IELTS Speaking Questions with Answers 2024 | [Questions For 8+ Bands]

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IELTS score is significant in securing admission into the top educational institutions worldwide. Over 11,000 global organisations trust the test and evaluate the language proficiency skills of individuals based on four sections:

  • Reading (Approximately 30 minutes (plus 10 minutes transfer time)
  • Writing (60 minutes)
  • Speaking (11-14 minutes)
  • Listening (60 minutes)
IELTS Speaking Questions with Answers 2024 | [Questions For 8+ Bands]
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Did you know? Most students find the Speaking section to be challenging in particular.

The IELTS Speaking is the same for both the General Training and Academic tests and assesses your spoken English use. 

IELTS Listening, Reading and Writing components are always completed immediately after each other. Depending on the test centre, only the Speaking test may take up to 7 days before or after the test date.

In addition, an accurate description is needed to answer the introduction questions for IELTS. The examiner evaluates you via various factors, including grammar, pronunciation, fluency, and clarity.

Here’s a detailed overview of the IELTS Speaking section and a few useful tips to prepare for this test:

Also read: Describe a Person Who Impressed You in Primary School: IELTS Cue Card 2024

IELTS Speaking Test Format

As mentioned above, the IELTS speaking test is 11-14 minutes and contains three tasks

This test evaluates the Speaking skills of an aspiring candidate who wants to immigrate to an English-speaking country. 

The three parts of this test are:

Part 1: Interview & Introduction4-5 minutes
Part 2: Individual Long Turn/ Cue Card3-4 Minutes
Part 3: Long Discussion4-5 Minutes

Part 1 – This is the introductory part of the test. You are asked to answer a few introduction questions for IELTS within a range of familiar topics. The various topics in this task can include work, home, studies, family, etc. Task 1 lasts for around 4 to 5 minutes.

Part 2 – You will be given a cue card and then asked to speak on a particular topic. Individuals get a preparation time of 1 minute before answering. After you finish speaking, the examiner concludes this task with a few questions.

Part 3 – The examiner asks further questions concerning task 2. This part provides more opportunities for you to discuss more theoretical ideas. The third part of this test lasts for around 4 to 5 minutes. The examination board has designed the speaking test peculiarly, which does not provide rehearsal time.

Also read: Describe A Creative Person you Admire: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

IELTS Speaking Topics With Answers

The Speaking section of the IELTS test often delves into various subjects to assess your language proficiency and communication skills. 

Here are prevalent IELTS Speaking Topics with Answers you might encounter:

Personal Information:

  • Introduce yourself, including details such as your name, occupation, and place of origin.
  • Discuss your family and provide insights into your hometown.

Hobbies and Interests:

  • Share your favourite pastimes and leisure activities.
  • Discuss sports you either enjoy participating in or follow as a spectator.
  • Elaborate on your hobbies, explaining why they hold significance for you.

Education and Work:

  • Describe your current or past academic studies.
  • Talk about your current job or outline your future career plans.
  • Discuss your preferred subjects and the reasons behind your interest in them.

Travel and Tourism:

  • Recount a memorable trip you’ve experienced.
  • Express your desire to visit a particular place and the reasons behind it.
  • Discuss the importance of travel and the benefits it brings.

Technology and Media:

  • Discuss your preferred websites or apps.
  • Deliberate on the influence of social media on society.
  • Share your perspectives on the advantages and disadvantages of technology.

Environment and Conservation:

  • Explore environmental issues and their repercussions.
  • Discuss measures to safeguard the environment.
  • Share your opinions on sustainable living practices.

Health and Fitness:

  • Discuss the significance of leading a healthy lifestyle.
  • Share details about your exercise routine or favourite sport.
  • Express your views on the effects of junk food.

Culture and Traditions:

  • Talk about a traditional festival in your home country.
  • Discuss the importance of preserving cultural heritage.
  • Share your opinions on the impact of globalisation on culture.

Social Issues:

  • Delve into discussions about poverty and its root causes.
  • Share your thoughts on the societal impact of immigration.
  • Express your opinions on gender equality.

