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The Intersection of Health Sciences and Geography Reading Answers: IELTS Reading Practice Test

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 11:57

The IELTS Reading section is more than just reading—it's an opportunity to exhibit your proficiency in comprehending written English. By engaging with three passages covering diverse topics, you're demonstrating your ability to absorb, analyse, and interpret information effectively. 

Efficient time management within the allocated 60 minutes underscores your aptitude for handling tasks under pressure, a skill highly valued in both academic and professional contexts. Excelling in this section not only showcases your English proficiency but also underscores your readiness to thrive in English-speaking environments.

Key highlights of the Reading section:


  • Encounter diverse texts, mirroring real-world reading scenarios, including academic articles, adverts, and opinion pieces.
  • Expect a range of question types, from multiple-choice to matching headings, assessing different reading skills.
  • You have 60 minutes to complete the section, so time management is crucial.
  • Unlike the Listening section, where you transfer answers as you listen, in Reading, you'll have 10 minutes at the end to transfer your answers to the answer sheet.

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1. The Intersection of Health Sciences and Geography Reading Passage

You should spend approximately 20 minutes answering Questions 1 - 13 based on the Reading Passage below. This approach can help manage time effectively during a reading comprehension activity or exam. 

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2. The Intersection of Health Sciences and Geography Reading Question & Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS reading answers about The Intersection of Health Sciences and Geography

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The Intersection of Health Sciences and Geography Reading Passage

General Information

  • Read Instructions: Understand each question before answering.
  • Manage Time: Spend about 20 minutes per passage.
  • Skim and Scan: Quickly get the main idea and find specific information.
  • Highlight Key Info: Underline essential words or phrases.
  • Answer All Questions: Attempt every question; no penalty for wrong answers.
  • Stay Focused: Avoid distractions and keep your attention on the task.
  • Check Spelling: Ensure correct spelling and grammar.
  • Transfer Answers Clearly: Write answers neatly on the answer sheet.
  • Don’t Dwell: Move on if stuck and return later.
  • Review: If time allows, review your answers.





 The Intersection of Health Sciences and Geography Reading Passage



Paragraph A: While numerous illnesses that affect humans have been eliminated due to development in vaccinations and the accessibility of healthcare,there are still zones around the earth where certain health problems are more widespread. In an earth that is far more internationalized than before, humans come into contact with each other by traveling and living close by together. As a solution  superworm and further diseases immune to disinfectants are becoming increasingly familiar.

Paragraph B: Earth science can frequently play a huge role in the health concerns of assured residents. For example, hang on where you live,  you will not have the same health condition as someone who lives in various geology regions. Maybe one of the most clear samples of this idea is malaria-prone areas, which are normally equatorial localities that foster hot and moist domains in which the mosquitos that can give people this illness can build up. Malaria is less of a difficulty in high-elevation deserts, for example. 

Paragraph C: In a few nations, geology factors affect the health and welfare of the residents in an extremely clear way. In numerous vast cities, the wind is not powerful enough to clear the air of the enormous amounts of air and contamination that cause asthma, eyesight issues, lung issues and more in the people who are living there.bit of the trouble is,certainly, the enormous number of cars benign driven, in inclusion to mill  that run on carbon power. The fast mechanization of some nations in modern years has also led to the destroying forests  to permit the development of big towns, which makes it even more difficult to oppose the pollution with the pure air that is manufactured by plants.

Paragraph D: It is in spots like these that the meadow of health earth science comes free-standing. It is an progressively main area of study in an earth where infections like polio are reappearing,  breathing diseases pursue to spread, and malaria-prone areas are yet struggling to find a better medicine. Health geology is the mixture of, on the one hand, understanding concerning geology and procedure used to examine and explain geological details,and on the other, the learning of health, illness and healthcare exercise around the earth. The objective of this cross science is to generate results for familiar earth science found health issues, span people will always be prone to diseases, the learning of how geology affects our health could guide to the elimination of assured diseases, and the anticipation of others in the future. By comprehending why and how we get ill, we can swap the way we treat disease and illness particular to sure geological locations. 


