
Describe A Valuable Item That You Would Like To Give As A Gift: IELTS Cue Card

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 09:03

When the cue card section starts, the examiner will hand you a card with a topic and give you 1 minute to prepare. It is the 2nd Part of the IELTS Speaking section. You will then speak on the topic for up to two minutes. 


It's important to remember that the IELTS Speaking test is a one-on-one interview with a certified IELTS examiner. The total duration of the IELTS speaking section is 11-14 minutes.


One such topic is 'Describe A Valuable Item That You Would Like To Give As A Gift.' Valuable items hold significant impact and can be deeply inspiring, often reflecting the thoughtfulness and care of the giver. This page will explore sample answers for this topic to help you prepare effectively.

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1. Describe A Valuable Item That You Would Like To Give As A Gift: How to Answer?

When the cue card section starts, the examiner will hand you a card with a topic and give you one minute to prepare. You will then speak on the topic for up to two minutes.

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2. Describe A Valuable Item That You Would Like To Give As A Gift: Sample Answers

Now that you know how to answer the topic, we have provided sample answers for your reference. You should also curate answers wisely according to the questions given in the cue card under the categories Introduction, Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest, Key Highlights, and Conclusion.

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3. Describe A Valuable Item That You Would Like To Give As A Gift: Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS Speaking test, after you finish speaking on your cue card topic, the examiner will ask you follow-up questions. These questions are meant to delve deeper into the topic and assess your ability to express ideas, opinions, and reasons clearly. 

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Describe A Valuable Item That You Would Like To Give As A Gift: How to Answer?

When the cue card section starts, the examiner will hand you a card with a topic and give you one minute to prepare. You will then speak on the topic for up to two minutes.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe A Valuable Item That You Would Like To Give As A Gift You should say
  • What was the gift/valuable item?
  • Whom do you give it to?
  • How did you feel about it?
  • Why did you choose this gift/valuable item for the person?



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To answer these cue cards effectively, break your response into small sections: introduction, describing your experience/opinion/interest, key highlights, and conclusion.




  • State what the valuable item is.
  • Mention briefly why you chose this item.
  • Set the context for your answer.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest


  • Share a personal experience related to this item.
  • Explain why this item is valuable to you.
  • Discuss your interest in this item.


Key Highlights


  • Describe the main features or qualities of the item.
  • Explain how the item can benefit the recipient.
  • Highlight any emotional or sentimental value attached to it.




  • Summarise why you think this item makes a great gift.
  • Reflect on the potential impact of giving this gift.
  • End with a personal note or final thought on the item's significance.


By organising your response this way, you will provide a clear and structured answer within the two-minute time limit.


Also read: IELTS Speaking Questions with Answers 2024 


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Describe A Valuable Item That You Would Like To Give As A Gift: Sample Answers

Now that you know how to answer the topic, we have provided sample answers for your reference. You should also curate answers wisely according to the questions given in the cue card under the categories Introduction, Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest, Key Highlights, and Conclusion.


Sample Answer 1
Sample Answer 2
Sample Answer 3

Introduction ( Covers: What was the gift?)


  • The valuable item I would like to give as a gift is a handcrafted wooden music box. 
  • I chose this gift because it combines craftsmanship with sentimental value. 
  • The music box plays a beautiful melody, and I believe it can evoke cherished memories for the recipient. 
  • This gift reflects my appreciation for both artistry and emotional connection.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest  ( Covers: Whom you gave it to?)


  • During a holiday trip, I first encountered this music box in a quaint shop. 
  • The intricate carvings and the soothing tune instantly captivated me. 
  • I bought it with the thought of gifting it to my grandmother, knowing its uniqueness would be appreciated.
  •  This music box is special because it blends beauty and nostalgia.


Key Highlights ( Covers: How did you feel about it?)


