

Describe When Someone Gave You Something: IELTS Cue Card

Updated on Aug 28, 2024, 20:04


An IELTS Speaking cue card serves as a prompt presented to candidates during the speaking section of the IELTS examination. It evaluates your ability to articulate thoughts, ideas, and experiences within a specified time frame. 


This practice test will revolve around ‘Describe when someone gave you something.’


In this cue card topic, you must reflect on moments when a gesture of generosity or kindness was extended to you. Consider the significance of such instances in your life, whether it was a tangible gift, a heartfelt token, or an unexpected act of benevolence.

Throughout this discussion, we will examine sample responses to this topic, providing valuable insights into structuring your answer effectively and conveying your sentiments with clarity and coherence. Get ready to explore various scenarios in which someone bestowed upon you a meaningful gift or gesture.

Sample Answer 1

Introduction (Covers: Who gave it to you?):


  • Last Diwali, my cousin Rohan surprised me with a thoughtful gift. Rohan and I have always been close, sharing many childhood memories together. His gift came as a complete surprise during our family Diwali celebration.
  • Rohan has a knack for picking out the perfect presents, but this time, he outdid himself.
  • As our entire extended family gathered to celebrate the festival of lights, Rohan handed me a beautifully wrapped package with a knowing smile.


Describing your experience/opinion/interest (Covers: What was the thing?):


  • I unwrapped the gift and was thrilled to find a beautiful traditional kurta. The kurta was made of fine silk, my favourite colour, deep blue, and adorned with intricate embroidery.
  • I had admired it in a store window but never thought I would own it. The craftsmanship was exquisite, and the fabric felt luxurious against my skin.
  • I immediately knew this kurta would become a cherished part of my wardrobe, perfect for special occasions and festivities.


Key highlights (Covers: When did you receive it?):


  • I received this special gift during our Diwali family gathering last year. When I opened it, everyone gathered around to see my reaction, adding to the festive atmosphere.
  • Rohan's thoughtful selection showed how well he knows my taste and preferences. He remembered me admiring a similar kurta during one of our shopping trips, which made the gift even more special.
  • We spent the evening sharing stories, enjoying delicious sweets, and celebrating, with the kurta being a highlight of the day for me.


Conclusion (Covers: How did you feel about it?):


  • Receiving the kurta made me feel deeply appreciated and loved. It wasn’t just about the item itself, but the thoughtfulness and effort Rohan put into choosing it for me.
  • This gift created a cherished memory, strengthening our bond and adding joy to our Diwali celebration. Every time I wear that kurta, I am reminded of Rohan's kindness and our wonderful family gatherings.
  • Overall, the experience of receiving such a meaningful gift highlighted the importance of thoughtfulness and the joy that comes from giving and receiving gifts with love and care. This kurta is not just a piece of clothing but a symbol of our enduring bond and our special moments as a family.
Sample Answer 2

Introduction (Who gave it to you?):


  • Last summer, during my birthday celebration, my best friend Priya gave me an incredibly thoughtful gift. Priya and I have been friends since childhood, and she has always had a unique way of making my birthdays memorable.
  • Her gift was a delightful surprise during a small gathering of close friends at my house.
  • With a wide grin, Priya handed me a beautifully wrapped box, and I could see the excitement in her eyes.


Describing your experience/opinion/interest (What was the thing?):


  • As I unwrapped the gift, I was thrilled to find a stunning pair of handcrafted earrings. These earrings were made of silver and adorned with intricate designs and small turquoise stones.
  • I had been eyeing similar earrings in a local boutique for months but never got around to purchasing them. The design was exquisite and matched my taste perfectly.
  • Priya knew how much I loved unique jewellery, and because of her thoughtfulness, these earrings were not only beautiful but also held sentimental value.


Key highlights (When did you receive it?):


  • I received this special gift during my birthday celebration last summer. When I opened the box, all my friends gathered around to see my reaction, creating a warm and joyous atmosphere.
  • Priya remembered me admiring these types of earrings during one of our shopping trips, which made the gift even more meaningful. She had secretly gone back to the boutique to buy them for me.
  • We spent the rest of the evening celebrating, sharing laughter and stories, with the earrings being a highlight of my day.


