IELTS Connectors for Task 1 & Task 2: Linking Words for IELTS Writing 2024

16 min read

The IELTS Exam is a globally acknowledged English language proficiency test widely accepted in many countries, including the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and others. Every year, over three million people take the IELTS exam, which is growing steadily. It comprises 4 sections:

IELTS Connectors for Task 1 & Task 2: Linking Words for IELTS Writing 2024
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The IELTS Writing Test is different for IELTS Academic and IELTS General. The Academic test will contain topics suitable for anyone entering a university or professional institution. The General Training test will have topics based on general interest.

The Writing test takes 60 minutes, and there are two tasks to complete:

  • Task 1: It is recommended to spend 20 minutes on Task 1, which requires you to write at least 150 words.
  • Task 2: This task requires at least 250 words and should take about 40 minutes. Task 2 contributes twice as much as Task 1 to your score.

The IELTS writing section is primarily evaluated based on how well the ideas are organised and connected effectively. You must learn and equip yourself with grammatical resources to score well in this section. IELTS connectors or essay linking words are a grammatical resource that shows the IELTS examiner a firm grasp of the language.

In this blog, we will understand more about IELTS connectors for Task 1 and Task 2 and how using them appropriately will boost your overall score in your IELTS Writing Test.

IELTS Connectors for Writing Task: Importance

Linking words is a crucial grammatical tool that makes an essay more readable to the examiner. They help in sentence construction and connect two related parts of a text. Linkers can also put forth their opinions comprehensively and display excellent knowledge and a variety of vocabulary. 

Here are a few more reasons to use IELTS connectors:

  • They make the paragraph clear.
  • They provide a smooth flow to the written piece.
  • Help illustrate how the parts or clauses of a text are connected.
  • They add more information to a point. 
  • They help in expressing opinion or purpose.
  • They help in constructing a suitable conclusion.

Using Linking Words in IELTS

You need to know that connecting words cannot be used everywhere. Additionally, linkers for IELTS speaking are used differently from IELTS writing.  For example, one can use ‘like’ while speaking. On the other hand, words like at this moment and therefore work well in writing tasks. Also, remember that linkers must come naturally while forming a sentence. Forcing a connector amid a sentence will result in an awkward sentence composition. 

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IELTS Connectors For Academic Writing Task 1 

In IELTS Academic Writing Task 1, you are generally given visual information. Depending upon the information provided, you must write a report of a minimum of 150 words. IELTS Connectors in Task 1 can be helpful in:

  • Outlining transition between the description of one visual to the other.
  • Comparing the key features of the graphs.
  • Pointing out or highlighting important details of the visuals.

IELTS Connectors For General Writing Task 1 

In IELTS General Writing Task 1, you must write a letter responding to a given situation. Linking words for Task 1 is helpful in:

  • Introducing the purpose of the letter.
  • Organising your ideas coherently.
  • Making clear connections between different paragraphs.
  • Highlighting important information in the letter.

IELTS Essay Linking Words For Writing Task 2

The second writing task is the same for academic and general; you must write an essay based on a prompt or a statement. Linking words for task 2 are useful in:

  • Transitioning between paragraphs.
  • Presenting your opinion.
  • Give examples and reasons.
  • Explain the consequences and/or conditions of various scenarios.

Types of IELTS Connectors for Task 1 and Task 2

Examiners evaluate your tasks by assessing IELTS connectors’ accuracy, range, and flexibility. The following list highlights the category of connectors that can help you secure a good grade in the IELTS writing section:

  • Adding information
  • Listing
  • Providing examples
  • Stressing and highlighting
  • Consequences and results
  • Causes and reasons
  • Contrasts and concessions
  • Conclusion
  • Providing opinion

Below is a comprehensive list of examples of different categories of IELTS connectors that you can use in your sentence construction

Adding information

This linker is used to support your major points in the essay. These IELTS essay linking words inform the examiner that additional information is coming up. 

Some of them are mentioned below with examples.

