

Describe Your Favourite Food: IELTS Cue Card

Updated on Aug 28, 2024, 20:02


An IELTS Speaking cue card is a prompt used in the speaking section of the exam. It directs you to speak about a specific topic within a given time frame of up to two minutes, assessing your ability to express ideas fluently and coherently.


For the topic: “Describe Your Favourite Food”, your task is to talk about your favourite food. Choose a dish or food item that holds significance for you. Explain how it's prepared or cooked, detailing its ingredients and cooking process. Share why you're fond of it, whether it's due to its delicious taste, cultural importance, or personal memories associated with it.


Throughout this page, we'll provide sample answers for the topic. You'll discover various approaches to effectively communicate your thoughts during the IELTS speaking test.

Sample Answer 1

Introduction ( Covers: What dish or food item it is?)


  • So, one of my all-time favourite dish is 'Biryani', a traditional Indian rice dish that never fails to satisfy your taste buds.
  • Biryani isn't just a meal; it's a culinary masterpiece that combines fragrant rice, tender meat, and aromatic spices.
  • I'm excited to share with you why Biryani holds a special place in my heart and on my dining table.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest  ( Covers: How it is prepared or cooked?)


  • The magic of Biryani begins with the meticulous preparation of basmati rice, infused with saffron and whole spices for that irresistible aroma.
  • The meat, whether chicken or mutton, is marinated in a blend of yoghurt and spices, ensuring each bite is succulent and bursting with flavour.
  • Layer by layer, the rice and meat are cooked together in a sealed pot, allowing the ingredients to meld together and create a symphony of taste.


Key Highlights ( Covers: How common this food item or dish is?)


  • Biryani is a staple dish in Indian cuisine, enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds across the country.
  • Whether it's a festive occasion, a family gathering, or a casual weekend meal, Biryani is often the centrepiece of the dining table.
  • Its popularity extends beyond India, with Biryani gaining recognition and appreciation on the global culinary stage.


Conclusion (Covers: Why it is your favourite?)


  • For me, Biryani isn't just a dish; it's a journey that evokes memories of celebrations, laughter, and shared moments with loved ones.
  • Its exquisite blend of flavours and textures never fails to captivate my senses and leave me craving for more.
  • With every mouthful of Biryani, I'm reminded of the rich cultural heritage and culinary diversity of India, making it my ultimate favourite food.
Sample Answer 2

Introduction  (Covers: What dish or food item it is?)


  • My absolute favourite dish is  'Chole Bhature', a classic Indian delight that's simply irresistible.
  • Chole Bhature isn't just food; it's a culinary adventure that takes your taste buds on a thrilling ride.
  • Let me tell you why Chole Bhature holds a special place in my heart and on my plate.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: How it is prepared or cooked?)


  • The journey of Chole Bhature starts with the preparation of fluffy, deep-fried bhaturas, made from fermented dough and cooked until golden brown and crispy.
  • Meanwhile, the chole, or spiced chickpea curry, simmers away on the stove, infused with a medley of spices and tomatoes, creating a rich and flavourful gravy.
  • The moment when you tear into a piping hot bhatura and scoop up a generous helping of spicy chole is pure bliss, creating a harmony of textures and tastes that dance on your palate.


Key Highlights ( Covers: How common this food item or dish is?)


  • Chole Bhature is a beloved street food dish in India, commonly found at roadside stalls and restaurants across the country.
  • Whether it's breakfast, lunch, or dinner, Chole Bhature is a popular choice among people of all ages and backgrounds, making it a staple in Indian cuisine.
  • Its popularity has even transcended borders, with food enthusiasts around the world falling in love with the irresistible combination of fluffy bhaturas and flavourful chole.


Conclusion (Covers: Why it is your favourite?)


  • Chole Bhature isn't just a dish; it's a celebration of India's vibrant culinary heritage and diverse flavours.
  • With every bite of Chole Bhature, I'm transported to the bustling streets of India, where the aroma of spices fills the air and laughter echoes around every corner.
  • For me, Chole Bhature isn't just a favourite food; it's a cherished memory of home, family, and the simple joys of life.
Sample Answer 3

Introduction (Covers: What dish or food item it is?)


  • Oh, let me tell you about my ultimate comfort food - 'Masala Dosa', a South Indian delicacy that always brings a smile to my face.
  • Masala Dosa isn't just a dish; it's a culinary masterpiece that combines crispy goodness with a burst of flavour.
  • Allow me to share why Masala Dosa is more than just food; it's an experience that I hold dear to my heart.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: How it is prepared or cooked?)


  • The journey of Masala Dosa begins with the preparation of the batter, which is made from fermented rice and lentils and spread thinly on a hot griddle to create the perfect crispy texture.
  • As the dosa cooks to golden perfection, a generous filling of spiced mashed potatoes, known as masala, is added, infusing the dish with layers of savoury goodness.
  • The moment you take a bite of Masala Dosa, the crispy exterior gives way to a soft and flavourful interior, creating a harmonious blend of textures and tastes that dance on your palate.


Key Highlights  (Covers: How common this food item or dish is?)