Future Plans and Aspirations:

  • Share your goals and ambitions.
  • Discuss your plans for further education or career advancement.
  • Express your views on the importance of setting personal goals.

Remember, these IELTS Speaking Topics with Answers provide a general overview, and the questions posed during the IELTS Speaking test may vary. 

To ensure IELTS Speaking comprehensive preparation, practice discussing diverse subjects to tackle IELTS Speaking Topics with Answers that may arise confidently.

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Sample Answer: Interests and Hobbies

Let’s take a look at one example, “Interests and Hobbies”, with answers:

Part 1: Introduction and Interview

Can you tell me about your favourite hobby or interest?

  • Sure, my favourite hobby is photography. I find joy in capturing moments and expressing myself through images.

How did you develop an interest in this hobby?

  • My interest in photography began during a family vacation when I borrowed a camera. Capturing the beautiful scenery sparked my passion for it.

Do you spend a lot of time on this hobby? Why or why not?

  • Yes, I dedicate a considerable amount of time to photography because it allows me to unwind and be creative. It’s a therapeutic escape from the daily routine.

Have you ever tried to introduce this hobby to others?

  • Absolutely, I’ve shared my interest in photography with friends and family. Some have even joined me on photo walks, and it’s a great way to bond.

Part 2: Long Turn/ Cue Card

Describe a specific moment when you were engaged in your favourite hobby or interest.
Please include:
-Where and when it happened
-Why does this particular moment stand out to you?
-How did you feel during this experience?

Where and when it happened.

  • One memorable moment was during a beach vacation last summer. I found a secluded spot during sunset to capture the vibrant colours reflecting on the water.

Why does this particular moment stand out to you?

  • The serene atmosphere, combined with the breathtaking view, made it a perfect setting. The resulting photos captured the essence of that tranquil moment.

How did you feel during this experience?

  • I felt a profound sense of calm and appreciation for nature’s beauty. It was a moment of pure contentment and artistic fulfilment.

Also read: Describe a difficult thing you did with the IELTS Cue Card

Part 3: Discussion

How do hobbies contribute to a person’s overall well-being?

  • Hobbies provide an avenue for relaxation and self-expression, reducing stress and contributing positively to mental well-being. They offer a break from routine, promoting a balanced lifestyle.

In your opinion, should children be encouraged to pursue hobbies from a young age? Why or why not?

  • Absolutely. Encouraging children to explore hobbies fosters creativity, discipline, and a sense of accomplishment. It helps them discover their interests early in life.

Do you think people’s hobbies change as they get older? Why or why not?

  • Yes, people’s hobbies often evolve with age. While some maintain lifelong interests, others may discover new passions or adapt existing ones to align with changing lifestyles.

How have advancements in technology affected the popularity of certain hobbies?

  • Technology has both positively and negatively impacted hobbies. While it has introduced new digital hobbies, traditional ones like reading physical books may have declined with the rise of digital alternatives.

Some people argue that hobbies should have practical benefits. What is your opinion on this?

  • While practical benefits are advantageous, the primary purpose of hobbies is personal enjoyment and fulfilment. Hobbies provide an escape from the practical aspects of life, allowing individuals to pursue what brings them joy.

Remember, these are sample questions and answers, and actual questions may vary.

Also read: Describe a Daily Routine That You Enjoy IELTS Cue Card: Sample Answer

How do you introduce yourself in IELTS Speaking?

The IELTS Speaking Part 1 can be overwhelming to some students. Knowing what it takes to ace the test can help you score better in this module. 

Note: After reaching the test centre, you must keep your belongings in a separate room and proceed to the exam room. 

Upon reaching the examination hall, the examiner will greet you, after which the speaking will begin. 

Introducing oneself is an art which one should do by the environment. For example, while introducing yourself, begin as:

  • Hi, I am (name)
  • My name is (name)
  • I am (name)

You should NOT begin as:

  • You can call me (name)
  • Hi, it’s me (name)
  • My nickname is (name)
  • Everybody calls me (name)
  • My first name is (name), and my surname is (name)

Apart from this, there are some rules that one must follow: 

1.Provide more information when answering the IELTS Speaking introduction questions; you should try to give more information about yourself. Adding information like extracurricular activities and social work will be an advantage. 