  1. Furthermore – The company has decided to expand its operations to Gujrat. Furthermore, they also plan to increase their marketing efforts in the region.
  2. Additionally – We have hired a new designer for the project. Additionally, we have also brought in a consultant to provide us with an outside perspective.
  3. In addition to the regular benefits, employees are also eligible for a performance-based bonus.
  4. Also – The company is launching a new product line next month. Also, they plan to host a launch event to promote the new products.
  5. Moreover – The company’s profits have increased significantly this year. Moreover, they have also managed to reduce their operating expenses.
  6. And – I need to pick up some groceries after work today, and I also need to stop by the post office to mail a package.
  7. As well as – The project requires a team of developers as well as a team of designers to complete the work on time.

Time Indicators

Time indicators are expressions which are used to indicate when something happens, often in relation to other events. These time-related transition words and phrases are used to connect ideas and show the timing or sequence of events

Here are some common IELTS connectors used for indicating time:

  1. During: During the storm, we stayed indoors to stay safe.
  2. While: While I was cooking dinner, my phone rang.
  3. Until: I will wait here until you finish your meeting.
  4. Before: Please complete your homework before bedtime.
  5. Afterward: We went to the movie, and afterward, we had dinner at a nice restaurant.
  6. In the end: Despite the challenges, they succeeded in the end.
  7. At the same time: She was studying for her exam while listening to music at the same time.
  8. Meanwhile: He was working on his project, and meanwhile, she was reading a book.
  9. Subsequently: He graduated from college and subsequently started his own business.
  10. Simultaneously: The dancers moved in perfect sync, performing their routine simultaneously. 


Lists are often used to present pointers in a paragraph. Proper use of listing vocabulary in essays makes it more formal and precise.

Here are a few IETLS connectors that you can use to list your paragraph.

  1. Firstly, I need to wake up early tomorrow to catch my flight.
  2. Secondly, I have to finish my presentation before the deadline.
  3. Thirdly, I must buy some groceries on my way home from work.
  4. Fourthly, I need to call my doctor to schedule an appointment.
  5. Lastly, I plan to spend the weekend with my family and friends.

Providing examples

Examples are often helpful in providing support to ideas. You must make sure to use a range of linking words to illustrate your arguments through such words.

Here are some examples of IELTS connectors for providing examples to your task. 

  1. For instance, many online courses, such as Duolingo and Rosetta Stone, are available for learning a new language.
  2. For example, there are many different types of music, such as rock, pop, jazz, and classical.
  3. To cite an example, many people believe that climate change is caused by human activity.
  4. To illustrate: To illustrate let’s say you are writing an essay about the importance of exercise. You could provide a graph that shows the correlation between exercise and improved health.
  5. Namely: There are four seasons in a year, namely spring, summer, fall, and winter.
  6. Such as: Many different types of animals live in the ocean, such as sharks, whales, and dolphins.
  7. In other words: The government plans to increase the taxes on luxury items. In other words, items considered non-essential and expensive will be taxed more.

Stressing and highlighting

It is essential to be clear about the intent of the passage. These IELTS essay linking words help you stress major points so they are not missed:

A few of them are mentioned below with model sentences.

  1. Specifically: Specifically, we need to increase our response time to customer inquiries to improve our overall customer service.
  2. Especially: I especially love all fruits, especially strawberries and blueberries.
  3. In particular: I am interested in learning about the history of art, in particular, the impressionist movement.
  4. Particularly: I am not fond of spicy food, particularly dishes that use a lot of chilli peppers.
  5. Obviously, we cannot proceed with the project without proper funding.
  6. Clearly: The instructions provided in the manual need to be written and can be confusing.
  7. Of course: Of course, I would be happy to help you with your project.

Consequences and results

These IELTS connectors are helpful when you need to explain the consequence or result of something. 

Below are examples of IELTS connectors that can be used to explain consequences and results, with sample sentences demonstrating their usage.

