
Describe a Sportsperson That You Admire: IELTS Cue Card

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Updated on Mar 20, 2024, 10:28

IELTS Speaking is a common module in the IELTS Academic and General Training tests. The 3-parts remain the same in both tests. The cue card round is filled with simple topics such as personal interests, experiences, environmental and societal issues, and general knowledge. One of the most commonly asked topics is, 'Describe a Sportsperson That You Admire.'

In this topic, you can discuss about the person and what sport does he or she plays. Describe about when did you hear the person first and explain the reason you admire the sportsperson.

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1. Describe a Sportsperson That You Admire: How to Answer?

The IELTS Speaking test is a 1:1 interview with a certified IELTS examiner. 

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2. Describe a Sportsperson That You Admire: Sample Answers

Find the Sample Answers for Describe a Sportsperson That You Admire IELTS Cue Card here.

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3. Describe a Sportsperson That You Admire: Follow-Up Questions

IELTS cue cards are followed by Part 3 of IELTS Speaking, where you are asked questions about your topic. These are general questions, typically probing for your opinions and thoughts on the matter. 


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Describe a Sportsperson That You Admire: How to Answer?

Once part 2 begins, you will be handed a cue card and 4 questions related to it. In our case, the cue card will look like this: 

Cue Card/Topic: Describe a Sportsperson That You Admire
You should say

  • Who the person is?
  • What sport does he or she do?
  • When did you first hear about this person?
  • Why do you admire him or her?


The ideal way to answer cue card prompts is to break them into digestible sections. Think of it this way: no matter your topic, there is always an introduction, key highlights, and a conclusion. 

Considering that, here's how we'll break our topic down. 



  • Introduce the sportsperson you admire.
  • Provide a brief overview of their achievements.


Who the person is?

  • Mention the name of the sportsperson.
  • Provide some background information about them, such as their nationality or professional status.


What sport does he or she do?

  • Specify the sport that the sportsperson is involved in.
  • Describe the significance of this sport and its popularity.


When did you first hear about this person?

  • Share when and how you first became aware of this sportsperson.
  • Describe the context in which you learned about their accomplishments or skills.


Why do you admire him or her?

  • Explain the qualities or achievements that make this sportsperson admirable.
  • Provide specific examples of their sportsmanship, dedication, or impact on their sport.



  • Summarise your admiration for the sportsperson and reiterate why you find them inspiring.

Describe a Sportsperson That You Admire: Sample Answers

Find the Sample Answers for Describe a Sportsperson That You Admire IELTS Cue Card here.

Sample Answer 1
Sample Answer 2
Sample Answer 3


  • The sportsperson I deeply admire is Sachin Tendulkar, often referred to as the "Master Blaster" or "Little Master," for his exceptional contributions to cricket and his legendary status in the world of sports.

Who the person is?

  • Sachin Tendulkar is an iconic Indian cricketer who is celebrated as one of the greatest batsmen in the history of cricket. 
  • He hails from Mumbai, India, and has garnered immense respect and admiration both nationally and internationally.

What sport does he do?

  • He has excelled in the sport of cricket, which holds a revered place in the hearts of millions of cricket enthusiasts across the globe, particularly in India, where it is considered a religion.

When did you first hear about this person?

  • I first heard about Sachin Tendulkar during my childhood when my family and I would gather around the television to watch cricket matches. 
  • His remarkable performances and unmatched skills on the cricket field captivated my attention from a young age.

Why do you admire him or her?

  • I admire Sachin Tendulkar not only for his extraordinary talent and exceptional cricketing skills but also for his humility, sportsmanship, and dedication to the game. 
  • Despite achieving unparalleled success and breaking numerous records, he has always remained grounded and focused on his passion for cricket.


  • Sachin Tendulkar's illustrious career and his impact on the sport of cricket have left an indelible mark on Indian sports history. 
  • He continues to inspire millions of cricket enthusiasts, including myself, with his exemplary leadership, resilience, and unwavering commitment to the game, making him a true legend and a source of pride for the nation.

Describe a Sportsperson That You Admire: Follow-Up Questions

Below are some sample questions and possible answers. Once again, we recommend that you only take the inspiration from the answers below and add your twist to it! 


Follow-Up Question 1

Question 1: How has this sportsperson influenced your general approach to sports or life?


Answer 1: This sportsperson has dramatically influenced my approach to sports and life. Their dedication, perseverance, and passion for their sport inspire me to work hard and never give up on my goals. I admire their ability to overcome challenges and setbacks, which motivates me to do the same.


Answer 2: While I respect this sportsperson's achievements, I don't feel personally influenced by them in my general approach to sports or life. I appreciate their talent and success, but I draw inspiration from other sources in my life.

Follow-Up Question 2

Question 2: Do you think this sportsperson's achievements have had a significant impact on the popularity of their sport?


Answer 1: Yes, this sportsperson's achievements have significantly impacted the popularity of their sport. Their success has attracted widespread attention and inspired many people to take an interest in the sport. As a result, participation rates and viewership numbers have increased, leading to greater exposure and recognition for the sport.


Answer 2: No, I don't believe this sportsperson's achievements have significantly impacted the popularity of their sport. While they may have a dedicated fan base, the overall popularity of the sport remains relatively low. Factors such as limited media coverage, lack of infrastructure, and competition from other sports may hinder its growth despite its success.

Follow-Up Question 3

Question 3: What specific qualities of the sportsperson do you find most admirable?

