
Describe Yourself In An Interview: IELTS Cue Card

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Updated on Jul 02, 2024, 09:03

In IELTS Speaking, a cue card guides what you'll discuss during the test. Today, we're focusing on how to describe yourself in a job interview—a vital skill for explaining your qualities and suitability for a job role. You'll learn how to talk about your strengths, experiences, and why you're the right person for the job. 

Throughout this page, we'll provide detailed sample answers to show you exactly how to approach this topic in your speaking test preparation, helping you feel more confident and prepared for your interview.

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1. Describe Yourself In An Interview: How to Answer?

When the cue card section starts, the examiner will give you a cue card with a topic written on it. You'll have one minute to prepare what you want to say, and then you'll need to speak for about two minutes on that topic.

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2. Describe Yourself In An Interview: Sample Answers

Find the Sample Answers for Describe Yourself In An Interview IELTS Cue Card here.

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3. Describe Yourself In An Interview: Follow-Up Questions

After completing the cue card round, the examiner will ask you some follow-up questions to further explore the topic. 

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Describe Yourself In An Interview: How to Answer?

When the cue card section starts, the examiner will give you a cue card with a topic written on it. You'll have one minute to prepare what you want to say, and then you'll need to speak for about two minutes on that topic.

To answer cue card topics like ‘Describe Yourself In An Interview’, it's best to break down your response into smaller sections: Introduction, describing your experience/ opinion/ interest, key highlights, and conclusion. 


Cue Card Topic: Describe Yourself In An Interview
You should say

  • What are your key personality traits?
  • How did you developed it?
  • How it has helped you in career?
  • Have you faced personality-testing challenges?



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This helps you organise your thoughts and deliver a well-rounded answer within the time limit.




  • Start by introducing yourself with your name and profession or field of expertise.
  • Express your enthusiasm for discussing your personality traits in the interview.
  • Set a positive tone for the conversation and invite the interviewer to learn more about you.


What are your key personality traits?


  • Identify and discuss 2-3 key personality traits that are relevant to the job or situation.
  • Provide specific examples or anecdotes to illustrate each trait.
  • Explain how these traits contribute to your effectiveness and success in your personal and professional life.


How did you develop it?


  • Share experiences, education, or mentors that have influenced the development of your key traits.
  • Reflect on challenges or growth moments that helped shape these characteristics.
  • Discuss any deliberate efforts or strategies you used to nurture and enhance these traits over time.


How it has helped you in career?


  • Explain how your key personality traits have positively impacted your career or professional endeavours.
  • Provide concrete examples of situations where these traits have led to successful outcomes.
  • Discuss any recognition or feedback you've received regarding these traits in a professional context.


Have you faced personality-testing challenges?


  • Acknowledge any instances where your personality traits posed challenges or conflicts.
  • Describe how you addressed or overcame these challenges, highlighting problem-solving skills.
  • Share lessons learned or adjustments made to mitigate potential issues in the future.




  • Summarise your key personality traits and their significance in your personal and professional life.
  • Express gratitude for the opportunity to discuss your strengths and experiences.
  • Reiterate your enthusiasm for the potential to contribute positively in the given role or situation.

Describe Yourself In An Interview: Sample Answers

Find the Sample Answers for Describe Yourself In An Interview IELTS Cue Card here.

Sample Answer 1
Sample Answer 2
Sample Answer 3



Hello, my name is Priya Sharma, and I work as a software engineer. I am thrilled to have this chance to talk about my personality traits with you today, within the context of Indian culture.


What are your key personality traits?


One of my key personality traits is adaptability. As a software engineer, I encounter a variety of challenges daily, from changing project requirements to evolving technologies. My adaptability allows me to approach problems from different perspectives, finding innovative solutions. Additionally, I possess strong communication skills, which enable me to effectively convey technical concepts to both technical and non-technical stakeholders.


How did you develop it?


I attribute my adaptability to my experiences working on diverse projects and teams. Early in my career, I embraced opportunities to step out of my comfort zone, taking on unfamiliar tasks and learning from each new challenge. Seeking feedback from colleagues and mentors has also played a significant role in my development, helping me refine my approach and expand my skill set.


How it has helped you in career?


My adaptability and communication skills have been invaluable throughout my career. When faced with tight deadlines or unexpected obstacles, I am able to pivot quickly and find alternative solutions, ensuring that projects stay on track. Moreover, my ability to effectively communicate technical concepts has strengthened relationships with clients and stakeholders, fostering trust and collaboration. These traits have not only helped me succeed in my current role but have also opened doors to new opportunities for growth and leadership.


Have you faced personality-testing challenges?


Certainly, there have been instances where my adaptability has been put to the test. For example, during a challenging project, there were frequent changes to the project scope and requirements. While initially daunting, I approached each change as an opportunity to reassess our strategy and adjust our approach accordingly. By maintaining open communication with my team and stakeholders, we were able to navigate these changes successfully and deliver a high-quality product on time.




