

Describe a Puzzle You Have Played: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

Updated on Sep 12, 2024, 07:33


The IELTS Speaking topic "Describe a Puzzle You Have Played" invites you to discuss a puzzle that you found interesting or challenging, focusing on the type of puzzle, your experience with it, and what made it memorable. When addressing this topic, consider describing the puzzle’s nature—whether it was a jigsaw puzzle, a crossword, or a logic puzzle—how you engaged with it and any difficulties or enjoyment you experienced.


Practising this topic can enhance your IELTS Speaking skills by helping you articulate your thoughts on problem-solving activities, use descriptive language to explain your experiences, and discuss the cognitive or recreational value of puzzles. This exercise also improves your ability to structure responses clearly and convey detailed personal experiences.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe a Puzzle You Have Played

You should say

  • What is it like?
  • How easy or difficult is it?
  • How long does it take you to solve it?
  • And how do you feel about it?
Sample Answer 1

Introduction (Covers: What is that activity? /When do you usually do it?)


  • Sudoku is a puzzle that I’ve played and enjoyed immensely. It’s a number puzzle that’s both challenging and rewarding, requiring logical thinking to fill a 9x9 grid with numbers.
  • I was introduced to Sudoku during my school days, and it quickly became one of my favourite pastimes. The puzzle is simple yet engaging, with each puzzle offering a unique challenge.
  • I usually play Sudoku on my phone or in newspapers, and it’s a great way to keep my mind sharp and focused.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: How long does it take you to solve it?/ How easy or difficult is it?)


  • I found it difficult when I first started playing Sudoku, as it requires careful consideration of each number’s placement. However, with practice, I started enjoying the complexity and the satisfaction of solving each puzzle.
  • I love the mental stimulation that Sudoku provides. It’s like a workout for the brain, requiring you to think several steps ahead and consider various possibilities before making a move.


Key Highlights (Covers: How do you feel about it?)


  • One of the key highlights of Sudoku is its simplicity in concept yet depth in execution. The rules are easy to understand, but the challenge lies in finding the correct placement for each number.
  • Another highlight is the sense of accomplishment of completing a Sudoku puzzle. Gradually filling in the grid and finally seeing all the numbers correctly placed is incredibly satisfying.




  • Sudoku is a puzzle I’ve come to love for its ability to challenge and engage my mind. It’s a game that never gets old, as each puzzle offers a new challenge.
  • I find Sudoku to be both relaxing and mentally stimulating. It’s an activity that I can always turn to when I want to unwind while keeping my brain active.
Sample Answer 2

Introduction (Covers: What is that activity? /When do you usually do it?)


  • A puzzle that I have played and thoroughly enjoyed is a jigsaw puzzle. It’s a picture puzzle where you assemble pieces to form a complete image, and I’ve loved working on them since childhood.
  • I usually work on jigsaw puzzles during the weekends or holidays when I have more free time. The puzzle I remember most vividly is a 1,000-piece jigsaw of a beautiful landscape.
  • Jigsaw puzzles are a great way to relax and focus. They provide a satisfying challenge that can keep me engaged for hours.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: How long does it take you to solve it?/ How easy or difficult is it?)


  • Working on a jigsaw puzzle is a calming experience for me. I enjoy sorting the pieces, finding the edges, and gradually building the image piece by piece.
  • Solving a jigsaw puzzle requires patience and attention to detail. It’s a slow but rewarding process, and I love seeing the image come to life as I connect the pieces.
  • Jigsaw puzzles also provide a great opportunity to bond with family and friends. I often work on puzzles with my family, and it’s a fun and collaborative way to spend time together.


Key Highlights (Covers: How do you feel about it?)


  • One of the key highlights of jigsaw puzzles is the sense of accomplishment that comes with completing them. The moment when the last piece fits into place is incredibly satisfying.
  • Another highlight is the therapeutic nature of jigsaw puzzles. The repetitive task of finding and placing pieces is very relaxing and helps me unwind after a long day.
  • Additionally, jigsaw puzzles come in various levels of difficulty and designs, so there’s always a new challenge to tackle, whether it’s a simple 500-piece puzzle or a complex 2,000-piece one.




  • Jigsaw puzzles are challenging and relaxing. They offer a perfect blend of mental engagement and stress relief, making them one of my favourite pastimes.
  • Whether I’m working on a puzzle alone or with others, the experience is always enjoyable, and the end result is worth the effort.
Sample Answer 3

Introduction (Covers: What is it like?)


  • A puzzle that I often play is the crossword puzzle. It’s a word puzzle where you fill in the blanks with words that fit the given clues, and it’s a great way to test and expand your vocabulary.
  • I usually find crosswords in newspapers or magazines, and I enjoy working on them during my morning tea or when I need a mental challenge.
  • Crosswords are a fun and educational puzzle that combines wordplay with problem-solving. They’ve become one of my favourite daily activities.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: How long does it take you to solve it?/ How easy or difficult is it?)


  • Solving a crossword puzzle is both challenging and enjoyable. I love figuring out the clues, which often require vocabulary knowledge, lateral thinking, and general knowledge.
  • The experience of filling in the blanks and seeing the words interlock is very satisfying. It’s like putting together a word-based jigsaw puzzle; I often find myself absorbed in it for long periods. 


Key Highlights (Covers: How do you feel about it?)


