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Describe An Ambition That You Haven't Achieved

Updated on Oct 08, 2024, 14:37


An IELTS Speaking cue card is a pivotal component of the IELTS exam's speaking section. It provides candidates with a specific topic to discuss, offering an opportunity to showcase their language proficiency and communication skills. Today, we focus on the theme 'Describe An Ambition That You Haven't Achieved.' 

This topic encourages introspection about a significant aspiration you aspire to but haven't yet realised. By examining sample responses, we aim to provide valuable insights into crafting articulate and coherent answers for this cue card, fostering language proficiency, critical thinking, and self-awareness.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe An Ambition That You Haven't Achieved

You should say

  • What is it?
  • Why you haven’t achieved it?
  • What did you do?
  • And how do you feel about it?
Sample Answer 1

Introduction (Covers: What is it?):


  • One ambition I've yet to achieve is becoming fluent in a foreign language, mainly Spanish.
  • Since childhood, I've been intrigued by its melodious cadence and cultural richness.
  • Despite my fascination, various commitments and priorities have hindered my progress in dedicating consistent time to language learning.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: Why you haven’t achieved it?):


  • The allure of mastering Spanish stems from its global relevance and the doors it opens to diverse cultures.
  • Balancing educational, career, and personal commitments has left little room for consistent practice and immersion opportunities.
  • Despite setbacks, my passion for language learning persists, motivating me to persevere despite the challenges.


Key Highlights (Covers: What did you do?):


  • Enrolled in language courses, utilised online platforms, and engaged in language exchange programs to improve skills.
  • Each setback has served as a learning opportunity, reinforcing my determination to overcome obstacles.
  • My belief in turning this ambition into a reality remains strong through consistent effort and dedication.


Conclusion (Covers: And how do you feel about it?):


  • Despite not achieving fluency, ambition remains a source of motivation and personal growth.
  • The journey has taught me resilience, time management, and the importance of pursuing passions despite challenges.
  • Moving forward, committed to prioritising language learning, seizing every opportunity for immersion, and ultimately realising this ambition.
Sample Answer 2

Introduction (Covers: What is it?):


  • An ambition I've yet to achieve is writing and publishing a novel.
  • Writing has always been a passion of mine, and the idea of crafting a story that resonates with readers excites me.
  • Despite my enthusiasm, various obstacles have prevented me from fully realizing this ambition thus far.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: Why you haven’t achieved it?):


  • Writing allows me to explore my creativity and express myself in ways that nothing else does.
  • However, the demands of work, family, and other responsibilities have often taken precedence over dedicating substantial time to writing.
  • Despite setbacks, the desire to share my stories and connect with readers remains strong.


Key Highlights (Covers: What did you do?):


  • I started several manuscripts but struggled to find consistent time and inspiration to develop them.
  • I enrolled in writing workshops and joined writing groups to hone my skills and gain feedback.
  • Despite facing rejection and self-doubt, I persevered and refined my writing craft.


Conclusion (Covers: And how do you feel about it?):


  • Although I haven't yet achieved my goal of publishing a novel, the journey has been invaluable.
  • It has taught me resilience, discipline, and the importance of pursuing my passions despite obstacles.
  • Moving forward, I'm committed to dedicating more time to writing, seizing every opportunity to improve, and eventually seeing my novel in print.
Sample Answer 3

Introduction (Covers: What is it?):


  • An ambition I've yet to achieve is starting my own business.
  • Entrepreneurship has always fascinated me, offering the opportunity to innovate and create something impactful.
  • Despite my interest, various factors have delayed the realisation of this ambition.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: Why you haven’t achieved it?):


  • The prospect of building something from the ground up and contributing to the economy excites me.
  • However, financial constraints and fear of failure have prevented me from leaping.
  • Despite setbacks, the desire to pursue entrepreneurship and make a meaningful impact remains strong.


Key Highlights (Covers: What did you do?):


  • I researched business ideas and market trends to identify potential opportunities.
  • Developed business plans and sought advice from mentors and professionals in the field.
  • Despite setbacks and challenges, I continued to educate myself and refine my ideas.


Conclusion (Covers: And how do you feel about it?):


  • Although I haven't yet achieved my goal of starting my own business, the journey has been enlightening.
  • It has taught me resilience, resourcefulness, and the importance of perseverance in adversity.
  • From now on, I'm committed to overcoming obstacles, seizing opportunities, and eventually realising my dream of entrepreneurship.

Before understanding how to effectively answer cue card topics like ‘Describe An Ambition That You Haven't Achieved,’ it's essential to understand how mastering answer writing aids in your IELTS test performance. 

