

Describe a Friend Who Is a Good Leader: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

Updated on Sep 12, 2024, 08:57


In the IELTS Speaking test, the cue card section requires you to speak on a given topic for up to two minutes. You receive a card with a topic and prompts to help structure your response. This section evaluates your ability to express ideas clearly and fluently, using a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures.

The cue card titled "Describe a Friend Who is a Good Leader" asks you to talk about a friend who demonstrates notable leadership qualities. You should highlight their leadership traits, specific examples of their leadership in action, and the impact they have had on others. On this page, we’ll provide sample answers and tips on how to effectively address this topic, helping you prepare for your IELTS Speaking test.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe a Friend Who Is a Good Leader

You should say

  • Who is this person?
  • How do you know this person?
  • What does he do?
  • How does this person behave?
  • Why do you think he is a good leader?
Sample Answer 1

Introduction (Covers: Who is this person? & How you know this person?)


  • My friend Sam is an excellent example of a good leader. We’ve known each other since university, where we worked together on several group projects and activities.
  • Sam has always stood out because of his natural leadership abilities. From organising study groups to leading our university club, he has consistently shown his leadership skills.
  • We have collaborated on many initiatives, and I’ve witnessed first-hand how Sam manages and motivates people.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What he does?)


  • Sam currently works as a project manager at a tech company, where he oversees large-scale projects and coordinates between different departments.
  • He is adept at setting clear goals, delegating tasks, and ensuring that everyone on his team stays motivated and focused. His approach is always inclusive, valuing each team member’s input.
  • His role involves not only managing day-to-day operations but also inspiring and mentoring junior staff, helping them grow professionally.


Key Highlights (Covers: How this person behaves?)


  • Sam’s behaviour is characterised by his calm and composed nature, even under pressure. He handles stressful situations with ease and provides clear guidance.
  • He is approachable and listens actively to others’ opinions, which fosters a positive working environment. His ability to resolve conflicts effectively is another key aspect of his leadership.
  • His dedication and work ethic set a high standard for the team, and he leads by example, always willing to put in extra effort to ensure project success.


Conclusion (Covers: Why do you think he is a good leader?)


  • I believe Sam is a good leader because he combines vision with practical skills and genuine concern for his team’s well-being. His ability to inspire and guide others has led to many successful projects.
  • His leadership has not only achieved results but also built a strong, collaborative team. I’ve learned a lot from his approach to leadership, especially the importance of empathy and clear communication.
  • Sam’s example has inspired me to develop my own leadership skills, emphasising the value of leading with integrity and respect.
Sample Answer 2

Introduction (Covers: Who is this person? & How you know this person?)


  • My friend Emma is a great leader whom I met during our volunteer work at a local charity. We have collaborated on various community projects over the past two years.
  • Emma is responsible for leading our team in organising charity events and fundraising campaigns. Her leadership qualities have always stood out to me.
  • We initially connected through our shared interest in community service, and since then, I’ve seen her in action and admired her leadership skills.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What does she do?)


  • Emma leads a team of volunteers at our community centre, managing outreach programs and coordinating events. She excels in planning and delegating tasks effectively.
  • Her role involves not only organising activities but also coming up with creative solutions to engage the community and meet their needs.
  • Emma ensures resources are used efficiently, which maximises the impact of our projects and keeps the team focused on our goals.


Key Highlights (Covers: How this person behaves?)


  • Emma communicates clearly and listens to others’ ideas, fostering a collaborative environment. She values feedback and incorporates it into her planning.
  • She remains composed under pressure, handling challenges with a positive attitude. Her problem-solving skills and calm demeanour keep the team motivated.
  • Emma takes the time to mentor new volunteers, helping them develop their skills and become more effective contributors to our projects.


Conclusion (Covers: Why do you think she is a good leader?)


  • Emma’s leadership is evident in her ability to inspire and unite people towards achieving common goals. Her effective management has led to many successful community initiatives.
  • Her example has taught me the importance of empathy, clear communication, and leading by example. I admire how she balances dedication with support for her team.
  • Working with Emma has shown me valuable lessons in leadership, and I strive to apply her principles of effective leadership and teamwork in my own life.
Sample Answer 3

Introduction (Covers: Who is this person? & How you know this person?)


  • My friend Alex is an exceptional leader, and I’ve known him for five years from our time at university. We met through a student organisation where he was the president.
  • Alex is well-known for his leadership in coordinating student events and managing various campus activities. His dedication and organisational skills have always impressed me.
  • Our friendship grew from working together on several projects, allowing me to observe his leadership qualities firsthand and appreciate his commitment.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What he does?)


  • Alex leads the university’s debate club, where he oversees meetings, organises practice sessions, and helps members prepare for competitions. His role is crucial in the club’s success.
  • He is adept at setting clear goals and motivating members to achieve them. His leadership ensures that every debate session is well-planned and productive.
  • Beyond managing logistics, Alex encourages open discussions and values diverse opinions, fostering a dynamic and inclusive environment.


Key Highlights (Covers: How this person behaves?)


  • Alex is approachable and listens to everyone’s ideas, creating a supportive atmosphere where all voices are heard. He builds strong relationships with club members.
  • He handles conflicts calmly and resolves issues with fairness and empathy. His problem-solving skills and ability to stay positive under pressure are remarkable.
  • Alex leads by example, consistently showing dedication and hard work. His enthusiasm and commitment inspire others to follow his lead and strive for excellence.


Conclusion (Covers: Why do you think he is a good leader?)