Answer 1: One specific quality of the sportsperson I find most admirable is their determination and resilience. Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, they never give up and strive for excellence. Their unwavering commitment to their goals is a source of inspiration for me and many others.

Answer 2: While the sportsperson may possess certain admirable qualities, such as skill and dedication, I find their behaviour outside the game less commendable. Their actions off the field, such as involvement in controversies or lack of sportsmanship, detract from their overall character and diminish my admiration for them.

Follow-Up Question 4

Question 4: Would you consider attending a live event or match featuring this sportsperson?

Answer 1: Yes. Attending a live event featuring this sportsperson would be a dream come true for me. Witnessing their skill and talent firsthand would be an unforgettable experience and inspire me to pursue my athletic goals.

Answer 2: No, I don't think I would attend a live event featuring this sportsperson. While I admire their accomplishments, I'm interested in something other than attending sports events in person. I prefer to follow their matches or games from the comfort of my home.

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Top 10 Speaking Sample with Answers

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Q. What is the lowest score in IELTS speaking?

A. The lowest score one can receive in IELTS Speaking is 0. This score is assigned if a candidate remains silent throughout the test, provides entirely irrelevant responses, or fails to meet the minimum requirements set by the examiner. It underscores the importance of actively participating and responding appropriately in the speaking test.

Q. How do you answer part 2 in IELTS?

A. In Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking test, you will be presented with a cue card that contains a topic and a set of prompts. You will have 1 minute to prepare, during which you can jot down key points, ideas, and vocabulary to help structure your response. Focus on the main aspects of the topic and make notes, and then you need to speak for 2-3 minutes on the given topic. Aim for a natural and clear speech. Don't rush, and try to maintain a steady pace. Pronounce words correctly and use a variety of vocabulary.

Q. Do IELTS cue cards repeat?

A, Yes, IELTS cue cards can repeat, but the topics may be slightly modified or presented differently. The IELTS test aims to cover a broad range of subjects to assess a candidate’s language abilities in various contexts. While the specific wording of cue cards may change, the general themes and topics often remain consistent. Remember that even if a cue card topic seems familiar, the examiner will look for your ability to address the specific prompts and showcase your language proficiency.

Q. How should I manage my time during the Cue Card task?

A. You can manage your time during the Cue Card task in the following ways:


  1. Prepare (1 minute): Take a minute to understand the topic, jot down a few main points, and plan what you'll say.
  2. Speak (2 minutes): Talk for 2 minutes about the topic. Try to cover your main points and keep talking without long pauses.
  3. Answer Questions (3-4 minutes): After you speak, the examiner will ask you more questions about the topic. Use this time to share more thoughts and have a conversation.


This way, you use your time well and show your speaking skills. Practice with different topics to get better!


Q. Can I express my opinion during the test, even if it's different from the examiner's?

A. Your opinions are valued in the IELTS Speaking test, and you're encouraged to express them. Whether or not your opinion aligns with the examiner's doesn't affect your score. You're assessed on how well you communicate your ideas, fluency, vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. 

Q. How to crack the Cue Card task?

A. Practice talking about different topics to do well in the IELTS Speaking Cue Card task. Include an introduction, details, and a conclusion in your responses. Use a variety of words to show your language skills. Practice managing your time to finish within the given time. Share your opinions naturally without being too formal. Listen carefully to understand questions and respond appropriately. Stay calm, practice regularly, and get feedback to improve. This will boost your confidence in the Cue Card section.

Q. How do you make notes for cue card IELTS?

A. Making practical notes for the IELTS Speaking Cue Card involves jotting down key points to guide your speech. Listen carefully to the cue card topic, identify the main ideas, and note relevant details. Use abbreviations, symbols, or short phrases to represent essential information. Organise your notes logically, indicating the introduction, main points, and conclusion. Practice making notes within the given preparation time to refine your skills. The goal is to create a quick reference that helps you deliver a well-structured and comprehensive response during the speaking task.

Q. Is eye contact important in IELTS speaking?

A, Yes, maintaining eye contact is important in the IELTS Speaking test. It demonstrates confidence and engagement with the examiner, contributing to a positive impression. While you don't need to stare continuously, regular eye contact shows attentiveness and sincerity. However, if you feel uncomfortable with prolonged eye contact, you can also focus on the examiner's face, ensuring a connection without making it overly intense.

Q. What are common mistakes in IELTS speaking?

A. You should watch out for common mistakes in the IELTS speaking test. Follow instructions carefully, especially in Part 2, to stay on topic. If a question is unclear, don't hesitate to ask for clarification. Maintain good posture and minimise nervous gestures to project confidence. Be careful with your grammar, tenses, and sentence structures to avoid errors. Work on clear pronunciation to ensure your words are easily understood. 

Q. Can I change the topic for speaking in IELTS?

A. When changing the topic for speaking in IELTS, it's crucial to note that candidates cannot alter the given topic. The examiner provides a cue card with a specific topic; candidates are expected to speak on that subject. Straying away from the provided topic may lead to a lower score, as it indicates a lack of adherence to instructions and could affect the coherence of your responses. Staying focused on the given topic and demonstrating your ability to articulate ideas effectively is essential.

Q. Which part is the most important in IELTS speaking?

A. Each part of the IELTS Speaking test plays a crucial role, but Part 2, the Cue Card section, is particularly vital. This section assesses your ability to speak coherently and at length, contributing significantly to your overall speaking score. It challenges you to express ideas in a structured manner and showcases your language proficiency.