

Describe A Success You Are Proud Of: IELTS Cue Card

Updated on Aug 28, 2024, 20:04


An IELTS Speaking cue card is a prompt used to assess your speaking skills in the IELTS exam. It's a crucial part of the Speaking section, where you have to speak fluently and coherently on a given topic. 

In this practice test, we will understand the cue card topic ‘Describe a success you are proud of.’ This prompt will give you the opportunity to share a personal achievement that holds significance to you. 

We will explore sample answers to help you effectively address this topic during your IELTS Speaking test.

Sample Answer 1



  • One success I'm particularly proud of is completing my university degree with distinction. It was a significant milestone in my academic journey and a testament to my dedication and hard work.
  • I'm proud to have successfully launched my own small business last year. It was a challenging yet rewarding experience that taught me valuable lessons in entrepreneurship and resilience.
  • Achieving my fitness goals and running my first marathon was a success that filled me with immense pride. It required months of training and discipline, but crossing that finish line was an unforgettable moment of triumph.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest


  • Pursuing my degree was a long-term goal that required commitment and sacrifice. Despite facing academic challenges and personal setbacks, I persevered and focused strongly on my studies.
  • Starting my own business was a leap of faith stemming from my passion for entrepreneurship. I poured my heart and soul into building my brand and navigating the business's complexities.
  • Training for the marathon was a transformative journey that pushed me physically and mentally beyond my limits. The sense of accomplishment I felt on race day was indescribable, knowing I had overcome doubts and obstacles to reach the finish line.


Key Highlights


  • Graduating with distinction validated my academic abilities and opened doors to exciting opportunities in my field of study. It was a proud moment for me and my family, marking the culmination of years of hard work and dedication.
  • Launching my business allowed me to pursue my passion and create something meaningful. Despite the challenges of entrepreneurship, seeing my vision come to life and positively impacting my community was incredibly rewarding.
  • Completing the marathon was a defining moment that taught me the power of perseverance and self-belief. Crossing the finish line symbolised physical endurance, mental strength, and determination.




  • In conclusion, these successes serve as reminders of the importance of setting goals, staying resilient in the face of adversity, and celebrating achievements, no matter how big or small.
  • They have shaped me into the person I am today, instilling a sense of determination, perseverance, and self-belief.
  • As I continue on my journey, I carry with me the lessons learned from these experiences, ready to face new challenges and pursue further successes.
Sample Answer 2



  • One success that stands out in my memory is winning the regional debating championship in high school. It was a moment of triumph that showcased my communication skills and ability to think critically under pressure.
  • Another success I'm proud of is volunteering to lead a community clean-up initiative. It was a rewarding experience that brought together neighbours to make a positive impact on the environment.
  • Securing a coveted internship at a top-tier company was a significant achievement that marked a milestone in my career journey. It provided me with invaluable professional experience and networking opportunities.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest


  • Participating in the debating championship required extensive preparation and teamwork. Despite facing formidable opponents, I remained composed and articulate, delivering persuasive arguments that resonated with the judges.
  • Organising the community clean-up initiative was a labour of love that stemmed from my passion for environmental sustainability. It was heartening to see members of the community come together to support a common cause and make a tangible difference in our neighbourhood.
  • Securing the internship involved rigorous application and interview processes. I seized the opportunity to learn from seasoned professionals, immerse myself in challenging projects, and expand my skill set in a dynamic work environment.


Key Highlights


  • Winning the debating championship not only brought recognition to my school but also boosted my confidence and public speaking abilities. It was a gratifying experience to see my hard work and dedication pay off on a competitive stage.
  • The community clean-up initiative garnered positive feedback from residents and local authorities, highlighting the impact of collective action in fostering a cleaner and healthier environment.
  • The internship provided me with invaluable insights into the corporate world and paved the way for future career opportunities. It was a stepping stone towards achieving my professional aspirations and realising my potential in the workplace.