  • One key highlight of crossword puzzles is the cleverness of the clues. The way clues are written, often with puns or wordplay, adds an extra layer of challenge and fun to the puzzle.
  • Another highlight is the sense of achievement that comes from completing a crossword. Whether it’s finishing the entire puzzle or just getting a particularly tricky clue right, it’s always rewarding.
  • Additionally, crosswords can be played alone or with others, making them a versatile and enjoyable activity. I sometimes work on them with friends, and it becomes a fun group challenge.




  • Crossword puzzles are a fantastic way to challenge the mind and expand vocabulary. They combine entertainment with learning, making them both fun and beneficial.
  • I find that solving crosswords is a great way to start the day, as it gets my brain engaged and ready for whatever challenges lie ahead.


Also Read: Best IELTS Cue Cards for 7+ Band Score

When the cue card section begins, the examiner will hand you a card with a topic and some prompts. You will have one minute to prepare your response and can make notes.


This structure helps you stay organised and covers all topic aspects clearly and logically.


Introduction (Covers: What is it like?)


  • Describe the puzzle you played, including its type or theme.
  • Mention any distinctive features or elements of the puzzle.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: How long does it take you to solve it?/ How easy or difficult is it?)


  • Share your thoughts on the puzzle’s difficulty level.
  • Mention how long it took you to complete the puzzle


Key Highlights (Covers: How do you feel about it?)


  • Reflect on your emotions and satisfaction after completing the puzzle.
  • Discuss any memorable moments or challenges you faced during the process 




  • Recap the key points, such as the puzzle’s characteristics, its difficulty, and the time it took to solve.
  • Reflect on the impact of the puzzle-solving experience.
  • Conclude with a final thought on whether you would recommend the puzzle to others or if you plan to try similar puzzles in the future. 


IELTS Speaking Cue Card 2024 Topics With Samples

Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS Speaking test, Part 3 follows the cue card round with a two-way discussion. Here, the examiner asks follow-up questions that delve deeper into the topic introduced in the cue card. 


This section evaluates your ability to elaborate on ideas, offer explanations, and engage in a more spontaneous and detailed conversation. The questions posed by the examiner cover a range of topics, from personal opinions to broader perspectives related to the cue card topic, allowing you to demonstrate your ability to discuss and analyse various aspects effectively.

Q1. What made you interested in this puzzle?

Answer 1: I was drawn to this puzzle because of its intricate design and its challenge. I’ve always enjoyed puzzles that require both logical thinking and creativity, and this one promised to be a rewarding experience. The puzzle's reputation for being particularly challenging piqued my interest, and I was excited to test my problem-solving skills.

Answer 2: I was sparked to interest in this puzzle by a recommendation from a friend who knew I enjoyed puzzles. The theme was fascinating, and it involved solving a mystery, which added an element of intrigue. I was intrigued by the idea of completing a puzzle and unravelling a story, which made it even more appealing.

Q2. How long did it take you to complete the puzzle?

Answer 1: It took me about three days to complete the puzzle. I spent several hours each day working on it, and there were moments when I had to take breaks to clear my mind. The puzzle's complexity required careful attention and patience, but the sense of accomplishment when I finally finished was well worth the effort.

Answer 2: Completing the puzzle took me approximately a week. I tackled it in stages, working on it whenever I had free time. Some sections were more challenging than others, so I had to revisit them multiple times. Despite the time commitment, the gradual progress was satisfying, and finishing it was a rewarding experience.

Q3. Did you face any challenges while solving the puzzle?

Answer 1: Yes, I faced several challenges, particularly with some of the more intricate parts of the puzzle. There were moments when I felt stuck and had to step away to gain a fresh perspective. Figuring out the more complex sections required a lot of patience and trial and error, but overcoming these obstacles made the final solution even more satisfying.

Answer 2: The biggest challenge was dealing with the puzzle’s many pieces and figuring out how they all fit together. At times, it was difficult to see how certain parts connected, which made progress slow. I also found it challenging to stay motivated during the more tedious stages, but perseverance and problem-solving eventually led me to success.

Q4. What did you learn from playing this puzzle?

Answer 1: Playing this puzzle taught me the importance of patience and persistence. I learned that solving complex problems often requires breaking them down into smaller, manageable parts and being willing to revisit and revise my approach. It also reinforced the value of taking breaks to approach the problem with a fresh perspective.

Answer 2: I learned a lot about critical thinking and the value of systematic problem-solving. The puzzle required me to think strategically and keep track of various elements, which improved my organisational skills. It also highlighted how rewarding it can be to overcome challenges through careful planning and determination.


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Q. How long should I speak in Part 2?

Ans. You should aim to speak for the full 2 minutes in Part 2. If you finish early, the examiner might ask follow-up questions, but it’s best to keep talking until they stop you. Speaking for full-time allows you to demonstrate your ability to maintain a conversation on a single topic.

Q. Can I ask the examiner to repeat a question?

Ans. Yes, if you don’t understand a question, you can politely ask the examiner to repeat or rephrase it. This won’t affect your score, as the test assesses your ability to respond to questions, not your ability to understand them the first time. It's better to ask than to answer incorrectly.

Q. Can I take notes during Part 2?

Ans. Yes, during the 1-minute preparation time in Part 2, you can take notes on the paper provided. You can use these notes to guide your speech but don't read directly from them. Notes can help you stay organised and ensure you cover all the points on the cue card.

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