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Sleep Reading Answers: IELTS Reading Practice Test

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Updated on Jul 15, 2024, 10:27

The IELTS Reading section assesses your ability to understand and interpret written English texts. It consists of three passages of increasing difficulty, ranging in length from short to long. Each passage is followed by a series of questions designed to test a range of reading skills. These passages are sourced from books, journals, magazines, and newspapers, covering a range of topics to test a variety of reading skills.


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In this passage, you will explore the topic “Sleep”. It delves into the science behind sleep patterns, its impact on health and productivity, and strategies to improve sleep quality. This topic is relevant as it addresses both biological and lifestyle factors that influence one of our essential daily activities.

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1. Sleep Reading Passage

You should spend approximately 20 minutes answering Questions 1 - 14 based on the Reading Passage below. This approach can help manage time effectively during a reading comprehension activity or exam.  

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2. Sleep Reading Question & Answers

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Sleep Reading Passage

General Information

  • Read Instructions: Understand each question before answering.
  • Manage Time: Spend about 20 minutes per passage.
  • Skim and Scan: Quickly get the main idea and find specific information.
  • Highlight Key Info: Underline essential words or phrases.
  • Answer All Questions: Attempt every question; no penalty for wrong answers.
  • Stay Focused: Avoid distractions and keep your attention on the task.
  • Check Spelling: Ensure correct spelling and grammar.
  • Transfer Answers Clearly: Write answers neatly on the answer sheet.
  • Don’t Dwell: Move on if stuck and return later.
  • Review: If time allows, review your answers.





Sleep Reading Passage



Paragraph A


Scientists and medical professionals still have a lot to learn about the process of sleep, just like they do about many other aspects of the body. The idea that the body entirely slows down when sleeping has been disproved; instead, it is now known that the body's primary organs and regulatory systems, such as the lungs, heart, and stomach, continue to function actively throughout sleep. The glands and lymph nodes, which support the immune system, are yet another vital organ that works at night. This is a common reason why getting insufficient sleep reduces the body's natural immunity.



Paragraph B


Certain systems may even become more active when we're sleeping. hormones needed, for illustration, for the formation of new nerve cells and for the growth of muscles. The brain's learning and memory-related circuits have enhanced activity.



Paragraph C


Another prevalent misconception about sleep is that as we become older, our bodies require less sleep. While it is true that babies require 16 hours of sleep compared to teenagers and adults, who require 9 hours and 8 hours of sleep, respectively, this does not imply that older individuals require less sleep. What is true, though, is that people frequently receive less sleep or perceive their sleep to be less restorative for a variety of reasons. This is due to the fact that as people age, they spend less time in deep, restorative sleep and are more vulnerable to waking up suddenly. Moreover, sleep disorders like insomnia, sleep apnea, and heart issues are more prevalent in older persons.



Paragraph D


It takes more than simply laying your head on the pillow at night and waking up in the morning to get a decent night's sleep. Your sleep occurs in cycles during the course of the night, alternating between deep, restorative sleep and more awake, dream-inducing stages. You spend more time in a lighter dream sleep as the night goes on.



Paragraph E


Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, when you dream, and noil-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep are two unique and separate stages of sleep patterns. Every night, you typically experience 3 to 5 REM sleep cycles, each lasting anything from 5 minutes to over an hour. During these cycles, your body becomes more active. With an increase in heartbeat, blood pressure, and brain activity, breathing becomes rapid, shallow, and irregular. Your fingers and toes may twitch, your body temperature may vary, and you may sweat or shiver even if your major muscles typically do not move.



Paragraph F


This sleep, according to research, is crucial for your brain. It is at its busiest during this time, resolving stress and processing memories and emotions. The parts of the brain used for learning and acquiring new skills are active. In actuality, the brain waves observed during REM sleep are comparable to those observed during wakefulness.



