
Describe Someone You Know Who Made A Good Decision Recently: IELTS Cue Card

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 09:03

The IELTS speaking test assesses your English fluency through conversation. During Part 2, you'll be given a cue card with a topic to talk about for two minutes.


Today's cue card asks you to describe someone you know who recently made a good decision.  We all encounter people who make tough choices, and this prompt is a chance to share a story about someone who made a wise decision with a positive outcome.

Throughout this page, we'll look into sample answers for this topic. These examples will equip you with the tools to structure your response effectively and showcase your speaking skills during the IELTS test.

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1. Describe Someone You Know Who Made A Good Decision Recently: How to Answer?

Understanding how to effectively structure your responses to cue card topics like ‘Describe someone you know who made a good decision recently’ is crucial for success in the IELTS speaking test.

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2. Describe Someone You Know Who Made A Good Decision Recently: Sample Answers

Understanding how to structure your response to cue card topics like ‘Describe someone you know who made a good decision recently’ is crucial for success in the IELTS speaking test. 

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3. Describe Someone You Know Who Made A Good Decision Recently: Follow-up Questions

The IELTS speaking test throws another challenge your way after the cue card round: follow-up questions! This is your chance to dive deeper into the topic you just talked about on the cue card. 

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Describe Someone You Know Who Made A Good Decision Recently: How to Answer?

Understanding how to effectively structure your responses to cue card topics like ‘Describe someone you know who made a good decision recently’ is crucial for success in the IELTS speaking test.

Following a basic plan, you can cover all the important stuff in two minutes and clearly explain your thoughts. This shows the examiner you can speak English well and think straight, which bumps your speaking score! 

Let's dive in and see some examples of answers to this question.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe Someone You Know Who Made A Good Decision Recently
You should say
  • Who made the decision?
  • What was the decision?
  • When was it made?
  • How did it affect you?





  • Introduce the person who made the decision. 
  • Briefly mention the significance of the decision.
  • Provide a preview of the key points you will discuss.


Describing their decision:


  • Explain the person's decision and why it was considered a good one.
  • Provide some background information about the decision-making process.
  • Share any factors or considerations that influenced the decision.


Key highlights:


  • Describe the positive outcome of the decision.
  • Discuss how the decision has benefited the person or others.
  • Highlight any lessons learned from the decision-making process.




  • Summarise the key points of your response.
  • Emphasise the significance of the decision.
  • Reflect on the overall impact of the decision on you or others involved.

Describe Someone You Know Who Made A Good Decision Recently: Sample Answers

Understanding how to structure your response to cue card topics like ‘Describe someone you know who made a good decision recently’ is crucial for success in the IELTS speaking test. 


Sample answers provide valuable insights into effective communication strategies and help you practice articulating your thoughts clearly and coherently within the allotted time frame. 


By studying sample answers, you can familiarise yourself with standard themes and language patterns, improving your confidence and performance during the exam.


Sample Answer 1
Sample Answer 2
Sample Answer 3



  • Let me tell you about a friend who recently made a really good decision. His name is Alex, and I've known him for years. 
  • Recently, he faced a tough choice, and the decision he made turned out to be a really wise one.


Describing Their Decision:


  • Alex had been offered a job opportunity in a different city, which would mean leaving behind his current job and relocating. 
  • It was a big decision for him because he had to consider factors like career growth, financial stability, and personal life. 
  • After careful consideration, he accepted the new job offer, believing it would open up better opportunities for him in the long run.


Key Highlights:


  • Since making that decision, Alex's life has taken a positive turn. His new job offers him better pay and benefits and provides opportunities for career advancement. 
  • He's also been able to explore a new city and immerse himself in a different culture, which has broadened his horizons and enriched his personal experiences.



  • Alex's decision to accept the job offer was wise. It has brought him growth, both professionally and personally. 
  • His example teaches us the importance of weighing options carefully and having the courage to take risks when necessary. 
  • Overall, Alex's story inspires sound decisions in life.

Describe Someone You Know Who Made A Good Decision Recently: Follow-up Questions

The IELTS speaking test throws another challenge your way after the cue card round: follow-up questions! This is your chance to dive deeper into the topic you just talked about on the cue card. 

