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Ant Intelligence Reading Answers: IELTS Reading Practice Test

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 11:57

The "Ant Intelligence" IELTS reading passage discusses ants' complex social lives and the idea that they demonstrate intelligence. It describes how ants store food, repel attackers, and use chemical signals to communicate with one another. It also mentions how ants farm fungi, raise aphids, launch armies to war, and capture slaves. 

The passage compares the chemical communication of ants to the human use of visual and auditory channels to propagate moods and attitudes. To answer the questions related to this passage, it is important to follow the general instructions provided for the IELTS Reading test. You should read the instructions for each question carefully and answer according to them. 


It is essential to manage your time carefully to ensure enough time to answer all the questions. Skimming and scanning the passage is very important for scoring well in the reading section. 

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1. Ant Intelligence Reading Passage

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Ant Intelligence Reading Passage

General Instructions to Follow During the IELTS Reading Test

The following instructions will help you save time and improve your scores in the Ant Intelligence reading questions and answers.

  • Pay attention to the instructions given before the questions. Read it carefully and understand what’s being asked of you.
  • The reading passages are typically ordered with slightly increasing difficulty levels. To save time, try to answer the most challenging parts first.
  • Keep an eye on the clock. Every IELTS Exam centre has a clock on the wall. Watch it to stay ahead of your time limit.
  • Use skimming and scanning techniques and scan for keywords to answer questions.





Ant Intelligence Reading Passage



A.  When we think of intelligent members of the animal kingdom, the creatures that spring immediately to mind are apes and monkeys. But in fact the social lives of some members of the insect kingdom are sufficiently complex to suggest more than a hint of intelligence.


B. Among these, the world of the ant has come in for considerable scrutiny lately, and the idea that ants demonstrate sparks of cognition has certainly not been rejected by those involved in these investigations.


C. Ants store food, repel attackers and use chemical signals to contact one another in case of attack. Such chemical communication can be compared to the human use of visual and auditory channels (as in religious chants, advertising images and jingles, political slogans and martial music) to arouse and propagate moods and attitudes. The biologist Lewis Thomas wrote that ants are so much like human beings that they are an embarrassment. They farm fungi, raise aphids* as livestock, launch armies to war, use chemical sprays to alarm and confuse enemies, capture slaves, engage in child labour, and exchange information ceaselessly. They do everything but watch television.'


D. However, in ants, there is no cultural transmission -everything must be encoded in the genes - whereas in humans, the opposite is true. Only basic instincts are carried in the genes of a newborn baby, and other skills are learned from others in the community as the child grows up. It may seem that this cultural continuity gives us a huge advantage over ants. They have never mastered fire nor progressed. Their fungus farming and aphid herding crafts are sophisticated when compared to the agricultural skills of humans five thousand years ago but have been totally overtaken by modern human agribusiness.


E. Or have they? Ant farming methods are at least sustainable. They do not ruin environments or use enormous amounts of energy. Moreover, recent evidence suggests that ant crop farming may be more sophisticated and adaptable than thought.


F. Ants were farmers fifty million years before humans were. Ants can't digest the cellulose in leaves - but some fungi can. The ants therefore, cultivate these fungi in their nests, bringing them leaves to feed on, and then use them as a source of food. Farmer ants secrete antibiotics to control other fungi that might act as 'weeds’, and spread waste to fertilise the crop.


G. It was once thought that the fungus that ants cultivate was a single type that they had propagated, essentially unchanged from the distant past. Not so. Ulrich Mueller of Maryland and his colleagues genetically screened 862 different types of fungi taken from ants' nests. These turned out to be highly diverse: it seems that ants are continually domesticating new species. Even more impressively, DNA analysis of the fungi suggests that the ants improve or modify the fungi by regularly swapping and sharing strains with neighbouring ant colonies.


H. Whereas prehistoric man had no exposure to urban lifestyles - the forcing house of intelligence - the evidence suggests that ants have lived in urban settings for close on a hundred million years, developing and maintaining underground cities of specialised chambers and tunnels.


I. When we survey Mexico City, Tokyo, and Los Angeles, we are amazed at what has been accomplished by humans. Yet Hoelldobler and Wilson’s magnificent work for ant lovers, The Ants, describes a supercolony of the ant Formica yessensis on the Ishikari Coast of Hokkaido. This ‘megalopolis’ was reported to be composed of 360 million workers and a million queens living in 4,500 interconnected nests across a territory of 2.7 square kilometres.


