
Get into your 
Dream University  
with LeapScholar

Study Abroad Consultant in Ahmedabad

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 What can you expect from our consultants


Speak to any Leap consultant in less than 5 minutes

Get your profile evaluated and find the strengths and weaknesses of your profile


Get your personalised university shortlist in less than an hour

Get your university shortlist based on your profile and preferences


Get your university admit in less than 15 days

Get help with crafting your SOP, LOR and Resume to receive your university admit


Join our Free IELTS Masterclass twice a week and crack IELTS

Get your 8 band IELTS preparation plan


  Your study abroad journey   with Leapscholar 

Week 1

Connect 1:1 with experts, and finalise your list of colleges

Day 1

Profile Evaluation Session

Discuss your preferences, get answers to your questions and a personalised goal plan

Day 2 - 5

University Shortlisting

Our experts will come back with an ideal list of universities suited only for you

Day 6 - 7

Finalising your University

Discuss your shortlist and finalise the universities that you want to apply for

Week 2

Start application process with writing SOPs, and completing your docs

Day 8 - 12

SOP, LOR & Resume Assistance

Get 100+ templates and a professional editor to craft the SOP & LOR for your profile

Day 13 - 17

Application assistance for your Dream Universities

You're almost at the finish line, all that's left now is to put in your application (Don't worry our team of experts will do that for you!)

Week 3

Get an admit from your dream university

Day 18 -20

Prep for Visa Interview

Once admit is received, a visa expert will review your documents and also prep for the interview


Fly to your dream college

That's it, you're ready to fly! Leap Community will be waiting to welcome your in your dream college

  Why Leapscholar?


Students Counselled


Experts to guide you


Admit Chance


Visa Success Rate

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 See why our students ❤️ us

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I am thrilled to share that I have decided to pursue my Master's degree in Big Data with a major in MSBA at UMass Boston this coming fall. This achievement would not have been possible without your dedicated efforts and expertise. I am grateful for everything Leap has done for me.

Student Dp

Akshat Sharma

UMass Boston

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I am going to pursue my further education in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at Lambton College, Canada. Without Leap, none of this would have been possible.

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Akhil Surnedi

Lambton College

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My mentor's expertise, dedication and personalised approach made the journey smooth, ultimately leading to a successful admission. I highly recommend Leap Scholar's services for anyone seeking guidance in their academic pursuits.

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Danyal Khan

Queen Mary University of London

Leap's Consultants   in and around Ahmedabad  

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  Study Abroad with Leapscholar

Study Abroad Consultants in Ahmedabad

Have you ever thought about going on an adventure to study in a different country? Studying abroad is a great way to gain more knowledge, experience new things, and improve your career prospects.

Did you know that according to the Ministry of External Affairs, more than 13 lakh students from India are currently pursuing higher education abroad? Most of these students are in countries like the following:



If you want to learn a new language, explore different cultures, or study a specific subject, studying abroad can be a great opportunity. It's important to understand why you want to study abroad and what you want to achieve. Once you have a clear idea, you can start looking for programs that match your goals.

Don't let uncertainty hold you back. With the help of a study abroad consultant, you can make your dreams come true and turn this transformative journey into a journey of achievements.

Why Do You Need A Study Abroad Consultant in Ahmedabad?

If you're dreaming about studying in a foreign country, it's time to turn those dreams into a reality. With the help of study abroad consultants in Ahmedabad, you can plan your adventure and secure a spot at your dream university. 

Not only will this journey transform your academic life, but it will also enrich your personal life with new experiences and cultural insights.


Here’s how Study Abroad Consultants in Ahmedabadi can benefit you:

  • Receive help with important documents like student visas, SOPs, LORs, and CVs.
  • Get expert advice on study destinations, universities, and courses.
  • Get assistance with the application process and visa documentation.
  • Receive guidance on securing funding and scholarships for your studies.
  • Get help with accommodation and travel arrangements.
  • Prepare for interviews and assessments with the help of a consultant.
  • Receive assistance with the necessary paperwork and documentation for your application.
LeapScholar- Your Overseas Study Consultants in Ahmedabad

According to Ministry of External Affairs data, more than 60,000 students from Kolkata have gone abroad to study in recent years. Many students who dream of studying abroad often face disappointments due to various reasons.     

