

Talk About A Special Day Which Was Not That Expensive: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

Updated on Sep 13, 2024, 05:32


The IELTS Speaking topic "Talk About a Special Day Which Was Not That Expensive" asks you to describe a memorable occasion that was meaningful despite its low cost. When addressing this topic, focus on what made the day special, how you celebrated it, and why it was significant to you. Highlight the elements that contributed to the day’s uniqueness, such as the people involved, activities, or personal moments, rather than the expense.


Practising this topic can enhance your IELTS Speaking skills by encouraging you to express the value of experiences beyond monetary cost, use descriptive language to convey personal significance, and reflect on how simple pleasures can be deeply fulfilling. This helps improve your ability to discuss personal experiences and emotions clearly and in detail.


Cue Card/Topic: Talk About A Special Day Which Was Not That Expensive

You should say

  • What is the occasion?
  • Where did you go?
  • Who did you celebrate with?
  • Why it didn’t cost you much?
Sample Answer 1

Introduction (Covers: What is the occasion?/ Where did you go?)


  • One special day that wasn’t expensive was a day I spent at a nearby beach with friends. It was a simple outing, but it was a memorable and enjoyable experience.
  • We chose to go to the beach because it was close to home and offered a relaxing and fun day out without costing much. It was a perfect way to spend time together without a large budget.
  • The day was special because it allowed us to enjoy nature and each other’s company and have a great time without any financial stress.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest: (Covers: Who did you celebrate with?/ Why it didn’t cost you much?)


  • We packed a picnic with homemade food and snacks, keeping costs down. The beach setting provided a beautiful and scenic backdrop for our day.
  • We spent the day swimming, playing beach volleyball, and lounging in the sun. It was refreshing and allowed us to unwind and escape from daily routines.


Key Highlights: 


  • One highlight was watching the sunset together. The stunning view made the day feel even more special and picturesque.
  • Another highlight was the fun and laughter we shared playing games on the beach. It created wonderful memories and strengthened our friendships.




  • Although the day at the beach was not expensive, it was one of the most enjoyable days I’ve had in a long time. It was a perfect example of how simple pleasures can be the most fulfilling.
  • This experience reinforced the idea that special moments don’t always need a hefty price tag. Sometimes, the best times are the ones that are shared with friends in a beautiful setting.
Sample Answer 2

Introduction (Covers: What is the occasion?/ Where did you go?)


  • A special day that was not expensive was when I hosted a homemade dinner party for a few close friends. It was an enjoyable and meaningful gathering without breaking the bank.
  • I decided to organise the dinner at home to keep costs down and create a warm, personal atmosphere. It was a chance to showcase my cooking skills and enjoy a relaxed evening with friends.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest: (Covers: Who did you celebrate with?/ Why it didn’t cost you much?)


  • I prepared a variety of dishes from scratch, using ingredients that were both affordable and delicious. Cooking at home allowed me to create a diverse menu without spending too much.
  • We spent the evening enjoying the homemade meal, chatting, and playing board games. The relaxed and informal setting made the gathering feel intimate and enjoyable.


Key Highlights: 


  • One highlight was the compliments I received on the food. It felt rewarding to see my friends enjoy the meal and appreciate the effort I put into cooking.
  • Another highlight was the lively conversations and laughter throughout the evening. It made the dinner party feel warm and memorable.




  • Hosting the homemade dinner party was a wonderful and cost-effective way to spend quality time with friends. It demonstrated that special occasions don’t need to be expensive to be memorable.
  • This experience highlighted the value of personal effort and creativity in creating enjoyable events. It was a day filled with great food, company, and memories.
Sample Answer 3

Introduction (Covers: What is the occasion?/ Where did you go?)


  • One special day that was not expensive was when I attended a local festival in my town. It was a vibrant event that offered a lot of fun and cultural experiences without costing much.
  • I decided to go to the festival because it was a community event that featured local performances, crafts, and food. It was a great opportunity to enjoy the local culture and spend a day out.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest: (Covers: Who did you celebrate with?/ Why it didn’t cost you much?)


  • The festival featured various stalls with handmade crafts, local food, and live music. I enjoyed exploring the different booths and trying out some delicious, affordable snacks.
  • I spent the day listening to live performances by local artists and participating in cultural activities. The vibrant atmosphere and diverse offerings made the event engaging and enjoyable.


Key Highlights: 


  • One highlight was discovering unique local crafts and products that I wouldn’t have found elsewhere. It was exciting to see the creativity of local artisans.
  • Another highlight was the live music and performances. They added a lively and entertaining element to the day, making it even more enjoyable.




  • Attending the local festival was a delightful and cost-effective way to spend a special day. It provided a rich cultural experience and a chance to enjoy local talents and products.
  • This experience demonstrated that memorable days don’t have to be expensive. Sometimes, community events offer the best opportunities for enjoyment and connection.


