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Job Enquiry Listening Answer: IELTS Listening Practice Test

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 11:57

Welcome to the IELTS Listening Practice! In this section of the IELTS, you will be tested on your understanding of English in various situations. The job enquiry IELTS Listening answers involve listening to a recording or a conversation related to job inquiry or employment. It is a conversation between a job seeker, an employer, or a recruitment agency representative.

The recording includes key information about the requirements, the pay, work timings and other details about the job. The recording aims to assess your ability to understand spoken English professionally, particularly in the context of job inquiry or employment.

You'll listen to recordings of people talking or giving speeches during testing. It can be anything from casual conversations to more formal lectures. Listen closely, then answer some questions about what you've heard. This test has four sections, which include four recordings and 40 questions. 

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1. Job Enquiry IELTS Listening: Audio

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2. Job Enquiry IELTS Listening: Question & Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS listening answers about the Job Enquiry.

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Job Enquiry IELTS Listening: Audio

General Instructions for IELTS Listening


You'll listen to recordings of people talking or giving speeches during testing. These recordings can be anything from casual conversations to more formal lectures. Listen closely, then answer some questions about what you've heard.


This test has four sections, each containing four recordings and 40 questions, but this practice test contains one section with 10 questions of the overall IELTS Listening section.

  • You are not allowed to open this section unless asked to do so.
  • Listen to the instructions of each section carefully.
  • Answer all the questions
  • Be alert while listening to the audio
  • Take notes of the keywords while listening to the audio
  • You will be given only 10 minutes to write your answers on the separate answer sheet at the end of the test, for which you have to use a pencil.

Job Enquiry IELTS Listening: Question & Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS listening answers about the Job Enquiry.

Questions and Answers 1-10
  • Complete the blanks below.
  • Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    • Work at: ………………. a restaurant
    • Type of work: 1) .………………..
    • Number of hours per week: 12 hours
    • I would need a work permit
    • Work In the: 2) …………….… branch
    • Nearest bus stop: next to 3) …………………………
    • Pay: 4) £……………….  an hour
    • Extra benefits
    • a free dinner
    • extra pay when you work on 5) ……………………
    • transport home when you work 6) ………………….
    • Qualities required:
    • 7)……………………..
    • ability to 8) ……………………..
    • Interview arranged for Thursday 9) ……………….. at 6 pm.
    • Bring the names of two referees.
    • Ask for: Samira 10) …………………….


    Type of Question: Sentence Completion


    You will hear a recording in this task with an empty sentence. You're supposed to enter the missing information in this space. Usually, the answer is a word or short phrase from that recording.

    How to best answer the question

    • Quickly read the sentence with the blank before the recording starts. It will help you concentrate on what needs to be listened to.
    • What kind of word or information might fill the space according to the context. This will make it easier for you to anticipate and recognise the answer.
    • Where there is likely to be a piece of missing information, pay close attention to the part of the recording. The speaker may answer immediately or provide a clue at certain times.
    • There may be a difference between the words in this sentence and what was recorded. You should be alert for synonyms and similar expressions.


    With that, let's dive into the answers!


    Job Enquiry IELTS Listening Answers: Explanations


    Question 1:

    Answer: Answering phone


    Explanation: The job applicant (Peter Chin) enquired about the job role in the recording. And the helper at the front desk tells him that his work would be mainly to answer phone calls in the restaurant.


    Question 2:

    Answer: Hills Dunne Road


    Explanation: As the job applicant is new to the city, he asks for the restaurant’s location. The helper replies to him by mentioning the location as Hills Dunne Road.


    Question 3:

    Answer: Library


    Explanation: The job applicant asked for the nearest bus stop. The helper says that the nearest bus stop is beside the library.


    Question 4:

    Answer: £4.45 per hour


    Explanation: Peter Chin asked about the pay, to which the helper replied, £4.45 per hour and told her about his last pay, which was £3.95 per hour.


    Question 5:

    Answer: £4.45 national holidays


    Explanation: In the given question, the front desk helper talks about the job’s main perks, including free dinners and extra payment for working on the national holidays.


    Question 6:

    Answer: after 11 (o clock)


    Explanation: The front desk helper talks about another advantage. She mentions that food, extra payment and a drive home will be provided after 11 o'clock at night.


    Question 7:

    Answer: a clear voice


    Explanation: The front desk helper specifies the qualities required for this job as a clear voice.


