
Describe a Person Who Is Good at Making People Feel Welcome in His/Her Home: IELTS Cue Card

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Updated on Mar 14, 2024, 10:47

IELTS Speaking is a common module in the IELTS Academic and General Training tests. The 3-parts remain the same in both tests. The cue card round is filled with simple topics such as personal interests, experiences, environmental and societal issues, and general knowledge. One of the most commonly asked topics is, 'Describe a Person Who Is Good at Making People Feel Welcome in His/Her Home.'

In this topic, you can discuss about the person you are referring to and describe the relationship between the person, and describe how it makes you feel about the person.

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1. Describe a Person Who Is Good at Making People Feel Welcome in His/Her Home: How to Answer?

The IELTS Speaking test is a 1:1 interview with a certified IELTS examiner. 

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2. Describe a Person Who Is Good at Making People Feel Welcome in His/Her Home: Sample Answers

Find the Sample Answers for Describe a Person Who Is Good at Making People Feel Welcome in His/Her Home IELTS Cue Card here.

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3. Describe a Person Who Is Good at Making People Feel Welcome in His/Her Home: Follow-Up Questions

IELTS cue cards are followed by Part 3 of IELTS Speaking, where you are asked questions about your topic. These are general questions, typically probing for your opinions and thoughts on the matter.

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Describe a Person Who Is Good at Making People Feel Welcome in His/Her Home: How to Answer?

Once part 2 begins, you will be handed a cue card and 4 questions related to it. In our case, the cue card will look like this: 


Cue Card/Topic: Describe a Person Who Is Good at Making People Feel Welcome in His/Her Home.
You should say

  • Who Is This Person?
  • How Do You Know Them?
  • How Do They Make You Feel Welcome?
  • Explain How You Feel About This Person.


The ideal way to answer cue card prompts is to break them into digestible sections. Think of it this way: no matter your topic, there is always an introduction, key highlights, and a conclusion. 

Considering that, here's how we'll break our topic down. 



  • Begin by introducing the person you have in mind. Provide their name and your relationship with them.


For Example,The person I have in mind is my aunt, Mrs. Smith. She epitomises warmth and hospitality, making everyone who enters her home feel at ease and welcome.”


Who is this person?


  • Elaborate on the individual's characteristics, such as personality traits, background, and any relevant details about their family or cultural upbringing. 
  • Describe why you consider them good at making people feel welcome in their homes.


For Example, “Mrs. Smith is a gracious and affable hostess who takes great pride in her home and family. Raised in a close-knit household, she learned the importance of hospitality from her parents and has carried on this tradition throughout her life.”


How do you know them?


  • Detail how you first met the person and the nature of your relationship with them. 
  • Provide context about how often you visit their home and the types of interactions you've had with them.


For Example, “I've known Mrs. Smith since childhood, as she is my mother's sister. Our families share a close bond, and we often gather at her home for family celebrations, holiday gatherings, and casual get-togethers.”


How do they make you feel welcome?


  • Provide specific examples of the person's actions and behaviours that create a welcoming atmosphere in their home. 
  • This could include their warm greetings, inviting demeanour, attention to detail in hospitality, and efforts to ensure guests are comfortable and included in activities.


For Example, “From the moment you step into Mrs. Smith's home, you are enveloped in warmth and comfort. She greets each guest with a genuine smile, offering hugs and kind words of welcome. Her home is always immaculately clean and beautifully decorated, creating a cosy and inviting atmosphere.”


Explain how you feel about this person.


  • Express your feelings towards the person and their welcoming nature's impact on you. 
  • Discuss any memorable experiences or moments highlighting their hospitality and how they have made you feel valued and appreciated.


For ExampleI have the utmost admiration and respect for Mrs. Smith. Her hospitality knows no bounds, and her genuine kindness leaves a lasting impression on everyone she meets. I feel incredibly fortunate to have her as a role model, and her welcoming nature has taught me the importance of making others feel valued and appreciated.”




  • Conclude by summarising your description of the person and reiterating your admiration for their welcoming qualities. 
  • Reflect on the significance of their hospitality and its positive effect on those visiting their home.


For Example“Mrs. Smith's exceptional hospitality sets her apart as a gracious hostess who makes people feel welcome in her home. Her warmth, kindness, and attention to detail create an inviting atmosphere that leaves a lasting impact on all who enjoy visiting her.”