Also Read: Best IELTS Cue Cards for 7+ Band Score

When the cue card section begins, the examiner will hand you a card with a topic and some prompts. You will have one minute to prepare your response and can make notes.


This structure helps you stay organised and covers all topic aspects clearly and logically.


Introduction (Covers: What is the occasion?/ Where did you go?)


  • State the occasion you are describing.
  • Mention where you went to celebrate the occasion.
  • Briefly describe why this occasion was special to you.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest: (Covers: Who did you celebrate with?/ Why it didn’t cost you much?)


  • Describe the people you celebrated with.
  • Explain the reasons why the celebration was low-cost.
  • Mention any creative or budget-friendly aspects of the celebration that helped keep costs down.


Key Highlights: 


  • Discuss any special moments or activities that made the day enjoyable.
  • Mention any personal touches or meaningful elements that enhanced the celebration.
  • Reflect on the overall experience and how it contributed to the specialness of the day.




  • Recap the occasion, where you went, and who you celebrated with.
  • Summarise how the celebration was meaningful and enjoyable despite being inexpensive.
  • End with a final thought on what made the day memorable and why it was a success for you and your guests.


Following this structure will ensure you cover all the essential points while providing a clear and engaging response to the cue card topic.


IELTS Speaking Cue Card 2024 Topics With Samples

Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS Speaking test, Part 3 follows the cue card round with a two-way discussion. Here, the examiner asks follow-up questions that delve deeper into the topic introduced in the cue card. 


This section evaluates your ability to elaborate on ideas, offer explanations, and engage in a more spontaneous and detailed conversation. The questions posed by the examiner cover a range of topics, from personal opinions to broader perspectives related to the cue card topic, allowing you to demonstrate your ability to discuss and analyse various aspects effectively.

Q1. Why was this day special to you despite not being expensive?

Answer 1: The day was special to me because it was filled with meaningful experiences and quality time spent with loved ones. We had a simple picnic in the park, which was inexpensive but allowed us to connect and enjoy each other’s company. The joy came from the shared moments and not from the cost of the activities.


Answer 2: The significance of the day came from the personal connections and experiences rather than the cost. We celebrated a friend’s birthday with a homemade meal and some games at home. The heartfelt conversations and the fun we had were what made the day memorable, demonstrating that meaningful experiences don’t always require a big budget.

Q2. What activities did you do on this special day?

Answer 1: On this special day, we enjoyed a relaxing picnic in a nearby park. We brought along homemade food, played some outdoor games, and spent the afternoon talking and laughing. The simplicity of the activities allowed us to fully enjoy each other’s company and appreciate the beautiful weather.


Answer 2: We spent the day at a local beach, where we had a potluck lunch with friends. We played some beach volleyball and had a small bonfire in the evening. It was a day full of fun and relaxation, and we made the most of the resources we had, creating a joyful atmosphere without spending much.

Q3. How did you feel about the simplicity of this day?

Answer 1: I felt that the simplicity of the day made it even more enjoyable. Sometimes, the most memorable moments come from uncomplicated experiences. The lack of expensive activities allowed us to focus on what really mattered: spending quality time together and creating cherished memories.


Answer 2: The simplicity was refreshing and allowed us to fully appreciate the moment. It reinforced the idea that special days don’t need to be extravagant. The relaxed atmosphere and genuine interactions were what made the day truly special, and I valued the experience more than any costly event.

Q4. Would you prefer to have more days like this? Why or why not?

Answer 1: Yes, I would definitely prefer to have more days like this. They remind me that joy and meaningful connections don’t always come with a high price tag. Simple, heartfelt activities can be just as rewarding and create lasting memories, making them valuable and desirable.


Answer 2: I would love to have more days like this because they offer a chance to enjoy life’s simple pleasures. These kinds of days are less stressful and more focused on genuine interactions. They also help me appreciate the small things and the people around me, which is incredibly fulfilling.


Pace Up Your IELTS Preparation With Our Expert Masterclass!


Q. How important is body language in the Speaking test?

Ans. While body language isn’t directly assessed, maintaining eye contact, appearing confident, and using natural gestures can help you communicate more effectively. Positive body language can make you feel more comfortable and convey confidence to the examiner.

Q. Can I lie in my answers?

Ans. The content of your answers isn’t evaluated for truthfulness, so you can invent details if needed. However, your responses should be plausible and relevant to the question. The key is to focus on demonstrating your language skills rather than the factual accuracy of your answers.

Q. What are common topics in the IELTS Speaking section?

Ans. Common topics include everyday activities like hobbies, technology, education, travel, culture, and current events. Familiarising yourself with these topics and practising how to discuss them in detail can help you feel more prepared during the test.

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