Remember to keep it short and professional.

2. Use simple words

It is advisable to use simple words while answering the interviewer. You should avoid assuming that the interviewer will be impressed with high-sounding words. 

Rather, this will negatively impact their raw score. It is always recommended to say, “I live in (name of the city)”.One must try to be as formal as possible and sound relaxed. You can say, “I am 25 years old”. However, do not say, “I am in my mid-twenties”

3. Speak naturally

You must not try to mimic a foreign accent. One should speak in your natural tone. However, simultaneously, you should ensure that your mother tongue does not affect your English.

Most candidates fail to score better in IELTS because their English is attached to the influence of their mother tongue. As a result, their pronunciation and tone are affected. 

What not to do when introducing yourself in IELTS?

Here are a few things that you must avoid while answering introduction questions for IELTS: 

Don’t use a lot of big words

A common misconception surrounding this exam is that students need to use many big words to get a good score. However, this is not how native speakers speak in their daily lives. 

You are required to demonstrate your vocabulary to the interviewer. But, at the same time, you must refrain from using words that you are not familiar with. 

Refrain from memorising the answers

Many candidates believe it is best to remember the scripted answers and use them in the interview to score better. 

This is a bad idea because examiners are already familiar with these answers. Upon spotting such answers, they won’t hesitate to cut marks. 

Don’t be overly informal

You need to understand that IELTS is a formal exam. Therefore, you should not try to be over-friendly, as it will impact their band score.

5 tips to help prepare for the IELTS Speaking section

Here are some tips for the IELTS Speaking section to help you excel.

Speak some English in everyday life

This is something that all IELTS aspirants must have in common. It is better to practice speaking in English daily to improve speaking skills. 

You can converse in English with friends, classmates, or even family. Moreover, practising in front of a mirror is beneficial.

Ask questions if a question is unclear

However formal the exam is, it is supposed to be a regular conversation between two people. Therefore, if one cannot hear a question, you should just ask the interviewer to repeat it. 

Moreover, if a word is unknown to you, you can ask the examiner to explain the meaning of the word. However, it is advisable to ask the meaning of the words sparingly, as it will help the score. In addition, you must also refrain from asking the meaning of an entire sentence. 

Indulge in a 24-hour warm-up

Before appearing for the introduction questions for IELTS, you must save up some warm-up time before the exam. This will help you focus better and perform to the best of your ability. 

You should speak, listen, write, and read in English for at least 24 hours before taking the test. This might bring a huge difference to the score. 

Explain the answers

One should always give full answers to the examiner rather than a simple yes or no. You must show how much you excel in this language. If you provide short answers, the examiner will never know the skills you possess.

Correct the mistakes

It is normal for you to make mistakes when speaking for a long time. Moreover, various candidates are nervous during the Speaking test, which increases the number of mistakes you make. 

During such circumstances, you must always look back and correct your mistakes before proceeding. This way, you can show the examiner they are well-versed in vocabulary and grammar. 

After making a small mistake, it is better to say sorry and then correct the sentence.

To Sum Up

The IELTS Speaking test is essential to achieving your academic and professional goals. The variety of IELTS Speaking Topics with Answers, from personal experiences to global issues, reflects the test’s comprehensive approach to assessing your language proficiency. 

Remember to practice regularly, focus on pronunciation, and develop the ability to express opinions clearly.

As you start your IELTS journey, consider seeking guidance from experts. Leap Scholar offers valuable resources and expertise to help you prepare effectively for the Speaking test. Our tailored approach and extensive support can significantly impact your performance.

Book a free counselling session with Leap Scholar today. Take the leap towards your goals with Leap Scholar’s assistance—your partner in IELTS preparation.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: Can I use a lot of phrases and idioms to boost my score?

    A: Using idioms and phrases strategically in your responses can demonstrate a sophisticated command of the language, potentially enhancing your overall score. However, it’s crucial to strike a balance. Overusing these expressions, especially if their application is forced or inappropriate, can result in a negative assessment.

