

Describe a Person Who you Think is Very Open: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

Updated on Sep 12, 2024, 05:25


The IELTS Speaking Test topic "Describe a Person Who You Think Is Very Open" asks you to talk about someone you know who is transparent, approachable, and willing to share their thoughts and feelings. In this topic, you should describe the person's characteristics, provide examples of their openness, and explain why you admire this quality in them. It's important to consider how their openness impacts their relationships and how it influences your perception of them.


Practising this topic will help you enhance your IELTS Speaking skills by encouraging you to use descriptive language, provide specific examples, and express personal opinions. It also helps you develop the ability to discuss personality traits, which is a common theme in the speaking test. This practice will improve your fluency and coherence, allowing you to deliver well-rounded responses in the exam.


Cue Card/Topic: Describe a Person Who you Think is Very Open

You should say

  • Who is the person?
  • How do you know them?
  • Why do you think they’re very open?
  • How do you feel about them?
Sample Answer 1

Introduction (Covers: Who is the person?)


  • My friend Rohan is very open. 
  • We’ve been friends since college, and I’ve come to admire his straightforward and honest nature over the years. 
  • Rohan is the kind of person who always speaks his mind, no matter the situation, and this quality makes him stand out.


Describing the Person (Covers: How do you know them?)


  • I met Rohan during our first year at university, and we quickly became close friends. 
  • From the beginning, I noticed that he differed from others in how he communicated. 
  • He never hesitated to share his thoughts or feelings, even when they were difficult to express. 
  • Whether about academic stress or personal challenges, Rohan would openly discuss his experiences, which helped us build a strong bond.


Key Highlights (Covers: Why do you think they’re very open?)


  • Rohan’s openness is evident in his approach to personal and professional relationships. 
  • He is always willing to engage in deep, meaningful conversations and listens to others with genuine interest. 
  • His openness stems from his confidence and belief that honesty leads to stronger connections. 
  • He’s not afraid to be vulnerable, which also encourages those around him to be more open. 
  • This has had a positive impact on our friendship and the way I interact with others.


Conclusion (Covers: How do you feel about them?)


  • I feel fortunate to have someone like Rohan in my life. 
  • His openness has taught me the value of honesty and transparency, both with myself and others. 
  • It’s refreshing to have a friend who is so genuine and trustworthy. 
  • Rohan’s openness has made our friendship stronger, and I admire him for being true to himself in every aspect of his life.
Sample Answer 2

Introduction (Covers: Who is the person?)

  • My aunt, Priya, is very open. 
  • She has always been a key figure in our family, known for her candid nature and willingness to discuss any topic without hesitation. 
  • Her openness makes her approachable, and she’s someone everyone in the family turns to for advice.


Describing the Person (Covers: How do you know them?)

  • I’ve known my Aunt Priya since childhood, and she’s always been like a second mother to me. 
  • Growing up, I noticed how she was never afraid to speak her mind, whether by sharing her opinions during family discussions or giving me honest advice when needed. 
  • Her ability to express herself clearly and openly has always made a strong impression.


Key Highlights (Covers: Why do you think they’re very open?)

  • My aunt's transparency in sharing her life experiences, both the good and the bad, makes her particularly open. 
  • She often talks about her challenges and how she overcame them, which provides valuable lessons and creates a deep sense of trust. 
  • Her openness comes from her belief that honest communication is the foundation of strong relationships. 
  • She never sugar-coats things but always speaks with kindness and understanding, which I admire greatly.


Conclusion (Covers: How do you feel about them?)

  • I feel incredibly lucky to have someone like my aunt Priya in my life. 
  • Her openness has profoundly influenced me, teaching me the importance of honesty and clear communication. 
  • She’s a role model in how to live authentically, and I deeply respect her for being so genuine. 
  • Her openness has strengthened our bond, and I always feel comfortable sharing anything with her, knowing she’ll respond with honesty and care.
Sample Answer 3

Introduction (Covers: Who is the person?)