Describe a Person Who Is Good at Making People Feel Welcome in His/Her Home: Sample Answers

Find the Sample Answers for Describe a Person Who Is Good at Making People Feel Welcome in His/Her Home IELTS Cue Card here.

Sample Answer 1
Sample Answer 2
Sample Answer 3


  • The person I have in mind is my grandmother, whom we affectionately call "Nani." 
  • She embodies the true spirit of hospitality and always makes guests feel like part of the family when they visit her home.


Who is this person?

  • Nani is the matriarch of our family and the heart of our household. 
  • She has spent her life nurturing her family and creating a warm and inviting home environment for everyone who enters.


How do you know them?

  • I've known Nani since childhood, as she is my father's mother. 
  • Growing up, our extended family often gathered at her home for festive occasions, religious ceremonies, and impromptu visits. 
  • Her home has always been a hub of activity and laughter thanks to her welcoming nature.


How do they make you feel welcome?

  • Nani's welcoming nature is evident when you walk through her door. 
  • She greets guests with a warm smile, a heartfelt hug, and a cup of chai or coffee. 
  • Her home is filled with the aroma of delicious homemade food, and she takes great joy in preparing traditional Indian dishes for her guests. 
  • Nani goes out of her way to ensure that everyone feels comfortable and included, whether by sharing stories, offering advice, or simply lending a listening ear.


Explain how you feel about this person.

  • I have immense love and respect for Nani, whose unwavering hospitality has shaped my understanding of family and community. 
  • Her open-heartedness and generosity have touched the lives of everyone who has had the privilege of visiting her home. 
  • Nani's warm embrace and nurturing spirit make me feel cherished and valued, and I am grateful for the love and warmth she extends to all who enter her home.



  • Nani's innate ability to make people feel welcome in her home is a testament to her kind and compassionate nature. 
  • Her genuine hospitality creates a sense of belonging and camaraderie that enriches the lives of all who enjoy visiting her. 
  • Nani's home is not just a physical space but a sanctuary of love, laughter, and cherished memories.

Describe a Person Who Is Good at Making People Feel Welcome in His/Her Home: Follow-Up Questions

Below are some sample questions and possible answers. Once again, we recommend that you only take the inspiration from the answers below and add your twist to it!

Follow-Up Question 1

Question 1: Is inviting people to stay home a good skill?


Answer 1: Inviting people to stay at one's home can be a valuable skill as it fosters connections and strengthens relationships. It shows hospitality and generosity, making guests feel valued and cared for. Additionally, it provides an opportunity for meaningful interactions and memorable experiences, contributing to a sense of community and mutual support.

Answer 2: Inviting people to stay at one's home can be seen as a kind gesture, but it also comes with challenges and responsibilities. Hosting guests requires time, effort, and resources, which can be taxing, especially if done frequently. Additionally, concerns about privacy, space limitations, and potential conflicts may arise from differing expectations and lifestyles.

Follow-Up Question 2

Question 2: What role does food play in making guests feel welcome in someone's home?

Answer 1: Food is significant in making guests feel welcome in someone's home as it provides nourishment, comfort, and a sense of hospitality. Delicious homemade meals or snacks can create a warm and inviting atmosphere, encouraging guests to feel relaxed and appreciated. Sharing meals also fosters bonding and creates opportunities for enjoyable conversations and shared experiences, enhancing the overall sense of hospitality and connection.

Answer 2: While food can be an important aspect of hospitality, relying too heavily on it to make guests feel welcome may overlook other essential elements. In some cases, excessive focus on food may lead to pressure or expectations on the host to provide elaborate or expensive meals, causing stress and discomfort. Additionally, guests may feel uncomfortable if dietary restrictions or preferences are not accommodated adequately, leading to potential misunderstandings or discomfort. Therefore, while food can enhance hospitality, it should be balanced with other forms of warmth and consideration.

Follow-Up Question 3

Question 3: How do you think the person you described would react to unexpected or uninvited guests?

Answer 1: The person described as good at making people feel welcome in their home would likely react warmly and graciously to unexpected or uninvited guests. They may see it as an opportunity to extend their hospitality and make the guests feel comfortable and valued. They might quickly adapt to the situation, offering refreshments and making the guests feel at ease with their friendly demeanour and welcoming attitude.

Answer 2: While the person described may generally excel at making people feel welcome in their home, they may feel slightly caught off guard by unexpected or uninvited guests. Depending on the circumstances, they might initially feel flustered or unprepared but would likely still extend basic hospitality, such as offering drinks or snacks. However, they may feel slightly stressed or inconvenienced, especially if they had other plans or were not expecting visitors.

