
Get into your 
Dream University  
with LeapScholar

Study Abroad Consultant in Amritsar

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 What can you expect from our consultants


Speak to any Leap consultant in less than 5 minutes

Get your profile evaluated and find the strengths and weaknesses of your profile


Get your personalised university shortlist in less than an hour

Get your university shortlist based on your profile and preferences


Get your university admit in less than 15 days

Get help with crafting your SOP, LOR and Resume to receive your university admit


Join our Free IELTS Masterclass twice a week and crack IELTS

Get your 8 band IELTS preparation plan


  Your study abroad journey   with Leapscholar 

Week 1

Connect 1:1 with experts, and finalise your list of colleges

Day 1

Profile Evaluation Session

Discuss your preferences, get answers to your questions and a personalised goal plan

Day 2 - 5

University Shortlisting

Our experts will come back with an ideal list of universities suited only for you

Day 6 - 7

Finalising your University

Discuss your shortlist and finalise the universities that you want to apply for

Week 2

Start application process with writing SOPs, and completing your docs

Day 8 - 12

SOP, LOR & Resume Assistance

Get 100+ templates and a professional editor to craft the SOP & LOR for your profile

Day 13 - 17

Application assistance for your Dream Universities

You're almost at the finish line, all that's left now is to put in your application (Don't worry our team of experts will do that for you!)

Week 3

Get an admit from your dream university

Day 18 -20

Prep for Visa Interview

Once admit is received, a visa expert will review your documents and also prep for the interview


Fly to your dream college

That's it, you're ready to fly! Leap Community will be waiting to welcome your in your dream college

  Why Leapscholar?


Students Counselled


Experts to guide you


Admit Chance


Visa Success Rate

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 See why our students ❤️ us

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I am thrilled to share that I have decided to pursue my Master's degree in Big Data with a major in MSBA at UMass Boston this coming fall. This achievement would not have been possible without your dedicated efforts and expertise. I am grateful for everything Leap has done for me.

Student Dp

Akshat Sharma

UMass Boston

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I am going to pursue my further education in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at Lambton College, Canada. Without Leap, none of this would have been possible.

Student Dp

Akhil Surnedi

Lambton College

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My mentor's expertise, dedication and personalised approach made the journey smooth, ultimately leading to a successful admission. I highly recommend Leap Scholar's services for anyone seeking guidance in their academic pursuits.

Student Dp

Danyal Khan

Queen Mary University of London

Leap's Consultants   in and around Amritsar  

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  Study Abroad with Leapscholar

Study Abroad Consultants in Amritsar

Are you worried about studying abroad?


Indian students often face confusion and uncertainty when applying to study abroad. Rest assured that study abroad consultants are available to assist, so there is no need to feel anxious.


With the right guidance, you can apply to top universities in countries like,



With their extensive knowledge and expertise, they can guide the application process, including tips for conducting interviews, securing funding and scholarships, and preparing for life in a foreign country


Additionally, they can assist with all necessary paperwork, help find suitable accommodation, and make travel arrangements. Studying abroad offers more than just academic benefits; it can provide a unique perspective on life and memories that will last a lifetime. 


Study abroad consultants in Amritsar can help make this process easier and provide the support you need.

Why Do You Need A Study Abroad Consultant in Amritsar?

Studying abroad requires a lot of decision-making. Don’t worry, you don’t have to handle it all alone. 


We have got you covered!


Study abroad consultants are professionals who specialise in assisting students who want to pursue higher education in foreign countries.


  • Study abroad consultants in Amritsar provide guidance and support throughout the application process, from choosing the right program and university to securing funding, obtaining visas, and preparing for life abroad.
  • Study abroad consultants in Amritsar have extensive knowledge and expertise in the application process, including selecting the right courses, preparing for entrance exams, composing winning personal statements, and obtaining letters of recommendation.
  • Study abroad consultants in Amritsar also offer practical advice on finding accommodation, arranging travel, and adjusting to a foreign country.
  • Study abroad consultants in Amritsar can help students navigate unfamiliar bureaucracies, assist with language barriers, and provide a range of other services designed to make the study abroad experience as smooth and stress-free as possible.


