle

Break a leg

A way to wish someone good luck, especially before a performance

Bury the hatchet

To make peace or reconcile with someone after a conflict or disagreement

Hit the hay

To go to bed or go to sleep

Jump on the bandwagon

To join or support a popular trend or movement

Kill two birds with one stone

To accomplish two tasks with a single action

Break a sweat

To exert physical effort or work hard

Butter someone up

To flatter or praise someone in order to gain favour or advantage

Out of the blue

Something unexpected or happening suddenly and without warning

Caught red-handed

To be caught in the act of doing something wrong or illegal

On cloud nine

To be extremely happy or joyful

Keep an eye on

To watch or monitor something or someone closely

Piece of the action

To be involved or have a share in an activity or opportunity

Under the weather

To feel unwell or sick

Back to the drawing board

To start over or rethink a plan or strategy

Go the extra mile

To make additional effort or go above and beyond what is required

A dime a dozen

Something that is very common or easily obtained

Less Common Idioms



Add insult to injury

To make a bad situation worse

Bee in one's bonnet

To have an obsession or preoccupation with something

Burn the midnight oil

To work late into the night or put in extra effort

Cast pearls before swine

To offer something valuable to someone who doesn't appreciate it

Don't cry over spilled milk

Don't fret or worry about something that has already happened or cannot be changed

Fish out of water

Someone who feels uncomfortable or out of place in a particular situation

Jump down someone's throat

To react angrily or aggressively to someone's actions or words

Kill the fatted calf

To have a celebration or feast for a special occasion or guest

Loose cannon

Someone who is unpredictable or behaves recklessly

Paint the town red

To go out and enjoy oneself, often by partying or celebrating

Steal someone's thunder

To take credit or attention away from someone else's achievement or success

Take the bull by the horns

To confront a difficult or challenging situation head-on

Throw in the towel

To give up or surrender, especially after a struggle or effort

To have a chip on one's shoulder

To be resentful or sensitive about a past grievance or perceived injustice

To have a skeleton in the closet

To have a hidden or embarrassing secret from the past

To hit the ground running

To start something quickly and energetically, often with immediate success

To kill time

To pass time or occupy oneself while waiting for something

To let the grass grow under one's feet

To delay or procrastinate in taking action

To pull someone's leg

To tease or joke with someone in a playful or humorous manner

To see the elephant

To gain experience, especially through exposure to difficult situations

To split hairs

To make fine or trivial distinctions in an argument or discussion

To take something with a grain of salt

To be sceptical or not entirely believe something

To wear one's heart on one's sleeve

To openly display or show one's emotions or feelings

To whistle in the dark

To attempt to remain brave or optimistic in a fearful or uncertain situation

To wolf in sheep's clothing

Someone who appears harmless or benign but is actually deceitful or dangerous


List of IELTS Connectors For Task 2

IELTS Connectors For Task 2: Adding Information

Adding information linking words is useful in connecting ideas and providing additional details in a sentence or paragraph.

  • Additionally: She enjoys painting landscapes. Additionally, she specialises in abstract art.
  • Furthermore: The team won the championship last year. Furthermore, they have recruited new talented players. 
  • Moreover: The book is not only entertaining but moreover, it provides valuable insights into human nature.
  • In addition: He is fluent in French. In addition, he speaks German and Spanish. 
  • Besides: She enjoys playing tennis. Besides she is also passionate about yoga. Additionally, she volunteers as a yoga instructor at a local studio.
  • Also: She likes reading mystery novels. Also, she enjoys historical fiction. Furthermore, she writes book reviews for a popular literary magazine.
  • Not only... but also: The restaurant serves (not only delicious food) but also (offers excellent customer service). 
  • As well as: He enjoys playing (the guitar) as well as (the piano). Additionally, he is skilled in playing the drums and saxophone.
  • On top of that: She completed (the project ahead of schedule,) and (on top of that,) she exceeded all expectations. 
  • Moreover: The new film not only received critical acclaim but moreover, it broke box office records. 


IELTS Connectors For Task 2: Giving Examples


Giving examples connectors are used to give examples to support the given statement. 

  • For example: Many countries face environmental challenges. For example, pollution levels in urban areas continue to rise.
  • Such as: Some sports require intensive training, such as marathon running and weightlifting.
  • Like: Many cities struggle with traffic congestion, like New York and Tokyo.
  • Including: Several factors contribute to climate change, including deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • For instance: Technology has transformed communication. For instance, social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.
  • Namely: The company focuses on several key areas. Namely, innovation, sustainability, and customer satisfaction.
  • As an illustration: Learning a new language has many benefits. As an illustration, it improves cognitive abilities and enhances career opportunities.
  • To illustrate: The study found significant health benefits. To illustrate, regular exercise reduces the risk of heart disease.
  • In particular: The study examined various factors. In particular, it analyzed the impact of socioeconomic status.
  • To give an example: There are many ways to reduce energy consumption. To give an example, using energy-efficient appliances can save electricity.


