
Describe A Park Or A Garden In Your City: IELTS Cue Card

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 09:03

An IELTS Speaking cue card is a prompt given to candidates during the speaking test to encourage them to speak on a specific topic for a set amount of time. In this case, you'll be asked to describe a park or garden in your city. 


Parks and gardens play a vital role in urban environments, providing green spaces for relaxation, recreation, and social interaction. They can be highly inspiring, offering tranquillity amidst the bustle of city life and serving as sources of aesthetic pleasure and environmental awareness.


Throughout this content piece, we'll explore sample answers to help you prepare for discussing this topic effectively during your IELTS Speaking test.

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1. Describe A Park Or A Garden In Your City: How to Answer?

When the cue card section starts, the examiner will hand you the cue card with the topic "Describe A Park Or A Garden In Your City." You will have 1 minute to prepare before speaking.

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2. Describe A Park Or A Garden In Your City: Sample Answers

We have now gone through how to discuss each point for the cue card topic ‘Describe A Park Or A Garden In Your City’. 

Here, we'll explore various responses to the topic, offering insights and examples to help you prepare for your test. 

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3. Describe A Park Or A Garden In Your City: Follow-Up Questions

Following the cue card round in the IELTS Speaking test, you can expect a series of follow-up questions from the examiner. These questions aim to delve deeper into the topic you've discussed, allowing you to showcase your ability to express ideas fluently and coherently.

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Describe A Park Or A Garden In Your City: How to Answer?

When the cue card section starts, the examiner will hand you the cue card with the topic "Describe A Park Or A Garden In Your City." You will have 1 minute to prepare before speaking.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe A Park Or A Garden In Your City
You should say
  • Where is it?
  • How can you go there?
  • How frequently do you go there?
  • And explain why this is your favourite park.



To answer the cue card effectively, break your response into small pieces: an introduction describing your experience/opinion/interest, key highlights, and a conclusion.




  • Start by briefly introducing your chosen park or garden, mentioning its name and location. 


Describing your experience/opinion/interest:


  • Share your connection to the park or garden, whether you visit it often for relaxation, exercise, or simply enjoy its beauty. 
  • Talk about why it holds significance for you and what emotions it evokes.


Key highlights: 


  • Describe the park or garden's features, such as its size, layout, landscaping, flora and fauna, recreational facilities, and any special events or activities held there.
  • Highlight specific aspects that stand out to you and make it unique.




  • Summarise your description by reiterating why this park or garden is special to you and its importance to the community. 
  • You can also express your hopes for its preservation and future enhancements.

Remember to speak clearly and coherently, using descriptive language to paint a vivid picture for the examiner within the 2-minute time limit.


Describe A Park Or A Garden In Your City: Sample Answers

We have now gone through how to discuss each point for the cue card topic ‘Describe A Park Or A Garden In Your City’. 

Here, we'll explore various responses to the topic, offering insights and examples to help you prepare for your test.


Sample Answer 1
Sample Answer 2
Sample Answer 3


  • The park I want to talk about is called Lodhi Gardens, in the heart of New Delhi. 
  • It's a historical park that dates back to the 15th century and is known for its lush greenery and architectural marvels. 
  • Locals and tourists alike flock to Lodhi Gardens to escape the chaos of city life and immerse themselves in nature's tranquillity.

Describing your experience/opinion/interest:

  • Personally, I have a deep fondness for Lodhi Gardens as it serves as my sanctuary amidst the urban hustle. 
  • I often visit the park during weekends for morning walks or picnics with family and friends. 
  • The serene ambience, with the chirping of birds and the fragrance of blooming flowers, never fails to rejuvenate my senses. 
  • It's not just a place for leisure; I find solace and inspiration.

Key highlights:

  • Lodhi Gardens boasts impressive features, including historical monuments like the Tomb of Sikandar Lodhi and Muhammad Shah Sayyid's Tomb, which add to its charm and cultural significance. 
  • The sprawling lawns offer ample space for yoga enthusiasts, joggers, and families to unwind and indulge in recreational activities. 
  • The meticulously landscaped gardens showcase a diverse collection of flora, from colourful roses to towering trees, creating a picturesque setting that attracts photographers and nature lovers alike.


  • In conclusion, Lodhi Gardens holds a special place in my heart as more than just a park; it's a treasure trove of history, beauty, and serenity. 
  • Its role in preserving Delhi's heritage and providing a green lung for its residents cannot be overstated. 
  • I hope it continues to flourish and remain a beloved destination for generations to come.

Describe A Park Or A Garden In Your City: Follow-Up Questions

Following the cue card round in the IELTS Speaking test, you can expect a series of follow-up questions from the examiner. These questions aim to delve deeper into the topic you've discussed, allowing you to showcase your ability to express ideas fluently and coherently. 

They may explore various aspects of the park or garden you described, such as its significance, your experiences there, and broader implications for the community. It's an opportunity to demonstrate your vocabulary range and ability to engage in meaningful conversation.


Follow-Up Question 1

Q1. How do parks contribute to the quality of life in urban areas?

Ans 1. Parks enhance the quality of life in urban areas by providing green spaces for recreation, promoting physical and mental well-being, and fostering social interactions among residents.

Ans 2. Parks play a vital role in improving air quality, reducing noise pollution, and mitigating the urban heat island effect, making cities more livable and sustainable.

Follow-Up Question 2

Q2. What measures can be taken to improve parks and gardens in cities?


Ans 1. Cities can improve parks and gardens by investing in maintenance and upkeep, introducing more diverse plant species, and enhancing accessibility for people with disabilities.


Ans 2: Implementing sustainable landscaping practices, creating more green corridors, and involving the community in park planning and management are crucial steps towards improving urban green spaces.

Follow-Up Question 3

Q3. How can parks contribute to environmental conservation efforts?

Ans 1: Parks serve as valuable habitats for wildlife, support biodiversity conservation, and act as green lungs that help mitigate climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide.

Ans 2: Parks can facilitate environmental education and awareness programs, promote sustainable practices such as water conservation and waste reduction, and serve as demonstration sites for eco-friendly initiatives.

Follow-Up Question 4

Q4. What role do parks play in promoting social cohesion and community engagement?

Ans 1: Parks provide a common ground where people from diverse backgrounds can come together, fostering a sense of belonging, social cohesion, and civic pride.

Ans 2: Parks host various cultural events, festivals, and recreational activities that encourage community participation, dialogue, and interaction, strengthening social ties and fostering a sense of community ownership.

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Q. Should I memorise the answers for the speaking test?

Ans. It's not advisable to memorise answers, as the examiner will be able to tell if you're reciting scripted responses. It's better to practice speaking naturally and develop your ability to speak on a variety of topics.

Q. What can I do to improve my grammar accuracy?

Ans. Review common grammar rules and complete practice exercises. Pay attention to your grammar mistakes during practice speaking sessions and try to correct them.

Q. How am I graded in the speaking test?

Ans. You are assessed on four criteria:

  • Fluency and coherence: How smoothly and naturally you speak, with good use of transitions and organization.
  • Vocabulary range: The variety and accuracy of vocabulary you use.
  • Grammar accuracy: How effectively you use grammatical structures.
  • Pronunciation: Clarity and understandability of your spoken English.