  1. As a result: He was late to the meeting as a result of heavy traffic.
  2. Therefore: She didn’t eat any cake, therefore she didn’t gain any weight.
  3. Thus: The company’s profits increased, and thus, they could expand their business.
  4. Consequently, The team lost the game, and consequently, they didn’t qualify for the playoffs.
  5. For this reason, she didn’t want to go on the rollercoaster, so she waited for her friends on the ground.
  6. So: He forgot his keys at home, so he had to call his wife to bring them to him.
  7. Hence: The weather was terrible, hence the flight was delayed.

Causes and reasons

While writing an essay, there may be instances where you would have to provide causes or reasons for a particular statement. These linkers can help do so.

Here are some examples of linking words for causes and reasons for your task. 

  1. Due to: Due to the heavy rainfall, the streets were flooded.
  2. Because: I couldn’t attend the meeting because I was feeling sick.
  3. Owing to the staff shortage, the company had to postpone the project deadline.
  4. As it was raining heavily, we decided to stay indoors and watch a movie.
  5. Since: Since I am allergic to seafood, I cannot eat sushi.

Contrasts and concessions

There is often the need to add opposite ideas to an essay. This is important in discussion essays, where one needs to provide in-depth details. 

The below-mentioned IELTS connectors will help you when you are going to introduce an opposing point.

  1. Nevertheless, the weather was terrible, so we decided to picnic.
  2. However, I studied hard for the exam and didn’t do well.
  3. Admittedly Admittedly, I have not been following the news lately.
  4. Although Although it was raining, we still went for a walk.
  5. Even thoughEven though she was tired, she continued working on the project.
  6. Despite the fact that he was sick, he managed to complete his work on time.
  7. But – She wanted to go to the party but had to finish her work first.
  8. Still – He failed the test twice, but I would still like to mention that specifically, we need to focus on improving our customer service and not giving up.


These connectors are the most useful in concluding a sentence and lending a final summary of their response.

Some of them are mentioned below.

  1. To sum up, we have seen that the company’s sales have been steadily increasing over the past year.
  2. To conclude, based on the evidence presented, it can be said that the defendant is guilty of the crime.
  3. In conclusion, to improve your overall health, it is recommended that you eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep.

Providing opinion

You can address their opinion more confidently and concisely using these linkers.

Below is a list of some linking words for providing information.

  1. I believe that love is the strongest force in the universe.
  2. I admit that I was not paying attention during the meeting.
  3. In my opinion, reading is one of the best ways to relax and unwind.
  4. I think that exercising regularly is important for maintaining good health.

How to Use IELTS Connectors Effectively For Task 1 & Task 2?

Connectors play a crucial role in enhancing the clarity, coherence, and overall quality of your writing, guiding the reader through your response. Using connectors effectively is crucial for achieving a high band score in the IELTS Writing Task.

Here are some tips to help you use IELTS connectors effectively:

  • Use Variety of connectors: Avoid repetition and overusing the same connectors throughout your response. By using a variety of linking words within a paragraph, you can make your writing more engaging and improve your vocabulary range.
  • Choose Your Words Accurately: Be precise with your choice of words and ensure they are relevant to the text. Use the linking words meaningfully in the text that best show the relationship between your ideas for a clear and well-structured essay. This can help maintain coherence and flow of text.
  • Don’t Overstuff: While connectors are valuable, avoid cramming your writing with them. Using too many connectors can be monotonous for readers. You should strategically use them without disrupting text flow.
  • Read Sample Essays: Read high-scoring IELTS essays and identify the connectors used by the writers. By analyzing how other successful writers use connectors, you can improve your own writing style.
  • Practice Sample IELTS Tasks: The practice tasks can help you identify how connectors are used in a task to make it clear, coherent, and well-organized. You can use online resources or refer to sample exercises for practice. Also, try to get feedback from tutors or peers to identify areas for improvement and refine your connector usage.
  • Review and Edit Your Work: After writing, review your work to see where you can improve the use of connectors. Then, make any necessary adjustments to improve the overall quality of your IELTS writing task.