  • My colleague Rajesh is someone I consider very open. 
  • We’ve been working together for the past three years, and his openness and honesty have consistently stood out during this time. 
  • Rajesh has a unique ability to express his thoughts and feelings clearly, making him a valuable and trusted team member.


Describing the Person (Covers: How do you know them?)

  • I first got to know Rajesh when we collaborated on a major project at work. 
  • From the start, I noticed that he wasn’t afraid to voice his opinions, even if they were different from others. 
  • He always makes it a point to be transparent in his communication, whether it’s giving constructive feedback or discussing his own challenges. 
  • This quality has helped us work together effectively and has made him someone I deeply respect.


Key Highlights (Covers: Why do you think they’re very open?)

  • Rajesh’s openness is particularly evident in the way he handles difficult situations. 
  • Instead of avoiding tough conversations, he faces them head-on, always aiming for a resolution that benefits everyone involved. 
  • I believe his openness comes from his confidence and belief in the power of honest dialogue. 
  • He’s not just open about his successes but also about his mistakes, which is something I find truly admirable. 
  • This level of transparency fosters a positive work environment and encourages others, including myself, to be more open as well.


Conclusion (Covers: How do you feel about them?)

  • I have a great deal of admiration for Rajesh’s openness. 
  • His ability to communicate honestly and openly has had a significant impact on our professional relationship, and it’s something I strive to emulate. 
  • I feel fortunate to work with someone who values transparency as much as he does, and I’ve learned a lot from his approach to communication. 
  • Rajesh’s openness has made him a reliable colleague and a trusted friend.


Prepare for IELTS Speaking Part 1!

When the cue card section begins, the examiner will hand you a card with a topic and a few prompts to help guide your response. You’ll have one minute to prepare, and you can jot down notes to organise your thoughts. 

After preparation, you’ll need to speak for 1-2 minutes on the topic. This is your opportunity to demonstrate your ability to describe someone in detail, focusing on their characteristics and behaviour.


To effectively respond to a cue card topic like "Describe a Person Who You Think Is Very Open," break your answer into clear sections: Introduction, describing the person’s openness, highlighting specific examples of their open-mindedness, and concluding your thoughts. This structured approach ensures your response is clear and comprehensive.




  • Begin by introducing the person you believe is very open.
  • Mention your relationship with this person, such as whether they are friends, family members, or colleagues.
  • Set the context by briefly explaining what you mean by "open" and why this quality stands out.


Describing the Person’s Openness:


  • Describe the person’s personality traits that make them open, such as their willingness to listen, their acceptance of different viewpoints, or their honesty.
  • Share how their openness manifests in everyday situations, like how they communicate with others or approach new ideas.
  • Discuss any specific behaviour or habits that illustrate their open-mindedness.


Key Highlights:


  • Focus on key examples showcasing the person’s openness, such as handling conflicts, giving advice, or welcoming new experiences.
  • Mention any instances where their openness positively impacted you or others.
  • Use descriptive language to convey how their openness influences their relationships and interactions with people.




  • Summarise why you admire this person’s openness and how it has influenced your own perspective or behaviour.
  • Reflect on the importance of being open in today’s world and how it contributes to personal growth and better relationships.
  • Provide a final thought on what you’ve learned from this person’s openness and how it inspires you.


By following this structure, you ensure that your response is well-rounded, covering all aspects of the person’s openness in a detailed and organised manner.

Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS Speaking Test, after you’ve completed your response to the cue card, you will enter the follow-up question round. During this phase, the examiner will ask additional questions about the topic you just discussed. These follow-up questions aim to delve deeper into your ideas and assess how well you can articulate your thoughts on related subjects. 

They might ask you to elaborate on your previous answers, compare different viewpoints, or explore broader themes. This section is important as it helps the examiner evaluate your fluency, coherence, and ability to sustain a more extended conversation.

