
Get into your 
Dream University  
with LeapScholar

Study Abroad Consultant in Thrissur

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 What can you expect from our consultants


Speak to any Leap consultant in less than 5 minutes

Get your profile evaluated and find the strengths and weaknesses of your profile


Get your personalised university shortlist in less than an hour

Get your university shortlist based on your profile and preferences


Get your university admit in less than 15 days

Get help with crafting your SOP, LOR and Resume to receive your university admit


Join our Free IELTS Masterclass twice a week and crack IELTS

Get your 8 band IELTS preparation plan


  Your study abroad journey   with Leapscholar 

Week 1

Connect 1:1 with experts, and finalise your list of colleges

Day 1

Profile Evaluation Session

Discuss your preferences, get answers to your questions and a personalised goal plan

Day 2 - 5

University Shortlisting

Our experts will come back with an ideal list of universities suited only for you

Day 6 - 7

Finalising your University

Discuss your shortlist and finalise the universities that you want to apply for

Week 2

Start application process with writing SOPs, and completing your docs

Day 8 - 12

SOP, LOR & Resume Assistance

Get 100+ templates and a professional editor to craft the SOP & LOR for your profile

Day 13 - 17

Application assistance for your Dream Universities

You're almost at the finish line, all that's left now is to put in your application (Don't worry our team of experts will do that for you!)

Week 3

Get an admit from your dream university

Day 18 -20

Prep for Visa Interview

Once admit is received, a visa expert will review your documents and also prep for the interview


Fly to your dream college

That's it, you're ready to fly! Leap Community will be waiting to welcome your in your dream college

  Why Leapscholar?


Students Counselled


Experts to guide you


Admit Chance


Visa Success Rate

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 See why our students ❤️ us

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My mentor's expertise, dedication and personalised approach made the journey smooth, ultimately leading to a successful admission. I highly recommend Leap Scholar's services for anyone seeking guidance in their academic pursuits.

Student Dp

Danyal Khan

Queen Mary University of London

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I am thrilled to share that I have decided to pursue my Master's degree in Big Data with a major in MSBA at UMass Boston this coming fall. This achievement would not have been possible without your dedicated efforts and expertise. I am grateful for everything Leap has done for me.

Student Dp

Akshat Sharma

UMass Boston

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I am going to pursue my further education in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at Lambton College, Canada. Without Leap, none of this would have been possible.

Student Dp

Akhil Surnedi

Lambton College

Leap's Consultants   in and around Thrissur  

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  Study Abroad with Leapscholar

Study Abroad Consultants in Thrissur

Are you dreaming of going abroad to pursue your studies?


You may be curious about which nations best suit your educational aspirations. Alternatively, you might have specific programs or universities in mind that could help you take the first step.


Imagine how wonderful and exciting it would be to study at the top universities in countries like,



When you study abroad, you learn more than what your textbook teaches. It is a whole new perspective of the world and a mixing of cultures. 


Do you worry about handling it alone?


We know this is a long journey, and you need assistance. This is where study abroad consultants come in handy. They help you along this journey and offer guidance at each step.


Study abroad consultants in Thrissur can help make this process easier and provide the support you need.

Why Do You Need A Study Abroad Consultant in Thrissur?

You need to make many decisions when you decide to study abroad. From researching universities to finalising the application details, you need the guidance of an overseas counsellor.  

If you are looking for study abroad consultants in Thrissur, this is the right place for you!  

Study abroad counsellors help you in the following ways:


  1. Study abroad consultants in Thrissur will help you finalise the perfect program and college.
  2. Often, study abroad consultants in Thrissur help you fill out application forms.
  3. Helping complete the university requirements.
  4. They help you in crafting well-written SOPs and LORs.
  5. Study abroad consultants in Thrissur look for the right accommodation for you.
  6. They also guide you in sourcing a scholarship.
  7. Study abroad consultants in Thrissur help you in connecting you with the right kind of contacts


Do you need expert guidance? Contact LeapScholar!

LeapScholar- Your Overseas Study Consultants in Thrissur

A considerable number of students from Amritsar aspire to pursue higher education abroad, but unfortunately, some of them encounter setbacks in the form of document inconsistencies, poor IELTS scores, or other reasons that can be discouraging.     

Our dedicated team of 1500 study-abroad consultants will help you achieve these dreams. We at LeapScholar help you have guided more than 2L students and have 5000 success stories.


With a success rate of 97%, we aim to provide you with:


  • Giving you expert Guidance.
  • Selecting the best program suited for you.
  • Streamline your visa process.
  • Help in crafting and getting SOPs.
  • Cracking IELTS and other test like GREGMAT and SAT.
  • Submitting a polished application.
  • Sourcing a scholarship.
  • Getting admission to your dream university.
  • Connecting you with the international people.
  • Preparing a well-written CV/ Resume.


Your future is calling. LeapScholar can answer!

Crack your IELTS with us!

Are you aiming to get a high score on your IELTS exam?   

Then look no further. LeapScholar is one the best study abroad consultants for you!    

We have helped 270,000 students, and 90% of our students scored 7+ band in the IELTS exam.


