
Describe A Person Who Likes To Buy Goods With Low Prices: IELTS Cue Card

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 09:03

An IELTS Speaking cue card is a task that tests your ability to speak fluently and coherently on a given topic within a specific time frame. 


In this practice test, we'll discuss a person who prefers purchasing goods at lower prices, a topic that sheds light on consumer behaviour and shopping preferences.

In this content piece, we'll explore various aspects of individuals who are inclined to seek bargains and opt for cost-effective purchases. 

Through sample answers and insights, we'll understand why some people are drawn to goods with lower prices and how this aspect influences their buying decisions. Let's explore this topic now and learn how to tackle it to achieve a good band score in the IELTS speaking test. 

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1. Describe A Person Who Likes To Buy Goods With Low Prices: How to Answer?

Knowing how to effectively answer cue card topics like ‘Describe a person who likes to buy goods with low prices’ is crucial for excelling in the IELTS Speaking test. Here's why:

Understanding how to approach answering cue card topics can significantly enhance your performance in the IELTS Speaking test.

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2. Describe A Person Who Likes To Buy Goods With Low Prices: Sample Answers

Understanding the importance of sample answers for topics like "Describe a person who likes to buy goods with low prices" is crucial for your IELTS preparation. 

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3. Describe A Person Who Likes To Buy Goods With Low Prices: Follow-Up Questions

After the cue card round in the IELTS speaking test, you'll likely face a series of follow-up questions related to the topic you just discussed. 

These questions are designed to further explore your thoughts, experiences, and opinions on the topic. They allow you to elaborate on your initial response, demonstrate your ability to express ideas clearly, and engage in a more in-depth conversation with the examiner.

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Describe A Person Who Likes To Buy Goods With Low Prices: How to Answer?

Knowing how to effectively answer cue card topics like ‘Describe a person who likes to buy goods with low prices’ is crucial for excelling in the IELTS Speaking test. Here's why:

Understanding how to approach answering cue card topics can significantly enhance your performance in the IELTS Speaking test. 

It helps you structure your response coherently, use appropriate vocabulary, and maintain fluency and coherence, all within the allotted time frame.

Here is the cue card for our topic, which you need to address in the IELTS speaking test: 


Cue Card/Topic: Describe A Person Who Likes To Buy Goods With Low Prices You should say
  • Who is this person?
  • What this person likes to buy?
  • Where this person likes to buy things?
  • And explain why this person likes cheap goods.



Here’s how to tackle each of the above pointers of our given topic: 




  • Introduce the topic clearly and concisely, stating that you will describe a person who enjoys buying goods at low prices.
  • Provide a brief overview of the importance of understanding consumer behaviour in relation to shopping habits and preferences.
  • Set the stage for the description by highlighting the significance of affordability and cost-consciousness in today's society.


Describing your experience/opinion/interest:


  • Detail the person's shopping habits, including where they typically shop and what types of goods they prioritise buying at low prices.
  • Share specific examples or experiences that illustrate the person's preference for affordability, such as their strategies for finding bargains or satisfaction in saving money.
  • Discuss any factors or motivations influencing the person's preference for low-priced goods, such as financial constraints, personal values, or past experiences.


Key highlights:


  • Highlight key traits or characteristics of the person that contribute to their preference for low-priced goods, such as frugality, budget-consciousness, or a practical mindset.
  • Discuss any challenges or obstacles the person may face in maintaining their preference for low-priced goods, such as limited product availability, quality concerns, or social stigma associated with bargain shopping.
  • Emphasise the positive aspects of the person's preference for affordability, such as their resourcefulness in finding deals, their ability to stretch their budget further, or the satisfaction they derive from smart shopping choices.




  • Summarise the main points discussed in the description of someone who enjoys buying low-quality goods.
  • Reflect on the broader implications of understanding consumer preferences for affordability in today's consumer culture.
  • Conclude with a thought-provoking statement or observation about the significance of cost-consciousness in shaping shopping behaviours and decision-making processes.

Describe A Person Who Likes To Buy Goods With Low Prices: Sample Answers

Understanding the importance of sample answers for topics like "Describe a person who likes to buy goods with low prices" is crucial for your IELTS preparation. Here's why:


Sample answers are invaluable guides for effectively structuring your responses, using appropriate vocabulary, and maintaining coherence and fluency. They provide insights into the type of language and level of detail expected in the speaking test.


Sample Answer 1
Sample Answer 2
Sample Answer 3



  • Let me introduce you to my cousin, Rajesh, who has a remarkable talent for finding incredible deals and discounts whenever he goes shopping. 
  • Rajesh's ability to spot low prices has always impressed me, and his shopping escapades are nothing short of remarkable.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest:


  • Rajesh's fondness for low-priced goods knows no bounds. Whether exploring local markets, haggling with street vendors, or browsing online platforms, he's always on the lookout for the best bargains. 
  • His face lights up with joy whenever he discovers a hidden treasure at a fraction of its original cost, and he loves sharing his shopping experiences with family and friends.


Key Highlights:


  • One memorable instance of Rajesh's bargain-hunting prowess was when he stumbled upon a branded shirt at a roadside stall for a fraction of its market price. 
  • Not only did he secure a stylish garment, but he also saved a significant amount of money in the process. 
  • On another occasion, Rajesh purchased a high-quality smartphone during a festive sale, much to the envy of his peers, who had paid much more for similar devices.