J. Such enduring and intricately meshed levels of technical achievement outstrip by far anything achieved by our distant ancestors. We hail the cave paintings in southern France and elsewhere as masterpieces dating back some 20,000 years. 


K. Ant societies existed in something like their present form more than seventy million years ago. Beside this, prehistoric man looks technologically primitive. Is this then some kind of intelligence, albeit of a different kind?


L. Research conducted at Oxford, Sussex and Zurich Universities has shown that when desert ants return from a foraging trip, they navigate by integrating bearings and distanceswhich they continuously update in their heads. They combine the evidence of visual landmarks with a mental library of local directions, all within a framework which is consulted and updated. So ants can learn too.


M. In a twelve-year programme of work, Ryabko and Reznikova have found evidence that ants can transmit very complex messages. Scouts who had located food in a maze returned to mobilise their foraging teams. They engaged in contact sessions, at the end of which the scout was removed to observe what her team might do. Often, the foragers proceeded to the exact spot in the maze where the food had been. Elaborate precautions were taken to prevent the foraging team from using odour clues. The discussion now centres on whether the route through the maze is communicated as a 'left-right' sequence of turns or as a ‘compass bearing and distance’ message.


N. During the course of this exhaustive study, Reznikova has grown so attached to her laboratory ants that she feels she knows them as individuals - even without the paint spots used to mark them. In his essay, ‘In the Company of Ants’, it's no surprise that Edward Wilson advises readers who ask what to do with the ants in their kitchen to: ‘Watch where you step. Be careful of little lives.'


Ant Intelligence Reading Questions & Answers

Have you read the passage? Now, take the test and find Ant Intelligence Reading answers! 

Leap to Learn: Tip of the Moment!

Remember, most of these questions follow the order of the passage, so it’s easy to trace back if you look through the paragraphs sequentially.


Try to answer these questions by yourself before you sneak a peek at the answers given below. 

Good luck! 

Questions and Answers 1-6
  • This reading passage has ten paragraphs, A–J.
  • Which paragraph contains the following information?
  • Write the correct letter, A - J, as your answer to each question.


  1. Ants cultivate fungi in their nests to use as a source of food, as they cannot digest the cellulose in leaves. 
  2. Edward Wilson advises those people who find ants in the kitchen. 
  3. Hoelldobler and Wilson wrote a work for ant lovers, namely, Ant. 
  4. The Biologist Lewis Thomas compares humans to ants. 
  5. Cultural continuity becomes a greater advantage for humans.
  6. Ant societies have existed in their present form for more than seventy million years ago.


Ant Intelligence Reading Answers with Explanations (1-6)


Question Type: Matching Information


To answer matching information questions in IELTS Reading, you should read the instructions and headings carefully. Skim the text to get an idea of the content, then scan for specific information. Look out for synonyms and paraphrasing, and make sure the information you match is accurate and relevant.

Click to know more about the question type!


1. F




From paragraph F: “Ants were farmers fifty million years before humans were. Ants can't digest the cellulose in leaves - but some fungi can. The ants, therefore, cultivate these fungi in their nests, bringing them leaves to feed on, and then use them as a source of food.”


cellulose, digest, fungi



Paragraph F contains information about how ants cultivate fungi in their nests to use as a source of food. It describes how ants cannot digest cellulose in leaves but can cultivate fungi that can, and they use these fungi as a food source. This aligns with the statement about ants cultivating fungi in their nests.


2. N




From paragraph N: “ In his essay, ‘In the Company of Ants’, it's no surprise that Edward Wilson advises readers who ask what to do with the ants in their kitchen to: ‘Watch where you step. Be careful of little lives.'”


Essay, advises readers 


Paragraph N describes the information about Edward Wilson advising those who find ants in their kitchen. It mentions Wilson's advice in the essay "In the Company of Ants," where he advises readers to "Watch where you step. Be careful of little lives."


3. I




From paragraph I: “ Yet Hoelldobler and Wilson’s magnificent work for ant lovers, The Ants, describes a supercolony of the ant Formica yessensis on the Ishikari Coast of Hokkaido.”


