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Dyslexia Reading Answers: IELTS Reading Practice Test

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 11:57

The IELTS Reading section tests your ability to understand and interpret written English within an academic or general context. 

This section comprises three passages of increasing difficulty, each followed by a series of questions that assess various reading skills, such as skimming for main ideas, scanning for specific information, understanding logical arguments, and recognising writers' opinions, attitudes, and purposes. 

Key highlights of the Reading section:


  • The section includes three passages, each increasing in difficulty and complexity.
  • Questions range from multiple choice and matching headings to sentence completion and True/False/Not Given, assessing a variety of reading skills.
  • You have one hour to read the passages and answer all 40 questions, requiring efficient time management.
  • The content and question types differ slightly between the test's Academic and General Training versions.
  • Answers must be written directly on the answer sheet, as no extra time is provided for transferring answers.

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1. Dyslexia Reading Passage

You should spend approximately 20 minutes answering Questions 1 - 14 based on the Reading Passage below. This approach can help manage time effectively during a reading comprehension activity or exam. 

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2. Dyslexia Reading Question & Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS reading answers about Dyslexia

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Dyslexia Reading Passage

General Information

  • Read Instructions: Understand each question before answering.
  • Manage Time: Spend about 20 minutes per passage.
  • Skim and Scan: Quickly get the main idea and find specific information.
  • Highlight Key Info: Underline essential words or phrases.
  • Answer All Questions: Attempt every question; no penalty for wrong answers.
  • Stay Focused: Avoid distractions and keep your attention on the task.
  • Check Spelling: Ensure correct spelling and grammar.
  • Transfer Answers Clearly: Write answers neatly on the answer sheet.
  • Don’t Dwell: Move on if stuck and return later.
  • Review: If time allows, review your answers.





Dyslexia Reading Passage


Paragraph A: People who left school unable to read were often dismissed as being lazy. Some probably were but many were simply unable to learn because they were dyslexic. Four key findings now suggest that dyslexia is an organic problem and not a motivational one. Firstly the  brain anatomy of dyslexics differs slightly from those of non dyslexics. Secondly their brain  functions as measured by electrical activity are dissimilar. Thirdly they have behavioural differences apart from an inability to read. Finally there is more and more evidence to suggest that  their condition is linked to particular genes.


Paragraph B: The anatomical differences between the brains of dyslexics and non- dyslexics were  first noticed in 1979 by Albert Galaburda of Harvard Medical School. He found two sorts of  microscopic flaws in the language centres of dyslexic’s brains. These are called ectoplasm and  microgyria.


Paragraph C: The language centres form part of the cerebral cortex and are situated on the left side of the brain. The cortex consists of six layers of cells. An ectopia is a collection of nerve cells  that push up from the lower layers of the cortex into the outer ones, where they are not normally  found. A microgyrus is a small fold in the cortex which results in a reduction in the normal number of layers from six to four.


Paragraph D: The formation of microgyria causes confusion in the neutral connections between  the language centers and other parts of the brain. Microgyria have been induced in rat embryos  and as adults these rats are found to have a reduced ability in distinguishing between two sounds  played in quick succession. This inability to distinguish between two sounds in quick succession  is also a symptom of dyslexia in people.


Paragraph E: Dyslexia not only affects language centres but also causes brain abnormalities in  visual pathways as well. One such abnormality is the reduction in the cell size in the layers of the lateral geniculate nucleus. This is where the nerve tracts which transmit information from the eyes  to the visual cortex at the back of the brain are found. This is significant as dyslexia is essentially  an inability to deal with linguistic information in visual form.


Paragraph F: This parallel failure of visual and auditory systems is seen elsewhere in the brain.  Guinevere Eden and Thomas Zeffiro, who work at Georgetown University in Washington D. C. have found an example of it using a brain scanning technique called functional magnetic resonance imaging.(MRI)


Paragraph G: A fundamental characteristic of dyslexia is difficulty in processing written phenomes. Phenomes are the units of sound which make up a language. By giving dyslexic people tasks such as removing phenomes from the beginning of words, while at the same time  monitoring brain activity with their scanner, Dr Eden and Dr Zeffiro were able to stimulate both the  visual and auditory pathways simultaneously. Their findings demonstrated that dyslexics showed  low activity in a part of the brain called Brodmann’s area 37, another part of the brain where visual  and auditory information are handled in close proximity.


Paragraph H: Dr Eden and Dr Zeffiro have also compared the brain activity of dyslexic and non-dyslexic readers who were given a task not related to reading. Another symptom of dyslexia is difficulty in detecting visual motion. On this basis Dr Eden and Dr Zeffiro devised a task whereby  people were asked to look at dots on a screen and identify which of them was moving and in which direction. While monitoring brain activity with the scanner, it was found that dyslexics  performing this task showed significantly less brain activity in Brodmann’s area 37 than non-dyslexics. As this task did not require reading skills it could be used to test children for incipient  dyslexia before they reach the reading age; then they could be given special tuition.


