
Poverty and Health Reading Answers: IELTS Reading Practice Test

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Updated on Sep 06, 2024, 06:37

The passage ‘poverty and health’ explores the evolving concept of health, from a primarily physical perspective to a more holistic approach that includes mental, social, and environmental factors. Initially, health focused on the absence of disease and proper functioning of the body, but this view expanded in the late 1940s with the World Health Organization's definition of health as a complete state of well-being. By the 1970s, emphasis shifted to lifestyle and behaviour, addressing issues like smoking and poor diet. However, the 1980s and 1990s introduced a socio-economic perspective, recognising the impact of social justice, equity, and environmental conditions on health. 


The 1986 Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion emphasised the need for a comprehensive approach, integrating social, economic, and environmental factors to enhance health. This passage will help you prepare for the IELTS Reading section by enhancing your understanding of complex texts and improving your ability to summarise and analyse information, both crucial for achieving a high IELTS reading score.

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1. Poverty and Health Reading Passage

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Poverty and Health Reading Passage

General Information

  • Read Instructions: Understand each question before answering.
  • Manage Time: Spend about 20 minutes per passage.
  • Skim and Scan: Quickly get the main idea and find specific information.
  • Highlight Key Info: Underline essential words or phrases.
  • Answer All Questions: Attempt every question; no penalty for wrong answers.
  • Stay Focused: Avoid distractions and keep your attention on the task.
  • Check Spelling: Ensure correct spelling and grammar.
  • Transfer Answers Clearly: Write answers neatly on the answer sheet.
  • Don’t Dwell: Move on if stuck and return later.
  • Review: If time allows, review your answers.


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Poverty and Health Reading Passage


Paragraph A:

The 1970s emphasized lifestyle and behavior to avoid sickness and illness. Targeted behaviors include smoking, inactivity, and bad eating. Creating health means providing medical treatment and health promotion programs and policies to promote healthy habits and lifestyles. Humanistic interest in a healthy approach to health works for some, but not for those with poverty, unemployment, joblessness, or little command over their daily lives. Both the health promotion and medical approaches to health overlooked social and environmental factors impacting people's health.


Paragraph B:

At the 1986 Ottawa Conference, a charter identified new pathways for health promotion based on a socio-ecological understanding of health. The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion still guides health activities today. Good health is a vital resource for social, economic, and personal growth and an important aspect of quality of life, according to the scope of health promotion. Political, economic, social, cultural, environmental, behavioral, and biological variables all affect health. The Ottawa Charter makes health promotion actionable. It presents health in all ways and approaches. The underlying principle of health promotion is 'allowing individuals to increase control over and enhance their health.'


Paragraph C:

Health has primarily been considered in a physical way throughout recent Western history. To put it another way, traditionally, good health has been linked to the body's efficient mechanical operation, whereas unhealthy states have been linked to flaws in this machine. According to medical definitions, health in this sense is the elimination of disease or illness. In accordance with this viewpoint, promoting people's health entails offering healthcare services to cure or prevent illness and disease. Housing, better sanitation, and access to clean water were emphasized during this time.


Paragraph D:

Health is now seen in terms of the social, economic, and environmental settings in which individuals live, even though lifestyle elements are still crucial. The social-economic view of health refers to this comprehensive approach to health. During the first International Conference of Public Health, which took place in Ottawa, Canada, in 1986, participants from 38 different nations agreed and declared that the basic prerequisites and resources for health are social justice, equity, housing, schooling, nourishment, a viable income, a stable ecosystem, and sustainable resources. A strong base on these fundamental needs is necessary for health improvement.


Paragraph E:

The idea of health can imply different things to different people and different societies depending on the context. These conceptions of health have also developed considerably over the course of human history. There is no better illustration of this growth than the manner in which ideas regarding health and the promotion of health in contemporary Western society are being broadened and put to the test.

Paragraph F:

This physically and medically focused perspective of health was contested by the World Health Organization in the late 1940s. They argued that "health is not only the absence of sickness; rather, it is a full condition of physical, mental, and social well-being in all aspects of one's life”. Health and the individual were seen from a more holistic perspective, taking into account the mind as well as the body and the spirit.


Paragraph G:

There has been a significant shift apart from seeing lifestyle hazards as the main contributor to ill health during the 1980s and 1990s. This statement demonstrates that encouraging healthy behaviors and lifestyles and providing medical care is insufficient to bring about health. To promote health, issues including poverty, pollution, urbanization, resource depletion, social alienation, and poor working conditions must be addressed. Health is a result of social, economic, and environmental factors working together. Conditions that promote health are determined by their intricate interrelationships. A socio-ecological theory of health emphasizes that social, economic, and environmental factors must all be taken into account while promoting health.


