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All About the Otter Reading Answers: IELTS Reading Practice

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 11:57

The "All About the Otter" IELTS reading practice test is designed to test your reading comprehension skills. The passage provides information about otters' characteristics, habitat, diet, and behaviour. 

You must read the passage carefully and answer questions based on the information provided. This practice test is a great way to prepare for the IELTS reading test and improve your ability to understand academic texts.

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1. All About the Otter Reading Passage

You should spend approximately 20 minutes answering Questions 1 - 13 based on the Reading Passage below.

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2. All About the Otter Reading Question & Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS reading answers about All About the Otter

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All About the Otter Reading Passage

General Instructions
General Instructions for IELTS Reading:

  • You will have 60 minutes to complete the entire reading test.
  • The test consists of three reading passages with a total of 40 questions.
  • The texts may be taken from books, magazines, journals, or newspapers.
  • You will receive an answer sheet and should write your answers on it.
  • The questions will be in different formats, such as multiple-choice, matching, sentence completion, and summary completion.
  • The reading passages will increase in difficulty as you progress through the test.
  • You cannot bring any electronic devices, including mobile phones, into the test room.





All about the Otters Reading Passage


Paragraph A

Otters have long, thin bodies with small legs, making them perfect for pushing through thickets or searching in tunnels. An adult male can grow to be up to 4 feet tall and weigh up to 30 pounds. Females are usually smaller than males. The nose of the Eurasian otter is the smallest of the otter species, with a shallow 'W' shape. The tail (or rudder or stern) of an otter is thick at the base and thins out as it approaches the tip, where it flattens. When swimming quickly underwater, this is an element of the propulsion system. Otter fur is made up of two types of hair: robust guard hairs that form a waterproof outer layer and dense and fine under-fur that serves as an otter's thermal underwear. Grooming is required to keep the fur in good condition. When otter fur is exposed to saltwater, it loses its waterproofing and insulating properties. Freshwater ponds are crucial to otters living on the coast for this reason. They crawl on the ground to rub dry against vegetation after swimming and washing off the salts in ponds.


Paragraph B

On land, the scent is used for hunting, communication, and detecting danger. The sensitivity of an otter's sense of smell is thought to be equivalent to that of a dog. On land, otters have tiny eyes and are likely short-sighted. They do, however, have the capacity to change the shape of the lens in the eye, making it more spherical and, therefore, overcoming water refraction. Otters can hunt fish by sight in clean water with good light. The eyes and nostrils of the otter are high on its head, allowing it to see and breathe even while the rest of its body is submerged. Except for steering, the cotter holds its legs against the body underwater and flexes its hind end in a sequence of vertical undulations. River otters have webbing that runs the length of each digit but not all the way to the end. The webs of giant and sea otters are considerably more noticeable, but the Asian short-clawed otter has none since it hunts for shrimp in ditches and rice fields, so it doesn't require the speed. Otter ears are small to save space, but they have extremely keen hearing and are protected by valves that close them against water pressure.


Paragraph C

The habitats suited for otters are limited by a number of restrictions and preferences. Water is essential, and rivers must be large enough to sustain a healthy fish population. Because they are such quiet and wary creatures, they will seek areas where man's activities do not have a significant impact. Of course, there must be no other otter in the area - something that has only recently become more important as populations begin to recover. Coastal otters have a substantially larger food source, and males and females may have a range of only a few kilometres of shoreline. Because the male range overlaps with two or three females - this is a good thing! Otters will consume whatever they can get their hands on, including sparrows, snakes, and slugs, according to reports. Crayfish, crabs, and aquatic fowl are the most prevalent prey, aside from fish. Small mammals, most typically rabbits but also moles, are occasionally taken.


Paragraph D

Where food is plentiful, Eurasian otters will breed at any time. Cubs are born in the spring in regions where the conditions are more severe, like Sweden, where the lakes remain frozen for much of the winter. This guarantees that they are fully matured before the next round of bad weather arrives. Cubs are born in the summer in the Shetlands when fish are more plentiful. Some otters do not breed every year despite the fact that they are capable of doing so. This, too, is contingent on food availability. Other factors, such as the female's food range and quality, may have an impact. With the exception of Lutra canadensis, whose embryos may undergo delayed implantation, Eurasian otters have a 63-day gestation period. To minimise interruptions, otters usually give birth in more secure dens. When mummy is away feeding, the cubs' nests are lined with bedding to keep them warm.