  • In conclusion, Rajesh's talent for finding low-priced goods is truly commendable. His ability to navigate various shopping avenues and uncover incredible deals showcases his resourcefulness and thriftiness. 
  • Through his example, I've learned that it's possible to enjoy quality products without overspending, and Rajesh continues to inspire me with his good shopping skills.

Describe A Person Who Likes To Buy Goods With Low Prices: Follow-Up Questions

After the cue card round in the IELTS speaking test, you'll likely face a series of follow-up questions related to the topic you just discussed. 

These questions are designed to further explore your thoughts, experiences, and opinions on the topic. They allow you to elaborate on your initial response, demonstrate your ability to express ideas clearly, and engage in a more in-depth conversation with the examiner. 

While the cue card segment focuses on your ability to speak spontaneously about a given topic, the follow-up questions allow you to showcase your communication skills and ability to respond thoughtfully to probing inquiries.


Follow-Up Question 1

Q. Did you go shopping with this person for low-priced items?


Answer 1: Yes, I often go shopping with Meena for low-priced items. She's always up for a bargain-hunting adventure, and we have a great time exploring different markets and stores together. Meena's enthusiasm for finding good deals is contagious, and I've learned a lot from her about smart shopping strategies.


Answer 2: Absolutely! Shopping with Meena is always an exciting experience. Whether we're scouring local markets or browsing online for discounts, Meena's keen eye for bargains never fails to impress. It's a fun bonding activity for us, and we often discover amazing deals that we wouldn't have found on our own.

Follow-Up Question 2

Q. What are the differences between shopping in a mall and a street market?


Answer 1: Shopping in a mall offers a wide range of products in one convenient location, with the added benefits of air conditioning and amenities like food courts and restrooms. On the other hand, street markets offer a more vibrant and bustling atmosphere, with vendors selling a variety of goods at potentially lower prices. While malls provide a more curated and controlled shopping experience, street markets offer a unique charm and the opportunity for bargaining.


Answer 2: The main difference between shopping in a mall and a street market is the atmosphere and the types of goods available. Malls tend to have a more organised layout and offer branded products with fixed prices, while street markets are more chaotic but offer a diverse range of items, often at negotiable prices. Additionally, malls provide a more comfortable shopping environment, whereas street markets offer a more authentic and lively experience.

Follow-Up Question 3

Q. In what way does this person mostly learn about discounts, sales, or bargains?


Answer 1: Meena stays informed about discounts, sales, and bargains through various channels. She actively follows the social media pages of brands and stores to stay updated on promotions and offers. Additionally, she subscribes to newsletters and mailing lists to receive notifications about upcoming sales. Meena also enjoys exploring deal-finding websites and apps where she can compare prices and discover exclusive discounts.


Answer 2: Meena keeps herself updated on discounts, sales, and bargains through online research and word-of-mouth recommendations. She regularly checks websites and forums dedicated to sharing deals and discounts, where she can find information about ongoing promotions. Meena also networks with friends and family members who share similar interests in bargain hunting, exchanging tips and recommendations about where to find the best deals.

Follow-Up Question 4

Q. In your thinking, is there any possible negative side or danger linked to always putting low prices first and not considering other things like quality or ethical aspects?


Answer 1: While prioritising low prices can help save money, there are potential downsides to always putting price first. For instance, focusing solely on getting the cheapest option may lead to overlooking quality, resulting in less durable or effective products. Additionally, consistently seeking out the lowest prices could perpetuate unethical practices such as exploitative labour conditions or environmental harm. It's important to balance cost and quality, considering factors such as product longevity and ethical sourcing.


Answer 2: Although prioritising low prices can be financially beneficial, it's essential to consider the potential drawbacks of this approach. Individuals may compromise on product quality or overlook ethical considerations by focusing on finding the cheapest deals. For example, opting for inexpensive goods without regard for their origin or production methods could contribute to supporting unethical practices such as labour exploitation or environmental degradation. Therefore, it's crucial to weigh the cost against other factors like quality and ethical standards when purchasing.

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Q. How to crack the Cue Card task?

Ans. To crack the Cue Card task in IELTS speaking, practice regularly with sample topics. Structure your response with an introduction, main points, and conclusion. Use the one-minute preparation time to jot down keywords and phrases. Speak confidently, expand on each point, and maintain coherence throughout your speech.

Q. How to make notes for cue card IELTS?

Ans. Focus on keywords and phrases during the one-minute preparation time to make notes for the cue card in IELTS. Write down the main points for the introduction, main body, and conclusion. Keep your notes brief and organised, using bullet points or keywords to prompt your speaking. Practice making notes efficiently to guide your response effectively.

Q. Is eye contact important in IELTS speaking?

Ans. Yes, maintaining eye contact is important in IELTS speaking. It demonstrates confidence, engagement, and effective communication skills. Good eye contact helps establish a connection with the examiner and enhances your overall performance. However, it's essential to maintain a natural and relaxed level of eye contact, avoiding staring or looking away too frequently.

Q. What are common mistakes in IELTS speaking?

Ans. Common IELTS speaking mistakes include grammar, pronunciation, lack of fluency, and inadequate vocabulary. Other mistakes include not fully answering the question, speaking too fast or too softly, and hesitating excessively. It's important to practice speaking regularly, focus on improving weaknesses, and familiarise yourself with the test format to avoid these mistakes.