IELTS Computer Based Practice Test 2024-2025

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Updated on Nov 30, 2024, 11:33

IELTS is a popular English proficiency test accepted by 12,000+ organisations worldwide including countries like the USAUKCanadaIreland and Australia.

You can take the IELTS exam in two modes: CBT and PBT (Computer based test and Paper-based test)

In recent years, the IELTS computer based test has gained popularity among test-takers for its speed, convenience, and modern approach. Guess what? Results are available within 2 days.

But what’s it really like to take the test on a computer, and how do you choose between the 2 modes?  On this page, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about the IELTS Computer based test, helping you decide if it’s the right choice for your journey to success. 

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1. What is an IELTS Computer Based Test?

As the name suggests, Computer-delivered IELTS is taken on a computer at a designated IELTS test centre.

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2. Advantages of IELTS Computer Based Test

Here are the top benefits of IELTS on the computer before deciding which mode to opt for.

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What is an IELTS Computer Based Test?

As the name suggests, Computer-delivered IELTS is taken on a computer at a designated IELTS test centre. You cannot take computer-delivered IELTS from home. 

Whether you should take the IELTS Computer-based test depends on how accustomed you are to typing compared to writing on paper!


Ask yourself these questions before you decide: 

  • How comfortable are you with typing on computers? 
  • Do you prefer typing over writing on paper? Which option is the most efficient for you?
  • Is it easy for you to consume written information on a digital screen? Or do you prepare it on paper?


The IELTS Computer based test follows the same structure and syllabus as the paper-based IELTS test. You will attempt the ReadingWriting, and Listening modules on the computer. The IELTS Speaking test, as usual, is conducted in a 1:1 interview. 

There are slight changes in the duration of the Listening module; here’s what you should know: 


  • The duration of the IELTS Listening test is 30-36 minutes
  • You are given a couple of minutes to go through the questions before you start the test.
  • You are also given a couple of minutes to review your answers.

The fees for the IELTS computer based test remain the same as paper-based tests. Click here to check out the IELTS fees.

Note: IELTS test centres provide modern technology to provide the best computer-delivered test experience. For instance, you will receive high-quality noise-cancelling headphones during the listening test.

What’s new with IELTS Computer Based Test?


IDP IELTS India has released the following new features for the IELTS computer based test! 


Take a look:


  • You can highlight and take notes
  • Copy and paste directly from your notes
  • Automatically displays the word count
  • Go through the questions back and forth


Compared with the paper-based test, these features make it 10x easier to save time and improve efficiency during their IELTS test. This is one of the main advantages of taking the IELTS in a computer-delivered format. 

Let’s explore the advantages.


Advantages of IELTS Computer Based Test

Here are the top benefits of IELTS on the computer before deciding which mode to opt for.

Availability & Flexibility

The IELTS Computer based test is available seven days a week and thrice daily (morning, afternoon, and evening)! You can schedule the test according to what time works best for you. 

Also, most test centres have the option for computer-delivered tests.

Typically, the slots are as follows: 

Slot 1 09:00 am to 12:00 pm
Slot 2 01:00 pm to 04:00 pm
Slot 3 05:00 pm to 08:00 pm


Find the upcoming IELTS schedule here. 

Quicker Results

The best thing about taking the IELTS computer based test is that you get your results much faster, typically within 2 days. This is way quicker than the 10-14 days you have to wait for results from the paper-based test.

Ideal Test Conditions

IELTS on the computer is conducted in a quiet environment, providing you with the opportunity to think thoroughly and concentrate while you write. You will also have high-tech gadgets, such as noise-cancelling earphones, to help you focus. 

No More Worrying About Handwriting!

Ensuring legible handwriting in the rush of completing an exam is not easy! But with computer-delivered IELTS, you can say goodbye to all your handwriting woes. By typing your answer, you can solely focus on acing your responses without anxiety about scribbling your way to completion.