Paragraph G


Dreamlessness is a characteristic of NREM (noil-rapid eye movement) sleep. Four stages of increasingly deep sleep comprise NREM sleep. As you progress through the stages, it gets harder to wake up since you're more relaxed and less aware of your surroundings. As you progress through the NREM stages, your body will likewise become less active, functioning the opposite way from REM sleep. When you are about to nod off is Stage 1 of NREM sleep. It usually lasts 5 to 10 minutes, and you can easily wake up during this time. You are in stage 2 of light sleep, which is the period just before you enter a deep sleeping pattern. 20 minutes or so pass during it. Stage 3 sees the onset of deep sleep, which prepares the body for stage 4, where you have trouble waking up and are unconscious of your surroundings. At this point, sleep talking, and sleepwalking are possible. The most crucial phase for your body. Your brain has stopped immediately and is healing. Your major muscles receive a blood flow redirection from your brain, helping them to repair any harm from your exhausting day at work. It might be disorienting to be abruptly awakened from stage 4 sleep, which is why using an alarm clock with an increasing ring is beneficial.



Paragraph H


You will transition from deep Stage 4 sleep to light Stage 2 sleep, then into REM sleep before the cycle repeats itself, about an hour and a half into your sleep cycle. NREM sleep makes up about 75% of your sleep. NREM sleep makes up roughly six of an eight-hour sleep cycle. You spend more time dreaming and having lighter sleep as the night goes on.



Paragraph I


Sleep debt occurs when you consistently get less sleep than you require each night—even by only one hour. It could cost you in the form of daytime sleepiness, difficulty concentrating, irritability, decreased productivity, and a higher chance of slips and falls. A daytime nap might help undo some of the damage caused by sleep debt, even though it cannot completely compensate for a good night's sleep. But, avoid napping beyond 3 p.m. as these late naps may prevent you from falling asleep at night. Moreover, limit your naps to no more than 30 minutes, as prolonged sleep will make it more difficult for you to get up and resume your normal activities.


Sleep Reading Question & Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS reading answers about Sleep 

Questions and Answers 1-4
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the Reading Passage?
In boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet, write

  • TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
  • FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
  • NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this in the passage



 It was once thought that biological functions slowed down when we sleep.


  1. When suffering from a medical issue, teenagers experience less sleep loss than adults.
  2. The depth of our sleep deepens during the night.
  3. Heart issues and other illnesses might result from insufficient sleep.


Sleep Reading Answers with Explanations (1-4)



Type of question: Yes/No/Not Given(True/False/Not Given)


In this question type, you are required to determine whether the statements provided agree with, contradict, or are not mentioned in the reading passage. 



How to best answer: 


  • Understand what information is being presented and what is being asked.
  • Find relevant information in the reading passage that relates to the statement.
  • Determine if the statement agrees with, contradicts, or is not mentioned in the passage.
  • If the information is not explicitly provided in the passage, select 'Not Given' rather than making assumptions.
  • Base your answers solely on the information presented in the passage, avoiding personal opinions or outside knowledge.


1. True




From paragraph A: "The idea that the body entirely slows down when sleeping has been disproved; instead, it is now known that the body's primary organs and regulatory systems, such as the lungs, heart, and stomach, continue to function actively throughout sleep."





The paragraph clarifies that biological functions do not slow down completely during sleep, debunking the previous notion. This aligns with the statement, confirming its accuracy about misconceptions regarding bodily functions during sleep.


2. Not Given




From paragraph C: “Another prevalent misconception about sleep is that as we become older, our bodies require less sleep.”




The paragraph discusses sleep patterns in older individuals but does not mention teenagers with medical issues and their sleep duration. Therefore, there is no information provided to confirm or deny the statement for teenagers.


3. False




From paragraph D:  "You spend more time in a lighter dream sleep as the night goes on."




According to the paragraph, sleep deepens into lighter dream stages as the night progresses, contradicting the statement that suggests deepening sleep throughout the night.


4. False




From paragraph C: “What is true, though, is that people frequently receive less sleep or perceive their sleep to be less restorative for a variety of reasons. This is due to the fact that as people age, they spend less time in deep, restorative sleep and are more vulnerable to waking up suddenly. Moreover, sleep disorders like insomnia, sleep apnea, and heart issues are more prevalent in older persons.”




