
Describe A Historical Building You Have Been To: IELTS Cue Card

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 09:03

IELTS Speaking cue cards prompt you to speak about various topics during the speaking section of the exam. Today, we're focusing on "Describe a historical building you have been to." Share what intrigues you about this building, whether its architecture, history, or cultural significance. We'll provide sample answers to help you prepare effectively for your IELTS speaking test. Let's get started!

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1. Describe A Historical Building You Have Been To: How To Answer?

When the cue card section starts, the examiner will hand you the cue card with the topic written on it. They will also give you a pencil and paper to take notes. You will have 1 minute to prepare your answer.

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2. Describe A Historical Building You Have Been To: Sample Answers

We have now gone through how to discuss each point for the cue card topic ‘Describe A Historical Building You Have Been To’. 

Here, we'll explore various responses to the topic, offering insights and examples to help you prepare for your test. 

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3. Describe A Historical Building You Have Been To: Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS speaking test, you'll have one minute to prepare your response, after which you must speak for 1-2 minutes on the given topic. After you complete your response, the examiner may ask follow-up questions to explore the topic further or elicit more detailed information. 

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Describe A Historical Building You Have Been To: How To Answer?

When the cue card section starts, the examiner will hand you the cue card with the topic written on it. They will also give you a pencil and paper to take notes. You will have 1 minute to prepare your answer.

The best way to answer these cue cards is by breaking down your response into small, manageable pieces. 


Cue Card/Topic: Describe A Historical Building You Have Been To
You should say
  • What kind of building was that?
  • Where was it?
  • When did you visit?
  • How did you feel after visiting it?




  • Introduce the historical building you have visited.
  • Mention where it is located and its significance.
  • Provide a brief overview of your visit to the building.
  • Set the tone for your response by expressing your interest or fascination with the building.

Describing your experience/opinion/interest:

  • Share your personal connection to the building, if any.
  • Describe your initial impressions upon arriving at the building.
  • Talk about any historical or cultural significance the building holds for you.
  • Express any emotions or thoughts you had while exploring the building.

Key highlights:

  • Highlight notable features or architectural elements of the building.
  • Discuss any interesting facts or stories associated with the building.
  • Mention any specific rooms, artworks, or exhibits that stood out to you.
  • Describe the atmosphere or ambience of the building and how it impacted your experience.


  • Summarise the main points you've discussed.
  • Reflect on what visiting the historical building meant to you.
  • End positively, perhaps by expressing your desire to visit again or recommending it to others.

Describe A Historical Building You Have Been To: Sample Answers

We have now gone through how to discuss each point for the cue card topic ‘Describe A Historical Building You Have Been To’. 

Here, we'll explore various responses to the topic, offering insights and examples to help you prepare for your test. 


Sample Answer 1
Sample Answer 2
Sample Answer 3



  • The historical building I'd love to talk about is the Red Fort in Delhi. 
  • This massive, imposing structure has been around for centuries, and every time you visit, it feels like stepping back.

Describing your experience/opinion/interest:

  • The sheer grandeur of the Red Fort hits you as you enter. You can't help but be amazed by its massive walls and the intricate architecture. 
  • This awe washes over you, knowing you're walking through history. 
  • And then, as you explore further, you start to imagine what life was like during the Mughal era, with all the bustling markets and royal courts.

Key highlights:

  • One of my highlights is definitely the Diwan-i-Aam or the Hall of Public Audience. 
  • Standing in that majestic hall where emperors once held court, you can almost hear the echoes of the past. 
  • Then there's the stunning Diwan-i-Khas, the Hall of Private Audience, with its beautiful marble pavilions and intricate carvings. 
  • And, of course, you can't miss the iconic Lahori Gate, with its towering arches and imposing presence.


  • In conclusion, visiting the Red Fort is not just a sightseeing experience; it's a journey through time. 
  • It's a chance to connect with India's rich history and heritage and marvel at the architectural wonders of our ancestors. 
  • So, if you ever get the chance, visit this incredible monument and immerse yourself in its timeless beauty.

Describe A Historical Building You Have Been To: Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS speaking test, you'll have one minute to prepare your response, after which you must speak for 1-2 minutes on the given topic. After you complete your response, the examiner may ask follow-up questions to explore the topic further or elicit more detailed information. 

These follow-up questions assess your ability to maintain a conversation, provide additional relevant information, and express opinions or thoughts.


Follow-Up Question 1

Q. What did you learn from your visit?

Answer 1: I learned a lot about the cultural and historical context of the era when the building was constructed. The guided tour provided fascinating insights into the lives of those who lived and worked there.

Answer 2: I discovered interesting architectural techniques used in building construction. The visit also taught me about the various renovations the building has undergone to preserve its historical integrity.

Follow-Up Question 2

Q. What challenges do you think are involved in preserving such historical buildings?


Answer 1: Preserving historical buildings involves significant financial resources for maintenance and restoration. Ensuring the materials and techniques used are authentic can also be challenging.

Answer 2: Balancing public access with preservation needs also presents a challenge. Allowing visitors while protecting the integrity of the building requires careful planning and management.

Follow-Up Question 3

Q. What is the architectural style of the building?


Answer 1: The building is designed in Gothic architecture, characterised by its pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and flying buttresses. These elements give it a majestic and somewhat mystical appearance.

Answer 2: It features Baroque architecture, evident from its grandiose scale, bold decorations, and dynamic shapes. The intricate detailing and dramatic use of light and shadow are particularly striking.

Follow-Up Question 4

Q. What kind of events are held at this historical building?


Answer 1: The building hosts educational tours and exhibitions highlighting its historical and architectural significance. These events are particularly popular with school groups and tourists.

Answer 2: It also serves as a venue for cultural events such as concerts, art exhibitions, and historical reenactments. These events help bring the building's history to life and engage the community.

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Q. How should I manage my time during the Cue Card task?

Ans. To manage your time during the Cue Card task, start by quickly planning your response in the 1-minute preparation time, jotting down key points. When speaking, aim to structure your answer into an introduction, main content, and a brief conclusion. Try to speak smoothly and avoid long pauses, ensuring you cover all parts of the prompt within the 1-2 minute timeframe. Practicing a timer beforehand can also help you get comfortable with the pacing.

Q. Can I express my opinion during the test, even if it's different from the examiner's?

Ans. Yes, you can express your opinion during the IELTS test, even if it's different from the examiner's. The test assesses your ability to communicate effectively in English, not the content of your opinions. It's important to articulate your views and provide reasons or examples to support your perspective. Showing confidence in expressing diverse opinions can demonstrate your language proficiency and critical thinking skills.

Q. How do you crack the Cue Card task?

Ans. To crack the Cue Card task in IELTS, practice organising your thoughts quickly and clearly. Focus on structuring your response with a beginning, middle, and end. Use the one-minute preparation time to jot down key points and examples related to the topic. Additionally, practice speaking fluently and confidently to maximise your score.