Prepare with IELTS Computer Based Practice Tests

There are plenty of IELTS Computer-Based practice tests available online. You can attempt them at home to determine if the computer mode suits you. Plus, they make a perfect addition to your study plan! 

It’s easy to familiarise yourself with the details of computer-delivered tests as so many resources are available online. 


Click here to access Module-wise practice tests! 

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IELTS Important Information

IELTS Accepting Countries

IELTS Accepting Universities

IELTS Test Centre and Dates in India


Q. What is the IELTS Computer-Based Test?

A. IELTS on a Computer is delivered digitally on a computer instead of the traditional on-paper method. Students prefer computer-based IELTS tests because of the wide availability of test dates and slots. The fee for computer-based IELTS tests remains the same as paper-based tests and is conducted at a designated IELTS test centre. 

Q. How long does the IELTS Computer-delivered test take to complete?

A. The duration of IELTS remains the same for both computer and paper-based tests. However, the listening module is slightly different. Typically, the listening section takes 30 (+ transfer time) minutes to complete, but you get 30-36 minutes in Computer-delivered tests. You get extra time for the following: 

  • Reviewing the questions before you start
  • Reviewing the answers before you submit
Q. Is computer-delivered IELTS easier?

A. Computer-delivered IELTS does not vary the difficulty level of the exam. However, it does make the process way easier for the user. The test is more accessible as this mode has more test centres and dates. IELTS can be taken on the computer seven days a week and three times a day, making it easier for the user to schedule the test. Also, the results for IELTS on the computer are released within 3-5 days, which is a great help for those in a rush to complete a university or visa application. 

Q. How do I register for the IELTS Computer-based test?

A. The registration process for the IELTS computer-based test is the same as registering for the paper test. Here’s what you need to do: 

  • Visit the IELTS IDP India’s official website.
  • Sign up with your details. 
  • Choose the mode of the test.
  • Choose the dates and test centre.
  • Pay the test fee and complete your registration.
Q. Can I take notes during the IELTS computer-based test?

A. Yes! As per IDP’s new updates, you can take notes digitally during the IELTS test and copy and paste your answers directly from the notes. These new features make it easy for users to follow up with reading passages and audio from the listening section and brainstorm during the writing section.

Q. What are the advantages of taking the IELTS computer-delivered test?

A. Here are some benefits of taking IELTS on a computer: 

  • More test dates
  • More test slots
  • Faster results 
  • No need to worry about handwriting
Q. What is the fee for the IELTS computer version?

A. The fee for IELTS computer and paper versions remains the same. The new IELTS computer fee is INR 17,000 for Academic and General Training tests. The fee for IELTS UKVI is INR 17,250. Rescheduling and cancelling fees remain the same as paper-based tests for IELTS computer-based tests.

Q. Is IELTS available on the computer on all days?

A. Yes, the IELTS computer-based test is available on all days of the week and 3 times a day. Below are the commonly available slots. 

Slot 1

09:00 am to 12:00 pm 

Slot 2

01:00 pm to 04:00 pm 

Slot 3

05:00 pm to 08:00 pm

Q. What is considered a good IELTS band score?

A. The minimum IELTS score requirements depend on the criteria set by the university or organisation you're applying to. Scores range from 0 to 9, with 9 being the highest. Most institutions consider a band score of 6 acceptable and indicate proficient English language ability.

Q. How early should I book the slot for the IELTS exam?

A. You can book your IELTS test up to three months in advance. The latest date to book your test is at least one week before the test date. Considering your university or visa application deadlines, taking the test early is wise. This gives you time for a retake if needed. You can take the IELTS test as many times as you want.

Q. How many IELTS sample papers should I practice?

A. The number of practice tests you should take depends on your skill level. For beginners, it is recommended that you take two weekly tests to track your progress consistently. You can also take IELTS computer-based practice tests to hone your computer-based skills specifically! Many mock tests online can help you score a 7+ on your IELTS test.