Still, need clarity? Contact us!

LeapScholar- Your Overseas Study Consultants in Amritsar

A considerable number of students from Amritsar aspire to pursue higher education abroad, but unfortunately, some of them encounter setbacks in the form of document inconsistencies, poor IELTS scores, or other reasons that can be discouraging.    

We at LeapScholar help you have guided more than 2L students and have a success rate of 97%


At LeapScholar, we value a customised approach to assist you in pursuing your dream of studying abroad. Our team of 1500 skilled counsellors will work closely with you at every stage, becoming your reliable partners.


Study abroad with confidence. Choose LeapScholar.


LeapScholar is your one-stop shop for a smooth and successful study abroad journey. 


Here's how they can help:


  • Personalised Guidance: We at LeapScholar match you with a dedicated counsellor who understands your goals and provides tailored advice.
  • Dream University Matchmaker: We leverage our expertise to identify universities that perfectly align with your academic profile and aspirations, maximising your chances of acceptance.
  • Application Powerhouse: LeapScholaris study abroad consultants in Amritsar help you craft a stellar application package, polishing your profile and essays to make a lasting impression on admission committees.
  • SOP & LOR Experts: Leap Scholar’s study abroad consultant in Amritsar can help you craft a compelling Statement of Purpose (SOP) and strong Letters of Recommendation (LORs) that showcase your unique potential.
  • Scholarship Savvy: We help you navigate the scholarship landscape to find financial aid opportunities and make your dream education more affordable.
  • Visa Success Partner: With a proven track record, our visa experts streamline the process, ensuring your application is complete and you're confident about the interview.


Essentially, LeapScholar takes the stress out of studying abroad, allowing you to focus on your academic goals and the exciting adventure that awaits!


Your future is calling. LeapScholar can answer!

Want to Crack IELTS with higher bands?

At Leapscholar, we understand the importance of the IELTS exam for students planning to study abroad. That's why we offer comprehensive guidance and preparation for sections of the IELTS exam such as:     

We at Leap Scholar have figured this out for you! We have trained over 270,000 students, and 90% of our students have scored a 7+ band on the IELTS exam.


We help you in:


  • Students can attend live interactive classes and ask questions in real-time.
  • Classes start every 15 minutes, which allows for flexible scheduling.
  • The batch size is limited to 5 students, which ensures personalized attention and focused learning.
  • Expert evaluation and feedback are provided to help students identify areas for improvement.
  • The band predictor test is a helpful tool for identifying areas of weakness before exam preparation.
  • Personalised 1:1 feedback is available to help students improve based on their performance.
  • We have over 2 million app downloads and is a popular option for IELTS exam preparation.
  • There is a free masterclass available for students taught by top educators in India.


Ace your IELTS Exam. Download now!

How To Reach Leapscholar Study Abroad Consultants in Amritsar?

LeapScholar makes studying abroad easy. Contact us for a hassle-free study abroad experience.  

Here's how we'll help you:


  • We help you in finding the right university/college for you.
  • Assistance in visa application
  • Help you in the application process


So, are you ready to take the first step towards studying abroad? Our dedicated study-abroad consultants in Amritsar are just a phone call or email away. 


Dreams Don't Have Borders, Neither Should Your Education. 


Let LeapScholar Help You Fly!

Frequently asked questionsfaq icon

Q. Is hiring overseas education consultants in Amritsar worth it?

A. Hiring study overseas education consultants in Amritsar can be worth it. They can provide extensive support and guidance throughout the study abroad process. From university selection to visa application and scholarship information, education consultants can offer customised solutions tailored to each student's needs. They can also help students navigate the challenges and opportunities of studying abroad, ensuring a smooth and successful experience.