Paragraph E

To minimise interruptions, otters usually give birth in more secure dens. To keep the cubs warm while the mother is gone feeding, the nests are lined with bedding (reeds, waterside plants, grass). The litter size ranges from one to five. Coastal otters generate smaller litters for some unexplained reason. They open their eyes at five weeks, a tiny 700g cub. They are weaned onto solid food at the age of seven weeks. They leave the nest at ten weeks, blinking for the first time in daylight. They ultimately meet the water and learn to swim after three months. They start hunting after eight months, while the mother still gives a lot of food. She can finally chase them all away with a clear conscience after nine months, and relax — until the next fella shows up.


Paragraph F

The British otter's condition was recognised in the early 1960s, but the primary cause was not determined until the late 1970s. Pesticides like dieldrin and aldrin were first used in agriculture and other industries in 1955; these chemicals are extremely persistent and have been linked to massive population losses in peregrine falcons, sparrow hawks, and other predators. Pesticides found their way into river systems and the food chain, contaminating microorganisms, fish, and eventually otters, with each step increasing the toxic concentration. The pesticides were taken out starting in 1962, but while some species rebounded rapidly, otter populations did not and continued to decline well into the 1980s. Habitat damage and road deaths were most likely to blame. When it comes to populations that have been fragmented by the rapid extinction in the 1950s and 1960s, the loss of just a few otters in one location can make an entire population unviable and lead to extinction.


Paragraph G

Otter populations are rebounding across the United Kingdom, with populations increasing in the few regions where they remained and expanding from those areas into the rest of the country. This is virtually completely due to legislation, conservation initiatives, halting and reversing the erosion of appropriate otter habitats, and captive breeding programme reintroductions. Many people believe that releasing captive-bred otters is a last resort. The reasoning is that if they don't have sufficient habitat, they won't survive after being released, but if they do, natural populations should be able to expand into the area. Reintroducing animals into a fragmented and vulnerable population, on the other hand, may provide just enough drive for it to stabilise and spread rather than extinction. This is what the Otter Trust was able to achieve in Norfolk, where the otter population was estimated to be as low as twenty animals in the early 1980s. The Otter Trust has completed its captive breeding programme, which is fantastic news because it means the programme is no longer required.


All About the Otter Reading Question and Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS reading answers about All About the Otter

Questions and Answers 1-4
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?
In boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet, write.

  • TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
  • FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
  • NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this


1. An otter's stern is thick until it reaches the tip, where it flattens.

2. It is believed that the sensitivity of an otter's sense of smell is comparable to that of a bat.

3. Otter populations are recuperating throughout the United Kingdom and Europe, with populations strengthening in the few remaining regions and expanding from there to the rest of the region.


4. Because they are such timid and apprehensive creatures, they will seek out regions where human activity has little to no effect.

All About the Otter Reading Answers with Explanations (1-4)


Type of question: Identifying Information (True/False/Not Given)

In this task, you are given a set of statements. Based on your understanding of the passage, you aim to identify the nature of the given statement and write the correct answer. 


The statement is

  • TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
  • FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
  • NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this


How to best answer the question

  • Read the given statements carefully and memorise the keywords
  • With the keywords help, find the passage's references, which will help you decide whether the given statement is true or false
  • If the information is not there in the passage, then your answer will be not given.


1. False




From paragraph A: ‘The tail (or rudder or stern) of an otter is thick at the base and thins out as it approaches the tip, where it flattens.’



The passage explains that an otter's tail is thicker at the base and thinner towards the tip, where it flattens. This unique shape of the tail helps in swimming as it is an essential part of the propulsion system. Therefore, the answer is false.


2. Not Given




From paragraph A to G


The answer is not given because there is no information regarding the sensitivity of an otter's sense of smell comparable to that of a bat.


3. Not Given




From paragraph A to G


In the above passage, no information supports the statement that the otter populations are in the United Kingdom and Europe. Therefore, the answer is not given.


4. True




From paragraph C: ‘Water is essential, and rivers must be large enough to sustain a healthy fish population. Because they are such quiet and wary creatures, they will seek areas where man's activities do not significantly impact.’