  • Q: Do I need to speak British English?

    A: British and American English are acceptable in the IELTS exam. You can speak in either variant based on their comfort or preference. What holds utmost importance is the clarity and comprehensibility of your accent. Whether employing British or American English, ensuring that your pronunciation and intonation are clear and easily understandable is paramount for a successful performance in the Speaking section.

  • Q: What should I do if I am unable to understand the nature of the question?

    A: Encountering a question that appears unclear can happen to anyone. Rather than staying silent, which might negatively impact your response, take the initiative to seek clarification. Framing your query with phrases like “Do you mean…” shows your willingness to engage and understand, contributing positively to your overall performance. This approach demonstrates effective communication skills and a commitment to accurate and relevant responses.

  • Q: What are some common IELTS Speaking topics with answers for 2024?

    A: Common IELTS Speaking topics with answers include:
    -Personal information
    -Social issues
    -Future plans

  • Q: How can I prepare for IELTS Speaking topics with answers to score 8+ bands?

    A: To score 8+ bands, practice regularly across diverse IELTS Speaking topics with answers. Record yourself to refine pronunciation, seek constructive feedback, and focus on expanding vocabulary relevant to common themes.

  • Q: Are there IELTS Speaking topics with answers avaible online?

    A: Certainly, various online resources with IELTS Speaking topics with answers and IELTS preparation materials offer model answers. Reviewing these helps you grasp the expected level of response and improves your articulation.

  • Q: Can I memorise answers for IELTS Speaking topics with answers to boost my score?

    A: While memorisation is discouraged, practising responses to various questions enhances flexibility and fluency. IELTS evaluates spontaneous and natural language use, emphasising authentic communication.

  • Q: How important is pronunciation in the Speaking test?

    A: Pronunciation holds significant weight in the Speaking test. A clear and understandable delivery contributes to a higher score. Practice enunciating words distinctly and pay attention to intonation patterns.

  • Q: Is it acceptable to pause and think during the Speaking test?

    A: Yes, it’s acceptable to pause briefly to gather your thoughts. However, excessive pauses can impact fluency. Strive for a natural flow in your responses, maintaining a balance between thoughtfulness and continuity.

  • Q: Can I express personal opinions in the Speaking test?

    A: Absolutely; expressing personal opinions is not only allowed but also encouraged in the IELTS Speaking test, especially in Part 3. This section assesses your ability to discuss abstract ideas and offer a thoughtful perspective. When expressing opinions, ensure that your responses are well-balanced, supported with relevant examples, and articulated clearly and coherently. This showcases your language proficiency and demonstrates your ability to think critically and communicate effectively.

  • Q: How long should my responses be for Part 2 of the Speaking test?

    A: In Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking test, speaking for 1-2 minutes is recommended. This section involves speaking on a specific topic for a given time. To effectively cover the topic, practising timing during your preparation is essential. Develop the skill of delivering comprehensive responses within the specified timeframe. Use the one-minute preparation time wisely to organise your thoughts, jot down key points, and structure your response coherently.

  • Q: Are there specific strategies for tackling different IELTS Speaking topics with answers?

    A: Yes, there are specific strategies you can employ to tackle different IELTS Speaking topics with answers. Tailoring your responses based on the nature of the topic is crucial. For personal topics like those in Part 1, draw from your experiences and share relevant anecdotes to provide a more authentic and engaging response. When faced with complex topics in Part 3, focus on expressing your opinions logically. Support your viewpoints with well-reasoned explanations and concrete examples to demonstrate depth of thoughts.

  • Q: Can I ask the examiner to repeat a question in the Speaking test?

    A: Certainly, you can ask the examiner to repeat a question during the IELTS Speaking test if needed. However, it is advisable to listen attentively to the question the first time it is presented. Strong listening skills are essential for effective communication. Requesting repetition should be done sparingly, as excessive reliance on this may negatively impact your overall performance. Demonstrating your ability to comprehend and respond accurately to questions on the first attempt is a valuable skill.

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Manisha Angre

Experienced IELTS prep trainer and education management industry veteran. Specializes in public speaking, international education, market research, mentoring, and management.

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