Q. What sets Leap Scholar apart from other study abroad consultants in Amritsar?

A. Leap Scholar stands out from other study abroad consultants in Amritsar for several reasons. Firstly, we have a team of experienced counsellors who provide personalised guidance to students throughout the application process. Secondly, they offer various services, including visa assistance, test preparation, and scholarship support. Lastly, they partner with top universities worldwide, providing students with various options for study abroad programs. Overall, Leap Scholar is committed to helping students achieve their academic and career goals through international education.

Q. Can Leap Scholar help me choose the right university for my study?

A. Choosing the best university can be crucial for your academic and professional development. At Leap Scholar, we understand this and provide comprehensive assistance to students in Noida, helping them find universities that match their interests, academic backgrounds, and career aspirations. Our knowledgeable team of study abroad consultants in Ludhiana has a wide network of universities and can help you with the application, admission, and selection process. If you're considering studying abroad, contact us today, and let us help you achieve your goals. 

Q. How does Leap Scholar ensure the confidentiality of personal information shared during consultations in Amritsar?

A. At Leap Scholar, we prioritise the privacy and security of your personal information. Our study abroad consultants in Amritsar follow stringent confidentiality procedures to ensure that any information shared during consultations is treated with the utmost care and discretion. We assure you that we will protect your sensitive information and always maintain your privacy.

Q. Can students trust education consultants in Amritsar?

A. As with any profession, Amritsar has trustworthy and untrustworthy education consultants. Students should research and carefully evaluate the consultant's credentials, experience, and reputation before using their services. It's also a good idea to seek recommendations from trusted sources, such as friends or family members who have had positive experiences with consultants. Ultimately, the decision to trust a consultant rests with the individual student and their own judgment. 

Q. How can I stay updated on upcoming student intakes and admission processes at universities abroad through Leap Scholar in Amritsar?

A. To stay updated on upcoming student intakes and admission processes at universities abroad through Leap Scholar in Amritsar, you can contact their team directly through their website or social media pages. They can provide the latest information regarding admission deadlines, application requirements, and other relevant details.

Q. Does Leap Scholar offer group consultations or workshops for Amritsar students interested in studying abroad?

A. Yes, Leap Scholar offers group consultations and workshops for Amritsar students interested in studying abroad. These sessions are designed to provide personalised guidance and support to students, helping them navigate the complex process of studying abroad.

Q. Which countries can I study after getting help from a LeapScholar in Amritsar?

A. Students from Hyderabad who wish to study abroad in countries like the USAUKCanada, and Australia can seek assistance from study-abroad consultants. These professionals are dedicated to helping students make informed choices and achieve their study abroad objectives. These experts provide guidance and help students navigate the complicated procedure of studying overseas. They are important in ensuring students make the most of their time abroad and have a fulfilling experience.

Q. Can study abroad consultants in Amritsar help me in securing a visa?

A. We at Leap Scholar, with its team of highly experienced study abroad consultants in Noida, offer extensive visa assistance to students. They understand the daunting visa application process and work closely with students to ensure a hassle-free and successful application. Whether you are applying for a work, student, or travel visa, Leap Scholar's knowledgeable consultants can guide and support you throughout the process, ensuring a smooth experience. Contact Leap Scholar today for expert visa assistance and achieve your desired outcome.

Q. Can study abroad consultants in Amritsar help me craft an LOR?

A. At Leap Scholar, we understand the importance of a well-drafted Statement of Purpose (SOP) in the study abroad application process. That's why we offer comprehensive support to students in Noida, including review services for their SOPs and recommendation letters. Our highly experienced study abroad consultants work closely with students to understand their strengths, goals, and aspirations and provide personalised guidance to ensure that their SOPs and recommendation letters stand out among other applications. 

Q. Do study abroad consultants in Amritsar help prepare for the GRE and GMAT?

A. Yes, study abroad consultants in Amritsar can help you prepare for the GRE and GMAT exams. They can provide study materials, practice tests, and tips on how to score well on these exams. Additionally, they can help you choose the right exam based on your program requirements and career goals.