Supercolony, formica yessensis


Paragraph I mentions the work "The Ants" by Hoelldobler and Wilson, which is described as magnificent for ant lovers. This corresponds to the statement about Hoelldobler and Wilson writing a work for ant lovers.


4. C




From paragraph C: “The biologist Lewis Thomas wrote that ants are so much like human beings that they are an embarrassment.”


Biologist, embarrassment


Paragraph C mentions the comparison made by biologist Lewis Thomas between humans and ants. He remarks that ants are so much like human beings that they are an embarrassment. This corresponds to the statement about Lewis Thomas comparing humans to ants.

5. D




From paragraph D: “However, in ants, there is no cultural transmission -everything must be encoded in the genes - whereas in humans, the opposite is true.”


Cultural transmission, encoded


The concept of cultural continuity becoming a greater advantage for humans is not specifically mentioned therefore the information is not given in the passage.


6. K




From paragraph K: “Ant societies existed in something like their present form more than seventy million years ago.”



Ant societies, present form, seventy million years


This information is found in paragraph K, which discusses the enduring and intricately meshed levels of technical achievement in ant societies. It mentions that ant societies existed in something like their present form more than seventy million years ago, suggesting a long history of complex social organisation among ants.

Questions and Answers 7-13
  • Complete the summary using the list of words, A-O, below.
  • Write the correct A-O letter in boxes 7-13 on your answer sheet.


Ants as farmers


Ants have sophisticated methods of farming, including herding livestock and growing crops, which are in many ways similar to those used in human agriculture. The ants cultivate a large number of different species of edible fungi, which convert (7) …….. into a form which they can digest. They use their own natural (8) ……..  as weed-killers and also use unwanted materials as (9) ……… Genetic analysis shows they constantly upgrade these fungi by developing new species and by (10) ……… species with neighbouring ant colonies. In fact, the farming methods of ants could be said to be more advanced than human agribusiness since they use (11) ……….. methods, they do not affect the (12) ……….. and do not waste (13) ………. .













Other species






Ant Intelligence Reading Answers with Explanations (7-13)


Question Type: Summary Completion


To answer summary completion questions, read the passage and identify the main ideas and supporting details. Then, match these ideas to the options provided and choose the one that best completes the summary.

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7. Cellulose




From paragraph F: “Ants can't digest the cellulose in leaves - but some fungi can. The ants, therefore, cultivate these fungi in their nests, bringing them leaves to feed on, and then use them as a source of food.”


Digest, fungi, cultivate, source of food


Paragraph F states that ants cultivate fungi in their nests. These fungi can digest cellulose in leaves, which ants cannot digest themselves. Therefore, the fungi convert cellulose into a form that ants can digest, serving as a food source for the ants.


8. Secretions




From paragraph F: “Farmer ants secrete antibiotics to control other fungi that might act as 'weeds’, and spread waste to fertilise the crop.”


Antibiotics, weeds, fertilise


Paragraph F explains ants secrete antibiotics to control other fungi that might act as 'weeds' in their fungal gardens. This secretion helps them manage the growth of unwanted fungi and maintain the health of their cultivated crops.


9. Fertilisers




From paragraph F: “Farmer ants secrete antibiotics to control other fungi that might act as 'weeds’, and spread waste to fertilise the crop.”


Secrete, control, fungi, spread


Paragraph F describes how ants spread waste materials to fertilise their fungal crops. This waste enriches the soil in their nests and promotes the growth of the cultivated fungi.


10. Exchanging




From paragraph G: “Even more impressively, DNA analysis of the fungi suggests that the ants improve or modify the fungi by regularly swapping and sharing strains with neighbouring ant colonies.”


DNA analysis, modify/improve, swapping



The paragraph G mentions that ants constantly upgrade their cultivated fungi by developing new species and by exchanging species with neighbouring ant colonies. This process of exchanging fungi strains contributes to the diversity and adaptability of the ants' farming methods.


11. Sustainable




From paragraph E: “Or have they? Ant farming methods are at least sustainable.”


Ant farming methods


The paragraph E highlights that ant farming methods are sustainable. Unlike modern human agribusiness, ants' farming practices do not ruin environments or use enormous amounts of energy. Therefore, their farming methods are considered sustainable and environmentally friendly.


