
Describe A Water Sport You Would Like To Try In The Future: IELTS Cue Card

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 09:03

An IELTS Speaking cue card is a prompt given to you during the IELTS Speaking test to speak about a specific topic for 1 to 2  minutes. The cue card helps you organise your thoughts and gives structure to your response fluently and coherently.


For this topic, "Describe A Water Sport You Would Like To Try In The Future," you'll discuss the water sport you are interested in, where you will do it, whether it's easy or difficult, and why you would like to try it.


On this page, we'll explore sample answers for this topic, breaking down each part of the response to help you prepare effectively.

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1. Describe A Water Sport You Would Like To Try In The Future: How to Answer?

When the cue card section starts, the examiner will hand you a card with a topic and some guiding points. You’ll have one minute to prepare your response and then speak for up to two minutes.

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2. Describe A Water Sport You Would Like To Try In The Future: Sample Answers

Now that you know how to answer the topic, we have provided sample answers for your reference. You should also note that you should curate answers to these questions wisely under these 4 categories mentioned above.

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3. Describe A Water Sport You Would Like To Try In The Future: Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS Speaking Test, after you finish speaking about your cue card topic, the examiner will ask follow-up questions. This part assesses your ability to discuss broader issues and express your opinions. 

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Describe A Water Sport You Would Like To Try In The Future: How to Answer?

When the cue card section starts, the examiner will hand you a card with a topic and some guiding points. You’ll have one minute to prepare your response and then speak for up to two minutes.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe A Water Sport You Would Like To Try In The Future You should say
  • What is it?
  • Where you will do it?
  • Is it easy or difficult?
  • Why would you like to try it?



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The best way to answer a cue card is to break it down into smaller pieces: introduction, describing your experience, key highlights, and conclusion. Here’s how you can approach the topic "Describe A Water Sport You Would Like To Try In The Future:




  • Briefly introduce the water sport you would like to try.
  • Mention any prior interest or curiosity you have about it.
  • State why you chose this particular sport.


Describing Your Experience:


  • Explain what fascinates you about this water sport.
  • Discuss any research you have done or information you have gathered about it.
  • Share any personal experiences or stories related to the sport (if applicable).


Key Highlights:


  • Describe the main features or activities involved in the sport.
  • Talk about the skills or equipment required.
  • Mention any popular locations or events where this sport is practised.
  • Highlight any potential challenges or exciting aspects




  • Summarise why you are eager to try this water sport.
  • Reflect on how you think you will feel once you try it.
  • Mention any plans you have to pursue this interest in the future.


By following this structure, you can ensure your response is clear, organised, and covers all necessary points within the time limit.


Also read: IELTS Speaking Questions with Answers 2024 


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Describe A Water Sport You Would Like To Try In The Future: Sample Answers

Now that you know how to answer the topic, we have provided sample answers for your reference. You should also note that you should curate answers to these questions wisely under these 4 categories mentioned above.

Sample Answer 1
Sample Answer 2
Sample Answer 3

Introduction ( Covers: What is it?)


  • I have always been fascinated by water sports, and scuba diving is one that I would love to try in the future. 
  • The idea of exploring the underwater world excites me. Scuba diving offers a chance to see marine life up close and experience a different environment. 
  • I have read and heard a lot about it, which is on my bucket list.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest  ( Covers: Where you will do it?)


  • I plan to scuba diving in the Andaman Islands, which are known for their clear waters and rich marine biodiversity. 
  • The thought of diving in the pristine waters of Havelock Island, in particular, appeals to me.
  •  I am interested in exploring the coral reefs and seeing colourful fish. 
  • The underwater scenery in the Andamans is reputed to be breathtaking.


Key Highlights ( Covers: Is it easy or difficult?)


  • Scuba diving can be both easy and challenging, depending on the depth and conditions. 
  • For beginners, basic training and shallow dives are quite manageable. 
  • I understand that proper training and safety measures are essential before taking the plunge. 
  • While it might be a bit intimidating at first, the thrill of discovering the underwater world makes it worth trying.