Clear and structured responses demonstrate your language proficiency and showcase your ability to articulate ideas under time constraints, a skill crucial for success in the speaking section.

When the cue card section commences, the examiner presents you with the cue card, usually containing a topic or question. They provide a pencil and paper to jot down key points if needed. You then have two minutes to prepare your response before speaking.


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To tackle cue card topics efficiently, follow these steps:


Introduction (Covers: What is it?)


  • Briefly introduce the ambition you haven't achieved.
  • Provide context for why this ambition is significant to you.
  • Clearly state your intentions for the response.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: Why you haven’t achieved it?): 


  • Reflect on why this ambition is important, showcasing your passion or interest.
  • Share any relevant personal experiences or anecdotes related to this ambition.
  • Express your feelings or emotions associated with this unfulfilled ambition.


Key Highlights (Covers: What did you do?)


  • Focus on key aspects of the ambition, such as your specific goal, challenges encountered, and efforts made to achieve it.
  • Highlight any obstacles or setbacks you faced in pursuing this ambition.
  • Discuss any lessons learned or skills acquired through striving towards this goal.


Conclusion (Covers: And how do you feel about it?):


  • Summarise your response by reiterating the importance of the unfulfilled ambition.
  • Reflect on the impact of not achieving this goal and any future aspirations or plans.
  • End with a closing remark that leaves a lasting impression on the examiner.


Adhering to these steps can structure your response effectively within two minutes, ensuring clarity and coherence in your answer to the cue card topic.


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Follow-Up Questions

After completing the cue card round, facing follow-up questions in the IELTS speaking test is common. 

These questions aim to dive deeper into the topic you've discussed and allow you to showcase your ability to express opinions and provide explanations. 


Expect questions about the broader theme of ambitions, personal experiences, and societal perspectives. Remember to stay calm, confident, and articulate in your responses.

Q1. What ambitions do children usually have?

Answer 1: Children often dream of becoming astronauts, doctors, or firefighters, inspired by their fascination with space, helping others, or the thrill of adventure. These ambitions ignite their imagination and drive them towards achieving extraordinary feats. 


Answer 2: Additionally, they may aspire to be athletes, musicians, or artists, driven by their passion for sports, music, or creativity. These aspirations allow them to explore their talents and express themselves creatively.

Q2. Why are some people very ambitious in their work?

Answer 1: Some individuals are highly ambitious in their careers because they strive for success, recognition, and personal fulfilment. They set high standards for themselves and are determined to achieve their goals, no matter the obstacles. 


Answer 2: Additionally, ambitious individuals are motivated by challenges, growth opportunities, and the desire to make a meaningful impact in their field. They see their work as a platform for innovation and progress and constantly push themselves to reach new heights.

Q3. Why don’t some people have dreams?

Answer 1: Some people may lack dreams due to past experiences, limited exposure to opportunities, or societal constraints that discourage ambition. They may have been discouraged or faced setbacks that have diminished their belief in pursuing ambitious goals. 


Answer 2: Additionally, individuals facing adversity or mental health issues may find it challenging to envision a brighter future or set ambitious goals. Their focus may be on survival rather than dreaming of achievements.

Q4. How do people balance work and life?

Answer 1: People balance work and life by prioritising tasks, setting boundaries, and allocating time for relaxation and personal interests. They recognise the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between professional and personal commitments. 


Answer 2: Effective time management, delegation, and communication with colleagues and family members contribute to maintaining a healthy work-life balance. By efficiently managing their time and responsibilities, they ensure they have quality time for both work and leisure.


Q. How do I improve my speaking skills?

Ans. Improving your speaking skills requires consistent practice and exposure to the language. Engage in daily conversations with native speakers or language partners to enhance your fluency and pronunciation. Additionally, listening to podcasts, watching English movies, and reading aloud can help improve your speaking confidence and vocabulary. Don't be afraid to make mistakes; they're a natural part of the learning process and can help you grow as a speaker.

Q. What is the duration of Part 2 speaking IELTS?

Ans. Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking test typically lasts for two minutes. You'll be given a cue card with a specific topic to discuss during this time. You'll have one minute to prepare your response, after which you'll speak uninterrupted for two minutes. It's important to manage your time effectively and structure your response to cover all aspects of the given topic within the allotted time frame.

Q. What if I fail my IELTS speaking test?

Ans. If you fail your IELTS speaking test, don't be discouraged. It's essential to analyse your performance and identify areas for improvement. Consider seeking feedback from a qualified English language tutor or examiner to understand your strengths and weaknesses. Focus on practising speaking tasks regularly and addressing any specific issues that may have contributed to your performance. Remember that failure is a stepping stone to success, and with dedication and perseverance, you can improve your speaking skills and achieve your desired score in the future.

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