Sleep disorders like insomnia and sleep apnea are highlighted as potential consequences of insufficient sleep in the paragraph. It suggests these conditions can arise from inadequate sleep rather than causing other medical issues like heart problems, thus refuting the statement's assertion.



Read more about 350+ Vocabulary words for IELTS: Difficult & New English Words List For 2024

Questions and Answers 5-8

  • Complete the sentences given below.
  • Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the paragraphs for each answer.
  • Fill in boxes 5 - 8 on your answer sheet with your responses.



5. Reduced __________ can be a benefit of REM sleep.
6. Similar to those observed when awake, ____________ are present during REM sleep.
7. It takes little effort to be _________ during Stage 1 NREM sleep.
8. Awakening unexpectedly from a deep sleep may result in ____________.



Sleep Reading Answers with Explanations (5-8)



Type of question: Sentence Completion


In this question type, you are required to fill in the blanks in a given sentence with words or phrases taken directly from the passage. These questions test your ability to understand specific details and information presented in the text.



How to answer: 


  • Read the sentence carefully to understand the context.
  • Identify keywords or clues that can help you find the answer in the passage.
  • Scan the passage for relevant information, focusing on the area around the blank.
  • Choose the answer that fits grammatically and contextually.
  • Verify your answers and finalise them.


5. Stress




From paragraph F: "This sleep, according to research, is crucial for your brain."





REM sleep plays a vital role in brain function by actively reducing stress levels and facilitating the processing of memories and emotions. This stage is essential for mental well-being, allowing the brain to manage stress effectively while resting.


6. Brain waves




From paragraph F: " In actuality, the brain waves observed during REM sleep are comparable to those observed during wakefulness."




During REM sleep, the brain exhibits waves comparable to those observed during wakefulness, indicating intense cognitive activity. This similarity suggests that REM sleep is a phase of heightened brain engagement and neural processing.


7. (easily) woken




From paragraph G: "When you are about to nod off is Stage 1 of NREM sleep. It usually lasts 5 to 10 minutes, and you can easily wake up during this time."





 Stage 1 of NREM sleep, lasting 5 to 10 minutes, is a light sleep phase where individuals can be easily awakened. This initial stage serves as a transitional period from wakefulness to deeper sleep cycles.


8. Disorientation




From paragraph G: "It might be disorienting to be abruptly awakened from stage 4 sleep, which is why using an alarm clock with an increasing ring is beneficial."




Abruptly awakening from deep Stage 4 NREM sleep can lead to disorientation due to the profound relaxation and reduced awareness characteristic of this stage. Managing awakenings from deep sleep phases is crucial to avoid disorientation and ensure a smoother transition to wakefulness.


Refer to tips and tricks for the IELTS Reading section to achieve a high band score.

Questions and Answers 9-10

  • Choose your answers from A-E
  • Enter your answers in boxes 9 and 10.
  • In either order, an answer can be given.



REM Sleep


  1. Is more typical among young people.
  2. When we dream.
  3. May make your extremities move independently.
  4. Each night lasts about an hour.
  5. When the brain is at its most at ease.



Sleep Reading Answers with Explanations (9-10)


Type of question: Multiple choice questions


In this question type, you are asked to answer the question followed by several options, typically lettered A, B, C, or D. The task is to select the correct answer from the given choices based on the information provided in the reading passage.



How to best answer: 


  • Read the question carefully and understand what it asks.
  • Pay attention to the keywords in the question.
  • Skim the passage quickly to locate relevant information.
  • Eliminate the clearly incorrect options.
  • Select the answer that best fits the information in the passage.


9. B/C




From paragraph E: "Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, when you dream, and noil-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep are two unique and separate stages of sleep patterns."





REM sleep, characterised by vivid dreaming, also involves increased bodily activity like twitching of fingers and toes despite major muscles remaining inactive. This phase of sleep is crucial for mental processes and is marked by heightened brain activity resembling wakefulness. The paragraph highlights these physiological changes during REM sleep, emphasising its distinctiveness in the sleep cycle.