Conclusion (Covers: Why would you like to try it?)


  • Trying scuba diving in the future would be an exciting adventure.
  • I look forward to the unique experience of seeing marine life in its natural habitat. 
  • The combination of the serene underwater environment and the thrill of diving is something I eagerly anticipate. 
  • I believe that scuba diving will not only be enjoyable but also an enriching experience that connects me with nature in a profound way.

Describe A Water Sport You Would Like To Try In The Future: Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS Speaking Test, after you finish speaking about your cue card topic, the examiner will ask follow-up questions. This part assesses your ability to discuss broader issues and express your opinions. 


The examiner might ask you to elaborate on your ideas, provide reasons, or compare different concepts. It's a chance to showcase your speaking skills in a more conversational manner. Be prepared to provide detailed answers and stay engaged in the discussion.


Follow-Up Question 1

Question 1: Which is the most popular water sport in your country?


Answer 1: In India, the most popular water sport is undoubtedly river rafting. Places like Rishikesh are famous for their thrilling rafting experiences. Many people enjoy the excitement and challenge of navigating the rapids. It’s a sport that attracts both locals and tourists, offering an adventurous way to explore India's rivers.


Answer 2: In my country, the most popular water sport is probably jet skiing. Goa, with its beautiful beaches, is a hotspot for jet skiing enthusiasts. People love the speed and thrill of riding a jet ski on the open water. It’s an activity that is easily accessible and offers a lot of fun, which makes it very popular among holidaymakers.

Follow-Up Question 2

Question 2: Why do people like to do things near water?


Ans 1: People enjoy being near water because it provides a sense of relaxation and peace. The sound of waves and the cool breeze are very soothing. Additionally, water activities like swimming, boating, and fishing are fun and refreshing. Being near water also offers a break from the routine and helps people unwind and enjoy nature.


Ans 2: Many people like spending time near water because it offers a range of recreational activities. Beaches and lakes provide a perfect setting for family outings and picnics. Water sports add an element of excitement and adventure. The natural beauty and calming effect of water make these locations ideal for leisure and relaxation.

Follow-Up Question 3

Question 3: Are there many schools teaching swimming?


Ans 1: Yes, there are many schools in India that offer swimming lessons. In urban areas, most schools have swimming as part of their extracurricular activities. Swimming pools are common in schools, and professional coaches provide training. This helps students learn an essential life skill and also promotes fitness and well-being.


Ans 2: In my city, there are numerous swimming schools and clubs. They cater to all age groups, from young children to adults. Many people enrol in these classes to learn swimming for fitness and safety. The availability of trained instructors and well-maintained facilities has made swimming lessons quite popular.

Follow-Up Question 4

Question 4: What kind of activities would you do if you were spending leisure time at a beach or near the ocean?


Ans 1: If I were spending leisure time at a beach, I would love to try parasailing. The thrill of flying above the water and enjoying the view is something I find very exciting. Additionally, I would enjoy a leisurely swim, sunbathing, and perhaps a beach volleyball game. These activities would make my beach day fun and memorable.


Ans 2: At the beach, I would spend my time snorkelling to explore the underwater life. It’s fascinating to see the vibrant marine ecosystem up close. I would also enjoy a peaceful walk along the shore, collecting seashells, and maybe trying my hand at paddleboarding. These activities would help me relax and fully enjoy the ocean environment.

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Ans. Achieving a score of 9 in IELTS is challenging but not impossible with dedicated preparation and practice. Focus on improving your English language skills across all four components of the test – listening, reading, writing, and speaking – and aim for consistency and accuracy in your performance.

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Ans. While it's important to speak clearly and fluently in the IELTS speaking test, speaking slowly to ensure clarity is acceptable. However, avoid speaking too slowly, as it may affect your fluency and coherence. Practice speaking at a natural pace to maintain a balance between clarity and fluency.

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Ans. The IELTS speaking test is conducted according to strict guidelines and scoring criteria to ensure fairness and consistency. Examiners assess candidates based on their ability to communicate effectively, demonstrate language proficiency, and engage in meaningful conversation on a range of topics.