

Describe a Person Who Likes To Read a Lot: IELTS Speaking Cue Card

Updated on Sep 26, 2024, 12:25


In the IELTS Speaking Test, the cue card topic 'Describe a person who likes to read a lot' asks you to talk about someone with a strong interest in reading. This topic requires you to explain the person's reading habits, their favourite types of books, and how reading has influenced their personality or lifestyle. It's important to choose someone relatable and to provide details that highlight their passion for reading, such as the time they dedicate to it or the knowledge they gain from it.

Practising this topic enhances your ability to describe personalities and hobbies in detail, a key skill for achieving a higher IELTS Speaking score. By focusing on descriptive language, fluency, and coherent storytelling, you will improve your ability to express thoughts clearly and develop more natural responses to a wide range of topics.



Cue Card/Topic:Describe a Person Who Likes To Read a Lot

You should say

  • Who this person is?
  • How did you know him/her?
  • What he/she likes to read?
  • And explain why you think he/she likes to read a lot.
Sample Answer 1

Introduction (Covers: Who this person is? / How did you know him/her?)


  • The person I’d like to describe is my best friend, Neha. She’s always been passionate about reading since we were in school together. 
  • I’ve known her for over 10 years now, and throughout this time, I’ve seen her love for books grow even more. 
  • Whenever we hang out, she usually talks about some new book she’s read.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What he/she likes to read?)  


  • Neha is particularly fond of reading fiction, especially romance and thriller novels. She’s a big fan of Indian authors like Durjoy Datta and Ravinder Singh. 
  • But she also enjoys reading international bestsellers like The Girl on the Train or The Fault in Our Stars
  • Besides novels, Neha also likes to read articles about personal development and psychology in her free time.


Key Highlights (Covers: And explain why you think he/she likes to read a lot.)


  • I believe Neha enjoys reading because it gives her a break from everyday life. She once mentioned to me that when she reads, she can get lost in a completely different world, which helps her relax. 
  • I also think she reads a lot because it helps her improve her language skills. Neha is very good at writing, and she says reading has helped her expand her vocabulary and ideas for her own creative writing.




  • In my opinion, Neha’s love for reading stems from both her desire to escape into stories and her passion for learning. It’s not just a hobby for her, but a way to grow as a person. 
  • I admire her dedication, and her love for reading has made her an excellent storyteller herself. 
  • Every time she finishes a book, she’s always ready to recommend something great for me to read!
Sample Answer 2

 Introduction (Covers: Who this person is? / How did you know him/her?)


  • I’d like to talk about my neighbour, Mrs. Sharma. She’s an elderly lady, probably in her 60s, and I’ve known her since my family moved into our colony about five years ago. 
  • She’s always been known in our neighbourhood for her love of reading, and I often see her sitting on her balcony, deeply engrossed in a book.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What he/she likes to read?)  


  • Mrs. Sharma is particularly fond of reading religious and spiritual texts. She spends hours reading the Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, and other Hindu scriptures. 
  • She also enjoys reading biographies of spiritual leaders like Swami Vivekananda and Mahatma Gandhi. 
  • Occasionally, she reads classic Hindi literature, like books by Munshi Premchand.


Key Highlights (Covers: And explain why you think he/she likes to read a lot.)


  • I believe Mrs. Sharma’s love for reading stems from her quest for inner peace and knowledge. 
  • She often says that reading these texts brings her closer to understanding life and spirituality. 
  • She’s a very calm and composed person, and I think her reading habits have a lot to do with that. 
  • Her interest in spiritual books reflects her desire for personal growth and her devotion to her faith.




  • For Mrs. Sharma, reading isn’t just a pastime; it’s a way of life. It helps her maintain a sense of tranquillity and stay connected to her beliefs. 
  • I truly admire her dedication to reading, and I think it’s one of the reasons why she’s such a wise and serene person. 
  • Her passion for learning has even encouraged me to explore some of the books she enjoys.
Sample Answer 3

 Introduction (Covers: Who this person is? / How did you know him/her?)


  • I’d like to describe my colleague, Ankit, who is an enthusiastic reader. I’ve worked with him for about three years, and we often chat during breaks. 
  • He’s always talking about the latest book he’s reading, which caught my attention. Over time, I realised that reading is more than just a hobby for him.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What he/she likes to read?)  


  • Ankit enjoys reading non-fiction, particularly in areas like technology, business, and self-improvement. 
  • He’s always diving into books that discuss the latest tech trends or how to enhance productivity. 
  • He frequently talks about authors like Simon Sinek and Malcolm Gladwell, and he’s always sharing tips or ideas from the books he reads, which makes our conversations quite interesting.


Key Highlights (Covers: And explain why you think he/she likes to read a lot.)


  • I think Ankit reads a lot because it helps him stay ahead in his career and keeps him well-informed. 
  • He’s someone who constantly seeks improvement, and he uses reading as a tool to expand his knowledge. 
  • Ankit also mentioned once that reading helps him unwind after a long day at work, so it serves as both a learning experience and a way to relax.




  • For Ankit, reading is a perfect combination of personal and professional growth. His passion for learning through books has made him a knowledgeable and thoughtful person. 
  • I believe his reading habits play a big role in shaping who he is, and they’ve definitely inspired me to take up more non-fiction books myself.