  • The music box is made of high-quality walnut wood, giving it a rich and elegant appearance. 
  • The intricate carvings on the lid depict a serene nature scene, adding to its charm. Inside, a delicate mechanism plays "Clair de Lune," which evokes tranquillity and warmth. 
  • The music box also has a small compartment, perfect for storing tiny keepsakes, making it both beautiful and functional.


Conclusion (Covers: Why did you choose this gift for this person?)


  • I chose this music box as a gift for my grandmother, who has always loved classical music and appreciates fine craftsmanship. 
  • Giving her this music box made me feel incredibly happy and fulfilled, knowing it would bring her joy. 
  • This gift is perfect for her because it combines her interests in music and art and serves as a lasting reminder of our special bond.

Describe A Valuable Item That You Would Like To Give As A Gift: Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS Speaking test, after you finish speaking on your cue card topic, the examiner will ask you follow-up questions. These questions are meant to delve deeper into the topic and assess your ability to express ideas, opinions, and reasons clearly. 


Expect to answer questions that require you to explain, describe, and justify your thoughts in more detail.


Follow-Up Question 1

Question 1: Why do people give valuable gifts?


Answer 1: People give valuable gifts to show their appreciation and love for the recipient. It’s a way to convey how much they value the relationship. Additionally, valuable gifts often hold sentimental value, creating lasting memories and strengthening bonds between people.

Answer 2: People give valuable gifts to mark significant occasions or milestones. These gifts often reflect the giver’s desire to make the moment memorable. Valuable gifts can also be seen as a sign of respect and admiration, showing the recipient that they hold an important place in the giver’s life.

Follow-Up Question 2

Question 2: How do you decide what to give someone?


Answer 1: I decide what to give someone by considering their interests and preferences. I try to choose a gift that reflects their personality and hobbies. I also think about the occasion's significance and select something meaningful and memorable for them.

Answer 2: I consider the recipient’s needs and desires when deciding on a gift. I often observe what they talk about or show interest in. I also take into account their lifestyle and the practicality of the gift. My goal is to give them something that will bring them joy and be useful in their daily life.

Follow-Up Question 3

Question 3: Do you think the cost of the gift matters?


Answer 1: I don’t think the cost of the gift matters as much as the thought and effort put into choosing it. A gift’s value is not always determined by its price tag but by its sentiment. A heartfelt, thoughtful gift can be more meaningful than an expensive one.


Answer 2: While the cost of a gift can sometimes reflect the giver’s commitment, I believe it’s more important that the gift suits the recipient’s tastes and needs. A well-chosen, inexpensive gift can be just as appreciated as a costly one, especially if it shows that the giver truly knows and understands the recipient.

Follow-Up Question 4

Question 4: How do cultural differences affect gift-giving?


Answer 1: Cultural differences can significantly affect gift-giving practices. In some cultures, giving gifts is an important tradition during festivals and celebrations. The type of gifts given and how they are presented can vary greatly, reflecting each society's cultural values and customs.

Answer 2: Different cultures have unique traditions and etiquettes surrounding gift-giving. For example, in some cultures, the presentation and wrapping of the gift are as important as the gift itself. Understanding these cultural nuances is crucial to ensure the gift is appropriate and appreciated.

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Q. How long does the IELTS Speaking test take?

Ans. The IELTS Speaking test usually takes around 11 to 14 minutes to complete. It consists of three parts: an interview, a short speech, and a discussion. This timing allows for a comprehensive assessment of your speaking abilities within a reasonable timeframe.

Q. Can I use slang and informal language during the IELTS Speaking test?

Ans. It's best to avoid using slang and informal language during the IELTS Speaking test. The examiners are looking for your ability to communicate effectively in English, so using formal language will demonstrate your proficiency. It's important to speak clearly and appropriately to showcase your language skills.

Q. How can I improve my pronunciation for the IELTS Speaking test?

Ans. To improve your pronunciation for the IELTS Speaking test, you can practice by listening to native English speakers, imitating their pronunciation, and recording yourself to identify areas for improvement. Additionally, you can work with pronunciation guides and practice speaking with a language partner or tutor to receive feedback.