Conclusion (How did you feel about it?):


  • Receiving the earrings made me feel incredibly valued and loved. It wasn’t just about the earrings themselves but Priya's thought and effort into choosing something she knew I would cherish.
  • This gift created a lasting memory, deepening our friendship and adding joy to my birthday celebration. Whenever I wear those earrings, I am reminded of Priya’s kindness and our incredible bond.
  • Overall, the experience of receiving such a thoughtful gift highlighted the importance of friendship and the joy that comes from giving and receiving presents with love and care. These earrings are not just pieces of jewellery but symbols of our enduring friendship and our special moments.
Sample Answer 3

Introduction (Who gave it to you?):


  • During my last trip to Jaipur, my uncle, who lives there, gave me an extraordinary gift. My uncle and I have always shared a close relationship, as he has always been more like a mentor to me.
  • His gift came as a complete surprise during a family dinner at his home, where he was surrounded by my cousins and other relatives.
  • With a warm smile, my uncle handed me a beautifully crafted wooden box, piquing my curiosity immediately.


Describing your experience/opinion/interest (What was the thing?):


  • As I carefully opened the wooden box, I was astonished to find a vintage fountain pen inside. The pen was made of polished ebony wood with intricate silver inlays, exuding timeless elegance.
  • I have always been passionate about writing and collecting pens, and this particular fountain pen was something I had admired but never owned. It was a perfect blend of functionality and artistry.
  • My uncle knew about my love for writing and had chosen a gift that resonated deeply with my interests and hobbies, making it incredibly special to me.


Key highlights (When did you receive it?):


  • I received this extraordinary gift during our family dinner in Jaipur last winter. The moment I opened the box, my family members gathered around to see my reaction, adding to the warmth of the occasion.
  • My uncle had remembered my admiration for vintage pens from our conversations and had taken the effort to find this unique piece for me. This thoughtful gesture made the gift even more significant.
  • The evening was filled with joy and conversation, with the fountain pen being a memorable highlight that I would always treasure.


Conclusion (How did you feel about it?):


  • Receiving the vintage fountain pen made me feel profoundly appreciated and understood. It wasn’t just about the pen itself but the thought and effort my uncle put into choosing something that resonated with me.
  • This gift created a lasting memory, strengthening our bond and adding a special touch to my trip to Jaipur. Every time I use that pen, I am reminded of my uncle’s kindness and our meaningful connection.
  • Overall, the experience of receiving such a thoughtful gift highlighted the importance of understanding and caring in relationships. The fountain pen is not just a writing instrument but a symbol of our enduring bond and the special moments we have shared.


Also Read: Best IELTS Cue Cards for 7+ Band Score

Understanding how to effectively respond to cue card topics like ‘describe when someone gave you something’ can significantly enhance your performance in the IELTS Speaking test. Here's why:

When the cue card section begins, the examiner hands you a cue card with a prompt, such as ‘Describe when someone gave you something.’ You have one minute to prepare your response before speaking.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe When Someone Gave You Something You should say
  • Who gave it to you?
  • What was the thing?
  • When did you receive it?
  • How did you feel about it?



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Introduction (Covers: Who gave it to you?)


  • Introduce the scenario briefly. 
  • State who gave you the item and the context surrounding the event. 
  • Provide any necessary background information.


Describing your experience/opinion/interest (Covers: What was the thing?)


  • Look into the details of the moment when you received the item. 
  • Express your feelings and thoughts about the gesture. 
  • Share any relevant anecdotes or memories associated with the event.


Key highlights (Covers: When did you receive it?)


  • Highlight the significance of the gift or gesture. 
  • Discuss how it impacted you or influenced your relationship with the giver. 
  • Provide specific examples or details to enrich your response.


Conclusion (Covers: How did you feel about it?)


  • Summarise your experience concisely. 
  • Reflect on the lasting impression the gesture left on you. 
  • End with a thoughtful remark or reflection.


Now that we know how to tackle each section let's explore some of the samples based on ‘Describe when someone gave you something.’


There’s one more familiar cue card topic: ‘Describe when someone gave you something you wanted.’ You can apply the abovementioned approach to respond to this topic effectively.


The structure and context of both topics are quite similar. However, the key distinction lies in receiving something you desire. In this case, you can specifically mention the particular item or product you desired and how its receipt made the experience more meaningful to you.