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Poverty and Health Reading Questions & Answers

Questions and Answers 1-5
  • Following are a few statements given from the passage above.
  • You have to check the answers from the passage and write them correctly.


1. In the __________, emphasis was placed on healthy lifestyle choices as a means of disease and sickness prevention.

2. They said that comprehensive health encompasses one's __________, psychological, and interpersonal well-being.

3. A key component of quality of life and a crucial resource for social, economic, and personal growth is __________.

4. The body's efficient __________ has been linked to good health.

5. A solid foundation in the fundamental criteria is necessary for better __________.


Poverty and Health Reading Answers with Explanations (1-5)


Type of Question: Sentence Completion

To answer Sentence Completion questions in IELTS reading, carefully read the given sentence or incomplete statement, identify the missing information or word, and then locate the relevant information in the passage that completes or fills in the blank accurately.


How to best answer: 

  • Identify Key Phrases: Focus on key phrases or missing words in the sentence and find matching information in the passage.
  • Understand the Context: Read the sentence carefully to understand the context and meaning before finding the relevant part in the passage.
  • Use Synonyms: Look for synonyms or paraphrased words in the passage that fit the missing parts of the sentence.
  • Check Grammar: Ensure the words you choose fit grammatically with the sentence structure.
  • Verify Accuracy: Double-check that the completed sentence makes sense and aligns with the information given in the passage.


1. 1970s


Reference: From Paragraph A, "The 1970s emphasized lifestyle and behavior to avoid sickness and illness."


Explanation: During the 1970s, the focus shifted towards promoting healthy lifestyle choices to prevent diseases and improve overall well-being. This era highlighted the importance of behaviors such as reducing smoking, increasing physical activity, and improving diet as key strategies to maintain health and prevent illness, moving beyond purely medical or physical approaches.


2. Physical

Reference: From Paragraph C, "Health is not only the absence of sickness; rather, it is a full condition of physical, mental, and social well-being in all aspects of one's life."

Explanation: The passage indicates that a comprehensive view of health includes not just the absence of disease but also physical, mental, and social well-being. This broader definition recognizes that health is a holistic condition involving physical health, emotional stability, and social interactions, reflecting a more complete understanding of what constitutes good health.


3. Good Health


Reference: From Paragraph B, "Good health is a vital resource for social, economic, and personal growth and an important aspect of quality of life."


Explanation: Good health is identified as essential for improving quality of life and enabling personal and societal advancement. It underscores how health influences various aspects of life, including economic opportunities, social interactions, and personal development, making it a fundamental resource for overall well-being and progress.


4. Mechanical operation


Reference: From Paragraph C, "Good health has been linked to the body's efficient mechanical operation, whereas unhealthy states have been linked to flaws in this machine."

Explanation: Historically, good health was associated with the body's smooth mechanical operation. This perspective emphasized that a well-functioning body, free from physical malfunctions, was crucial for maintaining health. It reflects an older view of health as closely tied to the mechanical and physical aspects of bodily function.


5. Health


Reference: From Paragraph D, "A strong base on these fundamental needs is necessary for health improvement."

Explanation: The passage highlights that addressing essential needs like social justice, adequate housing, and stable income is crucial for improving health. It implies that meeting these basic requirements creates a necessary foundation for better health outcomes, illustrating the importance of addressing fundamental social and economic needs for overall health improvement.


Also See: IELTS Academic 2024 Reading Resources

Questions and Answers 6-10
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the Reading Passage?
In boxes 6-10 on your answer sheet, write

  • TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
  • FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
  • NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this in the passage


6. This broad concept of health promotion is given concrete meaning and action by the Ottawa Charter.

7. Over the course of history, several interpretations of "health" have emerged.

8.  In 2014, during the Ottawa Conference, a charter was drafted.

9.  The World Women's Organization contested this physically and medically focused perspective on health in the late 1940s.

10. The importance of good health as both a problem and a prerequisite has been demonstrated by historical data as well as by academic assertions.


Poverty and Health Reading Answers with Explanations (6-10)


Type of Question: True/False/Not Given 


These types of questions in IELTS reading involve identifying whether the sentence is  True, False, or Not Given using the given paragraph. 


How to best answer: 

  • Read the statements and paragraphs carefully to understand the context and meaning.
  • Identify keywords or key phrases in both the statements and paragraphs.
  • Look for direct matches between the statements and the content of the paragraphs.
  • Pay attention to synonyms or paraphrases that convey similar meanings.
  • Choose the paragraph that best aligns with the statement based on the information provided in the passage.


6. True


Reference: From Paragraph B, "The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion still guides health activities today."

Explanation: The Ottawa Charter provides actionable strategies for health promotion based on a comprehensive understanding of health. It translates broad concepts into practical guidelines and actions, making it a significant tool for guiding health promotion efforts and ensuring they address various aspects of health.


