

Describe a Person Who Motivates You: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

Updated on Sep 12, 2024, 12:43


An IELTS Speaking cue card is a task where you are given a prompt and need to speak about it for 1-2 minutes. This part of the IELTS Speaking test assesses your ability to express ideas fluently and coherently. The cue card provides a specific topic and key points to cover, helping you structure your response effectively.

For the topic "Describe a Person Who Motivates You," you will discuss someone who has inspired or influenced you significantly. This might be a family member, friend, or public figure. On this page, we will explore sample answers to help you prepare for this cue card, offering tips on how to structure your response and make a strong impression.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe a Person Who Motivates You

You should say

  • Who is this person?
  • What does this person motivate you to do?
  • How did this person help?
  • And explain why this motivation helps you to achieve the goal?
Sample Answer 1

Introduction (Covers: Who is this person?)


  • The person who motivates me is my older sister. She has been a tremendous source of inspiration throughout my life.
  • Despite facing various challenges, she has always approached them with a positive and determined mindset.
  • Her resilience and success in achieving her goals greatly inspire me to pursue my own dreams with similar dedication.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What does this person motivate you to do?)


  • My sister motivates me to set ambitious goals and strive to achieve them, no matter how difficult they might seem.
  • Observing her handle setbacks with grace has encouraged me to face my own challenges with a positive attitude.
  • Her commitment to her career and personal growth inspires me to work hard in my studies and future professional life.


Key Highlights (Covers: How did this person help?)


  • She has provided me with valuable advice on time management and balancing various responsibilities, which has improved my organisation skills.
  • Her ability to overcome obstacles has taught me the importance of perseverance and flexibility.
  • Her constant support and encouragement during my own difficulties have given me the confidence to keep moving forward.


Conclusion (Covers: And explain why this motivation helps you to achieve the goal?)


  • The motivation I gain from my sister helps me stay focused on my goals and approach challenges with determination.
  • The lessons I've learned from her experiences guide me in my academic and personal pursuits.
  • Her influence continues to inspire me to push beyond my limits and strive for success in all areas of my life.
Sample Answer 2

Introduction (Covers: Who is this person?)


  • The person who motivates me is my mentor from university, Dr. Sarah Thompson. She has significantly influenced my academic and personal growth.
  • Her dedication to her research and her genuine interest in helping students excel are truly inspiring.
  • Dr. Thompson's approach to overcoming challenges and achieving success has been a major source of motivation for me.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What does this person motivate you to do?)


  • Dr. Thompson motivates me to pursue my academic goals with enthusiasm and determination.
  • Her advice on tackling complex problems and embracing new learning opportunities has shaped my study habits.
  • Her example of commitment encourages me to maintain high standards in my own work and strive for excellence.


Key Highlights (Covers: How did this person help?)


  • She has provided valuable guidance on managing my research projects and balancing my academic responsibilities.
  • Her innovative problem-solving methods have taught me effective strategies for addressing difficult issues.
  • Dr. Thompson's support and constructive feedback have been instrumental in my intellectual and professional development.


Conclusion (Covers: And explain why this motivation helps you to achieve the goal?)


  • The motivation from Dr. Thompson helps me stay focused on my academic and career aspirations.
  • Her dedication and hard work inspire me to overcome challenges and pursue excellence in my own endeavours.
  • The lessons I’ve learned from her mentorship continue to drive my success and personal growth.
Sample Answer 3

Introduction (Covers: Who is this person?)


  • The person who motivates me is my uncle, John Williams. He has been a significant source of inspiration throughout my life.
  • His journey from a small-town worker to a successful entrepreneur is incredibly impressive.
  • John’s perseverance and commitment to his goals have greatly influenced my own aspirations and approach to life.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What does this person motivate you to do?)


  • My uncle motivates me to set ambitious goals and pursue them with determination.
  • His stories of overcoming obstacles encourage me to tackle my challenges with a positive mindset.
  • His dedication to his career inspires me to work diligently towards my own professional and personal goals.


Key Highlights (Covers: How did this person help?)


  • John has shared practical advice on career development and handling setbacks, which has been invaluable to me.
  • His experience in building his business has taught me the importance of hard work and resilience.
  • His support and encouragement during my own struggles have given me the confidence to continue pursuing my ambitions.


Conclusion (Covers: And explain why this motivation helps you to achieve the goal?)


  • The motivation I gain from my uncle helps me stay focused and determined in my own pursuits.
  • His example of success and perseverance inspires me to strive for excellence and overcome obstacles.
  • The lessons I’ve learned from his experiences guide me in achieving my goals and advancing in my personal and professional life.


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Understanding how to answer IELTS cue cards effectively is crucial for making a strong impression on the Speaking test. Being familiar with the structure and key points of your response helps you stay organised and ensures you cover all required aspects within the 2-minute time limit. This preparation will help you speak clearly and confidently, showcasing your ability to communicate ideas efficiently.