The answer is true because water is essential for otters as it is their habitat, and they require it for survival. Otters prefer rivers that are large enough to sustain a healthy fish population. As they are quiet and wary creatures, they seek areas where human activities do not significantly impact their habitat. This is because human activities can disturb their living environment and affect their ability to thrive.

Questions and Answers 5-10
The reading passage has seven paragraphs A-G. Which paragraph contains the following information?

  • Write the correct letter A-G, in boxes 1-9 on your answer sheet.

  • Note: You can use any letter more than once


5.  The conflicting opinions on how to preserve.

6.  The fit-for-purpose characteristics of otter’s body shape

7.  A reference to an underdeveloped sense     

8.  An explanation of why agriculture failed in otter conservation efforts    


9.  A description of how otters regulate vision underwater


10. A description of how baby otters grow


All About the Otter Reading Answers with Explanations (5-10)


Type of question: Matching Information

The Matching  Information task gives you a list of statements based on the passage. You are supposed to match those statements with the paragraphs in the passage that explain them. 

How to best answer: 

  • Read the statements and note their keywords
  • Skim through the passage and locate the keywords
  • Verify the information by scanning the paragraph 
  • Check and finalise the information


5. G




From paragraph G: ‘Reintroducing animals into a fragmented and vulnerable population, on the other hand, may provide just enough drive for it to stabilise and spread rather than extinction.’


The passage explains the conflicting options on how to preserve the otter population. One side argues that otters will not survive without a suitable habitat, while the other suggests that natural populations should expand into the area. Reintroducing animals into a fragile population may stabilise and expand it.


6. A




From paragraph A: ‘When swimming quickly underwater, this is an element of the propulsion system. Otter fur is made up of two types of hair: robust guard hairs that form a waterproof outer layer and dense and fine under-fur that serves as an otter's thermal underwear.’


The passage describes how an otter's body is built for swimming fast, with the tail resembling an oar underwater. The tail's shape is stout at the base, tapering towards the tip where it flattens, forming part of the propulsion unit when swimming fast.


7. B




From paragraph B: ‘They do, however, have the capacity to change the shape of the lens in the eye, making it more spherical and, therefore, overcoming water refraction.’



The passage explains that otters have small eyes and are likely short-sighted on land despite having a strong olfactory sense. These lines suggest that the small size of otters may result in short-sightedness on land.


8. F




From paragraph F: ‘The pesticides were taken out starting in 1962, but while some species rebounded rapidly, otter populations did not and continued to decline well into the 1980s.’


The passage mentions that toxic chemical pesticides in agriculture heavily impacted the otter population by contaminating the food chain. The pesticides entered the river systems, starting with microorganisms and fish and eventually reaching the otters. This led to a decrease in the otter population.


9. B




From paragraph B: ‘They do, however, have the capacity to change the shape of the lens in the eye, making it more spherical and, therefore, overcoming water refraction.’


The above passage states that otters have limited eyesight on land, but they can modify the shape of the lens in their eyes to hunt fish by sight in clear water. This adaptation helps them overcome refraction in water and see clearly.


10. E




From paragraph E: ‘They leave the nest at ten weeks, blinking for the first time in daylight. They ultimately meet the water and learn to swim after three months.’



The passage describes the growth and development of baby otters up to 9 months. They open their eyes at five weeks, are weaned at seven, and leave the nest at ten weeks. After three months, they learn to swim and hunt after eight months. By nine months, they are ready to fend for themselves.

Questions and Answers 11-13
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/ OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer.


11. Which type of otters has the shortest range?

12. What affects the outer fur of otters?

13. What skill is not necessary for Asian short-clawed otters?

All About the Otter Reading Answers with Explanations (11-13)


Type of question: Short Answer Questions


In this task, you will be given a set of questions with missing information, typically sentences with blank spaces. You must complete each statement with one word or phrase (as instructed). 


How to best answer


  • Read the questions first to understand what information you need to look for in the passage.
  • Skim the passage and look for keywords 
  • You may have to look for synonyms or paraphrases to locate the answer 
  • Verify your answers and finalise them


11. Coaster Otters




From paragraph C: ‘Because the male range overlaps with two or three females - this is a good thing! Otters will consume whatever they can get their hands on, including sparrows, snakes, and slugs, according to reports.’


