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Describe A Time That Something Changed Your Life In Good Ways: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

Updated on Nov 13, 2024, 05:53


The IELTS Speaking Test is part of the IELTS examination. The primary purpose of this module is to assess the candidates' English-speaking skills.

This module will contain three sections, each dealing with a specific topic. In Part 1, the examiner will ask basic questions about your life, like your hobbies, career, choices, etc. Part 2 will contain a cue card topic you must speak about for 2 minutes. In Part 3, the examiner will ask you some follow-up questions related to the cue card topic. 

In this IELTS practice test, we will discuss how to answer the cue card topics. We are taking ‘Describe A Time That Something Changed Your Life In Good Ways’ as an example to show you can frame your answers. 


Cue Card/Topic: Describe A Time That Something Changed Your Life In Good Ways

You should say

  • When and where it happened?
  • What happened?
  • How did you feel about it?
  • Explain in what positive ways this event changed your life.
Sample Answer 1


  • A few years back, I got a chance to visit an Indian village while volunteering.
  • The experience was expensive and had a significant impact on my life. 


When and where it happened?

  • It was back in 2019 when I visited a village in Karnataka. 
  • The village was surrounded by rich diversity and out of the city’s hustle and bustle. 


What happened?

  • It was a medical assistance project. We were there to provide the necessary medical help to the village people.
  • Seeing their strength despite having less access to medical facilities was shocking. 

How did you feel about it? 

  • Living in the village was a challenging experience, but later, I adopted it and felt like part of the group.
  • I also interacted with the villagers and learned about their lifestyles and precious experiences. 


Explain in what positive ways this event changed your life.

  • This experience has taught me to think about the people who are struggling with their health issues.
  • It has helped me to support more people, such as the villagers, who strongly need necessities like healthcare. 


  • The precious time spent with the villagers has added valuable lessons to my life.
  • It has taught me the value of caring for others and positively impacting our society whenever possible.
Sample Answer 2


  • I went on a family vacation in the countryside a few years back. 
  • This event significantly changed my life and gave me a path to growth and transformation.  

When and where did it happen

  • It was back in 2019 when we explored the hilly areas of Himachal Pradesh. 
  • The calm surroundings and the silence were perfect places for self-reflection.


What happened

  • While in the village, I interacted with an elderly person who shared many awakening stories.
  • His emphasis on living in the moment and building connections left a very positive impression on me. 

How you felt about it

  • Initially, I felt bored as the village life could have been faster and more connected. 
  • But as I began interacting with them, I felt connected with the community.


Explain in what positive ways this event changed your life.

  • This event has made me value the little moments and relationships around us. 
  • It has taught me to prioritise connections over material things. 


  • The time I spent in the village was transformative. It taught me lessons about human values like gratitude, simplicity, and the importance of connections.
  • I’m also grateful for the values taught by the elderly and their positive impact on my life. 
  • I will never forget it. I will always live a fulfilling life and stay grounded forever. 
Sample Answer 3


  • I found a fantastic book that changed my perspective a few months back. 
  • This marked the beginning of my self-realisation moment and personal growth. 


When and where did it happen

  • It happened during the weekend evening when I was exploring the local market.
  • I found a sale display offer from a bookstore and decided to visit. 

What happened?

  • As I was exploring the bookstore, a book on mindfulness caught my attention. 
  • Seeing the book's theme, I decided to pick it up and try it. 

How did you feel about it?

  • I began reading the book and experienced a good sense of clarity in my mind.
  • The mindfulness lessons shared in the book were too transforming and like a healing tablet for my stressful life. 

Explain in what positive ways this event changed your life.

  • The book has added many values to my life. It has helped me stay calm even during a complete disaster.
  • It has also taught me how begging in peace can help me find solutions to life's complex problems. 


  • By practising mindfulness, I have experienced a blissful and healthy life. 
  • It has added more positivity and enthusiasm to my life and enabled me to handle life challenges smoothly. 

This is how the cue card for our topic will look like:

We should include the above critical pointers while speaking on the given topic. 

This is how we can cover the above-related questions within this topic:


  • Describe the event or circumstances. 
  • Explain why this event is vital in your life. 
“I’d like to describe a time when I chose photography as my career.”

When and where it happened?

  • Elaborate the time and location of the event.
  • Create a scene to help the audience understand the event. 
“It happened during my college vacation in Maharashtra a few years back.”

What happened?

  • Discuss the event or situation.
  • Explain how the event has had an impact on your life. 
“I participated in the photography workshop while exploring the streets of Mumbai.”

How you felt about it

  • Talk about your emotions at the time of the event.
  • Express the joy, excitement, or fear you have experienced due to the event. 
“I was excited and hesitant while joining the workshop. I had zero experience in photography, and I found it a challenging activity to learn.”

Explain in what positive ways this event changed your life.

  • Describe the positive outcomes or changes due to the event. 
  • Explain how this event has added value to your life.
“While attending the workshop, I developed my interest towards photography and decided to take it as a career. It provided me with a way to utilise my creativity.”


  • Summarise the focused points of your topic.
  • Highlight the importance of the event in your life. 
“The workshop has become the critical point of my life. It has helped me to develop my interests and build a remarkable career in photography.”

Follow-Up Questions

For our given topic, ‘Describe a time that something changed your life in good ways,’ here are the suggested questions the examiner might ask.

Q1. How do you think this positive change has influenced your overall outlook on life?

