
Describe An Occasion When Many People Were Smiling: IELTS Cue Card

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 09:03

The IELTS Speaking test is a key part of the IELTS exam, where your ability to speak in English is assessed. This section aims to evaluate how well you can express yourself and share your ideas.


The Speaking test is not just a monologue but an interactive session. You'll be presented with cue cards on a variety of topics, carefully selected to prompt you to share your experiences and opinions. You'll have around 2 minutes to articulate your thoughts on the given topic, simulating a real-life conversation.


One topic you might be asked about is ‘Describe an occasion when many people were smiling.’ This topic is about recalling when you saw many people happy and smiling.


Let's look at the sample answers for the topic 'Describe an occasion when many people were smiling.' We'll break down each part of the answer, providing you with a clear understanding of how to respond effectively. This will give you a solid foundation to build your own responses.

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1. Describe An Occasion When Many People Were Smiling: How to Answer?

When the cue card section begins, the examiner will hand you a card with a topic written on it and some guiding points to help you structure your response. It's designed to help you stay focused and provide relevant information during your speaking task.

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2. Describe An Occasion When Many People Were Smiling: Sample Answers

Here are a few examples to guide you in crafting your responses to the cue card effectively! Remember not to memorise these answers. Instead, use them as inspiration to develop your unique response. 

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3. Describe An Occasion When Many People Were Smiling: Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS Speaking test follow-up question round, the examiner aims to delve deeper into the topic discussed in the cue card round. This part is also called the two-way discussion. 

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Describe An Occasion When Many People Were Smiling: How to Answer?

When the cue card section begins, the examiner will hand you a card with a topic written on it and some guiding points to help you structure your response. It's designed to help you stay focused and provide relevant information during your speaking task. 


Here’s what your cue card will look like: 


Cue Card/Topic: Describe An Occasion When Many People Were Smiling You should say
  • When did it happen?
  • Who were you with?
  • What is the reason why they were smiling?



Don't worry if you feel nervous; just take a moment to read the card carefully and gather your thoughts. Remember, the examiner is there to assess your speaking skills, not to intimidate you. So, take a deep breath, stay calm, and approach the task with confidence. You've got this!


Here’s how you can break this topic down:




  • Briefly introduce the occasion or event where you observed many people smiling, setting the scene for your response.
  • Mention your connection to the event or how you came to be present at that particular moment.
  • Clearly state the occasion's significance and why it stands out in your memory.


Describing your Experience/Opinion/Interest:


  • Provide details about the setting, such as the location, time, and reason for the gathering.
  • Describe the atmosphere and mood, focusing on the positive emotions and energy that made people smile.
  • Share your feelings or observations about the event, expressing why it left a lasting impression.


Key Highlights:


  • Highlight specific moments or interactions that contributed to the overall happiness and joy of the occasion.
  • Discuss the factors or reasons behind the widespread smiles, such as shared laughter, achievements, or heartwarming gestures.
  • Mention any memorable anecdotes or experiences that exemplify the people's happiness.




  • Summarise the main points of your description, reiterating the significance of the occasion and the abundance of smiles.
  • Reflect on the positive impact of witnessing so many people smiling and the emotions it evoked in you.
  • Conclude with a thoughtful remark or insight about the power of happiness and the importance of cherishing such moments.

Describe An Occasion When Many People Were Smiling: Sample Answers

Here are a few examples to guide you in crafting your responses to the cue card effectively! Remember not to memorise these answers. Instead, use them as inspiration to develop your unique response. 


Sample Answer 1
Sample Answer 2
Sample Answer 3

Introduction (Covers: When did it happen?)


  • One memorable occasion when I witnessed many people smiling was during my college graduation ceremony last year.
  • The event occurred on a sunny afternoon in June, marking the culmination of four years of hard work and dedication.
  • As I stood among my fellow graduates, adorned in our caps and gowns, the air was filled with a palpable sense of excitement and anticipation.


Leap to Learn: Word of the Moment

Palpable: capable of being touched or felt; noticeable.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: Who were you with?)


  • I was surrounded by my classmates, friends, and family members, all of whom had played significant roles in my academic journey.
  • My parents, in particular, were beaming with pride as they watched me receive my diploma on stage.
  • Being in the company of my loved ones, who had supported and encouraged me throughout my studies, made the occasion even more meaningful and joyous.


Key Highlights (Covers: What is the reason why they were smiling?)