10. B/C




From paragraph E: "Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, when you dream, and noil-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep are two unique and separate stages of sleep patterns."




This answer is correct, as REM sleep is associated with both dreaming and spontaneous movements of body parts, such as twitching of extremities. The paragraph underscores these features of REM sleep, illustrating how the brain remains active while the body experiences varied physiological responses, including increased heartbeat and irregular breathing patterns. These characteristics differentiate REM sleep from non-REM stages, underscoring its role in cognitive processes and emotional regulation during sleep.



To improve your vocabulary for the IELTS Reading section, read here.

Questions and Answers 11-14

  • The reading passage is comprised of nine paragraphs from A to I
  • Which passage includes the information below?
  • Fill in boxes 11–14 with the proper letter from A–I.



      11. Generations' variations in sleeping habits.
      12. Resources are diverted, resulting in reduced brain activity.
      13. The cycle is repeated.
      14. Dangers of accumulated sleep deprivation.



Sleep Reading Answers with Explanations (11-14)



Type of question: Matching information


In this question type, you will be asked to match specific pieces of information, often dates, names, or events, from the reading passage with corresponding options provided in the question.



How to best answer: 


  • Read each statement carefully to understand the specific information being asked for.
  • Scan the passage for relevant dates or events in the reading passage that corresponds to each statement.
  • Eliminate incorrect options that do not match the information found in the passage.
  • Match the remaining options based on the information provided in the passage.
  • Verify your answers to ensure they match the information in the passage before finalising them.



11. C




From paragraph C: "Another prevalent misconception about sleep is that as we become older, our bodies require less sleep —-heart issues are more prevalent in older persons.




This answer is correct because Paragraph C discusses variations in sleep requirements across different age groups, highlighting that while sleep needs change with age, older people often perceive their sleep as less restorative due to various factors.



12. G




From paragraph G: "Your major muscles receive a blood flow redirection from your brain, helping them to repair any harm from your exhausting day at work."





The answer is correct, as Paragraph G states that during NREM sleep, the brain directs blood flow to major muscles, aiding in their recovery. This diversion of resources away from the brain during deep sleep phases implies reduced brain activity during this period.



13. H




From paragraph H: "You will transition from deep Stage 4 sleep to light Stage 2 sleep, then into REM sleep, before the cycle repeats itself, almost one and a half hours into your sleep cycle."





This answer is accurate as Paragraph H describes the sleep cycle, mentioning the transition from deep Stage 4 sleep to lighter Stage 2 sleep, followed by REM sleep, which repeats approximately every 90 minutes during a typical sleep cycle.


14. I




From paragraph I: "Sleep debt occurs when you consistently get less sleep than you require each night—even by only one hour. It could cost you in the form of daytime sleepiness, difficulty concentrating, irritability, decreased productivity, and a higher chance of slips and falls."





This answer is correct because Paragraph I defines sleep debt as the cumulative effect of not getting enough sleep over time, leading to various negative consequences such as daytime sleepiness, decreased productivity, and increased risk of accidents. This highlights the dangers of accumulated sleep deprivation.



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Q. What is the IELTS Reading test format?

Ans. The IELTS Reading test consists of three sections, each containing a passage that gets progressively more difficult. You'll encounter a variety of question types, including multiple-choice, matching, true/false/not given, and sentence completion. The passages are taken from books, magazines, journals, and newspapers, ensuring a diverse range of reading materials.

Q. How long is the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. The IELTS Reading test lasts for 60 minutes. During this time, you must read and answer questions based on three passages. The passages are typically academic or general interest in nature and are designed to assess your ability to understand main ideas, detailed information, logical arguments, and the writer's opinions and attitudes. It's important to manage your time effectively to complete all questions within the allocated hour.

Q. Are the reading passages the same for the Academic and General Training versions?

Ans. No, the reading passages differ between the Academic and General Training versions of the IELTS. Academic Reading passages are more challenging and taken from textbooks, journals, and academic sources, while General Training Reading passages are more accessible and reflect everyday situations found in the workplace and social contexts.