    Question 8:

    Answer: think quickly


    Explanation: The candidates must also have the quality to think quickly for this specific job.


    Question 9:

    Answer: 22 Oct


    Explanation: The interview date was fixed by both the helper and the applicant on 22nd October after 6 PM.


    Question 10:

    Answer: Manuja

    Explanation: When Peter asked whom to look for, the front desk helper told them her name was Sameera Manuja for his reference.

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    Q. How do you solve the Job Enquiry IELTS listening answers?

    Ans. To succeed in the Job Enquiry listening test, you should have a good understanding of English grammar and vocabulary and the ability to listen for and understand essential information in spoken English. You can improve listening skills by listening to English-language materials such as podcasts, news broadcasts, and interviews.

    Q. How do you effectively solve sentence completion questions in the IELTS Listening section?

    Ans.  Keywords and context must be actively heard during the audio stream to properly address sentence completion questions on the IELTS Listening section. Based on the overall theme or information presented, anticipate possible missing words. To be precise in filling out the blanks, pay attention to grammar like verb tenses and single or double plural forms.


    Q. What kind of skills are assessed in the IELTS Listening section?

    Ans.  The IELTS Listening section assesses the candidate's ability to understand spoken English in different contexts. The ability to comprehend the speaker's major ideas, particular details, opinions and attitudes is assessed. In addition, test participants must demonstrate their ability to recognise the organisation and purpose of a given discussion and follow and understand its development in an audio record.


    Q. What types of accents can I expect to hear in the IELTS Listening recordings?

    Ans.  You will be able to encounter a range of dialects, including but not limited to British, American, Australian, Canadian and New Zealand dialects, during the IELTS Listening test. It will help you to understand the recordings more precisely if you are familiar with these various dialects, using practice materials and exposure to other English-speaking people. To succeed in the test, adapting to different accents as they reflect real listening scenarios is important.


    Q. What is the format of the IELTS Listening section?

    Ans.  Four recording sections, each with a different type of dialogue or monologue, comprise the IELTS Listening section. Different contexts, such as social situations, academic lectures and everyday discussions, are covered in these sections. There are 40 questions, and the recordings are played on one occasion. Question types include multiple-choice, matching, labelling diagrams, form completion, and sentence or summary completion.


    Q. What are the different question types in the IELTS Listening test?

    Ans.  The IELTS Listening test has many question types to assess individual listening skills. Common question types include multiple choice, matching, plan/map/diagram labelling, form completion, note completion, summary completion, sentence completion, and short-answer questions. Specific skills, e.g., understanding major concepts, details and directions, are tested for each type of question.


    Q. What kinds of recordings will be played in the IELTS Listening test?

    Ans.  Several recordings, such as conversations, monologues, discussions, and interviews, are included in the IELTS Listening test. These recordings have several accents, including British, American, Australian, Canadian and New Zealand. Everyday situations, academic discussions or workplace scenarios can be covered in the content. 


    Q. Can I write on the question paper?

    Ans.  Yes, as you listen to the recordings, recording notes, drawing up a list of main points and highlighting relevant elements is advisable. However, the final answers must be transferred to a separate answer sheet during the allocated time at the end of the test. When you transfer questions to the answer sheet, writing them on the question paper helps you organise your thoughts and answer them correctly.


    Q. What should I do if I miss an answer?

    Ans.  Don't panic if you don't get an answer in the IELTS Listening Test. Listen carefully to the rest of the recording and keep your eyes fixed on it. Do not dwell on the missing answer, as it can cause you to be distracted from hearing what follows. During the transfer period of 10 minutes at the end of the test, you can always return to any unanswered questions. To maximise your score, focus on listening carefully to the rest of the sections and answering the next questions.


    Q. Are headphones provided during the test?

    Ans.  Yes, during the IELTS Listening Test, you will receive headphones. Test participants will be provided headphones to listen to the recorded audio sections. Before the test begins, it's vital to ensure your headphones are comfortable. Familiarising yourself with headphones and the audio quality can contribute to a smoother and more focused listening experience during the examination.


    Q. Can I listen to the recordings more than once?

    Ans.  No, you cannot listen to recordings in the IELTS Listening test more than once. It emphasises the importance of carefully listening and paying attention, each audio recording being played only once. While listening to capture key information, taking accurate notes is important because you cannot retry recordings. During the test, you will practise active listening skills to increase your ability to read and store information in audio segments.