When the cue card section starts, the examiner will hand you a card with a topic written on it. You will have one minute to prepare your response, and then you will need to speak about the topic for one to two minutes. This is your opportunity to showcase your ability to speak fluently and coherently on a given subject.


The best way to answer these cue cards is by breaking down your response into four parts: Introduction, describing your experience/opinion/interest, key highlights, and conclusion.


 Introduction (Covers: Who this person is? / How did you know him/her?)


  • Mention the name of the person and their relationship with you.
  • Share how you know this person and how you became aware of their love for reading.


Describing Your Experience/Opinion/Interest (Covers: What he/she likes to read?)  


  • Describe the genres or types of books they enjoy
  • You can also mention any specific authors or books they are particularly fond of


Key Highlights (Covers: And explain why you think he/she likes to read a lot.)


  • Share your thoughts on why reading is important to them.
  • You could mention any specific behaviours or habits that reflect their love for reading.




  • Recap who the person is and their reading habits.
  • Reflect on the impact of their passion for reading, perhaps on you or others around them.


By following this structure, you can ensure that your response is well-organised, clear, and detailed, fitting within the two-minute time limit. Now, let’s look at a sample answer to illustrate how you can apply this structure effectively.

Follow-Up Questions

In the IELTS Speaking Test, the examiner will ask follow-up/ two-way discussion questions after you finish speaking about your cue card topic. This part of the test helps the examiner assess your ability to discuss the topic in more depth, providing detailed answers and expanding on your initial response. You should expect questions that explore your reasoning, experiences, and opinions related to the topic.

Q1. What do you think are the benefits of reading regularly?

Answer 1: I believe reading regularly has numerous benefits, including improving vocabulary and enhancing language skills. It also broadens one’s perspective by exposing readers to different cultures and ideas. Moreover, reading stimulates the imagination and encourages critical thinking, allowing individuals to engage more deeply with various subjects. Overall, it contributes significantly to personal development and lifelong learning.

Answer 2: Regular reading fosters creativity and helps develop empathy by allowing readers to experience life through others' perspectives. It can also be a great source of relaxation, providing an escape from daily stressors. Additionally, reading keeps the mind active and sharp, which is essential for mental health as we age. Ultimately, it enriches our lives in many ways.

Q2. How do you think a love for reading can impact a person’s life?

Answer 1: A love for reading can greatly impact a person’s life by enhancing their knowledge and understanding of the world. It encourages curiosity and a lifelong thirst for learning, leading to personal growth. Additionally, it can foster meaningful conversations with others who share similar interests, helping to build connections and friendships based on a mutual appreciation for literature.

 Answer 2: Reading can profoundly influence a person’s emotional well-being. It can provide comfort during tough times, offering an escape or a source of inspiration. Furthermore, individuals who read often tend to develop better analytical skills, enabling them to navigate complex situations in life with greater ease. This passion ultimately shapes how they perceive and engage with the world around them.

Q3. What types of books do you think are most popular among avid readers?

Answer 1: Among avid readers, I think fiction genres like fantasy, mystery, and contemporary literature are particularly popular. Many readers are drawn to well-crafted narratives that offer both entertainment and thought-provoking themes. However, non-fiction books, especially in areas like self-help, history, and science, also attract a significant audience, as they provide valuable insights into real-world issues.

 Answer 2: I believe classic literature often holds a special place for avid readers. Many appreciate the depth and timeless themes found in works by authors like Jane Austen or Charles Dickens. Additionally, contemporary novels that tackle social issues resonate with readers today, as they reflect the world’s changing landscape. Ultimately, the preferences can vary widely depending on individual interests.

Q4. How can someone encourage children to develop a love for reading?

Answer 1: To encourage children to develop a love for reading, it’s important to create a positive reading environment. This can include having a variety of age-appropriate books available and setting aside dedicated reading time each day. Additionally, reading aloud to children and discussing stories can help spark their interest and make reading a fun and engaging activity.

 Answer 2: One effective way to cultivate a love for reading in children is to lead by example. When children see adults enjoying books, they are more likely to want to read themselves. Offering rewards for reading, such as praise or small incentives, can also motivate them. Furthermore, introducing them to different genres and allowing them to choose their reading material can enhance their enjoyment.


Q. Can I change the topic for speaking in IELTS?

Ans. No, you cannot change the topic in IELTS Speaking. The examiner will provide you with a topic or a cue card, and you will have to speak about that topic. However, you are free to interpret the topic in your own way and bring your experiences and opinions to make your speech more interesting and engaging. 

Q. Are speaking tests for Academic and General the same?

Ans. The speaking test is structured the same for both IELTS Academic and General Training modules. However, the content may vary slightly depending on the module you are taking. The skills required to do well on both exams are similar, so it's essential to prepare for the specific module you will be taking.

Q. Can I use informal language during my cue card task?

Ans. No, you should avoid using informal language during your cue card task. The cue card task is a formal speaking test, so you should use formal language throughout the test. Avoid using slang, contractions, or colloquial expressions, and instead use more formal vocabulary and sentence structures. This will help you demonstrate your language skills and show that you can communicate effectively in a formal setting.

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