  • In conclusion, these successes have left a lasting impression on me, shaping my character and reinforcing my belief in the power of determination and perseverance.
  • They serve as reminders of the importance of seizing opportunities, embracing challenges, and making a positive impact, both in my personal and professional life.
  • As I reflect on these achievements, I am filled with gratitude for the experiences that have moulded me into the resilient and ambitious individual I am today, poised to pursue new heights of success in the future.
Sample Answer 3



  • One of my most cherished successes is winning the school's science fair competition during my final year of high school. It was a culmination of months of research, experimentation, and dedication, and it remains a proud moment in my academic journey.
  • Another success that brings me great pride is completing a challenging hiking expedition to the summit of a mountain. It tested my physical endurance and mental resilience, and reaching the peak was a moment of triumph I will never forget.
  • Securing a scholarship to study abroad was a significant achievement that opened doors to new opportunities and cultural experiences. It was a testament to my academic achievements and aspirations for personal growth.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest


  • Participating in the science fair competition required meticulous planning and execution. I immersed myself in scientific inquiry, conducting experiments and analysing data to support my hypotheses. Presenting my findings to a panel of judges was both nerve-wracking and exhilarating, and winning the top prize filled me with a sense of accomplishment.
  • Embarking on the hiking expedition was a transformative experience that pushed me out of my comfort zone. Enduring challenging terrain and unpredictable weather conditions tested my physical and mental limits, but the breathtaking views and sense of achievement upon reaching the summit made it all worthwhile.
  • Securing the scholarship culminated years of hard work and academic excellence. It provided me with the opportunity to pursue higher education in a multicultural environment, broadening my horizons and shaping my perspective on the world.


Key Highlights


  • Winning the science fair competition not only brought recognition to my school but also affirmed my passion for scientific inquiry and discovery. It sparked my interest in pursuing a career in STEM fields and fostered my curiosity for exploring the unknown.
  • Conquering the mountain summit instilled in me a newfound appreciation for nature's beauty and the importance of perseverance in the face of adversity. It taught me valuable lessons about resilience, determination, and the rewards of pushing beyond my limits.
  • Receiving the scholarship was a transformative moment that paved the way for my academic and personal growth. It provided me with the opportunity to pursue my educational aspirations and connect with like-minded individuals from diverse backgrounds.




  • In conclusion, these successes have shaped me into the resilient and ambitious individual I am today, instilling in me a sense of determination, curiosity, and gratitude for life's challenges and opportunities.
  • They serve as reminders of the importance of perseverance, passion, and embracing new experiences in pursuit of personal and academic excellence.
  • As I look forward to the future, I am filled with optimism and excitement for the adventures and achievements that lie ahead, confident in my ability to overcome obstacles and pursue my dreams with unwavering determination.

Understanding how to answer cue card topics effectively can significantly improve your performance in the IELTS Speaking test. By knowing how to structure your responses, you can ensure you address all aspects of the topic clearly and coherently, making a positive impression on the examiner.


When the cue card section starts, the examiner will hand you a cue card with the topic ‘Describe a success you are proud of.’ You will have one minute to prepare your response before speaking for up to two minutes.


Here is the cue card for this practice test topic:


Cue Card/Topic: Describe A Success You Are Proud Of You should say
  • What you did?
  • When did you do it?
  • How did you feel about it?
  • Why did that success make you proud?



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The best way to answer these cue cards is by breaking your response into small, manageable parts:




  • Begin by briefly introducing the success you will discuss.
  • Mention why this success is significant to you.
  • Provide a hint about how you achieved this success.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest


  • Share the background or context of the success.
  • Explain why this particular success is meaningful to you.
  • Discuss any challenges you faced and how you overcame them to achieve success.


Key Highlights


  • Describe the specific achievements or milestones that contribute to this success.
  • Highlight any recognition or rewards you received for your achievement.
  • Discuss the impact of this success on your personal or professional life.




  • Summarise the key points of your success story.
  • Reflect on what you have learned from this experience.
  • Conclude with a positive statement about how this success has influenced you.