IELTS Connectors For Task 2: Highlighting and Stressing

The highlighting and stressing connectors are used to highlight the important points of the essay.

  • Indeed: Climate change is a pressing issue. Indeed, urgent action is needed to mitigate its effects.
  • Certainly: Learning a second language has cognitive benefits. Certainly, it enhances memory and problem-solving skills.
  • Clearly: The data shows a correlation between exercise and health. Clearly, regular physical activity improves overall well-being.
  • Undoubtedly: Renewable energy sources are the future. Undoubtedly, they will play a crucial role in reducing carbon emissions.
  • Of course: Technology has revolutionized communication. Of course, it has made information more accessible than ever before.
  • Without a doubt: Education is key to economic development. Without a doubt, investing in education yields long-term benefits.
  • In fact: The research findings support this hypothesis. In fact, they confirm the relationship between stress and health.
  • Especially: Proper nutrition is essential for children's growth. Especially, during their formative years.
  • Above all: Safety is paramount in the workplace. Above all, it ensures the well-being of employees.
  • In particular: The study focused on various aspects of climate change. In particular, it examined its impact on biodiversity.


IELTS Connectors For Task 2: Reasons and Causes

Reasons and causes connectors for task 2 are used to provide reasons or causes for a particular statement. 

  • Because: The flight was delayed because of bad weather.
  • Since: Since it was raining heavily, the match was postponed.
  • Due to: The event was canceled due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • Owing to: Owing to budget constraints, the project was scaled down.
  • As: As the population grows, so does the demand for housing.
  • Thanks to: Thanks to advances in technology, communication has become more efficient.
  • For: They received an award for their outstanding contribution to the community.
  • The reason why: The reason why she resigned was to pursue further studies.
  • In light of: In light of recent developments, the policy needs to be reviewed.
  • On account of: On account of his hard work, he was promoted to a managerial position.


IELTS Connectors For Task 2: Concessions and Contrasts

Concessions and contrasts connectors for Task 2 are used to give opposite ideas usually in the discussion essays.

  • However: The company faced financial challenges. However, it managed to stay profitable.
  • Nevertheless: The weather was unfavorable. Nevertheless, the event proceeded as planned.
  • On the other hand: Some people prefer to work from home. On the other hand, others enjoy the social interaction of an office.
  • In contrast: Traditional teaching methods rely on textbooks. In contrast, modern approaches incorporate multimedia resources.
  • Despite: Despite the rain, the outdoor concert was a success.
  • Although: Although the project faced delays, it was completed on time.
  • Even though: Even though she was tired, she continued working on her assignment.
  • While: While some support the new policy, others oppose it.
  • Whereas: The first group chose option A, whereas the second group chose option B.
  • Though: The results were not as expected, though they provided valuable insights.


IELTS Connectors For Task 2: Giving Your Opinion

Giving your opinion connectors are used to provide your opionions in the writing task 2. 

  • In my opinion: In my opinion, climate change is the most pressing issue of our time.
  • I believe: I believe that education is the key to reducing poverty.
  • Personally: Personally, I think that stricter laws are needed to protect the environment.
  • From my point of view: From my point of view, technology has both positive and negative impacts on society.
  • As I see it: As I see it, globalisation has brought both opportunities and challenges.
  • It seems to me: It seems to me that social media has changed the way we communicate.
  • I feel that: I feel that governments should prioritize healthcare and education.
  • My view is: My view is that renewable energy is essential for sustainable development.
  • I am convinced that: I am convinced that diversity in the workplace leads to greater innovation.
  • To my mind: To my mind, art and music education should be integral parts of school curricula.


IELTS Connectors For Task 2: Concluding Linkers 


Concluding linkers are used to conclude the IELTS writing task 2 essays. 

  • In conclusion: In conclusion, it is clear that technology has revolutionised the way we live.
  • To conclude: To conclude, globalization has both positive and negative impacts on cultural diversity.
  • In summary: In summary, effective communication is crucial for building successful relationships.
  • Overall: Overall, the study indicates a strong correlation between exercise and mental health.
  • To sum up: To sum up, education plays a crucial role in shaping a person's future.
  • All in all: All in all, the project was a success due to effective teamwork.
  • Therefore: Therefore, it is important to take proactive measures to mitigate climate change.
  • Thus: Thus, the findings suggest that more research is needed in this area.
  • Hence: Hence, the government should prioritize infrastructure development.
  • As a result: As a result, the company saw a significant increase in profits

Tips to Improve Connecting Words for IELTS

Understanding and effectively using connecting words in IELTS writing is crucial to achieving a good band score. These words and phrases enhance the coherence and cohesion of your writing by linking ideas and arguments logically.