Paragraph I: To broaden their investigation, Dr Eden and Dr Zeffiro teamed up with Frank Wood  and his colleagues at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine in North Carolina, an  institution specializing in dyslexia. Dr Eden and Dr Zeffiro borrowed some of its patients and  monitored them in the MRI machine at Georgetown University. This was done both before and  after the individuals had participated in an intensive programme designed to improve their reading. Non- dyslexics were also scanned and used as controls in the investigation.


Paragraph J: The results were significant. After the programme, the participants showed  enhanced brain activity while reading. However this activity was not on the left side of the brain but in areas on the right side, corresponding exactly to language centers in the opposite  hemisphere. The reading programme had stimulated the brains of the participants to recruit  batches of nerve cells in a place not normally associated with language processing.


Paragraph K: The primary cause for these problems is another of Dr Wood’s interests. The  abnormal brain tissue in dyslexia is developed by the fifth month of gestation, which indicates  that the cause of the disorder must act before that time. This suggests that it may be genetic.  Many people argue about the relative contributions of genes and the environment to human  behaviour and human disease. Dyslexia is both behavioural and, to a certain degree, it is a disease. It appears to have a biological origin and genetic roots. Yet looking at it from a different  angle its cause is almost purely environmental. People living in illiterate societies are hardly  troubled by its other symptoms. It was the invention of writing that brought the difficulty to light, not the mutation of genes. Nature or environment? You will have to decide between the two.


Dyslexia Reading Question & Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS reading answers about Dyslexia

Questions and Answers 1-6
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the Reading Passage?
In boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet, write

  • TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
  • FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
  • NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this in the passage



1. Dyslexia is probably caused by motivational problems.

2. Dyslexia affects language as well as visual and audio processes.

3. In modern society dyslexia is essentially the inability to distinguish between visual forms.

4. It has been demonstrated that special reading programs can teach dyslexic people to read as well as non-dyslexic ones.

5. The cause of dyslexia is partly genetic and partly environmental.

6. The writer of the article believes that dyslexia can most effectively be cured in illiterate societies.


Dyslexia Reading Answers with Explanations (1-6)


Type of Question: True/False/Not Given


These types of questions involve choosing whether the statement is TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN  based on the given paragraph. 

How to best answer: 

  • Ensure you fully understand the statement before looking at the passage.
  • Scan the passage to find the part that relates to the statement.
  • Check if the statement matches the information given in the passage exactly (True), contradicts it (False), or if there is no relevant information (Not Given).
  • Look out for qualifiers like "always" or "never" which may affect the truthfulness of the statement.
  • Base your answer solely on the information provided in the passage, not on outside knowledge or assumptions.



1. False




From Paragraph A, "Four key findings now suggest that dyslexia is an organic problem and not a motivational one." 


Explanation: This line clearly states that dyslexia is an organic issue, not related to motivation, contradicting the statement.


2. True




From Paragraphs E and F, "Dyslexia not only affects language centres but also causes brain abnormalities in visual pathways as well." 


Explanation: These paragraphs discuss how dyslexia impacts both language centres and visual pathways, supporting the statement.


3. False




From Paragraph E, "This is significant as dyslexia is essentially an inability to deal with linguistic information in visual form." 


Explanation: The passage indicates dyslexia is about handling linguistic information in visual form, not just distinguishing visual forms, contradicting the statement.


4. Not Given




From Paragraph J, "After the programme, the participants showed enhanced brain activity while reading." 


Explanation: The passage mentions improved brain activity but does not specifically state that dyslexic people can read as well as non-dyslexic ones after special programs.


5. True




From Paragraph K, "Dyslexia is both behavioural and, to a certain degree, it is a disease. It appears to have a biological origin and genetic roots... its cause is almost purely environmental." 


Explanation: The passage acknowledges both genetic and environmental factors in causing dyslexia, aligning with the statement.


6. Not Given




From Paragraph K, "People living in illiterate societies are hardly troubled by its other symptoms." 


Explanation: The passage mentions that illiterate societies are less affected by dyslexia symptoms but does not state it can be cured there, leaving the answer as not given.

Questions and Answers 7-11
  • Match the items from the reading passage to the definitions.
  • Choose the correct letters A, B, C, D.



7. Ectopia


A. a reduction in the number of layers in part of the cortex of the brain.
B. a collection of nerve cells in a part of the cortex of the brain where they are not normally found.
c. a formation of six layers in the cortex of the brain, where normally there are four.
D. an inability to deal with linguistic information in visual form.


8. Microgyria


A. a symptom of dyslexia.
B. abnormal pathways of visual information in the brain.
C. an abnormal formation of layers in the cortex of the brain.
D. the confusion resulting in an inability to distinguish sounds in quick succession.


9. Phenomes


A. sounds made in quick succession.
B. part of language that dyslexics are unable to identify.
C. brain activity that can be monitored with special scanning techniques. 
D. the units of sound which make up a language.