These questions let the examiner see how well you can develop ideas, share opinions, and have a natural conversation. Get ready for questions that ask you to talk about your own experiences, add more details, or even share your thoughts on the bigger picture related to the cue card topic.


Follow-up Question 1

Q1. Why do you think it's important to make good decisions in life?


Answer 1: Making good decisions is essential because they shape our future and influence our overall well-being. For example, a good decision can lead to success in our careers or personal relationships, while a bad one may result in regret or missed opportunities. By making thoughtful choices, we can avoid unnecessary stress and achieve our goals more effectively. Ultimately, good decisions contribute to our happiness and fulfilment in life.


Answer 2: Good decisions are crucial to our personal growth and success. When we make wise choices, we build confidence in our abilities and develop a sense of self-awareness. Additionally, good decisions often positively impact those around us, fostering stronger relationships and creating a supportive environment. Ultimately, prioritising good decision-making enhances our quality of life and helps us navigate life's challenges more effectively.

Follow-up Question 2

Q2. Do you think it's better to make decisions alone or with the help of others?


Answer 1: While making decisions alone allows for autonomy and independence, seeking input from others can provide valuable perspectives and insights. In some situations, consulting with trusted friends or family members can help us consider factors we may have overlooked. However, ultimately, the decision-making process should be guided by our own values and priorities to ensure alignment with our goals and aspirations.


Answer 2: Both approaches to decision-making have merit. Sometimes, making decisions independently allows for greater self-reliance and confidence in our choices. However, collaborating can offer diverse viewpoints and lead to more well-rounded decisions. Ultimately, the best approach depends on the complexity of the decision and our comfort level in seeking input from others.

Follow-up Question 3

Q3. How can we learn from our mistakes when it comes to decision-making?


Answer 1: Learning from our mistakes is crucial for personal growth and development. By reflecting on past decisions and their outcomes, we can identify areas for improvement and make better choices in the future. For example, keeping a journal to document our decisions and their consequences allows us to track patterns and learn from our experiences. Additionally, seeking feedback from others can provide valuable insights and perspectives that help us avoid repeating similar mistakes.


Answer 2: Mistakes are inevitable, but they also present valuable learning opportunities. When we acknowledge and analyse our mistakes, we gain valuable insights into our decision-making process and areas for improvement. For instance, conducting a post-mortem analysis of past decisions helps us identify factors that contributed to the outcome and develop strategies to mitigate risks in the future. Ultimately, embracing mistakes as learning experiences fosters resilience and enhances our decision-making skills.

Follow-up Question 4

Q4. Do you think external factors, such as peer pressure, influence decision-making?


Answer 1: External factors like peer pressure can undoubtedly influence decision-making, as we often seek validation and acceptance from others. For instance, the desire to conform to societal norms or meet expectations from peers may lead us to make decisions that aren't aligned with our true desires or values. However, being aware of these influences allows us to make more informed choices and assert our autonomy in decision-making.


Answer 2: Yes, external factors like peer pressure can significantly influence our decision-making process. For example, the fear of social rejection or the desire for approval may compel us to make decisions that aren't necessarily in our best interests. However, cultivating self-awareness and confidence in our own judgment empowers us to resist undue influence and make decisions that align with our values and aspirations.

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A. Speaking tests for the Academic and General Training modules of the IELTS exam follow a similar format but may differ in terms of topics and tasks. While both modules assess candidates' speaking abilities, the Academic module focuses on academic topics and may include discussions related to research or study, whereas the General Training module addresses everyday situations and common topics relevant to daily life.

Q. How do I frame my answer in 1 minute?

A. Framing your answer within a minute requires concise planning and organization. Start by quickly analysing the question and identifying the key points you want to address. Then, outline your response in a structured manner, including an introduction, main points, and a conclusion. Focus on delivering your message clearly and succinctly, avoiding unnecessary details. Practice timing yourself to ensure you can articulate your thoughts within time while maintaining clarity and coherence.

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A. The IELTS speaking test is assessed based on four criteria: fluency and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, and pronunciation. Fluency and coherence evaluate your ability to speak fluently and coherently, while lexical resource assesses your vocabulary range and accuracy. Grammatical range and accuracy focus on your use of grammar structures, and pronunciation evaluates your clarity and intelligibility of speech.