Follow-Up Question 4

Question 4: In your opinion, what qualities are most important for creating a welcoming atmosphere in a home?

Answer 1: In my opinion, the most important qualities for creating a welcoming atmosphere in a home include warmth, hospitality, and attentiveness. A welcoming host or hostess should greet guests with a genuine smile, offer refreshments, and engage them in friendly conversation. It's also important to make guests feel comfortable and valued by being attentive to their needs and preferences, ensuring they have everything they need to feel at home.


Answer 2: From my perspective, the most important qualities for creating a welcoming atmosphere in a home are cleanliness, organisation, and privacy. While warmth and hospitality are essential, a clutter-free and tidy environment can make guests feel comfortable and relaxed. Additionally, respecting guests' privacy and personal space can help them feel at ease, especially if they prefer a more reserved or quiet setting.

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Q. What vital language elements should I remember while attempting the cue card section?

A. To score well in the cue card section, remember to use a range of vocabulary, including idiomatic expressions and phrasal verbs. You should also try to use complex sentence structures, such as compound and complex sentences. It's also important to speak fluently and with good pronunciation and to use appropriate stress and intonation to convey meaning effectively. Finally, address the prompt thoroughly and provide relevant examples or details to support your answer.

Q. What can I do if I don’t understand the cue card topic?

A. If you need help understanding the cue card topic, ask the examiner to clarify it. You can also take a few seconds to think about the topic and try to develop some related ideas or examples. If you're unsure, you can try to use some general phrases or expressions to talk around the topic until you feel more comfortable.

Q. Can I use informal language during my cue card task?

A. No, you should avoid using informal language during your cue card task. The cue card task is a formal speaking test, so you should use formal language throughout the test. Avoid using slang, contractions, or colloquial expressions, and instead use more formal vocabulary and sentence structures. This will help you demonstrate your language skills and show that you can communicate effectively in a formal setting.

Q. What are some of the common cue card topics?

A. Some common cue card topics in the IELTS speaking test include personal experiences, such as describing a memorable event or a favourite holiday destination, and more general topics related to society, education, technology, and culture. Other common topics may include describing a person you admire, discussing a current issue or problem, or expressing your opinion on a particular topic. 

Q. Is the IELTS speaking test easy?

A. The IELTS speaking test can be challenging for many test-takers, as it requires fluency and accuracy in English and the ability to communicate effectively and confidently. However, with adequate preparation and practice, many individuals can achieve their desired score on the speaking test. It's important to remember that everyone's experience may vary, and what may be easy or difficult for one person may not be the same for another.

Q. Are speaking tests for Academic and General the same?

A. The speaking test is structured the same for both IELTS Academic and General Training modules. However, the content may vary slightly depending on the module you are taking. The skills required to do well on both exams are similar, so it's important to prepare for the specific module you will be taking.

Q. Is eye contact important in IELTS speaking?

A. Eye contact is an important aspect of effective communication and can also play a role in the IELTS speaking test. Making eye contact with the examiner during your speaking test can demonstrate confidence and engagement and help you connect with your audience. That being said, it's important to remember that you shouldn't force yourself to make eye contact if it makes you uncomfortable or distracts you from your speaking performance. 

Q. What are common mistakes in IELTS speaking?

A. Common mistakes in IELTS speaking include lack of preparation, nervousness, using memorised answers, not answering the question, not speaking enough, and poor pronunciation.

Q. Which part is the most important in IELTS speaking?

A. All parts of the IELTS speaking section are important, but the third part is generally considered the most challenging and carries the most weight in scoring. In this part, test-takers must express and defend their opinions on a given topic, using appropriate vocabulary and grammar structures.

Q. What is the lowest score in IELTS speaking?

A. The lowest possible score in IELTS Speaking is 0. However, this score is extremely rare as it indicates that the candidate did not attempt to answer any of the questions or was completely silent throughout the test. The lowest score a candidate can realistically receive is 1, implying that they have made some effort to speak. Still, their responses could be more relevant to the questions asked.

Q. Can I change the topic for speaking in IELTS?

A. No, you cannot change the topic in IELTS Speaking. The examiner will provide you with a topic or a cue card, and you will have to speak about that topic. However, you are free to interpret the topic in your own way and bring your experiences and opinions to make your speech more interesting and engaging.