12. Environment




From paragraph E: “ They do not ruin environments or use enormous amounts of energy. Moreover, recent evidence suggests that ant crop farming may be more sophisticated and adaptable than thought.”


Ruin environments, energy,sophisticated, adaptable



Paragraph E mentions that ant farming methods do not affect the environment negatively. Unlike some human agricultural practices that can lead to environmental degradation, ants' farming methods are described as sustainable and do not harm the environment.


13. Energy




From paragraph E: “ They do not ruin environments or use enormous amounts of energy. Moreover, recent evidence suggests that ant crop farming may be more sophisticated and adaptable than thought.”


Crop farming, energy



Paragraph E explains that ant farming methods do not waste energy. Unlike modern human agribusiness, which may require significant energy inputs, ants' farming practices are efficient and do not waste energy resources.

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Q. What are good tips/practices for IELTS Reading preparation?

Ans. To prepare for the IELTS reading exam, you should familiarise yourself with the test format, improve your reading speed, develop your vocabulary, practice with sample tests, improve your skimming and scanning skills, and read various texts. Practice is essential, and with regular practice and dedication, you can improve your reading skills and achieve a high score on the test.

Q. How can I score better on my IELTS Reading test?

Ans. To score better on your IELTS reading exam, you should focus on time management, skimming and scanning, vocabulary, accuracy, practice with sample tests, and reading different types of texts. Consistent and dedicated preparation is the key to achieving a high score on the test.

Q. Can I retake the IELTS Reading test alone?

Ans. Yes, you can retake any section of the IELTS test, whether listening, reading, writing, or speaking. The format and timing of that IELTS One Skill Retake test are the same as that individual skill in a full IELTS test; you can save time by not needing to complete the other three skills.

Q. Is the IELTS Reading test difficult to score?

Ans. The difficulty of the IELTS reading test depends on your English proficiency and familiarity with the test format. The test can be challenging because it contains a wide range of texts and questions within a limited time. However, with consistent preparation and practice, you can improve your skills and achieve a high score on the test.

Q. What is the minimum preparation time required for the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. The minimum preparation time required for the IELTS reading test is four weeks. This will give you enough time to improve your reading skills, develop your vocabulary, practice with sample tests, and improve your skimming and scanning skills. However, the amount of preparation time required depends on your current level of English proficiency and familiarity with the test format.

Q. How can I answer multiple choice questions for the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. To answer multiple-choice questions in the IELTS reading test, you should read the instructions and questions carefully, skim the text quickly to locate the relevant section, eliminate wrong answers, and make an educated guess if you are unsure. With practice, you can improve your skills and achieve a high score on the test.

Q. How can I improve my comprehension skills for the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. To improve your comprehension skills for the IELTS reading test, you can:

1. Read Regularly

2. Practice skimming and scanning

3. Focus on vocabulary

4. Use context clues

5. Take practice tests


Following these tips can improve your skills and perform better in the IELTS reading test.

Q. What are some good resources for improving my reading skills in general?

Ans.  Try using sites like Project Gutenberg and Medium, where you can find many different things to read to improve your reading skills. If you have a lot of books, go to your local library, and they'll help you find books that suit you. To easily find books and audiobooks you want to listen to, apps such as the Kindle or Goodreads can also be used. Use websites such as Khan Academy or Newsela to practice exercises that correspond with your reading levels to improve your understanding of what you read.

Q. What are some common misconceptions about the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. There are several misconceptions about the IELTS reading test, including the belief that you need to know all the words in the passage, read the entire passage, that the questions are straightforward, that you need to answer the questions in order, and that you need prior knowledge of the topics. By understanding these misconceptions, you can confidently approach the test and clearly understand what is required to do well.

Q. How can I stay calm and focused during the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. To stay calm and focused during the IELTS reading test, practice mindfulness, manage your time, stay hydrated, stay relaxed, read the questions carefully, and stay positive. You can perform to the best of your abilities by following these tips.

Q. What is the band score range for the IELTS Reading module?

Ans. The band score range for the IELTS reading module is 0 to 9. The score is based on the number of correct answers and is calculated using a conversion table. The final score is rounded to the nearest half-band and reported as a whole or half-band. A score of 9 indicates expert user proficiency, while 0 indicates non-user proficiency. The score requirements vary depending on the institution or organisation that requires the test.