  • Everyone was smiling mainly because of the sense of achievement and accomplishment that permeated the atmosphere.
  • Graduating from college symbolised the culmination of years of hard work, late-night study sessions, and overcoming numerous challenges.
  • As each graduate walked across the stage to receive their diploma, they were greeted with thunderous applause and enthusiastic cheers from the audience, further fueling the sense of pride and happiness.


Conclusion (Covers: Why was this occasion special?)


  • The graduation ceremony was a poignant reminder of the power of perseverance and determination in achieving one's goals.
  • Seeing the smiles on the faces of my peers and loved ones filled me with a profound sense of gratitude and appreciation for the support network that had helped me reach this milestone.
  • It was a day filled with laughter, tears of joy, and heartfelt embraces, creating memories that will be cherished for years.

Describe An Occasion When Many People Were Smiling: Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS Speaking test follow-up question round, the examiner aims to delve deeper into the topic discussed in the cue card round. This part is also called the two-way discussion. 

This part is much more interactive than part 2, allowing you to elaborate on your responses, express opinions, and provide further details. It evaluates your ability to sustain a discussion, use a range of vocabulary, and communicate effectively on broader topics.


Follow-Up Question 1

Question 1. Why do you think it's important for people to smile?


Answer 1: I believe smiling is essential. It not only uplifts our mood but also has a positive impact on those around us. A smile can convey warmth, friendliness, and approachability, fostering better social interactions and relationships.


Answer 2: Smiling is crucial because it helps to create a sense of connection and empathy among individuals. It can serve as a universal language, transcending barriers and promoting understanding and goodwill in diverse social settings.

Follow-Up Question 2

Question 2. How can cultural events contribute to spreading happiness and smiles?


Answer 1: Cultural events provide a platform for people to come together and celebrate shared traditions, fostering a sense of community and belonging. The festive atmosphere and vibrant performances and activities create an environment conducive to spreading joy and happiness.


Answer 2: Cultural events allow individuals to immerse themselves in their heritage and cultural identity, promoting pride and appreciation. The festive spirit and cultural expressions such as music, dance, and cuisine can evoke smiles and positive emotions, uniting people from different backgrounds in celebration.

Follow-Up Question 3

Question 3. Do you think technology plays a role in spreading smiles?


Answer 1: Yes, technology can play a significant role in spreading smiles, especially through social media platforms and communication tools. Sharing uplifting content and inspirational stories and connecting with loved ones virtually can bring joy and laughter to people's lives.


Answer 2: While technology has its drawbacks, such as screen addiction and cyberbullying, it also offers opportunities for connecting people globally and sharing moments of happiness. Virtual communities and online forums provide platforms for exchanging positive experiences and spreading smiles across borders.

Follow-Up Question 4

Question 4. How do you think smiling impacts one's overall well-being?


Answer 1: Smiling has numerous health benefits, including reducing stress levels, boosting the immune system, and lowering blood pressure. It releases endorphins, the body's natural feel-good hormones, promoting happiness and well-being.


Answer 2: Smiling improves one's physical health and mental and emotional well-being. It can alleviate anxiety, improve mood, and enhance resilience in adversity, contributing to overall happiness and quality of life.

Follow-Up Question 5

Question 5: Can you recall a personal experience where a smile made a significant difference?


Answer 1: I remember a time when I was feeling down, and a stranger's genuine smile brightened my day and lifted my spirits. It reminded me of the power of simple gestures in spreading positivity and kindness.


Answer 2: There was an occasion when I volunteered at a local charity event, and witnessing the smiles of gratitude on the faces of the beneficiaries left a lasting impact on me. It reinforced my belief in the transformative power of compassion and generosity in bringing joy to others.

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Q. How should I organise my answer for the Cue Card topic?

Ans. To organize your response effectively, break it down into sections: Introduction, Description, Key Points, and Conclusion. Start with a brief introduction, followed by delving into your experiences or opinions, highlighting key points, and finally concluding by summarizing your main ideas.

Q. What is an IELTS Cue Card?

Ans. An IELTS Cue Card is a prompt provided during the Speaking test, requiring you to speak on a specific topic for up to two minutes. Its purpose is to evaluate your ability to express ideas, opinions, and experiences coherently and fluently within the given time frame.

Q. How much time do I have to prepare for the Cue Card topic?

Ans. You have one minute to prepare after receiving the Cue Card before you start speaking. During this time, brainstorm ideas, jot down key points, and plan the structure of your response. Utilize this preparation time wisely to ensure a well-structured and coherent answer during your speaking.