Here are some of the tips that can help you achieve a good band score in the IELTS exam:

  • Read various reading resources, such as blogs, articles, and news resources. Note down the commonly used connectors and try to memorise them. 
  • Understand the meanings in which connectors show the relationships between ideas in different contexts.
  • Explore online resources and exercises that focus on how to use connectors correctly to connect ideas better.
  • Practice creating sentences using connectors in various contexts to improve your fluency.
  • Consider the context of your writing or speaking task and choose connectors that best fit the relationships you want to express.

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Q. What are transitions and connectors?

A. Transitions and connectors are essential for linking sentences and paragraphs, as they improve the overall flow and coherence of writing. Transitions consist of words such as ‘however,’ ‘therefore,’ and ‘meanwhile,’ while connectors include conjunctions like ‘and,’ ‘but,’ and ‘because.’ These elements help indicate connections between ideas, such as addition, contrast, cause and effect, or sequence, ultimately making the text more coherent and understandable.

Q. Which are the best connectors for writing task 2?

A. The starting connectors for writing task 2 include coordinating conjunctions (like and, but, or, so), subordinating conjunctions (such as 'because, although, since, while), and transitional phrases (like however, therefore, for example, in addition). These connectors help link ideas, show contrasting points, and provide reasons or examples to improve the overall flow of your essay.

Q. How can I master IELTS writing task 2?

A. To become good at IELTS Writing Task 2, you should regularly practice writing essays on various topics. Make sure to structure your essays with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. You should also learn to develop strong arguments with examples to support your statements. Also, focus on improving your vocabulary and grammar by reading and practising regularly. 

Q. How to connect ideas in IELTS writing task 2?

A. When writing for IELTS Task 2, it's important to connect your ideas effectively. You can achieve this by using linking words and phrases to show relationships between your points. For example, you can use words like ‘furthermore’ or ‘in addition’ to add more information, and ‘however’ or ‘on the other hand’ to present contrasts. If you want to show cause and effect, use words like ‘because’ or ‘therefore.’ It's also crucial to make sure that each paragraph logically follows the previous one. You can link sentences by using words like ‘this’ or ‘these,’ and by maintaining a clear and

Q. How do I start task 2 in IELTS?

A. You should always begin your IELTS writing task 2 with a strong introduction. In the first paragraph, you should focus on the main theme of the essay topic. You should elaborate on the key aspects, and then move towards the main argument of the essay, followed by a concluding paragraph. A clear and focused introduction will catch the reader's attention as well as make the essay more relevant to the main topic. 

Q. Can we use idioms in IELTS writing task 2?

A. Using idioms in IELTS Writing Task 2 is generally not advised. They can make your writing appear less formal and may not always be used correctly, impacting the clarity of your message. It's essential to focus on using clear and precise language with formal vocabulary. However, if used appropriately and sparingly, a well-placed idiom can add variety to your writing. Your primary focus should be on achieving clarity, coherence, and relevance in your writing to score higher.

Q. How to write a good IELTS writing task 2?

A. It's important to prepare well to get a good score in IELTS Writing Task 2. Make sure to understand the question, brainstorm ideas, and structure your essay effectively. Use formal language with a wide range of vocabulary and grammar. Each paragraph should centre around a single point supported by strong examples. Aim to write at least 250 words and manage your time wisely. Best of luck!

Q. Can I repeat words in IELTS writing?

A. In IELTS Writing, it's a good idea to avoid using the same words too often. Instead, try to use different words that have similar meanings. This helps to show that you have a wide range of vocabulary. However, it's okay to repeat important words related to the topic to make sure your writing is clear. The key is to keep your writing organized and precise. Displaying a varied vocabulary can boost your lexical resource score and lead to a better overall band score.

Q. Can we use personal examples in writing task 2?

A. It's usually not recommended to use personal examples in IELTS Writing Task 2. This task calls for a formal, academic writing style, and personal anecdotes may not align with these requirements. It's better to use general examples, statistics, and hypothetical scenarios to support your arguments. This approach helps maintain the needed formality and objectivity. You should aim to provide clear, relevant, and well-explained examples to strengthen your essay and show your ability to present logical, reasoned arguments.

Q. How many paragraphs should I write in IELTS task 2?

A. In IELTS Task 2, you should aim for writing around four to five paragraphs. Your essay should have an introduction, two or three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction presents the topic and your stance, while the body paragraphs develop your ideas with examples and evidence. The conclusion summarizes your arguments. Keeping your essay structured with clear paragraphs will help you convey your ideas effectively and improve your score.

Q. What is not allowed in IELTS writing?

A. In IELTS Writing, don't use informal language, slang, or contractions. You should avoid personal stories or strong opinions. Please note that plagiarism isn't allowed. Also, don't repeat ideas too much and make sure each paragraph has new information. Use simple sentences and stick to the task. Manage your time well, and keep your writing formal and academic throughout.