Describe A Success You Are Proud Of: Follow-Up Questions

After the cue card round, you can expect follow-up questions from the examiner. These questions delve deeper into the topic you discussed, allowing you to demonstrate your ability to express opinions, provide explanations, and engage in a discussion. 

The follow-up questions aim to assess your fluency, coherence, and ability to express ideas spontaneously. Be prepared to expand on your initial response and engage in a meaningful conversation with the examiner.

Follow-Up Question 1

1. How to measure a person’s success?


Answer 1: Various factors can measure a person's success, including academic achievements, career progression, financial stability, and contributions to society. These objective measures provide tangible evidence of one's accomplishments and impact. However, success is also subjective and can be influenced by personal values, goals, and aspirations.


Answer 2: Success can also be measured by the fulfilment and satisfaction individuals derive from their accomplishments. It's about finding joy and purpose in what you do, maintaining meaningful relationships, and leading a balanced and fulfilling life. Ultimately, success is not just about external recognition or material wealth but about living authentically and making a positive difference in the world.

Follow-Up Question 2

2. Do you think the way people gain success has changed?


Answer 1: Yes, how people gain success has significantly changed in recent years. With the advent of technology and the rise of the digital economy, opportunities for success have become more accessible and diverse. The traditional linear career paths have been replaced by non-traditional routes such as freelancing, entrepreneurship, and remote work.


Answer 2: Moreover, the definition of success has evolved to encompass a broader range of achievements beyond financial wealth and status. People increasingly prioritise work-life balance, personal development, and social impact in their pursuit of success. The emphasis on creativity, innovation, and adaptability has reshaped the pathways to success in today's rapidly changing world.

Follow-Up Question 3

3. How do you define success?


Answer 1: To me, success is the culmination of achieving personal goals, realising one's potential, and making a positive impact on others and society. It's about continuous growth, learning from failures, and striving for excellence in life. Success is not just about reaching a destination but also about enjoying the journey and finding fulfilment in the pursuit of meaningful goals.


Answer 2: Furthermore, success is deeply intertwined with happiness, fulfilment, and overall well-being. It's about finding joy in everyday moments, cultivating meaningful relationships, and living authentically according to one's values and passions. Success is a subjective concept that varies from person to person and evolves over time as individuals grow and change.

Follow-Up Question 4

4. What’s the most difficult thing you have ever done?


Answer 1: The most challenging experience I've faced was overcoming my fear of public speaking. It required consistent effort and practice to build confidence, manage anxiety, and deliver presentations effectively. Pushing past my comfort zone and facing my fears head-on was a daunting yet rewarding journey that taught me valuable lessons in resilience and self-belief.


Answer 2: Another significant challenge I encountered was navigating a major career transition. It involved leaving behind familiarity and security to pursue a new path filled with uncertainty and risk. Adapting to change, learning new skills, and overcoming self-doubt were formidable obstacles that tested my resilience and determination to succeed in unfamiliar territory.


Q. What is the duration of Part 2 speaking IELTS?

Ans. The Part 2 speaking section of the IELTS exam typically lasts for about 3-4 minutes. During this time, you will be given a cue card with a topic to discuss. You'll have one minute to prepare your response, then speak uninterrupted for up to two minutes. After that, the examiner may ask a follow-up question about the cue card topic.

Q. What vital language elements should I remember while attempting the cue card section?

Ans. When attempting the cue card section, remember to use a wide range of vocabulary to express your ideas clearly and precisely. Pay attention to your grammar and sentence structure to ensure coherence and fluency in your speech. Use linking words and phrases to connect your ideas smoothly and transition between different aspects of the topic.

Q. What can I do if I don’t understand the cue card topic?

Ans. If you need help understanding the cue card topic, don't panic. Take a deep breath and read the cue card carefully, paying attention to keywords and context clues. If there's a specific word or phrase you don't understand, try to infer its meaning based on the surrounding text. You can ask the examiner for clarification before speaking if you're still unsure. Remember, it's essential to stay calm and composed during the test.

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