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Homestay Applications Listening Answers: IELTS Listening Practice Test

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 11:57

The IELTS listening test has four parts, and "Homestay Application" is a common topic in the first part.


The "Homestay Application" recording features a conversation between a Japanese student and a housing officer. The housing officer asks for personal details.


As you listen, the housing officer asks different questions to get more information about the details. The test will check how well you understand words, the situation, and the specific information given in the conversation. It's like a puzzle where you need to match what you hear with the questions you're asked.


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1. Homestay Application Listening: Audio

Practising this skill will improve your listening skills and help you understand information in different contexts. Let's start with this family excursion and tune up our listening abilities.

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2. Homestay Application Listening: Questions and Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS Listening Answers about Homestay Application.

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Homestay Application Listening: Audio

General Instructions for IELTS Listening


You'll listen to recordings of people talking or giving speeches during testing. These recordings can be anything from casual conversations to more formal lectures. Listen closely, then answer some questions about what you've heard.


This test has four sections, each containing four recordings and 40 questions, but this practice test contains one section with 10 questions of the overall IELTS Listening section.

  • You are not allowed to open this section unless asked to do so.
  • Listen to the instructions of each section carefully.
  • Answer all the questions
  • Be alert while listening to the audio
  • Take notes of the keywords while listening to the audio
  • You will be given only 10 minutes to write your answers on the separate answer sheet at the end of the test, for which you have to use a pencil.

Homestay Application Listening: Questions & Answers

This audio is about a Japanese girl and a housing officer are talking about her homestay family. The housing officer takes some details from the girl regarding her stay. You must listen to the audio, and answer the questions!


Below are the sample questions and answers. 


Questions and Answers 1-5


  • Complete the following form with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


This table contains personal details of the girl, you must fill in the blanks.


First name


Family name






Passport number




Course enrolled


Length of the course


Homestay time



Here's a little about the question type: 


Question Type: Form Completion

In this task, you must listen to a recording where information is added to a form. The form contains empty spaces that must be filled with the missing details. To succeed, attentively listen to the spoken content, identify the relevant information, and accurately complete the blanks on the form. It requires aligning what you hear with the vacant spaces provided in the document.


Sample Answers: 


Question 1:

Answer: Keiko



When the friend reaches the homestay, she is being enquired by the housing officer. She mentioned that her friend enjoyed the homestay and she would like to join. When the officer asks for details, she mentions that her name is Keiko.

Question 2:

Answer: JO6337



While the officer was taking all the personal details from the student, he also asks for passport for identification proof and then the officer mentions that the passport number is JO6337.

Question 3:

Answer: Advanced English studies



When the officer asks for the course details to the student, she mentions that she has enrolled herself in advanced english studies course.


Question 4:

Answer: 5 months



In the conversation between the officer and student, she mentions that the length of the course is 20 weeks out of which 5 weeks are completed. (Therefore, the length of the course is 5 months)


Question 5:

Answer: About 4 months



After the officer enquired about all the personal details, he asked the student about the number of days she was planning to stay at homestay, for which she mentions that she would stay for about 4 months and if she likes it she would stay more. 

Question and Answer 6
Mark TWO options that represent the correct answer.

6. What kind of family does the girls prefer?

  • A. A big family with many young children
  • В. A family without smoker or drinkers
  • С. A family without any pets
  • D. A family with many animals or pets


Here's a little about the question type: 


Question Type: Multiple Choice Question 

In this task, your job is to listen carefully to the audio and pick the correct statements from the options given. Before you start, read the instructions to understand how many correct answers you need. Pay attention to important words, take notes as you listen, and cross out the options that are wrong. This way, you increase your chances of choosing the right answers. 


Sample Answers:


B- A family without smoker or drinkers

 D- A family with many animals or pets



When the officer asks for the student preference in the type of family she would like to live in, she said that she would not prefer a family whose members smoke and drink because she don’t like it and she would love to stay with a family whose house is filled with many animals or pets. Therefore, options B and D are correct.