Improper documentation and low IELTS scores are among the most common ones. These issues can be harmful to your application and may lead to rejection.    

But there's no need to lose hope! Leapscholar's Study Abroad Consultants in Kolkata can help you with everything you need to study abroad.     

Leapscholar has the best study-abroad consultants in Kolkata and many other parts of India. Our study abroad consultancy service has successfully helped over 5000 students with a high success rate of 97%    

We have guided more than 2 lakh students in achieving their dreams of studying abroad. Our expertise lies in providing guidance and support to students who are interested in studying in different countries.    

By seeking the guidance of experienced study abroad consultants in Ahmedabad, students can avoid these pitfalls and increase their chances of being accepted to their dream universities. 


With the right support, Ahmedabad brightest minds can unlock their full potential and make their mark on the global academic stage.

Here are some of the benefits you will get if you consult with Leapscholar:


  • Our experienced counsellors provide personalised one-on-one sessions to offer you individualised attention and support.
  • We offer expert guidance and support at every stage of the study abroad process to ensure that you have a smooth and hassle-free experience.
  • We help you select the best colleges and universities based on your academic profile and preferences to ensure that you make 
  • the right choice.
  • Our experts review your statement of purpose to ensure that it stands out and leaves a lasting impression on admission officers.
  • We assign counsellors based on your profile and requirements to ensure that you receive personalised attention.
  • We conduct live feedback sessions to ensure your satisfaction at every stage of the process and address any concerns you may have.
  • Our user-friendly online platform makes the study abroad process smoother and easier to navigate, ensuring a stress-free experience.
  • We assist you with visa requirements, application processes, and documentation to ensure everything is completed on time and accurately.
  • We help you plan your finances by providing information on scholarships and education loans to make studying abroad affordable for you.
  • With our guidance and assistance, you can prepare for the IELTS exam and achieve the required score for admission to your desired university.
  • We provide GRE/GMAT exam preparation to ensure that you are fully prepared to take the test and succeed.


Now- if you're looking to take a leap towards your study abroad journey, Leapscholar can help make the process easier.     

Book a free session now!

Want to Boost Your IELTS Exam Score?

Every year, millions of students around the world take the IELTS exam. However, many of them struggle to obtain the required band scores, which can result in rejection from their desired universities. 

This is where effective IELTS coaching can make all the difference. With the right guidance and strategies, you can improve your confidence and achieve the band score you need to succeed in your academic and professional career. 

At Leapscholar, we understand the significance of the IELTS exam for students who want to study abroad. Therefore, we provide comprehensive guidance and preparation for each section of the IELTS exam, including:


We have an experienced team of teachers who are dedicated to understanding the unique needs of each student. We provide a range of study materials and courses to help students achieve high scores in their IELTS exams. 

Our online classes are easy to use and convenient, allowing students to access them from anywhere. With over 2 million app downloads and a high satisfaction rating of 4.7 out of 5, Leapscholar has a broad user base. 

By signing up with Leapscholar study abroad consultants, students can expect to gain the following benefits:


  • Join free interactive IELTS classes with real-time interaction with instructors.
  • Enjoy flexible scheduling with IELTS classes starting every 15 minutes.
  • Benefit from limited class sizes of only 5 students for personalised attention.
  • Receive expert evaluation and feedback to improve your IELTS score.
  • Take Leapscholar's band predictor test and practice tests to prepare for the exam.
  • Get personalised feedback through 1:1 evaluations to improve your score further.
  • Attend a free masterclass to enhance your IELTS skills.


Download our IELTS Prep App to get the best expert advice.  

The documents which our study abroad consultants in Ahmedabad will cover are:

  • Student VISA
  • SOP
  • LOR
  • CV
  • Essential documents required for scholarship 

Still in doubt and need more clarity? Our app is available for download, making it simple and quick for you to get answers to any queries you may have about studying abroad or the IELTS exam from the comfort of your own home.

How To Reach Leapscholar Study Abroad Consultants in Ahmedabad?

Are you feeling exhausted searching for study-abroad consultants in Ahmedabad? 

You don't have to look any further than Leapscholar. Our experienced consultants provide individual concentration and guidance throughout the study-abroad process, ensuring a hassle-free and smooth experience. 


