Duolingo Exam Pattern & Syllabus 2024: Section-wise Duolingo Format

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Updated on Aug 30, 2024, 19:23

If you want to excel in your Duolingo Exam, you should know the most recent syllabus, 2024. The syllabus is for you if you plan to take the next Duolingo Exam. 

The Duolingo exam includes an Introduction and onboarding, an Adaptive Test, and a Writing and speaking sample. It has only one format.

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1. Duolingo Exam Pattern

If you want to excel in your Duolingo Exam, you should know the most recent exam pattern, 2024.

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2. Duolingo English Test (DET) Syllabus

The Duolingo English Test does not follow a traditional syllabus outlining specific topics.


Duolingo (DET) Exam Pattern

If you plan to take the next Duolingo Exam, the exam pattern is for you. 

The Duolingo exam includes an Introduction and onboarding, an Adaptive Test, and a Writing and speaking sample. 


The format for Duolingo is the same globally, regardless of the location from which you’re applying. Duolingo administers and develops the Duolingo English Test (DET). It's a language learning platform offering this standardised English proficiency test.

Duolingo is an English test taken by students and aspirants who want to study or immigrate to a significant English-speaking country. Students must take the Duolingo exam to demonstrate their English language proficiency.


The Duolingo exam pattern in 2024 is as follows:


The Duolingo Exam Pattern in 2024

Duolingo Exam Part
Time Duration
Introduction & Onboarding 5 Minutes
Adaptive Test 45 Minutes

Duolingo English Test (DET) Syllabus

It is 60 minutes long and consists of three parts: introduction & onboarding and adaptive test. 

Your performance will be assessed in reading comprehension, listening comprehension, writing, and speaking skills. Your overall proficiency in the language is scored on a scale from 10 to 160, with increments of 5 points

This score scale aligns with the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), an internationally recognised standard for language proficiency.



Duolingo Exam Syllabus for Introduction & Onboarding


In this part, there will be no questions to answer. This section is only for 5 minutes.

  • You have to review your details of the exam on the screen
  • Read all the rules carefully of the exam to avoid any confusion
  • Properly check to ensure you have met all the technical requirements for the exam, like camera, internet connection, etc.
  • Each part has a time limit, so pay attention to your time for each segment.
  • This way, you can manage your time wisely and complete each part within the given time frame.


Duolingo Exam Syllabus for Adaptive Test


The Adaptive test includes various questions, such as missing letters, fill-in-the-blanks, and reading aloud. This section is for 45 minutes only. The difficulty of some questions is based on your performance. The subscore in this section is based on comprehension, conversation, literacy, and production.


Different types of questions for Adaptive tests are:


  • Read & Select
  • Fill in the Blanks
  • Read & Complete
  • Read Aloud
  • Listen & Type
  • Interactive Reading
  • Interactive Listening
  • Write About the Photos
  • Interactive Writing
  • Listen, then Speak
  • Speak About the Photo


Duolingo Exam Syllabus for Writing & Speaking Sample


In the writing and speaking sample questions, you will be given a prompt and asked to respond within a limited time period. This section is for 10 minutes only

  • For the speaking Sample question, you will be given a prompt and asked to respond at length. The response time for speaking questions is 1-3 minutes.
  • You will only have 3-5 minutes to respond to writing sample questions.


You should also note that the number of question types may vary for each test and can differ for each test taker. 

You must wonder if all the question types come in one test or what the frequency is?  The frequency of questions in the Duolingo paper pattern is given below:

Duolingo Paper Pattern

Question Type Frequency
Read & Select 15 - 18
Fill in the Blanks 6 - 9
Read & Complete 3 - 6
Read Aloud 3 - 6
Listen & Type 6 - 9
Interactive Reading 2 sets of 6 questions
Interactive Listening 2 sets of 5 - 6 questions
Write about the Photos 3
Interactive Writing 1 set of 2 questions
Listen, then Speak 2
Speak About the Photo 1
Read, then speak 1
Writing Sample 1
Speaking Sample 1


To sum up, the Duolingo English Test in 2024 is straightforward and doesn't follow a specific syllabus. It lasts 60 minutes and has three parts: Introduction & Onboarding and Adaptive test. 


You'll be assessed on reading, listening, writing, and speaking skills, with scores ranging from 10 to 160. 