7. True

Reference: From Paragraph E, "These conceptions of health have also developed considerably over the course of human history."

Explanation: The passage acknowledges that the concept of health has evolved significantly over time. It reflects the changing interpretations and understandings of health across different historical periods, illustrating how perspectives on health have broadened and adapted to new knowledge and societal changes.


8. False

Reference: From Paragraph G, "During the first International Conference of Public Health, which took place in Ottawa, Canada, in 1986..."

Explanation: The Ottawa Charter was created during the 1986 Ottawa Conference, not in 2014. This statement is incorrect because it inaccurately dates the drafting of the charter, which was a pivotal moment in health promotion history occurring in 1986.


9. False

Reference: From Paragraph F, "This physically and medically focused perspective of health was contested by the World Health Organization in the late 1940s."

Explanation: The passage correctly identifies the World Health Organization, not the World Women's Organization, as the entity that challenged the narrowly medical view of health in the late 1940s. This distinction is important for accurately attributing the critique of the medical model of health.


10. Not Given

Reference: Not available


Explanation: The passage does not provide specific information regarding the importance of good health being demonstrated through historical data or academic assertions. This statement is not addressed within the provided content, making it not given.

Questions and Answers 11-14
  • Reading passage 1 has six sections A - G.
  • Choose the correct heading for sections B - E from the list of headings below.
  • Example Answer -Section A: iii


List of headings

i.   Socio-ecological view of health
ii.  Changes in concepts of health in Western society
iii. Healthy lifestyles approach to health
iv. Definition of health in medical terms
v.  A holistic approach to health


11. Section B

12. Section C

13. Section D

14. Section E


Poverty and Health Reading Answers with Explanations (11-14)


Type of Question: Matching Heading


To answer Matching heading questions in IELTS reading, identify specific features or characteristics mentioned in the passage and match them with the corresponding headings provided in the question.

How to best answer: 


  • Read the Headings First: Before reading the passage, review all the headings to get a sense of the main ideas.
  • Skim the Passage: Quickly skim through the passage to understand the overall structure and main points.
  • Match Main Ideas: Focus on matching the main ideas of each paragraph with the corresponding heading rather than getting stuck on specific details.
  • Look for Keywords: Identify and highlight keywords in the headings and match them with similar words or phrases in the passage.
  • Eliminate Incorrect Options: If a heading doesn’t fit a paragraph, eliminate it to narrow down your choices, making it easier to find the correct match.


11. I

Reference: From Paragraph B, "The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion still guides health activities today."

Explanation: Section B discusses the socio-ecological view of health and the Ottawa Charter's role in guiding health promotion. This section focuses on the broader socio-ecological framework that integrates various factors affecting health.


12. IV

Reference: From Paragraph C, "Health has primarily been considered in a physical way throughout recent Western history."

Explanation: Section C deals with the medical definition of health, emphasizing its physical and mechanical aspects. This section describes how health was traditionally viewed through a medical lens focused on physical well-being and the elimination of disease.


13. III


Reference: From Paragraph D, "Humanistic interest in a healthy approach to health works for some, but not for those with poverty, unemployment, joblessness, or little command over their daily lives."

Explanation: Section D highlights the approach of the 1970s that emphasized lifestyle choices and their impact on health. It discusses the limitations of this approach, particularly for those facing significant socio-economic challenges.


14. II


Reference: From Paragraph E, "The idea of health can imply different things to different people and different societies depending on the context."

Explanation: Section E explores the evolving concept of health over time and how it varies across different societies and historical periods. This section reflects on the changing interpretations and understandings of health.


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Q. How is the IELTS Reading test scored?

Ans. The IELTS Reading test is scored based on the number of correct answers you provide. Each correct answer earns you one mark, with a total of 40 questions in the test. Your raw score is then converted into a band score ranging from 1 to 9, reflecting your proficiency level. The band score is reported in whole or half bands, indicating your overall reading ability.


Q. What are some effective reading strategies for the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. To excel in the IELTS Reading test, use skimming to quickly identify the main ideas and scanning to locate specific information. Pay attention to keywords in the questions and match them with the text. Manage your time by allocating specific periods for each passage, and practice summarizing paragraphs to understand content better. Regular practice with varied texts can enhance your reading speed and comprehension.



Q. What are some good sources for practice materials for the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. Effective practice materials for the IELTS Reading test include official resources like the IELTS Cambridge books and practice tests from the British Council or IDP websites. Online platforms such as IELTS.org and the official IELTS prep app offer practice questions and sample tests. Additionally, using IELTS preparation books by Barron's or Kaplan can provide valuable exercises and strategies to improve your reading skills.