The passage explains that coastal otters have a more abundant food supply, and their range may only be a few kilometres of coastline for both males and females. These lines suggest that coastal otters have a shorter range than other otters due to food availability in their area.


12. Sea water/salt water/salt




From paragraph A: ‘Grooming is required to keep the fur in good condition. When otter fur is exposed to saltwater, it loses its waterproofing and insulating properties.’


The passage explains that otter fur has waterproofing and insulating qualities, which do not require grooming. However, saltwater reduces these qualities, making freshwater pools essential for otters living on the coast. 


13. Swimming speed




From paragraph B: ‘The webs of giant and sea otters are considerably more noticeable, but the Asian short-clawed otter has none since it hunts for shrimp in ditches and rice fields, so it doesn't require the speed.’


The passage explains that giant and sea otters have more prominent webs, while the Asian short-clawed otter has none. The Asian short-clawed otter hunts for shrimps in ditches and paddy fields and doesn't require swimming speed to hunt for fish in rivers. These lines highlight that the Asian short-clawed otters do not need to swim fast to hunt for prey.

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Q. What is the minimum score required in the IELTS Reading test?

A. The minimum score required in the IELTS Reading test may vary depending on the institution or organisation to which you are applying. However, 6.5 is generally considered a good score on the IELTS Reading test.

Q. How much time should I spend on each passage in the IELTS Reading test?

A. In the IELTS Reading test, there are usually three passages that you need to read and answer questions on. You will get one hour to complete the entire test, which means you should aim to spend about 20 minutes on each passage. However, remember that each passage's difficulty level may vary, so you must adjust your time accordingly.

Q. What are some common mistakes to avoid in the IELTS Reading test?

A. Some common mistakes to avoid in the IELTS Reading test are not reading the instructions carefully, getting stuck on a question, not managing time effectively, not understanding the question, and not checking your answers.

Q. How can I improve my reading speed for the IELTS Reading test?

A.  To improve your reading speed for the IELTS Reading test, you can try skimming through the text, identifying key information and focusing on keywords, practising timed exercises, increasing your vocabulary, reading regularly, and using online resources.

Q. What is the band score range for the IELTS Reading module?

A. The band score range for the IELTS Reading module is from 0 to 9. The score is calculated based on the number of correct answers you provide in the test. The score you receive determines your level of proficiency in the English language. A score of 9 indicates an expert user, while a score of 0 means that you did not attempt the test or that your answers were completely incorrect.

Q. Can I skip the IELTS Reading Module for my IELTS exam?

A. No, you cannot skip the IELTS Reading Module if you are taking the IELTS exam. The IELTS exam consists of four modules: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. You are required to take all four modules to receive an overall band score. Skipping any modules will result in an incomplete test, and you will not receive a band score.

Q. Does the IELTS Reading module have more weightage?

A. Each module of the IELTS exam carries equal weightage and contributes to the overall band score. The IELTS Reading module is one of the four IELTS exam modules and is equally important as the other three modules. Therefore, it is important to prepare for each module of the IELTS exam to achieve a good overall score.

Q. Does the IELTS Reading Module have a negative marking?

A. Yes, the IELTS Reading module has a penalty for incorrect answers. One-fourth of a point is deducted for each incorrect answer, which means that one mark is deducted from your overall score for every four incorrect answers. Therefore, it is important to answer the questions carefully and only attempt the ones you are sure about to avoid losing marks. 

Q. What is a good score for my IELTS Reading module?

A. A good score for the IELTS Reading module depends on the institution or organisation you are applying to. Generally, a score of 6.5 or higher is considered a good score. However, some institutions may require a higher score, such as 7.0 or 7.5. It is important to check the requirements of the institution or organisation you are applying to and aim to achieve the score they require.

Q. What is the average score for the IELTS Reading test?

Q. The average score for the IELTS Reading test varies depending on the region and the purpose for which it is being taken. Generally, a score of 6.0 is considered an average score on the IELTS Reading test. However, remember that the average score can vary depending on the institution or organisation you are applying to, as some may require a higher score.

Q. Can I exceed the word limit for the IELTS Reading test?

A. No, you should not exceed the word limit for the IELTS Reading test. The questions in the IELTS Reading test are designed to test your ability to read and understand information within a specific word limit. Exceeding the word limit can lead to a deduction of marks or disqualifying your response. Reading the instructions carefully for each question and answer within the specified word limit is important.