IELTS Important Information

Duolingo Important Information


Q. How frequently can I take the Duolingo exam?

Ans. You can take the Duolingo English Test as often as you'd like, with no restrictions on frequency. Unlike other standardised tests, there is no waiting period between attempts, allowing you to retake the exam whenever you feel ready. This flexibility enables you to improve your score or demonstrate progress in your language skills at your own pace. 

Q. How difficult is the Duolingo test?

Ans. The Duolingo English Test's difficulty can vary depending on your proficiency level and familiarity with the English language. The adaptive format and requirement to type responses may pose challenges for some test-takers, while others may find the test manageable with adequate preparation. Practice and familiarity with the test format can help mitigate difficulties, but overall, the test aims to assess language proficiency across various skills fairly and comprehensively.

Q. What is the syllabus for the Duolingo test?

Ans. The Duolingo English Test doesn't adhere to a specific syllabus with predefined topics. Instead, it evaluates your overall language proficiency across reading, listening, writing, and speaking skills. The test assesses your ability to comprehend written and spoken English, express yourself clearly in writing, and communicate effectively in spoken English. Your performance is evaluated holistically, comprehensively assessing your English language abilities.

Q. How to pass Duolingo easily?

Ans. To pass the Duolingo English Test easily, focus on consistent practice across all language skills: reading, listening, writing, and speaking. Utilise Duolingo's platform to familiarise yourself with the test format and types of questions. Review grammar rules, expand your vocabulary, and practice speaking and writing regularly. Taking practice tests can help identify areas for improvement and build confidence. Dedicated effort and regular practice can increase your chances of success on the Duolingo test.

Q. Can you appear for the Duolingo exam without studying?

Ans. It is possible to appear for the Duolingo English Test without any preparation, but it's not advisable. The test evaluates your language skills across reading, listening, writing, and speaking, so familiarity with these areas can significantly impact your performance. Studying and practising beforehand can improve your understanding of the test format, boost your confidence, and enhance your overall performance, leading to a better score.

Q. How are marks distributed in Duolingo?

Ans. In the Duolingo English Test, marks are distributed based on your performance across reading, listening, writing, and speaking tasks. Each section contributes to your overall score, which ranges from 10 to 160 on a scale aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Your proficiency level is determined holistically, considering your ability to comprehend written and spoken language, express yourself in writing, and communicate orally.

Q. How do I prepare for Duolingo test?

Ans. Improve your language skills through regular practice to prepare for the Duolingo English Test. Utilise Duolingo's platform to familiarise yourself with the test format and types of questions. Practice reading, listening, writing, and speaking exercises to build fluency and confidence. Review grammar rules and vocabulary regularly to strengthen your understanding of the language. Finally, consider taking practice tests to assess your progress and identify areas for improvement.

Q. What is the full score of Duolingo?

Ans. The full score of the Duolingo English Test is 160. This score represents the highest level of English proficiency assessed by the test. The scoring scale ranges from 10 to 160, with increments of 5 points, allowing for precise evaluation of language skills. Your overall score reflects your performance across reading, listening, writing, and speaking tasks, providing a comprehensive assessment of your English proficiency level.

Q. What is the Duolingo course syllabus?

Ans. The Duolingo course syllabus doesn't follow a traditional structure with predefined topics. Instead, it utilises a dynamic approach that adapts to your learning progress and interests. The syllabus covers various aspects of language learning, including vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. As you progress through the course, you'll encounter various exercises and activities to enhance your overall language proficiency.

Q. Is Duolingo harder than IELTS?

Ans. Comparing the difficulty of Duolingo and IELTS depends on individual preferences and strengths. Duolingo may feel more challenging for some due to its adaptive format and requirement to type responses. In contrast, IELTS includes face-to-face speaking components and longer written responses. Both tests assess language proficiency differently, so choosing the one that best aligns with your skills and preferences is essential.

Q. What is the Duolingo exam format?

Ans. The Duolingo English Test format is divided into three parts: Introduction & Onboarding, Adaptive test, and Writing and Speaking sample. During the test, you'll encounter reading and listening comprehension questions, as well as prompts for writing and speaking tasks. Your performance across these sections will be evaluated to determine your overall English proficiency level, scored on a scale from 10 to 160.