Paragraph E: The geology of illness and sick health examine the often with which assuring sickness appear in various pieces of the earth, and cover the facts with the geology of the locality, to see if there could be a connection among the toe. Health geologists also learn factors that could make a specific or a resident more likely to be taken sick with a particular fitness concern  or sickness as collateral with the residents of another area.  Fitness geologists in the meadow are normally instructed as medical management employees, and have a comprehension of basic infectious diseases  as it  connects to the expansion of sickness between the residents. 


Paragraph F: Experimenters learn the interplays among humans and their domains that could guide to disease (such as asthma in places with giant levels of contaminations) and work to generate a direct way of classifying disorders, sickness and plague into regional and worldwide calibration. Health geologists can map the expansion of diseases and try to find out the cause beyond a rise and fall off in diseases as they work to identify the way to stop the further expansion or re- contingency of illness in endangered residents. 


Paragraph G: The second subdivision of the health geology is the geology of medical management supply. This category learns the accessibility(of lack thereof)of medical management funds and residents around the earth. In both growed and growing  countries there is frequently a vast inconsistency linking the clues obtainable to people on various social groups, income category and levels of schooling.particular working in the area of the geology of the medical management supply try to evaluate the levels of health management in the area ( for example, it may be very tough for people to get medical facilities because there is a mountains were in the middle of their village and the closest hospital). These experimenters are on the forefront of making advice concerning policy to intercontinental firms,council bodies and others.

Paragraph H: The meadow of health earth-science is frequently overlooked, but it forms a large place of want in the field of geography and medical management. If we can  grasp how geography influences our health no matter where on the  earth we are located, we can finer treat disease, stop illness, and keep people well and good.


The Intersection of Health Sciences and Geography Reading Question & Answers

Discover exciting and informative IELTS reading answers about The Intersection of Health Sciences and Geography

Questions and Answers 1-6
  • Reading Passage has eight sections, A-H.
  • Which paragraph contains the following information?
  • Write the correct letter, A-H, in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet
Note: You may use any letter more than once.



1. an acceptance that not all diseases can be totally eliminated

2. examples of physical conditions caused by human behavior

3. a reference to classifying diseases on the basis of how far they extend geographically

4. reasons why the level of access to healthcare can vary within a country

5. a description of health geography as a mixture of different academic fields

6. a description of the type of area where a particular illness is rare


The Intersection of Health Sciences and Geography Reading Answers with Explanations (1-6)


Type of Question: Locating Information

To answer the ‘locate information’ questions in an IELTS reading passage, carefully read the text and identify keywords or phrases that match the question, then locate the corresponding information within the passage.

How to best answer: 

  • Read the question carefully to understand what information is being sought.
  • Scan the passage quickly to identify keywords or phrases related to the question.
  • Pay attention to synonyms or paraphrases in the passage that may match the keywords in the question.
  • Focus on the surrounding context of the identified keywords to ensure the correct information is located.
  • Double-check your answer against the question to ensure accuracy before moving on.



1. D




From Paragraph D, "This information was given in the passage D, obtaining that not all diseases can be fully removed." 

Explanation: Passage D acknowledges that not all diseases can be completely eradicated.


2. C




From Paragraph C, "This information was given in the passage C, that samples of physical conditions caused by human activities." 

Explanation: Paragraph C provides examples of physical conditions caused by human activities, such as pollution and mechanisation.


3. F




From Paragraph F, "The given information was in passage F, an allusion to categorize disease on the basis of how far they enlarge geographically." 


Explanation: Passage F discusses the classification of diseases based on their geographical extent.


4. G




From Paragraph G, "Line: This information was given in passage G, cause why the level of ingress to healthcare can differ within a country." 

Explanation: Paragraph G explains reasons for the variation in access to healthcare within countries.


5. D




From Paragraph D, "Line: This information was given in the passage D, an explanation of health geography as a blend of dissimilar institutional fields." 