We assist you in selecting the best universities and courses based on your academic profile and preferences. 

Our expert guidance covers everything from:-


  • Choosing universities
  • Visas
  • Documentation for study abroad 
  • IELTS Preparation
  • Scholarships

No matter where you are in India, we are here to assist you. Whether you're in Ahmedabad or any other part of the country, we can provide our support. 

Frequently asked questionsfaq icon

Q. Are there any overseas education consultants in Ahmedabad?

A. Yes, there are many overseas education consultants in Ahmedabad, but Leapscholar is one of the most reliable and experienced study abroad consultants in Ahmedabad. We provide one-on-one sessions to offer individualised attention and support. Leapscholar offers expert guidance and support at every stage of the study abroad process to ensure a smooth experience. We help students select the best colleges and universities based on their academic profile and preferences and assist with visa requirements, application processes, and documentation.

Q. Are foreign education consultants in Ahmedabad trustworthy?

A. Yes, foreign education consultants in Ahmedabad can be trustworthy if you do your research and choose a reputable consultancy firm. It's important to look for consultants who have experience and a track record of helping students achieve their study abroad goals. Additionally, reading reviews and testimonials from previous clients can give you a better idea of their reputation.

Q. How do I choose the best abroad education consultants in Ahmedabad?

A. Choosing the best study abroad consultant in Ahmedabad is simple. It's important to research their experience, success rate, and the services they offer. You can also ask for recommendations from friends or family members who have studied abroad. Always choose a consultant who provides personalised attention and guidance at every stage of the process.

Q. Is Leapscholar the best abroad study consultancy in Ahmedabad?

A. Yes, Leapscholar is one of the best study abroad consultancies in Ahmedabad. They offer comprehensive guidance and support to students at every stage of the process, from selecting universities to obtaining visas and scholarships. 

Q. Does Leapscholar provide coaching for both IELTS general and academic?

A. Yes, Leapscholar provides coaching for both IELTS general and academic. Our experienced tutors offer personalised coaching sessions to help students improve their language skills and achieve the required band scores for admission to their desired universities. With our expert guidance and support, students can boost their IELTS exam scores and increase their chances of success in their study abroad journey.

Q. Do Leapscholar study abroad consultants in Ahmedabad provide free classes for the IELTS exam?

A.  Leapscholar study abroad consultants in Ahmedabad offer a free IELTS exam preparation demo class. However, after the demo class, a nominal fee will be charged based on the course you select.

Q. What is the duration of the Leapscholar IELTS programme?

A. We offer three types of IELTS courses with different durations. The shortest course lasts a week, while the next lasts two weeks. The longest course lasts for a month. The duration of the course depends on your current level of English proficiency and the score you need to achieve. Leapscholar's IELTS programme is designed to help you achieve your desired band score and prepare you for the exam in the most efficient way possible.

Q. Do Leapcholar study abroad consultants in Ahmedabad provide online services?

A. Yes, Leapscholar study abroad consultants in Ahmedabad provide online services. With their user-friendly online platform, students can easily access all the necessary information and guidance related to studying abroad. They can also book one-on-one sessions with experienced counsellors, receive live feedback, and get assistance with important documents and visa requirements.

Q. Which countries can I study after getting help from a study abroad consultant in Ahmedabad?

A. By getting help from a study abroad consultant in Ahmedabad, you can explore study opportunities in various countries such as the USA, UK, Canada, and Australia. These countries are popular destinations among Indian students who want to pursue higher education abroad. 

Q. Do study abroad consultants in Ahmedabad review SOP?

A. Yes, study abroad consultants in Ahmedabad can help review your Statement of Purpose (SOP) to ensure that it stands out and leaves a lasting impression on admission officers. This is one of the many benefits of consulting with study abroad consultants, who can provide expert guidance and support at every stage of the study abroad process.

Q. Do Leap Scholar study abroad consultants assist students with visa applications?

A. Yes, Leap Scholar study abroad consultants do help students with their visa applications. They provide guidance on the necessary documentation and assist with the application process to ensure everything is completed on time and accurately. This helps students avoid any potential visa-related issues and ensures a smooth study abroad experience.