  • Alex’s leadership is reflected in the club’s achievements and the high morale among its members. His effective management and genuine care for the team contribute to our success.
  • I admire his ability to balance authority with approachability, which makes him both a respected and beloved leader. His example has influenced my own approach to leadership.
  • Working with Alex has been a valuable learning experience, teaching me the importance of effective communication, empathy, and leading with integrity.

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Understanding how to structure your response for IELTS cue cards is crucial for showcasing your speaking skills effectively. Knowing how to break down your answer into clear sections helps you stay organised and ensures you cover all necessary points within the time limit. This approach can significantly enhance your performance by allowing you to present your ideas logically and coherently.


When the cue card section begins, the examiner will hand you a card with a topic and prompts. You’ll have one minute to prepare, during which you can make notes if you wish. Then, you will need to speak for up to two minutes on the topic.

To answer the cue card effectively, follow this structure:


Introduction (Covers: Who is this person? & How you know this person?)


  • Start by mentioning who the friend is and your relationship with them.
  • Give a brief overview of their leadership qualities.
  • Highlight one or two specific traits that make them stand out as a leader.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What he does?)


  • Explain how you have observed their leadership skills in action.
  • Share specific examples of situations where they demonstrated leadership.
  • Discuss any personal experiences you have had that illustrate their leadership qualities.


Key Highlights (Covers: How this person behaves?)


  • Describe the positive effects of their leadership on others or a particular project.
  • Mention any accomplishments or successes resulting from their leadership.
  • Highlight why their leadership is meaningful or inspiring to you.


Conclusion (Covers: Why do you think he is a good leader?)


  • Conclude with what makes their leadership exemplary in your eyes.
  • Reflect on how their leadership has influenced you or others.
  • Mention any lasting impressions or lessons you’ve gained from their leadership.


By breaking your response into these clear sections, you can effectively communicate your ideas and make the most of the two minutes you have.

Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS Speaking test, after the cue card section, you will enter Part 3, known as the Two-way Discussion. In this round, the examiner will ask you questions related to the topic you discussed in Part 2. This part allows you to expand on your thoughts and provide more detailed responses.


Expect these questions to delve deeper into the theme of leadership and its impact, requiring you to offer thoughtful insights and examples. The discussion typically lasts for 4-5 minutes and tests your ability to articulate complex ideas clearly and coherently.

Q1. Who is the head of the family in your culture?

Answer 1: In my culture, the head of the family is traditionally considered to be the eldest male, often the father or grandfather. This role involves making key decisions and providing guidance for the family. However, modern families are increasingly recognising shared responsibilities, where both partners may contribute equally to family decisions and leadership.

Answer 2: Traditionally, the head of the family in my culture is the oldest member, usually the father. This person holds the main authority and is responsible for important family matters. Nowadays, though, roles are becoming more flexible, and leadership within families often depends on mutual respect and collaboration between both parents.

Q2. Are men better at decision-making in a family?

Answer 1: I don’t think men are inherently better at decision-making in a family. Good decision-making is based on individual qualities like judgement and experience rather than gender. Both men and women can make effective decisions if they communicate well and consider each other's viewpoints.

Answer 2: Men are not necessarily better at decision-making within a family. Effective decision-making depends on the individual's ability to analyse situations and involve all relevant perspectives. It’s more about collaboration and balanced input from all family members than about gender-specific skills.

Q3. How do you see the leadership qualities now and in the future?

Answer 1: Leadership qualities today are valued for their adaptability and inclusivity. Leaders are expected to be empathetic and collaborative, which contrasts with traditional authoritative styles. In the future, I believe these qualities will become even more important as workplaces and societies become more diverse and interconnected.

Answer 2: Currently, leadership qualities are shifting towards emotional intelligence and the ability to work well with others. Looking ahead, I think future leaders will need to focus on these traits even more, adapting to rapidly changing environments and leading through collaboration and innovation.

Q4. Do you think that in the future, there will be more women leaders?

Answer 1: Yes, I believe there will be more women leaders in the future. As societal attitudes continue to evolve and gender equality advances, more opportunities will arise for women to take on leadership roles. This change is already happening in many sectors and is likely to increase over time.

Answer 2: I think the number of women leaders will rise in the future. With ongoing efforts towards gender equality and empowerment, more women are gaining access to leadership positions. This trend is likely to continue as more organisations recognise the value of diverse leadership teams.


Q. How should I manage my time during the Cue Card task?

Ans. To manage your time effectively during the Cue Card task, start by quickly reading the prompt and noting the key points you need to cover. Use the 1-minute preparation time to organise your thoughts and jot down a few bullet points. During your 2-minute speech, focus on addressing each point clearly and concisely, ensuring you stay on topic and use your time wisely to cover all aspects of the prompt.

Q. Can I express my opinion during the test, even if it's different from the examiner's?

Ans. Yes, you can certainly express your opinion, even if it differs from the examiner's. The IELTS Speaking test evaluates your ability to articulate and justify your views, regardless of whether they align with the examiner's perspective. It’s important to present your opinions clearly, support them with relevant examples, and explain your reasoning. This demonstrates your ability to communicate effectively and think critically.

Q. How to crack the Cue Card task?

Ans. To excel in the Cue Card task, first, thoroughly understand the prompt and plan your response. Structure your answer with a clear introduction, detailed description, and a strong conclusion. Practise speaking about a variety of topics to build confidence and fluency. Use specific examples and maintain a conversational tone. Finally, manage your time well during the preparation and speaking phases to cover all required points effectively.

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