10. MRI


A. a scientific equipment for assessing reading skills.
B. a technique for scanning activity of the brain.
C. a technique for stimulating visual and auditory pathways in the brain. 
D. a machine to stimulate visual motion.


11. Brodmann’s area 37


A. a less active part of the brain.
B. an abnormal formation in the brain of dyslexics.
C. where all visual information is handled in the brain.
D. part of the brain where visual and auditory information are handled.


Dyslexia Reading Answers with Explanations (7-11)


Type of Question: Matching Definition

To answer Matching Definition questions in the IELTS Reading section, carefully read each definition, locate the relevant terms in the passage, and match the definition to the passage’s description by ensuring the key details align accurately.

How to best answer: 

  • Understand each given definition thoroughly before searching the passage.
  • Scan the passage to find the section where each term is discussed.
  • Match the details in the passage with the definitions to ensure they align accurately.
  • Eliminate options that clearly do not fit to narrow down the correct answer.
  • Ensure the context in the passage matches the definition given, avoiding superficial similarities.


7. B




From Paragraph C, "An ectopia is a collection of nerve cells that push up from the lower layers of the cortex into the outer ones, where they are not normally found." 

Explanation: This line directly defines ectopia as a collection of nerve cells in an abnormal location in the cortex.


8. C




From Paragraph C, "A microgyrus is a small fold in the cortex which results in a reduction in the normal number of layers from six to four."


Explanation: This line explains that microgyria involves an abnormal formation, specifically reducing the number of layers in the cortex.


9. D




From Paragraph G, "Phenomes are the units of sound which make up a language." 


Explanation: This line explicitly states that phenomes are the sound units that compose a language.


10. B




From Paragraph F, "Guinevere Eden and Thomas Zeffiro...using a brain scanning technique called functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)." 

Explanation: This line clarifies that MRI is used for scanning brain activity.


11. D




From Paragraph G, "Their findings demonstrated that dyslexics showed low activity in a part of the brain called Brodmann’s area 37, another part of the brain where visual and auditory information are handled in close proximity."

Explanation: This line indicates that Brodmann’s area 37 handles both visual and auditory information.

Questions and Answers 12-14
  • Complete the sentences below with words taken from the reading passage.
  • Use no more than three words for each answer.



12. In the language centres of dyslexic brains, Dr Albert Galaburda discovered two sorts of _______________ 

13. One abnormality in the dyslexics brains is the reduction in the cell size in the layers of the _______________ 

14. Dyslexia is behavioural problem and also a _______________ 


Dyslexia Reading Answers with Explanations (12-14)


Type of Question: Sentence Completion

To answer Sentence Completion questions in IELTS reading, carefully read the given sentence or incomplete statement, identify the missing information or word, and then locate the relevant information in the passage that completes or fills in the blank accurately.

How to best answer: 

  • Ensure you understand the word limit and requirements for the completion.
  • Identify and locate keywords or phrases in the passage that match the incomplete sentences.
  • Ensure the completed sentence makes sense within the context of the passage.
  • Use only the necessary words from the passage to complete the sentence.
  • Ensure the completed sentence is grammatically correct and aligns with the original passage's structure.


12. microscopic flaws




From Paragraph B, "He found two sorts of microscopic flaws in the language centres of dyslexic’s brains."

Explanation: The term "microscopic flaws" is mentioned in Paragraph B, where it describes Albert Galaburda's discovery, indicating the relevance of this paragraph to the question.


13. lateral geniculate nucleus




From Paragraph E, "One such abnormality is the reduction in the cell size in the layers of the lateral geniculate nucleus."

Explanation: The phrase "lateral geniculate nucleus" is referenced in Paragraph E, which discusses brain abnormalities in dyslexia, confirming its relevance to the question.



14. a disease




From Paragraph K, "Dyslexia is both behavioural and, to a certain degree, it is a disease."

Explanation: The statement that dyslexia is "a disease" is directly stated in Paragraph K, providing the specific reference and context for the answer choice.

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Q. How is the IELTS Reading test scored?

Ans. The IELTS Reading test is scored based on the number of correct answers. Each correct answer earns one point, and there is no penalty for incorrect answers. The total score is converted to the IELTS 9-band scale, with each band representing a different level of proficiency, from Band 1 (Non-User) to Band 9 (Expert User).

Q. What are some effective reading strategies for the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. Effective strategies include skimming the passage for main ideas, scanning for specific details, and predicting answers before reading questions. Additionally, understanding the question types and managing time efficiently are crucial. Practice active reading by underlining keywords and phrases, and focus on understanding the context rather than every single word.

Q. Can I use a highlighter or take notes during the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. No, the use of highlighters or taking notes is not allowed during the IELTS Reading test. However, you can annotate the question paper as you wish. It's essential to develop strategies that don't rely heavily on highlighting or note-taking. Instead, focus on techniques like mentally summarizing paragraphs or marking important information directly on the question paper.