Describe An Occasion When You Lost Something: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

You should say

  • What you lost?
  • When and where you lost it?
  • What you did to find it?
  • Explain how you felt about it?
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1 unique answers with expert feedback

Band 6




Losing something is a bit, losing something is very bad for you. I also lost camera when, around two years back. It was actually lost from my own home. At first I searched everywhere. At my home I thought it might be in my cupboard or in my backpack or in my roommate's cupboard. But later on I realised that it's not in the home. Then I searched in my locality where my close friends are. I asked them, it was not over there too. Then I went to my college and in my college I asked my seniors as well as my juniors. They also responded in a negative way. Later on I found out that one of my friend's colleague took it for a shoot purpose. For a photo shoot purpose. Then he apologised without asking me and taking my camera. And I was very angry on him because he didn't ask and took the camera.

Follow up questions

How did you feel when you realized your camera was missing?
I felt really anxious and frustrated when I realized my camera was missing. It was a valuable item for me, and I had a lot of memories captured in it. The thought of losing those memories made me feel even worse.

What steps do you take to prevent losing important items?
To prevent losing important items, I always try to keep them in designated places. I also make a habit of checking my belongings before leaving any place. Additionally, I sometimes use tracking devices for valuable items to help locate them if they go missing.

Have you ever lost something more valuable than your camera?
Yes, I once lost my wallet, which contained important documents and some cash. Losing it was a very stressful experience because I had to cancel my cards and replace my ID. It taught me to be more careful with my belongings.
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Band 6

Losing something is a bit, losing something is very bad for you. I also lost camera when, around two years back. It was actually lost from my own home. At first I searched everywhere. At my home I thought it might be in my cupboard or in my backpack or in my roommate's cupboard. But later on I realised that it's not in the home. Then I searched in my locality where my close friends are. I asked them, it was not over there too. Then I went to my college and in my college I asked my seniors as well as my juniors. They also responded in a negative way. Later on I found out that one of my friend's colleague took it for a shoot purpose. For a photo shoot purpose. Then he apologised without asking me and taking my camera. And I was very angry on him because he didn't ask and took the camera.
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