Q1. Is it more common for men or women in your country to express their feelings openly?

Answer 1: In my country, women generally find it easier to express their feelings openly than men. This is often because society tends to be more accepting of emotional expression in women. Conversely, men might feel societal pressure to appear strong and composed, making it harder for them to show vulnerability or discuss their emotions freely.


Answer 2: While it’s commonly believed that women are more open with their emotions, it varies greatly depending on the individual. Some men are just as expressive, particularly in more intimate settings like with close friends or family. However, due to cultural norms, men might still be more reserved in public or professional environments.

Q2. How do you think cultural norms influence emotional expression in your country?

Answer 1: Cultural norms significantly influence how people express their emotions in my country. Traditionally, showing too much emotion, especially in public, was considered a sign of weakness, particularly for men. However, with changing times and increasing awareness of mental health, people are gradually becoming more open about expressing their feelings.


Answer 2: Cultural expectations can sometimes suppress emotional expression, especially in more conservative areas where it’s expected to maintain a stoic or reserved demeanour. This is slowly changing as younger generations adopt more liberal views, but the influence of traditional norms is still noticeable, especially among older adults.

Q3. How does social media affect how people express their emotions in your country?

Answer 1: Social media has greatly impacted emotional expression in my country. It provides a platform for people to share their feelings, thoughts, and experiences more freely than they might in face-to-face interactions. This has led to a culture where people are more open about their emotions, often finding support and validation online that they might not receive in person.


Answer 2: While social media allows for greater emotional expression, it can also create a sense of pressure to share or perform emotions publicly. Some people might feel compelled to showcase their feelings, whether genuine or not, to fit in or gain attention. This can lead to a superficial emotional expression that doesn’t always reflect true feelings.

Q4. Why do you think some people struggle to express their feelings?

Answer 1: Many people find it difficult to express their feelings due to fear of judgment or rejection. They might worry about how others will perceive them if they show vulnerability, leading them to bottle up their emotions. In some cases, past experiences where they were discouraged from sharing their feelings can also contribute to this reluctance.


Answer 2: Another reason could be a lack of emotional awareness or vocabulary. Some individuals may struggle to identify or articulate their emotions, making it hard to express their feelings. This can be particularly challenging in environments where emotional expression isn’t encouraged or they’ve never been taught how to communicate their feelings effectively.

Q5. Do you think being able to express emotions freely is important for personal well-being?

Answer 1: Absolutely, expressing emotions freely is crucial for personal well-being. It allows individuals to process their feelings, seek support, and maintain healthy relationships. Bottling up emotions can lead to stress, anxiety, and even physical health issues, so it’s important to find safe and appropriate ways to express how we feel.


Answer 2: Emotional expression is a key component of mental health. Sharing feelings with others can provide relief, foster deeper connections, and help manage difficult emotions. However, it’s also important to express emotions constructively, considering the context and the feelings of others involved.


Q. Can I express my opinion during the IELTS Speaking Test, even if it differs from the examiner's?

Ans. You are encouraged to express your opinions during the IELTS Speaking Test, even if they differ from the examiner's. In Part 3, you’ll be asked to present well-structured arguments and share your views on various topics. The assessment focuses on your ability to articulate your thoughts fluently, not on whether your opinion aligns with the examiner's.

Q. What should I do if I don't know the answer to a question?

Ans. If you’re unsure about a question, it’s best to respond with a relevant answer or explain why you find the question difficult to answer. Avoid leaving any questions unanswered, as this could impact your score. Demonstrating your ability to communicate effectively, even when faced with challenging questions, is crucial in the IELTS Speaking Test.

Q. Can I bring notes or use a dictionary during the IELTS Speaking Test?

Ans. No, you cannot bring external materials, such as notes or dictionaries, into the IELTS Speaking Test. The test assesses your language skills independently, without relying on external aids. Your performance will be based solely on your ability to communicate effectively in English using your existing knowledge and language proficiency.

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