IELTS Linking Words Practice Question

One of the key skills that the test measures is the ability to use a range of linking words or phrases in writing and speaking tasks. Linking words helps to connect ideas and create coherence between sentences, paragraphs, and overall discourse. Some common examples of linking words include, nevertheless, additionally and more. Practising with linking words can help test-takers improve their writing and speaking skills and achieve better scores on the IELTS exam. Here are some linking practice questions for Writing Tasks.

IELTS Linking Words Practice Question for Writing Task 1

Here is a practice task with IELTS writing connectors that will help you understand the usage and importance of connectors in IELTS writing task 1.

These graphs show several key trends. 1. ____, in general terms, more than 70% of the population owned computers in 2000. 2. ____, this figure jumped to around 78% over the coming eight years.

3. ____, these figures varied as per group. 4. ____, service members were always ahead of the general population. Roughly three-quarters of service members owned computers in 2000. That figure jumped massively to reach 80% by 2008. 5. ____ Non-high school finishers began with only a 12% computer ownership rate, which climbed to around 45% in eight years.


  1. To start with, firstly, first of all
  2. Nevertheless, however, but
  3. Nevertheless, on the other hand
  4. Any example connector can be used here, like, for example, for instance, and except ‘such as’ because this is the start of a sentence.
  5. Any comparison connector

IELTS Linking Words: Practice Question for Writing Task 2

You can practice IELTS connectors or essay linking words through this practice task.

The prompt: Parents must refrain from pressuring their children to pursue a particular career. Young people should be free to choose the professional path that they like. Do you agree or disagree with this sentence?

  • _____ Young people must be free to choose, especially in their professional path. Some parents want their children to take up an exciting profession. These wishes are entirely normal and usually not harmful.
  • 2. ____ It can be harmful if these desires become strong expectations. 3. _____ freedom to a child does not necessarily mean that the parent needs to be absent. Instead, parents should openly communicate with their children about their career decisions. 4. _____, if one’s dreams do not line up with their parents, they may, 5_____, fear approaching them in fear of judgment. 


  1. Any opinion connector except ‘I agree’ or ‘I concur’ will work here. This is because it is the introductory line.
  2. Admittedly
  3. Nevertheless, on the other hand, however, but
  4. Any example connector will fit here except ‘such as’ because this is the starting sentence.
  5. Accordingly, as a result, consequently, therefore, for that reason, etc.

To Sum Up

In summary, using appropriate connectors in IELTS Writing can significantly enhance your essay’s readability and coherence, demonstrating your firm grasp of the language. With the help of the above mentioned categories and examples of linkers, you can effectively connect your ideas and illustrate your arguments comprehensively to score well in the IELTS Writing section. 

Remember, practice makes perfect, so practice using these connectors in your essays to succeed in your IELTS exam. Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q. What factors do examiners consider to evaluate the IELTS writing tasks?

    A. When evaluating IELTS writing tasks, examiners consider several factors, including lexical resource, task achievement, grammar accuracy and range, coherence and cohesion. Lexical resource refers to your ability to appropriately use a wide range of vocabulary. Task achievement assesses how well you have fulfilled the task’s requirements, including the organisation of ideas and coherence. Grammar accuracy and range assess your use of correct grammar and sentence structures. Coherence and cohesion assess how well you can connect and link ideas within and between paragraphs. These factors are crucial in determining your overall writing score.

  • Q. What are the main topics for the IELTS essay writing task?

    A. Some of the most popular topics for this task are related to academics, such as economics, education, business, family, environment, etc. The essay question in the general IELTS writing section responds to an argument on a general topic of common interest. 

  • Q. What happens if I need to meet the word limit of each section?

    A. Writing under the word limit is a penalty, leading to a lower score. You can also be penalised for not using complete, connected sentences.  Therefore, you must always adhere to the given word limit and be mindful of each section’s time mandates.

  • Q. How do you score well in IELTS Writing?

    A. To score well in IELTS Writing, you must improve your grammar, vocabulary, and writing skills. Practice writing essays, letters, and reports within the given time limit. Plan your writing and organise your thoughts effectively. Use a range of linking words and phrases to connect your ideas. Finally, proofread your work for any errors or mistakes before submitting it.