Answer 1: The positive changes in my life have helped me be more optimistic about the future. They have taught me to stay calm during tough times and to see the positive side of every situation. They have also helped me tackle challenges and solve problems without worrying about them. 

Answer 2:  The impact of positive changes has made my life better than before. It has helped me cultivate a positive attitude and find happiness in the little things. I feel energetic and embrace each day with happiness and joy. 

Q2. Have you noticed any unexpected or unintended consequences from this change?

Answer 1: One unexpected impact this change has had has been on the other areas of my life. It has encouraged me to reassess the priority areas and add positive changes in the various areas of my life, like my career, personal life, and relationships. 

Answer 2: The positive change has also uplifted my professional life. It has helped me to introspect myself and find the areas where I can excel. I had been able to choose the right career goals and follow them with more positivity and enthusiasm. 

Q3. In what ways do you believe this change has contributed to your personal growth and development?

Answer 1: This change has become a turning point in my life. It has allowed me to accept new challenges and leave my comfort zone. It has also allowed me to overcome my fear, which has given me the confidence to meet new challenges. With these values, I witnessed good growth in my career. 

Answer 2: This change has allowed me to discover myself and accept it. It has made me able to accept my strengths and weaknesses. It has also made me learn important values like adaptability, resilience, and problem-solving which has made me able to manage the ups and downs of my life. 

Q4. Can you share any strategies or methods you used to adapt to or embrace this change?

Answer 1: One strategy that has been very helpful for me in adapting to the change was approaching it with an open and learning mindset. I made constant efforts and also took support from my family and friends, who provided me guidance along the way. I also focused on taking smaller steps rather than simultaneously loading myself with multiple things. 


Answer 2: I have constantly tried to develop a positive mindset and shed the hostile attitude in my life. I have also shifted my focus towards the opportunities rather than the challenges of my life. I also emphasised the mindfulness activities to manage stress and stay calm during tough times.  


Q. Is the IELTS Speaking test easy?

Ans. The IELTS Speaking test is moderately complex. However, candidates with enough practice will find it easy to manage. So, to make it easier for you, you should start focusing on practising the IELTS speaking test. To do so, find some practice topics online and practice them regularly.

Q. Can I change the topic for speaking in IELTS?

Ans. Once the examiner gives you the topic, changing it is impossible. But yes, you can prepare yourself enough to speak on each topic you get. To do this, you need to invest some time out of your daily routine and constantly prepare for the IELTS questions. In this way, you can tackle even the tricky topics. 

Q. What are common mistakes in IELTS speaking?

Ans. Many candidates need help maintaining fluency and accuracy while giving the test. They often experience hesitation problems and a lack of confidence. This makes them encounter problems like grammatical errors, punctuation problems and pronunciation. But all these issues can be resolved if you start practising for it. 

Q. What is the difference between IELTS speaking parts 2 and 3?

Ans. In the IELTS Speaking Part 2 section, the examiner will give you a topic for which you must speak for around 2 minutes. They will allocate you 1 minute to prepare for that topic. After that, the examiner will ask you to start speaking. Once this ends, Part 3 will begin, which is a two-way discussion round. In this part, the examiner will ask fundamental questions about what you have spoken about in the topic assigned to you. 

Q. How many hours is the IELTS speaking test?

Ans. The IELTS Speaking test doesn’t take up hours. The whole part of the speaking test gets covered within 12-15 minutes. The introduction will take around 4-5 minutes, the Part 2 Individual Long turn will take around 5 minutes too. The Part 3 Discussion round will take 2-3 minutes. 

Q. Which part is the most important in IELTS speaking?

Ans. To score better marks on the IELTS test, you must pay equal attention to all three parts. But yes, Part 2 (Individual Long run) is said to be difficult as you are given the topic on the spot and asked to speak about it. You can give some extra time to prepare for this part so that you can perform well on the test. 

Q. What vital language elements should I remember while attempting the cue card section?

Ans. To score good marks, you need to address the four vital elements while preparing for the speaking test: grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and fluency. In addition to these four areas, the examiner also assesses the relevancy of your speech. You need to ensure the points you cover in the speaking test relate to the given topic. 

Q. Can I express my opinion during the test, even if it's different from the examiner's?

Ans. Yes, personal opinions are highly encouraged in the IELTS Speaking test. But ensure your point is backed up with a strong example or statement to give it weight. And yes, one more thing: Be respectful while expressing your opinions within the professional code of conduct. 

Q. Is eye contact important in IELTS speaking?

Ans. Yes, it is essential to maintain eye contact with the examiner. It will create a good impression and make you look confident in the examiner's eyes. But at the same time, you should avoid overly eye contact with the examiner, as it will also have a negative impact. So, as a safer side, maintain balanced eye contact while taking the IELTS Speaking test. 

Q. How can I improve my performance in the IELTS Speaking test?

Ans. Just like every examination, practice also plays an essential role in the IELTS Speaking test. You can start preparing under the guidance of an experienced professional. There are top IELTS courses that can provide you with the right mentorship, guidance, and practice to help you score well on the exam. 

Q. Is there any dress code for speaking in IELTS?

Ans. There is no specified dress code for the IELTS Speaking Test, but we recommend you wear a professional dress similar to what you would wear in a job interview. Make sure that your dress is clean, well-maintained, and comfortable. This will make you look confident and help you give a good impression on the examiner. 

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