  • Masala Dosa is a beloved staple in South Indian cuisine, enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds across the region.
  • Whether its breakfast, lunch, or dinner, Masala Dosa is a popular choice among food enthusiasts. It is often served with a side of coconut chutney and tangy sambar.
  • Its popularity has even spread beyond India, with Masala Dosa gaining recognition and appreciation on the global culinary stage, earning its place as one of the world's favourite comfort foods.


Conclusion (Covers: Why it is your favourite?)


  • Masala Dosa isn't just a dish; it's a celebration of India's rich culinary heritage and the diversity of flavours found across the country.
  • With every bite of Masala Dosa, I'm reminded of the warmth of home and the joy of sharing a delicious meal with loved ones.
  • For me, Masala Dosa isn't just my favourite food; it's a cherished memory of comfort, happiness, and the simple pleasures of life.

When the cue card section starts, the examiner will hand you a card with a topic and give you one minute to prepare. You will then speak on the topic for up to two minutes.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe Your Favourite Food You should say
  • What dish or food item it is?
  • How it is prepared or cooked?
  • How common this food item or dish is?
  • Why it is your favourite?



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To answer these cue cards effectively, break your response into small sections: introduction, describing your experience/opinion/interest, key highlights, and conclusion.Here’s how you can approach the topic "Describe Your Favourite Food”:




  • Start by introducing the topic of your favourite food.
  • Mention why you chose this particular food item.
  • Briefly outline the structure of your response.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest


  • Share personal anecdotes or memories associated with the food.
  • Discuss what makes this food special to you, such as its taste, cultural significance, or health benefits.
  • Explain any rituals or traditions related to the consumption of this food.


Key Highlights


  • Describe the ingredients used in preparing the dish.
  • Explain the cooking process step by step.
  • Highlight any unique flavours or textures that make this food stand out.




  • Summarise why this food is your favourite.
  • Reiterate its importance in your life.
  • End with a closing statement that leaves a lasting impression.


By organising your response this way, you will provide a clear and structured answer within the two-minute time limit.


Also read: IELTS Speaking Questions with Answers 2024 


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Describe Your Favourite Food: Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS Speaking test, after you finish speaking on your cue card topic, the examiner will ask you follow-up questions. These questions are meant to delve deeper into the topic and assess your ability to express ideas, opinions, and reasons clearly. 


Expect to answer questions that require you to explain, describe, and justify your thoughts in more detail.


Follow-Up Question 1

Question 1: Tell me about the types of food that people eat in your country?


Answer 1: In India, the cuisine varies greatly from region to region. In the north, dishes like biryani, kebabs, and butter chicken are popular, while in the south, we have dosas, idlis, and sambar. Each state has its own unique delicacies, showcasing the diverse culinary heritage of our country.


Answer 2: Indian cuisine is incredibly diverse, with a wide range of dishes reflecting the cultural and geographical diversity of the country. From spicy curries and aromatic rice dishes to mouthwatering street food, there's something for everyone to enjoy in India.

Follow-Up Question 2

Question 2: How healthy is your country’s food?


Answer 1: Traditional Indian food is generally considered healthy, as it includes plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. However, some dishes can be high in calories and fats, especially those that are deep-fried or rich in ghee (clarified butter).


Answer 2: Indian food can be both healthy and indulgent, depending on how it's prepared. While traditional dishes like dal (lentil soup) and sabzi (vegetable curry) are nutritious and packed with vitamins and minerals, others, like fried snacks and sweets, should be enjoyed in moderation.

Follow-Up Question 3

Question 3: Why do you think different cultures have different table manners?


Answer 1: Table manners vary from culture to culture due to a combination of factors, including history, religion, and social norms. For example, in some cultures, it's considered polite to eat with your hands, while in others, using utensils is the norm.

Answer 2: Different cultures have different table manners because they have evolved over centuries to reflect the values and beliefs of each society. For example, in Japan, it's customary to slurp noodles loudly to show appreciation for the food, whereas in Western cultures, this may be considered rude.

Follow-Up Question 4

Question 4: How may eating habits change in the coming decades?


Answer 1: With the increasing awareness of health and sustainability, I believe people's eating habits may shift towards more plant-based diets and locally sourced ingredients. There may also be a greater emphasis on mindful eating and reducing food waste.

Answer 2: As technology continues to advance, we may see innovations in food production and consumption, such as lab-grown meat and personalised nutrition plans. Additionally, globalisation and cultural exchange may lead to a greater appreciation for diverse cuisines and culinary traditions.


Q. Does IELTS cue cards repeat?

Ans. The topics for IELTS cue cards may vary, but some topics may be repeated occasionally. It's essential to prepare a wide range of topics to be ready for any cue card given during the test.

Q. How should I manage my time during the Cue Card task?

Ans. Allocate about one minute to plan your response, two minutes to speak, and around 30 seconds for the examiner's follow-up questions. Use your time efficiently, and aim to cover all aspects of the cue card topic within the given timeframe.

Q. Can I express my opinion during the test, even if it's different from the examiner's?

Ans. Yes, you are encouraged to express your opinion during the speaking test, regardless of whether it aligns with the examiner's views. Focus on clearly articulating and supporting your thoughts with relevant examples or reasons.

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