  • Q. What are the types of questions asked in IELTS Writing Task 2?

    A. When it comes to writing essays, there are several different types of questions that you might encounter. Some common ones include Advantage/Disadvantage questions, which ask you to weigh the pros and cons of a particular topic or issue. Problem/Cause questions, on the other hand, ask you to analyse and explain the underlying causes of a problem or issue. Opinion essays require you to express your viewpoint on a specific topic and support it with evidence and reasoning. Other essay questions include Compare/Contrast, Discussion/Argumentative, and so on. 

  • Q. Can I retake IELTS writing only?

    A. IELTS One Skill Retake is a recently introduced feature that allows you to enhance your scores on a specific skill without retaking the entire IELTS exam. If you wish to improve your performance on any of the four skills – Listening, Reading, Writing, or Speaking – you can redo only that skill. This feature can save you time and money as you won’t need to retake the test.

  • Q. Is the IELTS Writing Test the same for Academics and General?

    A. No, the IELTS Writing Test is different for Academics and General. The Academic Writing Test includes two tasks assessing your ability to describe visual information and write an essay responding to an argument or problem. The General Writing Test consists of two tasks to evaluate your ability to write a letter and an essay on a topic.

  • Q. What is the duration of the IELTS Writing Test?

    A. The IELTS Writing Test consists of two tasks that must be completed within 60 minutes. Task 1 requires you to summarise, describe or explain a visual representation such as a graph, chart or diagram in 150 words. Task 2 requires you to write an essay responding to a given prompt in 250 words. You should spend approximately 20 minutes on Task 1 and 40 minutes on Task 2.

  • Q. What are some valuable tips for preparing for the IELTS Writing Test?

    A. To prepare for the IELTS Writing test, it is important to practice writing regularly. Familiarise yourself with the test format and timing, and develop your skills in organising and expressing your thoughts clearly and coherently. Pay attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and aim to use a range of vocabulary and sentence structures. Seek feedback from a teacher or tutor to identify areas for improvement and practice writing under test conditions.

  • Q. What is the importance of using connectors for the IELTS Writing Task?

    A. Connectors are crucial in IELTS Writing Tasks as they help connect ideas, create coherence and cohesion, and improve the essay’s overall structure. Using connectors also helps to demonstrate a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures, which is a key criterion for scoring in IELTS Writing.

  • Q. How can one use linking words in IELTS writing, and what are some examples?

    A. Linking words can connect different parts of the essay, such as sentences, paragraphs, and ideas. Examples of linking words include “moreover”, “however”, “in addition”, “on the other hand”, “therefore”, and “consequently”. By using linking words, the writer can create a clear and logical flow of ideas, which helps to improve the coherence and cohesion of the essay.

  • Q. What are some common IELTS connectors for writing task 2 with examples?

    A. Connectors or linking words in IELTS writing Task 2 are crucial for enhancing the readability and coherence of your essay. Examples of some common connectors include “although/even though,” “even if,” “in spite,” “despite,” “so that,” and “in case. 

  • Q. How many linking words should be used in the IELTS writing section?

    A. There is no specific requirement regarding the number of linking words used in the IELTS writing section. However, using a variety of linking words and phrases is essential to score high in the Coherence and Cohesion criterion, which accounts for 25% of the marks. Using linking words effectively helps demonstrate your ability to organise your ideas and express them in a clear, logical and well-structured manner. It makes your writing flow smoothly and guides the reader through your arguments.

  • Q. What are some common mistakes to avoid while using IELTS connectors for writing task 1?

    A. Some of the common mistakes are given here:
    – Overuse: Don’t stuff your writing with connectors, instead aim for clarity and natural flow. Use them strategically to connect ideas to demonstrate your dynamic writing style.
    – Inaccuracy: Choose connectors that accurately reflect the relationship between your ideas. Misusing a connector can distort the meaning of your text and may seem unnatural to readers..
    – Punctuation errors: Ensure proper punctuation with connectors. For instance, commas are used with introductory connectors, while semicolons can connect independent clauses.

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