In conclusion, my adaptability and communication skills have played a significant role in my personal and professional development as a software engineer. I am grateful for the opportunities I've had to cultivate these traits, and for the positive impact, they've had on my career thus far. I am excited to continue leveraging these strengths in future endeavours and contributing to innovative projects and teams.


Describe Yourself In An Interview: Follow-Up Questions

After completing the cue card round, the examiner will ask you some follow-up questions to further explore the topic. These questions allow you to elaborate on your previous answers, share additional information, and demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively. They aim to assess your fluency, coherence, and ability to express ideas in depth.


Follow-Up Question 1

Q1. Can you tell me more about your previous work experience?


Answer 1: "Certainly! In my previous role as a marketing executive, I was responsible for developing and implementing digital marketing strategies to enhance brand visibility and drive customer engagement. I also collaborated with cross-functional teams to launch successful campaigns and initiatives."

Answer 2: "Of course! I have extensive experience in project management, having led diverse teams on various initiatives. My role involved overseeing project timelines, allocating resources efficiently, and ensuring deliverables were met on time and within budget."

Follow-Up Question 2

Q2. What skills do you think are most important for this job?

Answer 1: "I believe strong communication skills are crucial for this role, as it involves liaising with clients and stakeholders to understand their needs and provide effective solutions. Additionally, attention to detail and problem-solving skills are essential to ensure tasks are completed accurately and efficiently."


Answer 2: "The ability to work well in a team is vital for this job, as collaboration is often required to brainstorm ideas, troubleshoot issues, and achieve project objectives. Adaptability and a willingness to learn are also important, given the dynamic nature of the industry."

Follow-Up Question 3

Q3. How do you handle challenges or conflicts in the workplace?

Answer 1: "When faced with challenges or conflicts, I adopt a proactive approach by addressing issues promptly and openly communicating with all parties involved. I strive to understand different perspectives and find mutually beneficial solutions through constructive dialogue and compromise."


Answer 2: "I believe in maintaining professionalism and composure during challenging situations, focusing on finding solutions rather than dwelling on the problem. I am adept at de-escalating conflicts by listening actively, empathising with others' viewpoints, and finding common ground to resolve disputes amicably."

Follow-Up Question 4

Q4. Could you describe a situation where you demonstrated leadership skills?

Answer 1: "Certainly! In my previous role as team leader, I successfully motivated and guided my team to achieve our quarterly sales targets. Through effective delegation and mentoring, I empowered team members to take ownership of their tasks and contribute to our collective success."

Answer 2: "I had the opportunity to lead a cross-departmental project where I coordinated efforts between various teams to launch a new product line. By fostering collaboration and ensuring clear communication channels, I was able to steer the project to completion ahead of schedule and within budget."

Follow-Up Question 5

Q5. What are your long-term career goals, and how does this job fit into your plans?


Answer 1: "My long-term career goal is to advance into a leadership position where I can leverage my skills and experience to drive organisational growth and innovation. This job aligns perfectly with my aspirations, as it offers opportunities for professional development and advancement within the company."

Answer 2: "I am passionate about continuous learning and personal growth, and I see this job as a stepping stone towards achieving my career goals. By gaining valuable experience and expanding my skill set in this role, I aim to position myself for future leadership opportunities and make a meaningful impact in the industry."

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Q. How to crack the Cue Card task?

Ans. Prepare for the cue card by brainstorming key points in a minute. Speak for 2-4 minutes naturally, using vivid examples to showcase fluency. Emphasize communication skills, problem-solving abilities, teamwork, and adaptability. Practice beforehand to build confidence and avoid memorization. Stay calm, assess situations, and collaborate with team members to solve problems effectively. Lead with enthusiasm, aiming for clarity and coherence in your responses to impress the examiner.

Q. Which part is the most important in IELTS speaking?

Ans. In IELTS speaking, each part holds significance, but the cue card section is often considered pivotal. It challenges candidates to articulate thoughts coherently within a time constraint, showcasing fluency, vocabulary, and coherence. Effective planning and organization during the one-minute preparation time are crucial. However, follow-up questions also play a vital role, allowing candidates to delve deeper into topics, demonstrating further linguistic skills and the ability to engage in extended discourse.

Q. Is there a specific structure I should follow when responding to speaking test topics?

Ans. While flexibility is key, following a structured approach can enhance your response in IELTS speaking. Start with a concise introduction, followed by detailed points supported by examples. Highlight key features or experiences, then conclude by summarizing your main points. This structure ensures coherence and clarity, helping you effectively convey your ideas within the time limit. However, adapt your structure based on the topic's requirements to maintain relevance and coherence in your response.