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Describe A Time When You Helped Someone

Updated on Oct 08, 2024, 15:10


An IELTS Speaking cue card is a prompt used in the Speaking test where you are asked to speak about a specific topic for 1-2 minutes. These cue cards are essential to the test and are designed to assess your ability to speak fluently and coherently in English.

One such topic is  'Describe A Time When You Helped Someone'. Think about a person you assisted, why you decided to help, how you offered your support, and the emotions you felt afterwards. This topic encourages you to reflect on a meaningful interaction, showcasing your ability to narrate personal experiences clearly.


On this page, we'll explore sample answers to help you understand how to structure your response effectively.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe A Time When You Helped Someone

You should say

  • Whom you helped?
  • How you helped?
  • How this person reacted to your help?
  • How did you feel after helping him/her?
Sample Answer 1

Introduction ( Covers: Whom you helped?)


  • A few months ago, I helped my cousin, Anjali, who was preparing for her competitive exams. She was having trouble with the Mathematics section.
  • Anjali and I are very close, and I knew she was anxious about her performance, as these exams were crucial for her future.
  • She approached me one evening, visibly stressed, and asked if I could help her with some difficult topics she couldn’t grasp.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest  ( Covers: How you helped?


  • I started by breaking down the difficult topics into simpler parts. We focused on algebra and geometry, where she faced the most challenges.
  • I used visual aids like diagrams and charts to explain the concepts, which made it easier for her to understand.
  • We set up a study schedule and met every evening for a couple of hours. I also gave her practice problems to work on independently.


Key Highlights ( Covers: How this person reacted to your help?)


  • Initially, Anjali was a bit overwhelmed, but gradually, she started showing improvement. Her confidence grew with each passing day.
  • She was particularly happy when she solved a set of problems on her own. Her excitement and relief were evident.
  • Anjali often thanked me for my patience and support. She even said that she had begun to enjoy studying Maths, which was a big change for her.


Conclusion (Covers: How did you feel after helping him/her?)


  • Helping Anjali was a rewarding experience for me. I felt proud to see her progress and gain confidence in a subject she once dreaded.
  • It also strengthened our bond, as we spent a lot of time together working towards her goal.
  • The entire experience made me realise the joy of teaching and the impact of patience and encouragement. I was happy to have played a part in her success.
Sample Answer 2

Introduction  (Covers: Whom you helped?)


  • Last year, I helped my friend, Rajesh, who was struggling with his English project. He needed to write an essay, but he wasn't confident in his writing skills.
  • Rajesh and I have been friends since childhood, and I knew how much this project meant to him as it was crucial for his final grade.
  • One evening, he came to my house, looking quite worried, and asked if I could assist him with the essay.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: How you helped?


  • I started by discussing the essay topic with Rajesh to understand his ideas and viewpoints. We brainstormed together and outlined the main points he wanted to cover.
  • I helped him structure the essay, breaking it down into an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. We worked on each section step by step.
  • I also reviewed his drafts, providing feedback on grammar and coherence. We spent several evenings refining the essay until he felt satisfied with it.


Key Highlights ( Covers: How this person reacted to your help?)

  • Initially, Rajesh was nervous and unsure of his writing. However, as we progressed, he became more confident and engaged in the process.
  • He was thrilled when he saw the final answer to his essay. His excitement was palpable, and he couldn’t stop thanking me for the support.
  • Rajesh was particularly appreciative of the feedback and guidance, saying it made a significant difference in his understanding of essay writing.


Conclusion (Covers: How did you feel after helping him/her?)


  • I felt immensely satisfied after helping Rajesh. It was gratifying to see his improvement and confidence grow through our sessions.
  • The experience also strengthened our friendship, as we spent quality time working together towards a common goal.
  • I realised the value of patience and constructive feedback in teaching. It was a fulfilling experience to see Rajesh succeed and gain new skills.
Sample Answer 3

Introduction (Covers: Whom you helped?)


  • A couple of months ago, I helped my neighbour, Mrs Sharma, who was struggling to set up her new smartphone. She’s an elderly lady and not very tech-savvy.
  • Mrs. Sharma has always been kind to my family, and I felt it was my duty to assist her when she needed help.
  • She came to my house one evening with her new phone and asked if I could help her understand how to use it.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: How you helped?


  • I started by setting up the phone for her, which included installing the necessary apps and creating accounts for her.
  • I showed her how to make calls, send messages, and use WhatsApp, as she wanted to stay in touch with her family.
  • I also wrote down simple instructions and organised a small tutorial session with her, ensuring she felt comfortable using the phone on her own.


Key Highlights  (Covers: How this person reacted to your help?)


  • At first, Mrs. Sharma was a bit overwhelmed with all the new features, but she quickly picked up the basics with my guidance.
  • She was delighted when she made her first video call to her granddaughter. The joy on her face was priceless, and she couldn’t stop thanking me.
  • Mrs. Sharma was very appreciative of the written instructions, saying they made her feel more confident in using the smartphone independently.


