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Describe Something That You Did With Someone/A Group of People

Updated on Oct 08, 2024, 15:01


In the IELTS Speaking test, the cue card section requires you to speak fluently and coherently on a given topic for up to two minutes. The cue card "Describe Something That You Did With Someone/a Group of People" prompts you to recall a memorable group participation experience, encouraging you to vividly narrate a joyous moment from your past. This topic invites you to share personal anecdotes and emotions, demonstrating your storytelling skills and ability to engage an audience effectively.

We will explore sample answers tailored to this cue card topic throughout this practice test. These examples will provide you with useful phrases and structured ideas to craft a compelling and well-rounded response.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe Something That You Did With Someone/a Group of People

You should say

  • What was it?
  • Who did you do it with?
  • How long did it take you to do this?
  • And, Explain why you did it together.
Sample Answer 1

Introduction (Covers: What was it?) 


  • A few years ago, during my final year at university, my friends and I decided to organise a charity fundraising event for a local children's hospital. 
  • It was an ambitious project that brought together a group of about ten classmates, all eager to make a positive impact in our community.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: Who did you do it with?/How long it took you to do this?):


  • I took on the role of coordinating our efforts, which involved planning the event logistics, promoting it across campus, and securing donations from local businesses.
  • Initially, I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness about the responsibility, but our shared passion for helping children motivated us to push forward.
  • Throughout the weeks of preparation, we held regular meetings to delegate tasks and brainstorm ideas. 
  • Each member contributed their unique skills, whether it was designing posters, contacting sponsors, or coordinating entertainment for the event day. The camaraderie and shared sense of purpose kept us motivated despite the challenges.


Key Highlights (Covers: And explain why you did it together.):


  • On the day of the event, seeing everything come together was incredibly rewarding.
  • We had a bustling carnival atmosphere with games, food stalls, and live performances that attracted a large turnout from both students and local residents. 
  • One of the highlights was presenting a cheque with the total funds raised to the hospital staff, knowing that our efforts would directly benefit sick children and their families.
  • The event not only exceeded our fundraising goal but also strengthened our bonds as a group. We celebrated our success with a sense of pride and fulfilment, knowing that our teamwork had made a meaningful difference in the community.




  • In conclusion, organising this charity event was a memorable experience that taught me the power of collaboration and collective action. 
  • It reinforced my belief in the impact we can achieve when individuals come together for a common cause. 
  • I am grateful for the friendships that grew stronger through this shared endeavour, and it remains a cherished memory from my university days.
Sample Answer 2

Introduction (Covers: What was it?) 


  • Last summer, I had the opportunity to participate in a community beach cleanup initiative with a group of enthusiastic volunteers from my neighbourhood. 
  • This initiative was part of a larger environmental awareness campaign aimed at preserving our local beaches and marine life.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: Who did you do it with?/How long it took you to do this?):


  • I joined the group because I've always been passionate about environmental conservation, and this was a perfect opportunity to contribute to a cause close to my heart. 
  • Together, we spent a Saturday morning combing the beach for litter, sorting recyclables, and educating visitors about the importance of keeping our shores clean.
  • The experience was both fulfilling and eye-opening as we worked alongside people of all ages and backgrounds, united by a shared commitment to environmental stewardship.


Key Highlights (Covers: And explain why you did it together.):


  • One memorable moment was uncovering a turtle nest that had been buried under debris. 
  • With careful teamwork, we managed to safely relocate the eggs to a protected area, ensuring the hatchlings' chance of survival. 
  • It was a powerful reminder of the impact our actions can have on wildlife and ecosystems.
  • Another highlight was the sense of camaraderie that developed among us throughout the day. 
  • Despite the physical challenges of cleaning up a large stretch of coastline, everyone remained upbeat and motivated, encouraging each other to keep going.




  • In conclusion, participating in the beach cleanup was not just about removing trash; it was about fostering community spirit and environmental awareness. 
  • I left that day with a renewed sense of optimism and a deeper appreciation for the collective effort needed to protect our natural resources. 
  • This experience has inspired me to continue advocating for environmental conservation and to seek out more opportunities to make a positive impact with others in my community.
Sample Answer 3

Introduction (Covers: What was it?) 


  • Last year, I had the privilege of participating in a week-long volunteering project with a group of colleagues from my workplace. 
  • We travelled to a rural village to assist with building a community centre for local residents in need of educational and recreational facilities.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: Who did you do it with?/How long it took you to do this?):


  • I eagerly volunteered for this project because I believe in the importance of giving back to communities less fortunate. 
  • Working alongside my colleagues, we spent each day clearing the site, mixing cement, and constructing walls under the guidance of experienced builders. 
  • It was a challenging but immensely rewarding experience, knowing that our efforts would have a lasting impact on the village.