Question and Answers 7-10
Fill in the blanks with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

  • 7. Although the girl is not a vegetarian, she doesn't eat a lot of meat. Her favourite food is—-----.
  • 8. The girls has given up playing handball. Now, she just play—---- with her friends at weekends.
  • 9. The girl does not like the bus because they are always late. She would rather—--.
  • 10. The girl can get the information about the homestay family that she wants—-----.


    Here's a little about the question: 


    Question type: Sentence Completion

    In this task, you listen to a recording where sentences are not finished. Your job is to fill in the missing words or information. To do well, read the instructions carefully, focus on important words in the sentences, and listen closely for the details you need. Take notes as you hear the information and try to guess the missing words.

    Sample Answers


    Question 7:

    Answer: Seafood



    When the officer enquires about the food preference, she mentions that she doesn’t like meat and she prefers seafood.


    Question 8:

    Answer: Tennis



    When asked about any sports she likes to play, she answers that she likes to play tennis.


    Question 9:

    Answer: Take the train



    When the officer inquired,if the student knows about any public transport she mentions that she is not aware as she has always stayed in campus. Then, when the officer asks what about trains, she mentions that she likes taking the train as it is faster.


    Question 10:

    Answer: This afternoon



    After taking all the necessary details, the officer asks the student to come back in the same afternoon after classes to collect information if there is any vacancy for homestay.

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    Q. How do you effectively solve table completion questions in the IELTS Listening section?

    A. To do well in table completion for IELTS Listening:

    • Look at the Table First: Before the recording, check out the table quickly to know what information is missing.
    • Listen Carefully: Pay close attention to the recording. Focus on words or phrases that match the empty spaces in the table.
    • Guess the Answers: Try to guess what might fill the blanks based on what you hear and the context.
    • Take Good Notes: Write down important details as you listen. This helps you organize information and complete the table accurately.
    Q. How is the IELTS Listening test scored?

    A. The IELTS Listening test is evaluated on a scale of 0 to 9. Scores are given for each of the four sections, and the average is taken to provide an overall band score.

    Q. How many sections are present in the IELTS Listening test?

    A. There are four different sections in the IELTS listening test. Each section includes a different type of recording with several listening tasks.


    Q. What are the types of tasks in the IELTS Listening test?

    A. The IELTS listening test includes various tasks such as:
    1. Multiple-choice questions
    2. Note-taking 
    3. Form completion
    4. Sentence completion

    5. Matching.

    Q. How can I prepare effectively for the IELTS Listening test?

    A. To prepare for the IELTS listening test, it is recommended to listen to various English accents, watch English language films or television shows, listen to English language podcasts, and take several practice tests.

    Q. How much time is there to read the questions?

    A. Before each section begins, you will get a short time of 30 seconds to preview the questions. There will usually be one more short break in the recording to preview further questions.

    Q. How to attempt table completion type question?

    A. Listen carefully to the recording, noting key details. Fill in the table with information matching each category. Use keywords to locate answers quickly. Check spelling and word limits. Practice with sample tests to improve skills.

    Q. How do you get 9 bands in listening?

    A. Develop strong listening skills through regular practice. Focus on understanding the main ideas and key details. Use effective note-taking strategies. Familiarise yourself with different English accents. Pay attention to pronunciation and subtle nuances. Practise time management during the test. Review and learn from mistakes in practice tests.

    Q. Which is the most difficult section in IELTS Listening?

    A. The difficulty of IELTS Listening sections can vary for individuals, but many find Section 4 the most challenging. This section presents a monologue on an academic topic, often involving complex vocabulary and ideas. It requires a high level of concentration and comprehension, making it comparatively more demanding for some test-takers.

    Q. How can I practice listening to IELTS at home?

    A. You can practice IELTS listening at home by:
    Listening to podcasts, audiobooks, or online recordings
    Using official IELTS practice materials
    Mimicking test conditions, such as time limits
    Take note of keywords and main ideas while listening
    Checking answers and understanding mistakes to improve