

Describe a Time When Your Computer Broke Down: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

Updated on Sep 13, 2024, 06:45


The IELTS Speaking Test topic "Describe a Time When Your Computer Broke Down" is a cue card topic that requires you to narrate a personal experience related to a computer malfunction. In this task, you’ll discuss a specific instance when your computer failed, focusing on what happened, how it affected you, and how you dealt with the situation. This topic is part of the individual long turn or Round 2 of the speaking test, where you are given one minute to prepare and up to two minutes to speak.


Practising this topic helps improve your IELTS Speaking skills by enhancing your ability to narrate events clearly and cohesively. It also encourages you to use a range of vocabulary related to technology and problem-solving, which can strengthen your overall fluency and coherence. By reflecting on and articulating such experiences, you develop the skills to handle a variety of speaking prompts effectively.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe a Time When Your Computer Broke Down

You should say

  • When was it?
  • What were you doing?
  • What did you do about it?
  • How did you feel about it?
Sample Answer 1

Introduction (Covers: When was it?)


  • A few weeks ago, during a crucial phase of my final year project, my computer unexpectedly broke down.
  • It was late at night, and I was trying to finalise my report, which was due the next morning.
  • The sudden breakdown caught me completely off guard, as I had never experienced any issues with the computer before.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What were you doing?)


  • I was deeply engrossed in compiling data and writing the analysis section of my project report.
  • Just as I was about to save my progress, the screen froze and went black, leaving me unable to continue.
  • I tried restarting the computer multiple times, but it refused to turn on, which made me feel anxious and stressed.


Key Highlights (Covers: What did you do about it?)


  • In a state of panic, I called a local technician, but they were unavailable at that late hour.
  • Determined not to miss my deadline, I quickly reached out to a friend who lived nearby and borrowed their laptop.
  • I stayed up all night, redoing a significant portion of the work I had lost, and managed to finish the report just in time for submission.


Conclusion (Covers: How did you feel about it?)


  • I felt an overwhelming sense of relief when I finally submitted my project despite the stressful situation.
  • The experience taught me the importance of having a backup plan and regularly saving my work to avoid such emergencies.
  • Though it was a difficult night, I learned a valuable lesson about preparedness and resilience in the face of unexpected challenges.
Sample Answer 2

Introduction  (Covers: When was it?)


  • A couple of months ago, during the final week of my college exams, my computer broke down unexpectedly.
  • I was working late at night, trying to complete my research paper, which was due the next day.
  • The computer had been working fine all day, so I didn’t expect any problems when I was almost finished.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What were you doing?)


  • I was adding the final touches to my research paper, ensuring all the references were in order, and the formatting was correct.
  • Suddenly, the screen went blank, and the computer shut down without any warning.
  • I tried everything I could think of, from restarting to checking the power connections, but nothing worked, leaving me feeling frustrated and helpless.


Key Highlights (Covers: What did you do about it?)


  • After a few failed attempts to fix it myself, I decided to call a technician, but it was too late, and no one was available at that hour.
  • Realising that I couldn’t waste any more time, I borrowed my brother’s laptop and quickly started redoing the parts of the paper that I had lost.
  • I stayed up all night to complete the work, and the next morning, I took my computer to a repair shop, where they found that the hard drive had failed.


Conclusion (Covers: How did you feel about it?)


  • The situation was extremely stressful, but I was relieved that I managed to submit my paper on time, despite the setback.
  • The whole experience taught me a valuable lesson about the importance of backing up my work regularly and being prepared for unexpected technical issues.
  • Though it was a challenging experience, I now make it a point to save my work in multiple locations to avoid similar problems in the future.
Sample Answer 3

Introduction (Covers: When was it?)


  • A few months ago, during my university exams, my computer suddenly broke down in the middle of a study session.
  • It happened late at night while I was working on a critical assignment that was due the following day.
  • The breakdown was completely unexpected, as I had been using the computer without any issues earlier in the day.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What were you doing?)


  • I was reviewing and finalising my assignment, making sure that all the data was accurately compiled and formatted.
  • Out of nowhere, the screen went black, and the computer refused to restart despite multiple attempts.
  • This left me feeling anxious and stressed because I had invested a lot of time into this assignment and was close to finishing it.


Key Highlights (Covers: What did you do about it?)


  • With no immediate solution available, I tried contacting a nearby technician, but it was too late at night for any immediate assistance.
  • I decided to use my phone to send a message to my professor explaining the situation and requesting an extension.
  • In the meantime, I borrowed a friend’s laptop and managed to rewrite the crucial parts of my assignment, staying up all night to complete it.


Conclusion (Covers: How did you feel about it?)


  • The entire situation was very stressful, but I felt a sense of accomplishment when I managed to submit my assignment on time.
  • This experience highlighted the importance of having a backup plan and backing up my work regularly to prevent future issues.
  • Despite the initial panic, I learned to stay calm and find alternative solutions quickly when faced with technical problems.


Also Read: Best IELTS Cue Cards for 7+ Band Score

When the cue card section begins, the examiner will hand you a cue card titled "Describe a Time When Your Computer Broke Down.