Explanation: Passage D describes health geography as a combination of various academic disciplines.


6. B




From Paragraph B, "Line: The given information was in passage B, an explanation of the kinds of places where especially illness is infrequent." 


Explanation: Passage B describes areas where particular illnesses, like malaria, are rare, such as high-elevation deserts.

Questions and Answers 7-13
  • Complete the sentences below.
  • Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.



7. Certain diseases have disappeared, thanks to better___________  and healthcare.

8. Because there is more contact between people, ____________ are losing their usefulness.

9. Disease-causing_______  are most likely to be found in hot, damp regions.

10. One cause of pollution is __________ that burn a particular fuel.

11. The growth of cities often has an impact on nearby ____________

12.  ____________is one disease that is growing after having been eradicated.

13. A physical barrier such as a_____________  can prevent people from reaching a hospital.



The Intersection of Health Sciences and GeographyReading Answers with Explanations (7-13) 


Type of Question: Sentence Completion

To answer Sentence Completion questions in IELTS reading, carefully read the given sentence or incomplete statement, identify the missing information or word, and then locate the relevant information in the passage that completes or fills in the blank accurately.

How to best answer: 

  • Read the incomplete sentence or statement carefully to understand the missing information.
  • Identify keywords or phrases in the incomplete sentence that may help locate the relevant information in the passage.
  • Scan the passage for the section containing information that matches the missing information in the sentence.
  • Pay attention to the context surrounding the missing information to ensure the completion fits logically.
  • Choose the most appropriate completion that accurately fills in the blank, considering grammar and coherence.


7. Vaccination




From Paragraph A, "Certain diseases have disappeared, thanks to better vaccination and healthcare." 

Explanation: The passage in Paragraph A discusses how certain diseases have been eliminated due to improvements in vaccination.



8. Antibiotics




From Paragraph A, "Because there is more contact between people, antibiotics are losing their usefulness." 


Explanation: Paragraph A mentions that due to increased contact between people, antibiotics are becoming less effective, indicating their decreasing usefulness.


9. Mosquitoes




From Paragraph B, "Disease-causing mosquitoes are most likely to be found in hot, damp regions." 

Explanation: In Paragraph B, it is stated that disease-causing mosquitoes thrive in hot and moist regions, making them more likely to be found there.


10. Factories




From Paragraph C, "One cause of pollution is factories that burn a particular fuel." 

Explanation: Paragraph C discusses pollution, highlighting factories burning fuel as one of its causes.


11. Forests




From Paragraph C, "The growth of cities often has an impact on nearby forests." 

Explanation: Paragraph C mentions the impact of urban growth on nearby forests, indicating that the growth of cities affects forest areas.


12. Polio




From Paragraph D, "Polio is one disease that is growing after having been eradicated." 

Explanation: Paragraph D states that polio is reappearing after being eradicated, indicating its resurgence.


13. Mountain




From Paragraph G, "A physical barrier such as a mountain can prevent people from reaching a hospital." 

Explanation: Paragraph G discusses barriers to accessing medical facilities, such as mountains hindering people's ability to reach hospitals.

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Q. What are some effective reading strategies for the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. Effective reading strategies for the IELTS Reading test include skimming the passage quickly to understand its main idea, scanning for specific information when answering questions, and actively engaging with the text by underlining key points or making brief notes to aid comprehension.

Q. Can I use a highlighter or take notes during the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. Yes, you can use a highlighter or take notes during the IELTS Reading test. However, it's important to note that any notes or highlights must be made on the question paper, not on the answer sheet. Additionally, ensure that your notes are brief and focused on key information to avoid spending too much time on this task.

Q. How can I manage my time effectively during the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. To manage time effectively during the IELTS Reading test, allocate a specific amount of time for each passage and question set. Skim the passage quickly to get an overview before answering questions. Prioritize questions based on difficulty, starting with easier ones to save time. If you're stuck on a question, move on and come back to it later if time permits.