IELTS Speaking Cue Card 2024 Topics With Samples

Describe When Someone Gave You Something: Follow-Up Questions

After you have spoken about the cue card topic, the examiner will ask follow-up questions to delve deeper into the subject. This round assesses your ability to discuss abstract ideas and express opinions clearly. 


Expect questions that encourage you to elaborate on your cue card topic and connect it to broader themes. The follow-up questions help the examiner evaluate your fluency, coherence, and ability to engage in a more detailed discussion.


Here are some possible follow-up questions related to the topic ‘Describe when someone gave you something,’ along with sample answers:


Follow-Up Question 1

Question 1. What are the things young people like to buy?


Answer 1: Young people today are often drawn to the latest technology, such as smartphones, laptops, and gaming consoles. They also tend to spend money on fashion, including trendy clothes and accessories. Additionally, many young people enjoy buying experiences, such as concert tickets or travel packages, which they can share on social media.


Answer 2: Young people frequently purchase gadgets like tablets and smartwatches. They are also keen on fitness products, including gym memberships and sports gear. Moreover, a growing trend among youngsters to buy sustainable and eco-friendly products reflects their increasing awareness of environmental issues.

Follow-Up Question 2

Question 2. How do your friends influence your shopping choices?


Answer 1: My friends significantly influence my shopping choices, especially regarding fashion and technology. If a friend recommends a particular brand or product, I will try it. We often share our experiences and reviews, which helps us make more informed purchasing decisions.


Answer 2: Friends play a big role in my shopping habits. For instance, if a friend buys something and really likes it, I often consider getting it, too. We also go shopping together, and their opinions can sway my choices, mainly when I'm unsure about a purchase.

Follow-Up Question 3

Question 3. Is consumption important to a country?


Answer 1: Yes, consumption is crucial to a country's economy. It drives demand for goods and services, stimulating production and job creation. High levels of consumer spending can lead to economic growth and stability as businesses thrive and the government collects more taxes.


Answer 2: Consumption plays a vital role in a country's economic health. It fuels the economy by increasing demand, which leads to more production and employment opportunities. Moreover, consumer spending helps generate revenue for the government through taxes, enabling better public services and infrastructure.

Follow-Up Question 4

Question 4. What should parents do when their children ask for things their friends have?


Answer 1: Parents should explain the value of money and the importance of making thoughtful purchasing decisions. It is crucial to teach children that they can't always have everything they want. Parents can also encourage their children to set savings goals for items they desire, fostering financial responsibility.


Answer 2: When children ask for things their friends have, parents should openly discuss needs versus wants. They should help their children understand the importance of budgeting and saving. Additionally, parents might consider rewarding their children for good behaviour or achievements rather than giving in to every request.

Follow-Up Question 5

Question 5. Why do people buy things that are not necessary?


Answer 1: People often buy unnecessary items due to social pressure and the desire to fit in with peers. Advertising and marketing also play a significant role in creating perceived needs. Additionally, shopping can be a way for people to cope with stress or boredom, leading to impulse purchases.


Answer 2: Many purchase non-essential items because they seek happiness or satisfaction from new possessions. The influence of social media, where others showcase their latest buys, can also drive unnecessary spending. Moreover, discounts and sales often entice people to buy things they don't actually need.


Q. Can I express my opinion during the test, even if it's different from the examiner's?

Ans. Yes, you can and should express your opinion during the test, even if it differs from the examiner's. The IELTS Speaking test assesses your ability to communicate your thoughts clearly and coherently. Regardless of whether it aligns with the examiner's views, providing a well-articulated and reasoned opinion demonstrates your language proficiency and critical thinking skills.

Q. How to crack the Cue Card task

Ans. To crack the Cue Card task, start by quickly brainstorming and jotting down key points. Structure your response into an introduction, main points, and a conclusion. Speak clearly and coherently, elaborating on each point. Practice regularly to build confidence and fluency. Use varied vocabulary and grammar structures to demonstrate your language proficiency. Staying calm and focused will help you deliver a well-organised and compelling response.

Q. How to make notes for cue card IELTS?

Ans. When making notes for the Cue Card task, use the one-minute preparation time efficiently. Write down keywords and short phrases for each part of your response: introduction, main points, and conclusion. Focus on key details like who, what, when, where, and why. Organise your notes logically to help you remember your points. Practising this note-taking strategy will improve your ability to deliver a structured and fluent response.

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