When the cue card section begins, the examiner will give you a prompt and provide a brief preparation time. You will then have 1-2 minutes to speak on the topic. To make the most of this time, it’s best to break your response into small, manageable sections.


Introduction (Covers: Who is this person?)


  • Start by briefly mentioning who the person is and your relationship with them.
  • Provide a general overview of why this person motivates you.
  • Set up the context for the rest of your response.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What does this person motivate you to do?)


  • Explain specific ways in which this person motivates or influences you.
  • Share personal experiences or anecdotes that illustrate their impact on you.
  • Discuss any qualities or actions of the person that you find particularly inspiring.


Key Highlights (Covers: How did this person help?)


  • Highlight the most significant achievements or traits of the person.
  • Mention any particular moments or experiences that stand out.
  • Emphasise how their influence has affected your life or mindset.


Conclusion (Covers: And explain why this motivation helps you to achieve the goal?)


  • Summarise why this person remains a key source of motivation for you.
  • Reflect on the overall impact they have had on your life.
  • Conclude with a final thought or statement about their influence.


By structuring your response in this way, you ensure that you address all aspects of the cue card topic clearly and coherently within the time limit.

Follow-Up Questions

In the follow-up questions section, also known as Part 3 of the IELTS Speaking test, you will discuss the topic you covered in Part 2 with the examiner. This round typically lasts 4-5 minutes and allows you to explore the topic more deeply. The examiner will ask questions relating to the subject you spoke about, enabling you to express your ideas and opinions more broadly. This part tests your ability to discuss and elaborate on various aspects of the topic, demonstrating your ability to think critically and communicate effectively.


These are the most common questions which can be asked in the follow-up round of the IELTS speaking test:

Q1. Why is it important for teenagers to set goals?

Answer 1: Setting goals helps teenagers focus their energy and efforts towards achieving specific outcomes, which can boost their motivation and sense of purpose. It also teaches them essential skills such as planning, time management, and perseverance. By setting clear goals, teenagers are more likely to stay motivated and make progress in their personal and academic lives.


Answer 2: Goals provide teenagers with direction and a sense of achievement when they accomplish them. It encourages them to work hard and overcome challenges, fostering a strong work ethic. Setting goals can also help teenagers make better decisions and prioritise their time effectively, which is crucial for their development and future success.

Q2. What will encourage children to learn more?

Answer 1: Children are more likely to learn if they find the material interesting and relevant to their lives. Engaging teaching methods, such as interactive activities and practical applications, can make learning more enjoyable. Positive reinforcement and recognising their achievements also encourage children to continue learning and exploring new subjects.


Answer 2: Creating a supportive and stimulating environment can greatly enhance children's willingness to learn. Encouraging curiosity and providing opportunities for hands-on experiences can spark their interest. Additionally, having role models who demonstrate a passion for learning can inspire children to pursue knowledge with enthusiasm.

Q3. Do parents and teachers punish children nowadays?

Answer 1: In modern education, many parents and teachers prefer to use positive reinforcement rather than punishment to manage behaviour. This approach focuses on encouraging good behaviour and rewarding achievements. However, some still use disciplinary measures when necessary to address serious issues, aiming to balance correction with support and understanding.


Answer 2: While traditional forms of punishment are less common, parents and teachers do use various strategies to address misbehaviour. These may include time-outs, loss of privileges, or discussing the consequences of actions. The emphasis is increasingly on guiding children through constructive feedback and helping them learn from their mistakes. 

Q4. Who do you think has a greater influence on the goal-setting of children?

Answer 1: I believe parents generally have a greater influence on children's goal-setting. They provide the initial guidance and support, helping children understand the importance of setting and working towards goals. Parents also play a key role in modelling goal-setting behaviours and offering encouragement throughout the process.


Answer 2: Teachers also have a significant impact on children's goal-setting. They can introduce goal-setting concepts and help students develop skills to set and achieve their objectives. Teachers often provide the structure and feedback necessary for children to refine their goals and stay motivated.


Q. What vital language elements should I remember while attempting the cue card section?

Ans. When tackling the cue card section, focus on using clear and coherent language. Ensure you cover all parts of the topic, using relevant vocabulary and varied sentence structures. Maintain fluency and avoid long pauses. Practice speaking naturally and confidently, and make sure your responses are organised logically. Using connecting words and providing detailed examples will enhance the quality of your answer.

Q. What if I fail my IELTS speaking test?

Ans. If you don't perform as well as you hoped on your IELTS Speaking test, it's important not to be discouraged. Take the opportunity to review your performance and identify areas for improvement. Practice regularly, seek feedback from teachers or tutors, and focus on developing your speaking skills. Remember, many candidates retake the test and achieve better results on subsequent attempts.

Q. What can I do if I don’t understand the cue card topic?

Ans. If you don’t understand the cue card topic, ask the examiner for clarification. They can provide further explanation or rephrase the question. Take a moment to think about what you do understand and use that as a starting point for your response. Structure your answer around related ideas or experiences you’re familiar with. It's okay to be flexible and adapt your response based on your understanding.

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