Conclusion (Covers: How did you feel after helping him/her?)


  • Helping Mrs. Sharma was a heartwarming experience. It felt great to see her connect with her family through technology.
  • The experience also reminded me of the importance of patience and clear communication when teaching someone new skills.
  • I was happy to have made a positive impact on her daily life, and it strengthened our neighbourly bond. It was a truly rewarding experience.

When the cue card section starts, the examiner will give you a cue card with a topic. You’ll have one minute to prepare your response and then speak for up to two minutes.


The best way to answer a cue card is to break it down into smaller pieces: introduction, describing your experience, key highlights, and conclusion. To structure your response effectively, you can explore various tips and tricks for the IELTS speaking test.


Here’s how you can approach the topic "Describe A Time When You Helped Someone:




  • Briefly introduce the person you helped and the context of the situation.
  • Mention why they needed your help.
  • Explain how you became involved.


Describing Your Experience:


  • Describe what you did to assist them, using active verbs and details.
  • Share your thoughts or feelings at the time
  • Explain how you approached the situation.


Key Highlights:


  • Highlight specific actions or moments that stood out during your help.
  • Discuss any challenges you faced and how you overcame them.




  • Summarise the overall experience and its impact on you.
  • Mention any lessons learned or the broader significance of helping others
  • Conclude with a final thought or reflection on your passion for the sport.


By following this structure, you can ensure your response is clear, organised, and within the two-minute limit.

Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS Speaking test, after you finish speaking about your cue card topic, the examiner will ask follow-up questions. This part typically lasts 4-5 minutes and is designed to assess your ability to express and justify opinions, analyse, discuss issues, and speculate about future scenarios. 


The questions will be more abstract and might require you to think on a broader level.

Q1. How do people usually help each other?

Answer 1: In my experience, people often help each other through small acts of kindness. For instance, neighbours might assist each other with household chores or share food during festivals. In workplaces, colleagues might help each other with tasks or cover shifts. These everyday actions foster a sense of community and support.


Answer 2: I believe people commonly help each other by offering emotional support and practical assistance. Friends and family members often provide a listening ear or advice during tough times. In communities, people might organise volunteer groups to assist those in need, such as helping the elderly or participating in clean-up drives. These actions strengthen social bonds and create a caring environment.

Q2: Many people only look out for themselves and never think about helping others. What do you think of this attitude?

Answer 1: I think this self-centred attitude is detrimental to society. When people focus solely on their own needs, it creates a sense of isolation and weakens community ties. Helping others not only benefits those in need but also fosters a sense of fulfilment and interconnectedness. We should encourage a culture of empathy and mutual support.


Answer 2: I believe that prioritising only oneself can lead to a lack of social harmony. While self-care is important, ignoring the needs of others can result in a selfish and uncaring community. Helping others builds trust and cooperation, which are essential for a healthy society. We should balance our personal interests with a willingness to support others.

Q3: What is the most important way for a country to help visitors?

Answer 1: The most important way for a country to help visitors is by providing clear and accessible information. This includes multilingual signs, tourist information centres, and helpful guides. Additionally, ensuring the safety and security of visitors through efficient public services and emergency assistance is crucial for a positive experience.


Answer 2: I think offering excellent transportation services is vital for helping visitors. Efficient public transport systems make it easier for tourists to explore and enjoy their stay. Providing maps, apps, and guides in multiple languages also helps visitors navigate the country confidently and safely, enhancing their overall experience.

Q4: How do people in your community help one another?

Answer 1: In my community, people often help each other through various social initiatives. For example, we have community drives where people donate clothes and food to those in need. During festivals, neighbours come together to organise events and ensure everyone is included. These activities foster a strong sense of unity and support.


Answer 2: People in my community frequently assist each other through everyday interactions. Neighbours often share home-cooked meals and help with household chores. During emergencies, such as power outages or medical needs, the community comes together to provide support and resources. This spirit of cooperation makes our community a pleasant place to live.


Q. How can I get 8.5 in IELTS speaking?

Ans. To achieve an 8.5 in IELTS speaking, focus on fluency and coherence, use a wide range of vocabulary, demonstrate grammatical accuracy, and pronounce words clearly. Practice regularly, get feedback from experienced tutors, and immerse yourself in English-speaking environments.

Q. Is there any dress code for speaking in IELTS?

Ans. There is no official dress code for the IELTS speaking test. However, dressing smartly and comfortably can boost your confidence and create a positive impression on the examiner. Wearing neat and tidy attire can help you feel more professional and prepared for the test.

Q. How do I improve my speaking skills?

Ans. Improve your speaking skills by practising regularly with native speakers, recording and reviewing your responses, expanding your vocabulary, focusing on pronunciation, and seeking feedback from qualified instructors. Engage in daily conversations, join speaking clubs, and utilise online resources to enhance your fluency and coherence.

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