Here is how we benefit you in your IELTS Preparation:   

  • We provide you with a free IELTS Masterclass.
  • We have free interactive classes and real-time interaction with our students.
  • We have a limited batch size of 5 students.
  • We offer a band predictor test and practice test for self-assessment.
  • We give personalised 1:1 feedback.


We have a rating of 4.7 out of 5 and a wide user base of 2 million downloads. With this, we aim to help you ace your IELTS Exam.

So, what’s stopping you now? Hurry, Download the LeapScholar IELTS App.

How To Reach Leapscholar Study Abroad Consultants in Thrissur?

Are you looking for a consultant near you?


Then LeapScholar is here to help you!


We guide you in 


  • Finding the right program for you.
  • Assisting you in filling out your application.
  • Help you in cracking your IELTS exam. 

So, are you ready to take the first step towards studying abroad? Our dedicated study-abroad consultants in Thrissur are just a phone call or email away. 

Frequently asked questionsfaq icon

Q. What are the benefits of study abroad consultants in Thrissur?

A. Overseas study consultants in Thrissur can simplify studying abroad by guiding students through researching universities and programs, applying for visas, and securing funding. They can provide valuable insights and help students explore financial options for their studies. Consultants can also connect students with resources specific to Indian students and have a network of international contacts to help them navigate the study abroad landscape. They can offer expert guidance and support so students can focus on their academic goals and the exciting adventure ahead.

Q. Which is the most famous study abroad consultancy in Thrissur?

A. LeapScholar is a well-known foreign consultancy in Thrissur that has aided in the admission of over 5000 students with a success rate of 97%. Additionally, the consultancy has a large pool of over 1500 study-abroad consultants available to provide assistance.

Q. How can I schedule a consultation with a LeapScholar consultant in Thrissur?

A. Booking a consultation with a LeapScholar consultant in Thrissur is simple. You can contact us via our website or by email at contact@leapscholar.com. Our team of study abroad consultants in Thrissur is committed to providing prompt and individualised support to ensure a smooth experience.

Q. Which countries can you study after getting help from a study abroad consultant in Thrissur?

A. Students from Thrissur who aspire to study in foreign countries such as the USA, UK, Canada, and Australia can get guidance from study-abroad consultants. These consultants provide expert recommendations and assistance to help students make informed choices and accomplish their study-abroad objectives. With their guidance, students can smoothly navigate the complex process of studying overseas and have a fulfilling experience abroad.

Q. Do study abroad consultants in Thrissur help with IELTS?

A. Yes, study abroad consultants in Thrissur can help with IELTS exam preparation. One such consultant is LeapScholar, which has trained over 270,000 students for the IELTS exam, with a success rate of 90% of students scoring a 7+ band. LeapScholar offers free live interactive classes, allowing students to interact with instructors and ask questions in real time.

Q. What sets LeapScholar apart from other study abroad consultants in Thrissur?

A. LeapScholar is known for its exceptional dedication to providing personalised services, expert guidance, and comprehensive support to students in Thrissur. With a team of highly experienced study abroad consultants, LeapScholar understands the distinct challenges and opportunities of studying abroad. They work closely with each student to provide customised solutions and assistance at every juncture.

Q. What support does LeapScholar offer for drafting statements of purpose (SOPs) and recommendation letters?

A. At LeapScholar, we recognise the value of a well-crafted Statement of Purpose (SOP) when applying for studies abroad. This is why we provide thorough assistance to Thrissur students, including reviewing their SOPs and recommendation letters. Our team of seasoned study abroad advisors collaborates closely with students to grasp their unique strengths, objectives, and ambitions. This personalised approach enables us to provide tailored guidance to set their SOPs and recommendation letters apart from other applicants.

Q. Does LeapScholar assist students with visa applications in Thrissur?

A. We at LeapScholar, with its team of highly experienced study abroad consultants in Thrissur, offer extensive visa assistance to students. They understand the daunting visa application process and work closely with students to ensure a hassle-free and successful application. Whether you are applying for a work, student, or travel visa, LeapScholar's knowledgeable consultants can guide and support you throughout the process, ensuring a smooth experience. Contact LeapScholar today for expert visa assistance and achieve your desired outcome.

Q. Can students rely on education consultants in Thrissur?

A. Study abroad education consultants in Thrissur can be relied upon by students due to their vast knowledge and experience in several countries' education systems, admission requirements, and cultural norms. They can provide specialised advice and assistance in selecting appropriate courses and universities and in preparing applications and visa documents.

Q. How can I stay updated on upcoming student intakes and admission processes at universities abroad through LeapScholar in Thrissur?

A. Our Thrissur-based study abroad consultants strive to inform students about crucial deadlines, upcoming student intakes, and admission processes at universities abroad by regularly communicating and providing updates. Count on our team of highly experienced study abroad consultants in Thrissur to offer timely guidance and information to help you stay on top of your study abroad plans and make well-informed decisions about your academic future.

Q. Are there any overseas education consultants in Thrissur?

A. Thrissur offers a wide range of overseas education consultants who can help students select the appropriate course, university, and country for their overseas education. These consultants also offer assistance with the documentation, visa requirements, and other essential processes. Some well-known study abroad consultants in Thrissur include LeapScholar, TC Global, AECC Global, and others.