Key Highlights (Covers: And explain why you did it together.):


  • One memorable moment was the day we completed the foundation of the community centre. 
  • The villagers gathered to express their gratitude with traditional music and dance, creating a festive atmosphere that celebrated our collaboration and shared goals.
  • Witnessing the joy and hope in their eyes reaffirmed the significance of our collective contribution.
  • Another highlight was the friendships that blossomed among us during the project.
  • Beyond our professional roles, we bonded over shared experiences, laughter, and mutual support. 
  • These connections strengthened our team spirit and made the hard work feel meaningful and enjoyable.




  • In conclusion, participating in the community centre project was a transformative experience that taught me the power of teamwork and community engagement. 
  • It reinforced my belief in the positive impact we can achieve when working together towards a common goal. 
  • I am grateful for the opportunity to have contributed to something larger than myself and for the enduring friendships forged through this shared endeavour.


Also Read: Best IELTS Cue Cards for 7+ Band Score

When the cue card section begins, the examiner will hand you a card with a topic and some prompts. You will have one minute to prepare your response before you begin speaking.




  • Start by briefly introducing the event or activity you will describe. 
  • Mention the event/activity, who you were with (e.g., friends, family, classmates), and when it happened (e.g., during a holiday, at school).

Describing your experience/opinion/interest: 


  • Narrate the experience in detail, focusing on your role and feelings during the event.
  • Describe why it was memorable or significant to you.
  • Share your emotions and reactions.

Key highlights: 


  • Highlight specific moments or aspects of the activity that stand out in your memory.
  • Use descriptive language to bring these moments to life.




  • Summarise your experience briefly. 
  • Reflect on what you learned from the activity or how it impacted you and the group.

IELTS Speaking Cue Card 2024 Topics With Samples

Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS Speaking test, Part 3, the two-way discussion follows the cue card round. This section involves the examiner's follow-up questions based on the topic discussed in the cue card. 


These questions aim to assess your ability to express opinions, elaborate on details, and reflect on the significance of the activity. Expect the follow-up round to explore aspects like personal insights gained, challenges faced, and the broader impact of the group activity on yourself and others.

Q1. How did working with others impact your personal development?

Answer 1: Working with others on the charity event significantly improved my teamwork and leadership skills. It taught me the importance of coordination and effective communication in achieving shared goals.

Answer 2: Collaborating with my colleagues on the community centre project enhanced my ability to adapt to diverse working styles. It also boosted my confidence in handling challenges collectively.

Q2. What were the challenges you faced while working with a group, and how did you overcome them?

Answer 1: One challenge was coordinating schedules among team members for the beach cleanup. We overcame this by setting clear roles and regular meetings to stay organised.

Answer 2: During the charity event planning, securing sponsorships was challenging. We tackled this by diversifying our approach and leveraging personal networks.

Q3. How did participating in this group activity impact your relationships with others involved?

Answer 1: The volunteering project strengthened bonds with my colleagues, as we shared memorable experiences and supported each other through tasks.

Answer 2: Organising the charity event deepened friendships with fellow volunteers as we celebrated achievements and shared a sense of purpose.

Q4. Do you think group activities like these are important in today's society? Why or why not?

Answer 1: Absolutely. Group activities foster collaboration and community spirit, which are essential for addressing societal challenges and promoting social cohesion.

Answer 2: Yes, they encourage empathy and collective responsibility, empowering individuals to make a positive impact and contribute to broader societal goals.


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Q. How do I frame my answer in 1 minute?

Ans. To frame your answer in 1 minute, start by quickly brainstorming key points related to the topic. Then, organise your thoughts into a structured format, including an introduction, main points, and conclusion. Focus on clarity and coherence, avoiding unnecessary details. Practice speaking steadily to ensure you cover all topic aspects within the time limit.

Q. What is the marking scheme for the IELTS speaking test?

Ans. The marking scheme for the IELTS speaking test assesses your performance across four criteria: fluency and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, and pronunciation. Each criterion is scored on a scale of 0 to 9, with 9 being the highest. Examiners evaluate your ability to express ideas clearly, use a wide range of vocabulary and grammar structures accurately, and pronounce words intelligibly.

Q. How many hours is the IELTS speaking test?

Ans. The IELTS speaking test typically lasts for about 11-14 minutes. It consists of three parts: an interview, a short speech, and a discussion. The interview lasts for 4-5 minutes, the short speech for 1-2 minutes, and the discussion for 4-5 minutes. Overall, the entire speaking test duration is relatively short compared to the other components of the IELTS exam.

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