You will have one minute to prepare your response and then up to two minutes to speak about the topic. During your preparation time, you can make notes to help organise your thoughts

The best way to answer a cue card is to break it down into smaller pieces: introduction, describing your experience, key highlights, and conclusion. To structure your response effectively, you can explore various tips and tricks for the IELTS speaking test.


Introduction (Covers: When was it?)


  • State the specific time when the computer broke down.
  • Provide the context of what you were using the computer for.
  • Explain the significance of the task you were working on at that time.
  • Set up the scene to give a clear picture of the situation.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What were you doing?)


  • Describe the nature of the computer issue or malfunction.
  • Explain your initial reaction to the breakdown.
  • Detail any immediate steps you took to address the problem.
  • Mention any difficulties or challenges you faced as a result.


Key Highlights (Covers: What did you do about it?)


  • Outline the actions you took to resolve the issue.
  • Describe any assistance you sought or received.
  • Detail any temporary solutions you implemented.
  • Mention any necessary follow-up actions or repairs.


Conclusion (Covers: How did you feel about it?)


  • Share your feelings about the resolution of the issue.
  • Reflect on what you learned from the experience.
  • Note any changes you made to prevent similar problems in the future.
  • Summarise how the experience affected your approach to using technology.


By following this structure, you can ensure your response is clear, organised, and within the two-minute limit.


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Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS Speaking test, after completing the cue card round, you'll move on to the follow-up questions, also known as Round 3. This round involves discussing more general topics related to your cue card. The examiner will ask questions to explore your opinions and thoughts in greater depth. 


Expect these questions to be broader and aimed at assessing your ability to express and justify your views. Your responses should be thoughtful and well-structured, drawing on personal experiences and opinions.

Q1. What do people use computers for?

Answer 1: People use computers for a variety of tasks, such as working from home, studying, and staying connected through social media. For instance, many people rely on computers to complete professional assignments, access educational resources, and communicate with friends and family. Computers are also essential for managing finances, entertainment, and accessing information online.


Answer 2: Computers are used for numerous purposes, including office work, online shopping, and recreational activities. Many individuals use them for tasks like writing reports, browsing the internet, and streaming movies. Additionally, computers are crucial for research, email communication, and social networking, making them versatile tools in everyday life.

Q2. What do you think of those who are addicted to computers?

Answer 1: I think addiction to computers can be quite concerning as it may lead to a range of issues, such as poor physical health and decreased social interactions. Excessive screen time can affect one’s posture, sleep patterns, and overall well-being. It’s important for individuals to find a balance and ensure they engage in other activities and maintain healthy habits.


Answer 2: People who are addicted to computers often face challenges like reduced physical activity and weakened social relationships. While computers offer many benefits, an over-reliance can negatively impact mental and physical health. I believe it's crucial for those affected to seek a balance and take regular breaks to maintain a healthier lifestyle.

Q3. Should pupils (students) be permitted to use computers in class?

Answer 1: Yes, I believe students should be allowed to use computers in class as they provide valuable resources for learning. Computers can help students access educational materials, conduct research, and engage in interactive learning activities. However, it’s important that their use is monitored to ensure it enhances the learning experience rather than becoming a distraction.


Answer 2: Allowing students to use computers in class can be beneficial as it offers them access to a wide range of information and tools for learning. Computers can facilitate interactive lessons and help with research projects. However, schools should implement guidelines to ensure that computer use remains focused on educational objectives and does not lead to distractions.

Q4. Do you think computers make our lives simpler or more complex?

Answer 1: I think computers generally make our lives simpler by providing easy access to information, simplifying communication, and automating tasks. They streamline many processes, from online banking to managing schedules. However, they can also add complexity with issues like technical problems and the need to constantly update software.


Answer 2: Computers can both simplify and complicate our lives. On one hand, they offer convenience by allowing us to perform tasks quickly and efficiently. On the other hand, they can create complexity through technical issues and the constant need to adapt to new technologies. Balancing their benefits and challenges is key to managing their impact effectively.


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Q. What is the duration of Part 2 speaking IELTS?

Ans. Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking test lasts for approximately 3-4 minutes. You will be given a task card with a topic and prompts, which you should prepare for 1 minute before speaking. You are expected to talk for 1-2 minutes on the given topic. After your response, the examiner may ask a few follow-up questions related to the topic to further assess your speaking skills.

Q. What if I fail my IELTS speaking test?

Ans. If you do not achieve the score you need in the IELTS Speaking test, you can retake the test at any time. Review your performance to understand your weaknesses and areas that need improvement. Consider taking additional practice sessions or enrolling in a preparation course to address these areas. Use the feedback from your previous test to enhance your speaking skills before attempting again.

Q. What vital language elements should I remember while attempting the cue card section?

Ans. When tackling the cue card section, focus on clarity, coherence, and the use of appropriate vocabulary. Address all points on the cue card thoroughly and maintain a logical flow in your response. Utilise a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures to showcase your language proficiency. Practice organising your thoughts quickly and speaking fluently to ensure a well-rounded answer.

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